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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectKernagor is dead. (warning - long and somewhat rambly)
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=71414
71414, Kernagor is dead. (warning - long and somewhat rambly)
Posted by Kernagor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yay, another Fort hero gone. Pendulum won't be swinging as hard, now. I think. Was planning on sticking it out to con-death, and maybe asking for a con quest, but after a few things happened I didn't think Kern was going to go anywhere better.

I like to include detailed commentary of my character in my goodbyes. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer it.

Its been two-three years since I last played CF seriously. Rolled Kernagor after messing around on POS for a few weeks, which whetted my appetite for CF PK. Sadly, I feel that POS in its current form is more balanced than CF. You are free to disagree, of course.

I originally intended Kern to mess around with class/spec/cabal combos that seemed underdoggish in the current metagame, and after seeing logs of Kostyan and Eoria smoking people with relative ease, along with logs of Igbah leading groups of 5(!) scions, I figured Fortress was going to be interesting. That was a bad mistake. Fort swing was pretty bad, and got even worse with me there. Sorry.

Kernagor's RP wasn't what I originally envisioned it. After making an extensive role at level 1, and then leveling to 51, Kernagor's character developed much differently than I had intended. Probably cause of my quirky weird sense of humor. Sorry to any imms confused by this. I should stop writing roles at level 1 - my characters generally don't have a developed personality until I hit hero, and its usually far, far different from what I originally envision. So Kern was supposed to be stern and distant. But, uh, meh. Whatever.

I wasn't very happy with my spec/legacy choices. Maces/flails was mediocre at best. Entwine is powerful, but not really too useful if you aren't able to beat most people alone. Best used with gangs (Ugh). Maelstrom was an excellent legacy, I don't regret choosing it, but Riddle was a great big fat waste. Even though dagger specs didn't have me dropping my weapons 24/7, they'd still outmelee the #### out of me. Blargh. I should have gone with standard unoriginal boring legacies. Either enigma or greeting would have been a far better choice. Enigma would have cut my pk deaths down to 1/4th of what they were, and greeting would have given me a lot more kills. It kind of bothers me that unless you don't mind playing the underdog there are only a few legacies out there which I would really consider viable choices for skilled players. Had I gone enigma greeting I feel I would have had a much more dangerous, much more survivable character. Which irritates me, cause I feel there is far less creativity or skill in that, though it would have been many times more effective. To any contemplators of flail/mace dwarves in the future - either roll villager or go enigma greeting. Seriously.

Oh well. I didn't really regard Kern as a particularly pk oriented character, despite having a truckload of pk deaths with him (this was mostly in raids or due to my own stupid mistakes). Since there was such a ridiculously huge swing, most of my range consisted of evils I didn't want to kill - because their lives were hard enough already - and evils I did want to kill, but couldn't because I couldn't beat them one on one, and didn't really want to gank them down. Essentially, though I get that people like Mizfara and Humbert really like their PK, and wished they had more fights outside of cabalwars, I thought it was lamesauce to keep hunting down imperial blades who had already died a few times that day, and futile to fight absed scion shifters/a-p with 1.5k hp. So most of Kern's free time was spent looking for preps and shinies and hanging out with heralds and exploring. I did more the RP of big bad maran than I did the PK of it. I would go for enemies if I saw them nearby, or if someone called for help, but for the most part I tried to avoid being part of the fortgay squad. There were exceptions. Sorry if I ganked you down outside of a raid situation. I usually tried to avoid that sort of thing, honest. Unless you are a bard or a lich. Then I'm not sorry about ganking you down at all. Bastards. =(

Kern mastered parry and dodge at 170 hours or so, didn't ever master shield block (I think) and never mastered bash or trip in the 330 hours he was playing. Yeah. Screw that powergaming ####, I never had the patience to master that crap, though it probably would have won me more fights earlier on =P

And to Pioche and to a lesser extent, Rafdawl - Sorry for hoarding that sexy Mark for so long, you two were the only ones who'd really take a huge hit out of not having it.

***Goodbyes*** I welcome any and all comments you have about my character. Feel free to throw it out there.

Imms - I appreciate the title and last name. Woot.

Baer: Thanks for the interactions and attention! Its really nice having an active imm presence in the Fort. I liked the conversation we had, even though it was probably fairly basic, and even those little pats on the back here and there after I did something a little right were much appreciated. I appreciated the little bits of attention, especially since you no doubt had to split it between a lot of forties.

Voice of Tyranny: Could you elaborate more on our conversation from an OOC perspective? At first it felt like a semi-OOC slap in the face, but looking back at my past behavior I don't really understand the basis that you're working off of.

Fortress - There's a lot of you, and I liked all of you. Honest. I'm sorry if I got you killed - I don't remember doing it often, and certainly not on purpose but there are a few incidents which really stick in my mind where I was kicking myself for hours afterwards.

Fort Imm(s): Not sure I agree with maranation before hero range. Sure, you can get a sweet pk ratio down in the thirties with the right class combo, but its the hero range with liches and raids and prepped, skilled enemies and large, competent gangs that really show your worth. Meh, its a minor quibble, at best. Keep doing what your doing, its tons of fun.

Mizfara: You were awesome. Thanks for the induct and running with us occasionally, and sorry for dragging you down. I *know* I got you and Llond killed that one time, when I walked out to return Inger's stuff (stupidly) while villagers were raiding and got strangled by them outside the Fort with no teleports or returns in my inventory. =(

Humbert: You'd have been an excellent Marshall if your times were more consistent. Thanks for sharing that knowledge. I had fun rolling with you guys.

Synoria: You have bigger balls than I do. One of my favorite characters in the Fort. Thanks for rolling with me and doing what you do, and just keeping company. Wish we had more strong RP opportunities, though. When I first met you, I was like "This Acolyte is Froofy. This should not be!" so I gave you the mental nickname Synoria the Scary and started RPing it out. What luck, you turned out to be the furthest thing from a froofy acolyte. But I still thought it was funny, so the thing stuck. You were also the exact reverse of Humbert - For the great majority of Kern's life, you had really consistent hours and really consistent times, even against bad odds. I find this cool and a very desired trait in a leader, but you were definitely showing signs of major, major player burnout. Don't be afraid to logoff more and go do something else.

Llondolis: Congratulations on Captain, you earned it. I was honestly surprised when I got promoted to Maran ahead of you and Iltanthal, and thought you guys got the short end of the stick there. Heh. I still remember meeting you for the first time at rank 12 (I think you were what, level 20?) and then I rocketed past you in the ranks (whoosh! like a rocket!) and figuring you to be one of those militant clannish anti-neutral Forties. Once I figured out more aspects of your RP, I deliberately set my character in opposition to you for more interesting RP opportunities (not that Kern needed any real nudging that way anyhow). I think it turned out alright. Much love, Kern really liked you too.

Renkaide: Dammit, my story in the myth contest was specially designed to poke fun at you. You just *had* to leave before I started, didn't you? Fun to roll with, silly at times. All around cool cat.

Saerali: I remember hitting the past with you and Erelia at what, level 8? and having more fun ranking than I've had in a long time. I'm glad you made it to hero, even though you got there waaaaaaaaaaaay after I did =P. I deliberately spent quite a bit of time bitch ranking you, so I hope all my work wasn't for nothing. I would also have bitch ranked Erelia (one of the very few neutrals for which I was willing to do this), but she was never able to take advantage of it properly. I know that you aren't very experienced, and its obvious that you put serious effort into your roleplay. Just by gaining a little PK experience you'd become a serious, amazing asset to the Fort. Thanks for letting me drag you around everywhere.

Iltanthal: You were clearly much more experienced than I was, and more skilled in PK. You do a good job with elf warrior, which is much harder than it looks. Thanks for rolling with me, and sorry if I did stupid things occasionally. Heh. You also pwned Kernagor in a few funny conversations, and I couldn't think up a suitably cutting reply. Curse life.

Sil: Hee hee. I liked your character, even if you did pretend to be all respectful in the interview, then as soon as I told you I had my recommendation you immediately started with the cheeky stuff. Yet another elf who was more experienced and stronger in PK than I was. Thanks for rolling with me and sharing your knowledge.

Vylim: I KNEW IT WAS YOU, JALIM! I ran with Brinton (another of your fort thieves?) as Enniallien. I was a noob back then, and was pretty much giant piles of suck at transmuters. Oh well. I've also seen a few of your other characters, and you play that style of thief very distinctively. On the other hand, I also played a little with Niheriva and a lot with Gruffil, and never pegged either for you, so props on that.

Neleai: Thanks for the interaction, I enjoyed playing with you. I think you deserve Acolyte.

Raknar: Its nice seeing an experienced, competent, serial evil player play Fort. Thanks for all your help and the interaction, good luck with your goals.

Argh, there are so many of you, I'm sure I missed some. Post, and I'll respond.

Enemies: Its frustrating fighting against people I knew I never had a chance against alone. =(

Empire - You guys weren't in power very much, but with Ahtieli and a full (or nearly full) council I'm thinking things will be changing.

Ahtieli: ARGH! Fighting you was frustrating. I couldn't win. If I sat in the Fort, I was punished via summon. Your zombies raped the outer and inner sooooooooo fast, and you could walk away from them to set up a summon trap or whatever and not take any damage from the watcher while they raped his face off. I had very few tactical options against you. And by the way, screw that nasty eagle staff =P. Stupid Arad deleting on us right when he gets it, musta given you over a dozen kills already.

Krikar, Carintsei, Kresin: Props to all of you for the gigantic balls that it took to hero and work alone with the huge swing that is Fort and to a lesser extent, Battle.

Other imperials: post and I'll respond, its hard to come up with all of you by name right at the moment.

Scion - Style and skill, as always. I liked fighting you guys, not only because you were all competent, but because I knew that it would always be a challenge and that you guys would always treat the corpses and loot respectfully, though your lowbies didn't always try to do the same. On the other hand, it bothered me a lot that I couldn't beat a single one of you alone in a fair fight. Ever.

Kharnial: Badass. And by badass I mean I hate you. And I felt bad for ganging you down massively, even though I died about 50x more than you did, ever. And massive gangdowns were the only way we could seem to get you, most of the time. Props to a really sweet character.

Waris: Nasty. That crippling strike or whatever the hell lags me extra every command was just ridiculously scary. Thanks for not killing me when I was afk, I appreciated that a lot, though it would have been an easy charge or two for you. And damn, you are effing impossible to kill, especially with Kharnial working with you.

Lezra: Longest times, hardest times, always around, always nasty. Your alligator raped me twice while I was afk (ugh) and I really wasn't a fan of that at 7 con. On the other hand, you have a hard and lonely range, and its cool that you can keep on trucking. Good luck with that.

Heralds: Yay, I love all of you. Thanks for running with me, or letting me run with you, and sorry we couldn't hang out more. I enjoyed interacting with all of you. If any of you have the log of that conversation about beating children in a recent trip through Trothon... I'd like to see it. =)

Etielise, Ryasyn, Celenai, Erelia and all the rest. Best wishes, you all rock.

Uncaballed: Pioche, Afciyna, and all you other people, sorry I couldn't roll with you more.

Jessitrai: Thanks so much for the help, you are clearly a very experienced and skilled healer. I got a bit spoiled by you, and after you've played with a few good healers its hard to watch less experienced ones work. I just wished your role wasn't so ridiculously restricting on top of being a goodie. Jeez. Props to playing it out and making it work, and thanks for all the exploring and stuff we did.
71716, Hey sorry this is so late
Posted by Raknar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is certainly a shame to see you go. You brought a lot of fun to the fort in those long boring times of 9 hero goodies and no evils.

Raknar: Its nice seeing an experienced, competent, serial evil player play Fort. Thanks for all your help and the interaction, good luck with your goals.

Actually I am a serial village player but eh close enough. And having played cf for well long enough to know most imps as morts I have to say you were the best role played dwarf I have seen. You had the balls to the wall attitude but there was a depth to your dwarfiness that was interesting without being absurd. I am dissapointed I could not have been around more of late but I just came back to school and have to complete my SAP certification and have no internet at home so my logins have become sparce.

Good luck with your next and try a real warrior! go axe!
71678, Not even a mention!
Posted by Istdinen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You smelly Gully Dwarf!

How many times did I save your hairy back?! I gotta say I'm disappointed, but I'll let it pass as you were always the hammer to my shield. I held you in the same esteem as Humbert, but he still had you on the flurries. Yes, yes, you weren't a sword spec, but impressive is just, well, impressive. I knew the Fort was far too over burdened with people, being one of the reasons I left, but it was under the premise that they have people like you, Humbert, Ren, Vylim, Gundislav, Corm, Padwei abd Synoria still about. Hopefully the Fort can still maintain it's edge and things will balance, but your loss is a blow. Well done. Always enjoyed you.

71679, Oh, right, sorry!
Posted by Kernagor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked Istdinen, though I wished he would have shown up more. You were an awesome ally, and you definitely knew what you were doing. I was hoping that we would have more opportunities to RP, but alas it never came to pass. I was sad after you deleted, since it left a void that no one ever really filled back up. I was also a fan of the arguments you had with Synoria the Stubborn. Hehe.

Yes, I'm sure Humbert had me on the flurries, but you should see what a maran mace spec with lightforged hammers can do on Calarandyl. ####'s scary, man :P
71706, That actually funny you mention that..
Posted by Istdinen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do you remember us finishing up hero for (you'll forgive my shoddy memory.) one of our warrior elves and a Herald of some form? After those hammers took to work we had a vote on whether we should all stand and watch for Scions/Outlanders and just let you do all the battering. I actually finished my first historical narrative for Yean while sleeping between fights on that jaunt. I'm not sure I have ever seen two people gain ranks so quickly. Your cranial as well was almost a death sentence for most of those we fought. Scary mace spec. Not seen one in a while.

71499, RE: Kernagor is dead. (warning - long and somewhat ramb...
Posted by Synoria on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah, dwarf.

Really going to miss this ugly face. For a long time
it seemed you were the only other fort member I ever
actually saw.
Loved the banter=) I really find that kind of thing a lot
more enjoyable then anything else in the game, though you
were always up for an outragiously bold piece of hacking
as well.

Great char, one of the best I've ever actually interacted
with, enjoyment wise =) Will miss you.
71493, Ahh damn you smelly
Posted by Dhaath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You will be missed. Our fights were always down to the wire. And man, I can't forget the things you did for me. I ordered people to return gear they took off you once or twice. I just can not see such a classy player be deprived of even one piece of gear. Damn your mark.
Mad respect for you. I hope you enjoyed some of our fights.
Wish everyone would be like you.

71487, Hats off
Posted by Ahtieli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So far you are my favourite Fortie. You were ALWAYS ALWAYS up for a fight, even when odds were terrible for you. Which can be said only about few of Fortress.

Good luck with your next.

And I love that staff,
71506, You clearly come from the Dwoggurd school of thinking nt
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

There will be no white flag above my door. - Dido
71507, I will take it as
Posted by Ahtieli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
complement though it sounds more like insult.

Anyway I've no idea what you are talking about. Would you be so kind to explain?
71508, RE: I will take it as
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If she's thinking what I'm thinking, it's that it's slightly hypocritical of you to compliment Kernagor on something (i.e. being willing to enter fights where he's at a severe disadvantage) that you don't do yourself.

It sounds like you're saying, "I liked Kernagor because he was willing to put himself in a position to die to me, which resulted in me getting several kills off him."
71510, RE: I will take it as
Posted by Ahtieli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>If she's thinking what I'm thinking, it's that it's slightly
>hypocritical of you to compliment Kernagor on something (i.e.
>being willing to enter fights where he's at a severe
>disadvantage) that you don't do yourself.

Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't.

>It sounds like you're saying, "I liked Kernagor because he was
>willing to put himself in a position to die to me, which
>resulted in me getting several kills off him."

That's really immature take on my post. Do you think I'm an idiot?
As for Dwoggurd school... that take on my post is Kostyan school.

I was trying to say that one of the things that made me respect this char is that player behind was really brave and does not afraid to take risks and he takes more risks when i usualy do. And he takes risks with a cold head. And he wins more than lose when he does it.

For example:
Shamanman's or Gulkra's for spam-dying at me when they have 0 chances to archive anything won't make me respect them.

Another example:
There is another warrior in Fortress who runs from fight BEFORE he is in any trouble/risk.

Does it make me disrespect him? No, because he is cool in other things. He doesn't have to be ballsy or/and die at me over and over again to get my respect. However there should be something I like in him? Or how else I will like him? :)

And I chose what I like in player and what i don't. But giving me easy win will never make me like you.
71511, That was ugly.Note self don't try to write post when you speak by phone n/t
Posted by Ahtieli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
71532, RE: I will take it as
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That makes more sense.

I was just remembering the time we had that standoff on the ocean, where you sat underwater because you wanted to avoid even the possibility of someone phoenix-crying in as we fought.

I was incredulous that you expected me to engage you underwater, given how that limits me to using owaza and nerve.

*Usually* I never called for people to cry in, even against big baddies like Waris and Kostyan. Though, in that particular situation, I actually *had* prepped people to cry in. So, good call on your part.

Based on my role-play (Marcatis hates teh undead), liches were the exception to my general rule of trying to give people "fair" fights.
71533, I remember that too
Posted by Ahtieli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>That makes more sense.
>I was just remembering the time we had that standoff on the
>ocean, where you sat underwater because you wanted to avoid
>even the possibility of someone phoenix-crying in as we
>I was incredulous that you expected me to engage you
>underwater, given how that limits me to using owaza and

I did not expect you to engage me there. I was out of preps that I needed to fight you and Kernagor(?). Hell I don't think I had enough preps/zombies to do anything to you alone. So I was buying some time. Also I had a little hope that you try me there, that would turn whole situation into my favour. But you are to smart to buy that #### :)

>Based on my role-play (Marcatis hates teh undead), liches were
>the exception to my general rule of trying to give people
>"fair" fights.

I still think you gave me a lot of fair fights.
71509, Yeah that's pretty much it! nt
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

There will be no white flag above my door. - Dido
71529, But if you like next time I will write something like
Posted by Ahtieli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey, you are noob and were always dying on me! I like it!

71476, good job
Posted by Lezra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man sorry about that.. those deaths sucks... it's hard to tell really when you are idol or not. But when you were up and about you were a good fight. Sorry about that kill after you unghosted in chasm. But couldn't have another person to deal with down there. Especially how hard you hit. Good job and luck with your next.
71470, RE: Kernagor is dead. (warning - long and somewhat rambly)
Posted by Saerali on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Saerali: I remember hitting the past with you and Erelia at what, level 8? and having more fun ranking than I've had in a long time. I'm glad you made it to hero, even though you got there waaaaaaaaaaaay after I did =P. I deliberately spent quite a bit of time bitch ranking you, so I hope all my work wasn't for nothing. I would also have bitch ranked Erelia (one of the very few neutrals for which I was willing to do this), but she was never able to take advantage of it properly. I know that you aren't very experienced, and its obvious that you put serious effort into your roleplay. Just by gaining a little PK experience you'd become a serious, amazing asset to the Fort. Thanks for letting me drag you around everywhere.

Damn you!! I can't believe you left before the wedding...you were supposed to be IN it! *glare* That aside, you were impressively patient with me and lots of fun - I never minded being dragged, it actually taught me where quite a few things were, so thanks muchly for that and for the general hanging out and PK tips! Also for the bitch ranking. I remember that first trip too - Relli is just completely insane, but it was great fun and probably set the stage for some of Saer's RP (more on that when she bows out). Don't know what would classify as your work not being for nothing, but if you mean will I play Saer right through, yep, that's the plan. As for being an asset to the Fort, heh. Probably unlikely on this character, but I guess there's always the future.

Eh...Saer will miss Kern a lot, though. She's fond of a lot of the Maran, particularly the dwarves, but he pretty much filled the 'big brother' role in her eyes. And he totally wasn't supposed to beat her to the Azure Fields!

Hopefully will see you out there...sooner rather than later :)
71465, I see how it is. :P
Posted by Cormindon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Make a detailed goodbye and forget all about Cormindon. :P

I really had fun rolling with you.
Remember that time where you nearly died when we went to get Bal'talon because we decided to be stupid and strike that demon?
That was great. :P
You were so lucky.

There were lots of other times we had fun laying it down.
Good luck with the next.

Oh, and about not writing your role until 51...I would avoid that personally. Maybe add a lot more at 51 but at least get your background and what not in before you are into pk range. That is just how I feel at least.
71466, Thanks.
Posted by Kernagor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah. I'm an idiot sometimes. No worries. Thanks for running around with me a bunch, its awesome to have that coordination thing going, especially when we're up against heavy opposition.
71462, Cool character.
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had you pegged as Enniallien after your goodbye thread to Vylim and I DO remember you being teh suck, but we still whomped people! So how about it? Fort? 3 years? See you then!
71452, This sucks!
Posted by Kreo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed having you around, always kept me on my toes as I never knew when you'd go on a "lash 2." spree or something. Hah!

You had style and class. Can't wait for your next one. :D
71459, Thanks!
Posted by Kernagor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can't believe I missed a few of my shots at you with the whole lash entwine thing. Heh. You played it cautious, and a good thing, too, since I was totally going after you. Damn thieves. I'm pretty sure you've managed to steal a few of my things anyway, though =P
71448, Bummer.
Posted by Volubryotr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sad to see this, I totally dug Kern.
I was kind of figuring you were at the end
of your rope: either con, or just sick of it
when you go charging about against waris, lezra and
kharnial wearing breeches and lightforged axes.
Hehe Ya had balls, and thank the gods you hid them!
*rofl* GO PANTS!

The long passed out afk thing, I sat to defend for a while but
later thought we would just both die so I sat nearby spamming
To see when they'd hit you. :)
Nice of them to pass you by though, the players that is.
Volu will never think of those rat bastards as nice. Grrrr.

Good luck with your next!
71451, You loved the pants.
Posted by Kernagor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a nice touch, wasn't it? Those public decency laws, we dwarves understand them. Sometimes.

Sorry about exploding afk there, my router asploded and refused to work properly for the rest of the night. No idea why, probably ISP issue.

And part of the reason they passed me by was probably because Kern was near naked. And it was just too ridiculously good looking.
71447, Yeah, I hate this..
Posted by Llondolis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were always an interesting part of the fort, for Llondo.

On the one hand, I knew you since forever (I'm pretty sure it was before lvl 20, but it was definately way early). We were ranked up a lot early on, before I logged in one day and you were about 15 lvls higher than me. Then you got inducted earlier, Maranated earlier. I honestly thought you were in the running for Captain, too.

But then, on the other hand, you and Llondo disagreed on every topic that came up. Which made things interesting, cause I didn't want to just belittle what you said, but I just KNEW you were flat wrong.
A fun little dilemma, that I sadly won't get to play with anymore.

I loved your character though. I almost wished I was playing a different role so I could have more fun with ya. The purity angle doesn't leave much room for carousing and boozing it up. But it was an interesting friendship we had. Llondo is gonna be a little more lonely now.
71449, Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. Pfft.
Posted by Kernagor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your face is flat wrong.

I thought our little disagreements were cool, they fleshed out a lot of the Fort's RP issues and debates (how far should we go? how far can we afford not to go?) and I thought it was cool how parts of those debates gave other people the ability to chime in with their opinions.

One of Kern's life goals was to get Llond carousing with him. I was planning on trying something with the heralds to that effect ("Alcohol free, sin-safe carousing, 100% pure merrymaking! GO!") but I never quite got to planning it out properly before deletion.
71444, That ranking you mentioned briefly
Posted by Erelia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is agreed! Such fun found with a little hairy fellow, a nighting-gale, and a singer. We should have formed a band! Ersaelgor? We'd rock.

Never much saw you again after that, except for the much appreciated offer of ranking assistance and shinies--Those things were wonderful! I know the ranking on my end seemed as slow as a dwarf under water, but it was. So there.

I'm still no Herald, though I'll always be there.

mimic Kernagor Oye, Erelia, ye' got good points and yer' so damned pretty.
71445, Sorry we couldn't do more
Posted by Kernagor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wanted to, but you were never around, or if you were around I was busy. Yeesh, get to hero already. =(
71442, Thanks for the kind words... I enjoyed our fights.
Posted by Carintsei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For the most part, I enjoyed the massive #'s against me. What got me the most was then Fort/Outlander/Battle guys would kill me... and they'd be gunning for me the moment after I unghosted too - knowing that they left me w/o weapons or some other pieces of gear.

You were a great enemy to have. I think our chars had a grudging respect - even if we both got a little ganky from time to time. I certainly know that I was able to hold my own in 1 on 1 battles (for the most part), but sometimes got carried away with a few gangs when some Empire members would log on during my play times and we'd gang the crap out of whoever we could find. (It doesn't hurt that we have a Lich demanding phylacs!)

71439, RE: Kernagor is dead. (warning - long and somewhat ramb...
Posted by Neleai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well I liked Kernagor...even so much that I broke a rule of anti-alcoholism and give you the chest of inebriation. Neleai decided, well as long as you arent smacking nice people, then what the hell, you can have all the drinks you want. How long did that thing last anyway?

I never really got to talk to you much afterwards, mainly because the last week or so I have been cutting in my play times and hoping some folks in the fort would delete(though I didnt want it to be you). I wish I could have interacted with you more(Dwarf rp has finally grown on me). Ah well, good luck with your next, and don't pk me too much ;)
71436, RE: Kernagor is dead. (warning - long and somewhat rambly)
Posted by Enlilth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First off... I don't remember what we were talking about specifically last night other than I just like taunting fort guys, and generally trying to win people over to the dark side convincing them their greed is a window. I mean really it's a pretty strong argument. From an imm perspective I had nothing against Kern. Personally I think Kern was one of those characters that got lost in the shuffle of 390 something fort dudes. Even still I think you managed to stand out nicely from the hoarde.

Second... From the mort side it was good times rolling with you as Veerrad, and I got the feeling that you were somewhat disgruntled with the swing. It's hard to fight evil when there are only two evil people on, and they just got ganged by 5 trying to retrieve. In the end, it's why I lost all interest in V.

Good luck with your next, this one was quality.
71440, Really?
Posted by Kernagor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sorry I misinterpreted it that way, then. Yeah, I guess its a strong argument, but picture this:

*you just died to three skilled players (none of whom you've ever beaten alone)

*you lose half your set with three con left to go. You've also died multiple times this day, in several stupid ways, and you really aren't looking forward to spending the next few hours replacing it.

*The player who looted you who is too low level for you to kill and even if he wasn't a lowbie he was not the proper alignment for you to ask your cabalmates and friends to kill for you

*you are really angry at yourself for being so stupid as to mess up your teleport alias and really irritated at the lowbie for gaying your corpse

and then you go "argh, vultures" on cb... and dark god's voice speaks to you and goes into a variation of "Why so obsessed with your precious little shinies... 'Maran?'"

Woah there.

I took it to be a semi-OOC version of "Stop bitching over lost shinies, you whiny little equipment hoarder." Which incensed me more.

Maybe if you had picked a different topic at a different time I would have been more receptive. Sorry, but this particular topic at this particular moment didn't feel like immteraction, it felt like a kick in the junk. I get that you had no hostility or disapproval towards me, though. Maybe pick a different form of approach next time?

On the other hand, I thought Veerrad was really fun to run with. You would be like "Kernagor. Squire." to the guys, and come up with the most ridiculously flowery messages to all the females in the Fort, and Kern was down with that. I don't think anybody likes the large swing, though :P
71514, RE: Really?
Posted by Enlilth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was just tryin to lure you to the dark side i'm sure. Sorry if it got in your craw.

I was having quite a bit of fun with V, and in fact had started envisioning him as like a bad ladies man with poor pickup lines and what not.
71429, RE: Kernagor is dead. (warning - long and somewhat rambly)
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sorry to see this, I was actually going to ask if you wanted a con quest and was pondering what would be a good third legacy for you. I really liked Kernagor and I was always a little disappointed that you weren't one of my various spheres. I thought combat would have fit the character better than dedication, since you were ALWAYS willing to throw down. You lost a few more than you won, but that never stopped you and I always admired that.

As far as Maran or tat in the mid levels goes, I don't think it happens THAT often, heh, but if someone stands out to me, I'm going to reward them. Also, with the majority of the Fort being heroes, it seems like it would be important right now to have some midbie presence. It's why I also try and give my leaders a gentle nudge to not be afraid to induct in the teens or low 20's.

You did get Maran'd before Llondo and Iltanthal but you also played a hella lot more hours than either. Sometimes I'd think...man doesn't this guy sleep?? You'd be running around when I'd go to bed, back when I got up, and still on most of the day! I'm generally on and idling from work so that accounted for a lot of jaguar comments on cb. Work's been a little slow lately, which is good for immteraction!

Good luck on your next - a player of your caliber is welcome in either of my shrines any day!
71443, PS
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm glad I could introduce the word "Wonky" to your vocabulary. ;)
71425, RE: Kernagor is dead. (warning - long and somewhat rambly)
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>I wasn't very happy with my spec/legacy choices. Maces/flails
>was mediocre at best. Entwine is powerful, but not really too
>useful if you aren't able to beat most people alone. Best used
>with gangs (Ugh). Maelstrom was an excellent legacy, I don't
>regret choosing it, but Riddle was a great big fat waste. Even
>though dagger specs didn't have me dropping my weapons 24/7,
>they'd still outmelee the #### out of me. Blargh. I should
>have gone with standard unoriginal boring legacies. Either
>enigma or greeting would have been a far better choice. Enigma
>would have cut my pk deaths down to 1/4th of what they were,
>and greeting would have given me a lot more kills. It kind of
>bothers me that unless you don't mind playing the underdog
>there are only a few legacies out there which I would really
>consider viable choices for skilled players. Had I gone enigma
>greeting I feel I would have had a much more dangerous, much
>more survivable character. Which irritates me, cause I feel
>there is far less creativity or skill in that, though it would
>have been many times more effective. To any contemplators of
>flail/mace dwarves in the future - either roll villager or go
>enigma greeting. Seriously.

I disagree with this as a general statement, though the worth of legacies relative to each other is always a very player-specific thing.

Riddle is a pretty fantastic legacy, but even in the fights in which it's good, it's not an "I win" button. You still have to be a little smart.

>Fort Imm(s): Not sure I agree with maranation before hero
>range. Sure, you can get a sweet pk ratio down in the thirties
>with the right class combo, but its the hero range with liches
>and raids and prepped, skilled enemies and large, competent
>gangs that really show your worth.

Disagree with this too. The game doesn't start at hero.

71512, But...
Posted by Dwoggurd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Riddle is a pretty fantastic legacy, but even in the fights in which it's good, it's not an "I win" button. You still have to be a little smart.

But on the other side, Greetings IS "I win" button and I don't even talk about STSF here.
Not sure what is so fantastic about Riddle. Resist maledictions? Pffft, like they are any real problem }(
71513, RE: But...
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pfft. I bet if I showed you the code for Greeting you'd say "that's it?!" and never pick it again.

Whereas Riddle is good in a lot of cases for killing people who aren't newbies without a gang. In my opinion.
71515, Well
Posted by Dwoggurd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never pick Greetings, not my style, but I can see why people fears bashing. Still, go ahead and show me the code :)
And about Riddle, either the help file is incomplete and misleading or I honestly don't understand what is so great about resisting maledictions, especially for killing people. I usually have enough str/dex anyway.
71531, Someone should compare it.
Posted by Kernagor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pick 5 of the most successful PKers with riddle (chosen as first or second legacy, not given) and 5 of the most successful PKers with greeting (chosen as legacy, not given), and see how their pk stats measure up.

Care to wager on which group has better pk stats, Daev? =)
71535, There is currently
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One extremely bad ass out there right now with this legacy.
71428, Fair enough
Posted by Kernagor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I disagree with this as a general statement, though the worth of >legacies relative to each other is always a very player-specific thing.

>Riddle is a pretty fantastic legacy, but even in the fights in which >it's good, it's not an "I win" button. You still have to be a little >smart.

Riddle's entire thing only works against a small subset of classes, so its worth depends entirely on what kind of people you are going to be fighting at hero range. It really didn't help at all against the most significant enemies I was fighting, namely Liches, bards, shifters, A-Ps... that sort of thing

>Disagree with this too. The game doesn't start at hero.

We each have our own opinions on this matter. But I am of the opinion that the ability to kill 40 people while barely dying at all isn't very impressive when they don't have a/b/s, all their class skills, perfected abilities, and are often more focused on ranking and getting into cabals and doing other stuff than pking. I'd say 10 kills on skilled enemies at hero with real equipment and who are expecting you is far, far, far more impressive than fifty lowbie bash bash bash deathblow kills or wrath spam or trip spam or whatever.
71431, Considering I play such a war-like hardcore goddess...
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm really a marshmellow when it comes to PK, so any PK ability at any level is generally impressive to me. Even those who just aren't afraid to mix it up impress me because I tend to be way overly cautious. Mind you, the Maran's I give for those with severly negative PK ratios come later and may or may not be referred to as 'pity maran' but even still...

Besides that, Maran powers are scaled to where they are the best at hero. A lowbie Maran doesn't get most of the benefits of Mantle.

Oh, and I know you asked repeatedly about why your mantle as a maran didn't grant detect evil, and I just wanted to let you know that it's because eyes of flame gives you that instead. So it is by design.

- Baer

There will be no white flag above my door. - Dido
71434, RE: Fair enough
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Riddle's entire thing only works against a small subset of
>classes, so its worth depends entirely on what kind of people
>you are going to be fighting at hero range. It really didn't
>help at all against the most significant enemies I was
>fighting, namely Liches, bards, shifters, A-Ps... that sort of

Sure it does. Well, some of those things. Shifter kind of depends on the specific forms.

For example, it's significantly useful against crimson scourge and crippling strike.

Probably not your optimal legacy for fighting a lich or A-P, but it's certainly not useless.

>We each have our own opinions on this matter. But I am of the
>opinion that the ability to kill 40 people while barely dying
>at all isn't very impressive when they don't have a/b/s, all
>their class skills, perfected abilities, and are often more
>focused on ranking and getting into cabals and doing other
>stuff than pking. I'd say 10 kills on skilled enemies at hero
>with real equipment and who are expecting you is far, far, far
>more impressive than fifty lowbie bash bash bash deathblow
>kills or wrath spam or trip spam or whatever.

I think it's more accurate to say that pre-hero PK takes a set of skills, hero PK takes a set of skills, and the overlap between those two sets isn't perfect.

For example: yes, a guy killing at level 25 can catch people ranking -- but he's also probably going to fight a lot more 1 on 3s than the hero.

Or: The midlevel guy has to manage movement as a resource, and money for healers/potions/etc. is generally a lot harder/slower to come by.

Or: The midlevel guy will probably get pasted by hero special guards trying to make a kill in Galadon. The hero can survive it a lot better.

Or: The midlevel guy will have to do a lot more guessing about who might or might want to kill him.

Personally, PKwise, a character who powers straight to hero and starts PKing doesn't impress me more or less than a midlevel character who isn't in a hurry to level; a character who is unafraid to wade into PK at any level and finds relative success in PK both sub-hero and at hero (e.g. Macha) impresses me most.
71446, RE: Fair enough
Posted by Volubryotr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I think it's more accurate to say that pre-hero PK takes a set
>of skills, hero PK takes a set of skills, and the overlap
>between those two sets isn't perfect.
Nooooo kidding, as a player I should NEVER rank past 40
I juat had to throw that in.
71423, Oh, right, villagers, can't believe I forgot you.
Posted by Kernagor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hated fighting you guys, cause most of you could kick my ass in a fair fight. On the other hand, I loved fighting you guys, since I knew it would always be a challenge and I'd never feel bad for killing you, since the battle was the only cabal for a time which could stand against the Fortswing numbers. I was totally hoping the Fort would declare war on you guys, even though I'm sure you'd have schooled us, because I felt bad picking on lone imperials and scions.

Dhaath: Standout character. I'm a fan. At first I avoided you, since I didn't really want as a hero to repeatedly kill a level 42 villager warrior who was already dodging tons of bored forties after you. Then at level 51, it turned around and it was YOU avoiding killing me over and over again. Heh. Some of those fights we had were awesome, and I was honestly surprised when I killed you a few of those times. Thanks for not doing the whole entwine bloodthirst thing every fight that I'm sure was tempting at times, I actually had a chance without it. I also laughed when you had me entwined and thirsted on and I was sure I was dead, and then Kreo attacked me with fire weapons and kept me healed long enough to force you to retreat. Haha.

Djabree: you are clearly more skilled than I am. Its kind of interesting watching you fight, cause you play like a well oiled machine. I was blehed watching you raping the ####ing hell out of my ranking groups early on, didn't think much of you then. Once I got the mark, maranation, legacies, mastered defenses, and a bunch of preps we could fight on more even ground, but you still managed to get me a few times, which was where your skill came in. Yet another guy I'm pretty sure I stood no chance against alone.

Ruhk: I wish I could have beaten you alone. Sadly, that isn't in the works =(

Agar: Thanks for the fights, you schooled the hell out of me alone. Argh. Only time I killed you was when I took ruthless advantage of you being wounded in Kiadana. Sorry, thats the price of being a villager.

Lerzion: Nothing personal with the entwine ganks. Sorry thats how it went down, but thats how it works when you assassinate forties right in front of the Fortress.
71438, RE: Oh, right, villagers, can't believe I forgot you.
Posted by Kornuel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, you killed me twice. Other one was when I was about 44 rank though. And yes at hero dwarf warrior seems to stand few chances to beat arial even with riddle. Believe me riddle helped you there hell a lot, considering how other dwarves were just toasted.
71419, Excellent character
Posted by Kharnial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I likened you to another Mharr. I thought that title was very appropriate, and even gave props to whichever imm thought it up.

I think you stood out among the Fort horde. You were always willing to throw it down, and I had a lot of fun fighting against you. In group v group fights, you were always targetted first, unfortunately, as entwiner = death for against massive hordes.

I got the sense you weren't having as much fun yesterday. It's a shame, really, as I wanted to see what you could do as one of the Fort leaders.

Good luck with your next.