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Topic subject(DELETED) [SCION] Kehade Barriston the Delver of the Planes
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=70419
70419, (DELETED) [SCION] Kehade Barriston the Delver of the Planes
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Jul 31 20:14:59 2008

At 5 o'clock AM, Day of the Moon, 21st of the Month of the Dark Shades
on the Theran calendar Kehade perished, never to return.
Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
70424, Sorry Eshval
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Honestly this has probably been a long time coming, but I had so much fun with this character that I just didn't want to let go... unfortunately during the downtime I started devoting time to other hobbies and now (at least for the remainder of the summer) CF is just going to have to sit by the wayside.

First, some confessions on the character. I wanted to play a conjurer. I'd never played one past level 20 before, and I thought that with my current wand knowledge I could maybe do alright. Second, everyone said Eshval was awesome, so I figured what the hell, I'll give it a try. BTW Eshval is beyond awesome.

As you can see, I didn't have much RPwise to go on there, and so my role wasn't anything spectacular, which you'll see on the PBF, but I had a pretty good sense of who the character was, just not the why of that.

I had a lot of fun with this character. Actually it represented a lot of firsts for me. It was definitely my first Scion, and probably my first tattoo (I don't do immteraction much). Also, I believe I had 2-3 pk deaths and (I'm guessing) ~100 pk wins, which is my best effort in that department I'm sure. I don't know why people complain about conjurers being hard to play, but of the 3-4 times I had servitors turn on me (and didn't die to them because I did something stupid like forget to bring a circle) I knew it was going to happen even as I initiated the fight that caused it. I'm not sure if conjurers fit my playstyle really well, or if I had to modify my playstyle to fit conjurers, but I think a little of both contributed to my success pkwise.

To all those who died to me... I don't think you have anything to complain about seeing as I rarely took more than coins, and if I did it was for despoil, but feel free to comment if you like.

Goodbyes? Eshval you are the ####. I feel like I let you down a little, but I just couldn't find the sweet spot where this character and your religion really clicked. I hope I was at least fun to watch.

Other than that, I didn't interact a ton with anyone, and no, I wasn't level sitting on purpose except for about 5 hours at 40, but evil scion conjurer has to be the hardest thing to rank I think I've ever played.

On my wishlist for conjies: Lower banisher from whatever it is (90% dismissal?) to a more reasonable percentage. Seriously. It's a 90 mana spell and isn't exactly one you are using constantly.

Modify devil barrier/aura to count as natural class based dam redux so it doesn't nuke healing.

Give everyone the convegno spells :P or at least let someone who held one (and then two, and then three) for 100+ hours to learn them like exotic skills. I always felt like I was hoarding them, even when I was playing 4 hours a day, but they were just so damn useful.

Anything else you want to know, give a shout out. I've got all but 20 hours or so in the 20's (my logger broke and I didn't notice) logged, so if there is a fight you want to see, let me know. They aren't all that interesting, but hey, maybe you'll have a different opinion.

On a final note, Ragers are pussies who hide in the village constantly from any competent mage. I'll try and fix that (or at least better understand why) once I come back... so uhhh... look forward to that?


Kehade Barriston, Hoarder of the Convegno's

70426, Stuff happens
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed your character. I don't get many conjurers, much like bards, and your rp while not stellar was above the norm. I could see the zeal fading a while ago, so I knew it was a matter of time before you left.

Overall, a good follower and very competent player. I did see a number of folks go out of their way to avoid you. Enemy cabal channels got busy when you came on. Allow that as a sense of accomplishment.

Have fun with your summer, bring me back a bard sometime...though I seem to have one or two running around.

Good luck.


Remember, some people are alive simply because it is illegal to shoot them. - Source unknown
70448, RE: Stuff happens
Posted by Voker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Quick comment on that "Stuff Happens" title. I finally found out the official word for that! :P Vicissitudes.
70427, RE: Sorry Eshval
Posted by Mharr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were tough -- and ballsy. Impressive in that regard, and very fun to fight.

I'm not sure if you're including me in the "hide in village" -- but if so, some thoughts:

1. When you see a big set of conjures, and that lovely (barrier) flag you know you're up against a fully prepped .. blah blah. That's generally time to flirt or scoot, not spray your blood on them and hope they flinch.

2. ... you were TOO willing to chase. I'd come for you, you'd come for me, and I'd pull back a little and you were right there beating on the giant. Probably the only character that did that (props), but why shouldn't I pull back a little if all it costs is ten seconds for you to catch up? Slightly less aggressive characters end up with me chasing them :)

3. Against a conjurer, time is on your side. They're trying to figure out how long their conjures are good for, how long their bindings are good for, and duration on those wands. If the player is aggressive (you are) that means they're DRIVEN onto poor ground.

Good fights. I saw you and smiled.. knew life was going to get interesting. It probably could have gone either way a couples of times, but I thought we had a lot of fun fights. (of course I'd say that... I ended up killing you! HAR!)
70440, RE: Sorry Eshval
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You were tough -- and ballsy. Impressive in that regard, and
>very fun to fight.
>I'm not sure if you're including me in the "hide in village"
>-- but if so, some thoughts:
>1. When you see a big set of conjures, and that lovely
>(barrier) flag you know you're up against a fully prepped ..
>blah blah. That's generally time to flirt or scoot, not spray
>your blood on them and hope they flinch.

All conjures are "big conjures" if you think otherwise you don't really understand the class. Yes a black abashi devil is less dangerous in some ways than a barbed devil, but both will kill you.

>2. ... you were TOO willing to chase. I'd come for you, you'd
>come for me, and I'd pull back a little and you were right
>there beating on the giant. Probably the only character that
>did that (props), but why shouldn't I pull back a little if
>all it costs is ten seconds for you to catch up? Slightly less
>aggressive characters end up with me chasing them :)

Why should I run when I'm winning?

>3. Against a conjurer, time is on your side. They're trying to
>figure out how long their conjures are good for, how long
>their bindings are good for, and duration on those wands. If
>the player is aggressive (you are) that means they're DRIVEN
>onto poor ground.

This isn't true, it is very easy to chose not to fight for the 5 minutes it take to reconjure and if a fight is lasting 45 minutes (the length of bind/conjure) then your conjurer is doing something very very wrong.

>Good fights. I saw you and smiled.. knew life was going to get
>interesting. It probably could have gone either way a couples
>of times, but I thought we had a lot of fun fights. (of course
>I'd say that... I ended up killing you! HAR!)

No, no you didn't. I'm not sure who you killed, but a couple people were telling me you made this claim. It isn't true.
70443, Hey, I tried to give you some fights as Qrtaw, you whomped me.
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't remember running and hiding from you at all, actually I remember dying to you like 4 times and ALMOST killing you twice. =P Fun fights. I actually realized that I was having a #### load more fun as an applicant for 100 hours than being inducted with the current crop of ragers and should be auto'ing any day now, but it's cool.

Good job with evil conjie, sorry for hoarding your book, hehe, but dammit I felt accomplished for keeping it for so long.
70445, You did give me fights....
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And the quality increased dramatically the later in the chars life it got (I think I had a demon 1 shot chain lightning to death on our first meeting). Honestly, when I killed you... I had no idea you were holding a convegno. I always assumed the third was being hoarded by one of the explore only conjie and I'd never get a shot at it. It was just a happy win for me, even if I did only use it 3 times or so.

My comment was somewhat tongue in cheek, but there were multiple occassions where I would strike the giant with more than one village on, and if they came at all, they wouldn't fight unless I was already engaged with the giant. There was one time I killed the giant 3 or 4 times in the span of an hour or so trying to get a rager or two, but they would just let it die and run out and hide and rinse repeat.

Honestly it was meant as a good natured jibe more than a serious accusation, but then text doesn't exactly translate tone of voice or facial expression or body language to indicate that... oh well.

70431, You had somewhat less than 100 pk wins nt
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
PBF for the truth!
70439, I did... last night... 5 seconds after I deleted. nt
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
70480, 50 Hardcore wins that felt like 100 n/t
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
70432, Interacted with you with other chars. txt.
Posted by Kreo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I do think you were quite cool. And deadly for sure! As Kreo I was scared ####less the first times I stole from you. Won't say to much here, might say more in my goodbyes when that time comes. We'll see.

Waiting for you next char! Keep it up!
70447, Edit Wish List:
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>On my wishlist for conjies: Lower banisher from whatever it
>is (90% dismissal?) to a more reasonable percentage.
>Seriously. It's a 90 mana spell and isn't exactly one you are
>using constantly.
>Modify devil barrier/aura to count as natural class based dam
>redux so it doesn't nuke healing.

I don't know how vamp touch interacts with abs now, but perhaps making it so vamp touch from devil ignores ab when determining the healing factor might be a good middle ground here... if it doesn't already. I just felt that with a devil I was sort of one and done because healing was so brutally painful with the dam redux I couldn't avoid from the devil.