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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(AGE) Nydeikon the Unseen Flame, Lord Elder of Nexus
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=6974
6974, (AGE) Nydeikon the Unseen Flame, Lord Elder of Nexus
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Jun 13 22:40:07 2002

11 o''clock PM, Day of the Bull, 29th of the Month of the Grand Struggle on the Theran calendar Nydeikon perished, never to return.

Cabal:NEXUS, Nexus, Seekers of Balance
PK Ratio:64% (closer to 100% is better)

6975, Two Nexans and you miss both!
Posted by BattleCharmed on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked Nydeikon, with both characters, and your welcome for the recommendation and helping you hero *wink*
You were always there for me, getting gear, aiding in the raid, being there to help defend, We made quite a team when we were on at the same time. anyway

AIM me battlecharmed
MSN me battlecharmed@hotmail.com also email me
Ill tell you who I am.

A hint

*Looks at a book and sighs*
*Turns the book to the next page and smiles as he sees a picture of his mother and father*


Greetings Seekers of Balance.

Be well Seekers of Balance.

Awsome char, keep up the good work
6976, Excelent job
Posted by Bethrella on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Grats, it seems we have ineracted in more chars then one *chuckle*
Nydeikon was great as a leader and as a char.
Someone I did grow to respect.
From the days when I saw you and Thally in the battlefields
to the day when you and Divox mistook me to be a druid.
To me getting the boot just because my isp sux.

Anyays, best of luck for all new and next.
6977, out of interest when did you die of age?
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
just wondering whether I've not made it onto the battlefield for some reason.
6978, Wow, this is going to be long...
Posted by Nydeikon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Where to begin?

I guess with the beginning. I had this idea in my head for a long time and always wanted to play it out. I had a good time. Never really thought I'd make it as far as I did, but hey, it was alot of fun. Always wanted to get to know what Nexus was all about from the inside. I'd seen alot of members back in the day, but never really understood it all. How better to get it all down pat then to make one, eh? I really, REALLY like the changes to the Nexus philosophy since Vahlen immed, great job. So I got in and really thought there was no chance of leadership...then Divox imms. I log on to delete and BAM!!, get Lord Elder. At the time I got Lord Elder, I was in school and knew I would only be able to play late nights, as I went to school in the morning and work full time after school. I hope I did a good enough job devoting time (and hey I passed all my classes, so it's all good). Yeah...I should really stop blabbing my mouth and get to the farewells and stuff.

Complaints (I'll keep this very short):

Nexus powers need some work (I
6981, Well, since it seems to have messed up, here is go two..
Posted by Nydeikon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Where to begin?

I guess with the beginning. I had this idea in my head for a long time and always wanted to play it out. I had a good time. Never really thought I'd make it as far as I did, but hey, it was alot of fun. Always wanted to get to know what Nexus was all about from the inside. I'd seen alot of members back in the day, but never really understood it all. How better to get it all down pat then to make one, eh? I really, REALLY like the changes to the Nexus philosophy since Vahlen immed, great job. So I got in and really thought there was no chance of leadership...then Divox imms. I log on to delete and BAM!!, get Lord Elder. At the time I got Lord Elder, I was in school and knew I would only be able to play late nights, as I went to school in the morning and work full time after school. I hope I did a good enough job devoting time (and hey I passed all my classes, so it's all good). Yeah...I should really stop blabbing my mouth and get to the farewells and stuff.

Complaints (I'll keep this very short):

Nexus powers need some work (I mean look at the powers of our main enemy), but I'm sure the imms are tired of hearing that one. The bond is really cool, but
1) You have to rely on someone else, something I really don't like doing.
2) There is a serious problem finding someone to bond with.
3) Why would anyone bond with anything but a warrior (without giving too much away).

Compliments (which too many forget):

To all the imms and players who make this mud so fun (read addicting). Without all of you, your hard work and dedication, and commitment to the game, cf would be nothing.



Vahlen - I put you first because I feel you had the most influence on Nydeikon of any imm. You were constantly there for questions, concerns, and you continue to do a whole hell of alot for the mud and of course Nexus. You rule. I think my biggest regret throughout 855 hours of Nydeikon's life was not making him a follower of you. I guess it works out though because he was made for Savraeth's religion and it wouldn't have worked for your religion.

Divox - You are awesome. I said it before and I'll say it again, the biggest small shoes I ever had to fill. You really did alot for Nexus as a mortal and continue to do alot for the cabal as an imm, good job. Oh yeah, stop talking about dying so much. *wink*

Arvam - Hey, thanks for everything. All the interactions were truely classic, you are a GREAT imm. From doing Iunna and my wedding, to chatting in the Inn, to backing me when I fought those Marans, you rule.

Iunna - Man, I really don't know where to start. I had fun. Nydeikon always tried to treat you like a lady first, I loved the interactions. I really was pulling for you to immort, I'm glad you did and good luck. I really dug your character for a long time, I'm glad we got to spend so much time together. I really am at a loss for words.

Savraeth - Um, who? *chuckle* Just kidding, I really think your religion is cool. I always thought it was funny how our talk started out with you telling me that you'd never tattoo a Nexan and ended with you doing just that. I really thought Nydeikon was the embodyment of your religion, I just wish I could have seen more of you. I think I saw you all of one time in 855 hours, but I know how much you do behind the scenes, so of course I understand. Thanks for everything you do/did.

Mayesha - Nydeikon really didn't know how to react to you, but I was falling out of my chair laughing behind the computer. Always popping up and messing with me, it was great, thanks.

Thror - Thanks for the compliment that one time. It really upset me to hear that you (read the destructor) told villagers to loot from Nexan kills so much.

Calradian - Hey thanks for being a friend from the beginning, I knew you'd make it and hope you continue on. Truely well played character.

Derexal - Thanks for everything, we went way back.

Vynmylak - I like the area, though I wish I could have explored it more. I had a blast with you as a mortal, thanks for the fun/help. Damn that accent is tough to make out sometimes. *chuckle*

Dugruain - Good luck and thanks for all the fun fights as a mortal. Damned grumpy dwarves.

Intronan - Thanks for the compliment at the Village, it meant alot to me. Too bad we play at completely opposite times, I'd have liked to talk to you again.

Johan - God were you a beast, sorry to see you go.

Karithia - Bah! You're not frigid! Heh, good luck with the imm stuff and thanks for the interactions in the Inn all those times.


Thalongrim - Man you rule. We had a blast, didn't we? I always knew I could rely on you for anything. You are a strong character all around and do too much for the Rift for me to even put into words. Thanks for everything, but above all else, thanks for being Nydeikon's best friend. Oh yeah, good luck with Dieca. :P

Lorak - I wanted you to be Elder Magus from such a young age... I went to Vahlen and recommended you, way back. I think you did a great job and loved watching you grow as both a fighter and a leader. I guess you were a tie with Thalongrim for my best friend, we really made a great team. You were most definately my favorite person to bond with and I hope you know that with you I would have taken on anything. It really sucked to see you go.

Sporial - You are the best healer I have ever been around. You'd heal stuff without having to be asked and you were just an overall badass. You did so much for the Rift (and keeping us kicking through some really rough times) I can't even put it into words. I really wished you would have immed, but hey, I understand about OOC stuff. Very well played.

Sphinf - God you are cool! I wish you would show up more, but I loved having you around. You truely were a good friend and had me falling out of my chair from laughter on numerous occasions.

Kazahando - Heh, you've been around forever, glad to see you are still kicking. I really liked having you around and hope your con is holding up, good job.

Faoin - Thanks for "the talk" early on. You did a good job of explaining the Nexus beliefs, hope I continued on that tradition. I tried to mention you in all of my interviews, though no one knew it was you I was talking about when I said "as a very good friend of mine once said..." or "as a wise friend of mine once shared..."

Jraln - Good having you back. You did a really good job and really deserved the title and the special place in the Rift.

Theerkla - I really thought you were going to get leader after Divox immed. Too bad we played at completely opposite times you were cool to have around/be around.

Bleergiem - Um...see above.

Krajus - Heart, heart and more heart. You just kept on going, no matter what happened, good job. I really wish you would have stuck around longer, well played.

Xerimnyl - I think it was you that first got Vahlen's tat, bastard. I was really jealous, too bad you were so short lived.

Caeth - Sorry you deleted after that raid gone horribly wrong. I really would have gotten to know you better. Damn that was a long time ago.

Dakherizin - *grumble* I really hated seeing you get the boot. Oh well, guess that stuff happens. I always wondered why you didn't show, care to share? Anyways, I was really hoping you would roleplay it out and get back in, you know you would have had my support.

Fristapholin - Why were you such an ass early on? Well sorry for kicking you out, I really didn't want to do it, but Nydeikon wouldn't watch you sit there and be so mean to other Seekers. I'm glad you stuck with it and got back in. It really is cool having an invoker around.

Bretchek - Bastard. I really was pulling for you to make it to the hero ranks, you seemed to know your ##### and I would have loved to see what you would have done.

Octavin - Hey, thanks for being there at the end, I'm glad I could spend that time with a Seeker.

All you other Seekers - Keep up the good work. I know it is tough sometimes, but stick with it.


Loborguz - Damn you were a beast. Thanks for teaching me how to fight assassins, you really were a great enemy to have. I enjoyed all of our interactions.

Penz - This character really grew on me. At first I hated you, but the more and more I got to know you, the more I liked you. Great job sticking it out through some really tough times.

Shamus - Another character I absolutely hated but grew to love. You do a great job as leader, I'm glad you got it. A really well roleplayed character.

Varrik - I really respected you as a character and as a player, good job.

Thralkoz - Damn do I hate rager giants or what!? You were really a good fighter and a good leader, well done. I had tons, heaps, mounds of respect for Thralkoz. I really can't say enough good things about how you developed as a player, great job.

Vhenos - I hated village thieves as well, I'd rather fight an assassin anyday. You seemed to do well, sorry you deleted.

Mobongo - Another character with tons of heart, great job. I liked seeing your skills develop.

Sehvoor - You taught me alot about fighting with/against an assassin very early on, thanks.

Sharvin - Hey, it was fun. I still think you could have remained to be a VERY tough foe if you had stuck it out, sorry you didn't give it a try, but still well done.

Rhuean - We had some great fights, thanks. And yes, I hate choke. I hope you keep truckin'.

Tambra - Man that was a great fight at the Village. Me raiding alone, you alone to defend, an assassin against a Village axe spec, damn it was a great fight. I flee stunned at -6 hps, recover to have you come in and attack and I score the kill, damn, had my heart pumping the whole time, truely wish I logged stuff. Then my heart sunk as I got hit in the burning fields, by the fire that Nydeikon followed for his whole life, and died, only to have you loot both me and you, that really was poor of you. Oh well, I guess I just hated you from there on out.

Segroi - Yeah it was a cheap assassination, but Nydeikon viewed it totally differently. He saw it as a blessing to you, a gift, the gift of all gifts to be exact. Oh well, sorry you hated me for it.

Vorzythur - Any reason you deleted?

Marlek - I really respected you, well played.

Elshadriel - I was looking forward to fighting you alot more, sorry you deleted.

Rio - First I'd like to thank you for giving me a HUGE laugh. You see, I always have my winamp playing mp3s on random while I play cf and the first time you and I fought, for some strange reason Rio, by Duran Duran came on. I honestly fell out of my chair and had to run somewhere and quit because I was laughing so hard. Now onto the character... I honestly hated Rio. I really have no clue why Thror let you stay so long, but hey, that's cool. It sucks that real life pulls you away from the game, but if it does, just let it, delete and move on. I think it's really strange that you could play JUST enough to keep the character from deleting, but no more. Anyways, I never saw anything stellar from the character, it just seemed to me that you couldn't play that often, but when you could play you wanted to play a hero and nothing else. It just doesn't seem fair to me.


Dullameh - Of course I'd start with you. :P I really considered you one of Nydeikon's good(best?) friends. From WAY early on, I liked you. I remember saving a couple items you need to lich, only to go to war with you, damn that sucked. Sorry we had to war again there at the end. You really are a great leader and a great roleplayer, well done. I know I'm not saying enough, but you get the point.

Viornsra - Yeah, I remember you. You were one of my good friends back a LONG time ago. We made a great team and you helped make Nexus and Scion allies more then you know. Our interactions so long ago really did seal the deal for a future of working together. Damn you were a beast, good job.

Eleke - Well done. I liked you alot. You also helped keep the Nexus/Scion bond strong. There were times when I knew I really shouldn't be trusting you, but did anyway (because that is what Nydeikon would have done). You play the evil backstabbing assassin very well, keep it up.

Jhamas - I wanted to fight you, but at the same time I really didn't, great fighter.

Rhowyn - Damn you did such a good job roleplaying, where did you go? I really expected to see good things from you. Best of luck.

Krivohan - Wish we could have talked/interacted more then we did. You do a great job as a leader and as a fighter as well. Keep up the good work.

Tilaen - I knew you were a backstabber all along, but Nydeikon was very trusting to those he called a friend. Well played and thanks for the interactions.

Iillien - I just know you were waiting to attack me on the ocean. I never really talked to you, so I didn't trust you at all.

Bezonsalith - Too bad you deleted, you seemed to play a scion warrior really well.

Taelen - *grumble* You were just frustrating all around.


Gorgan - Aargh, I hated you. Thanks for giving me an enemy, sorry you deleted so soon.

Brindale - You were a great friend, thanks for everything. I always knew I could count on you for help, thanks.

Widdengrub - Wish you would have stuck it out, I was looking forward to talking with you more.


Xiouze - Hey, great fun. I really liked your character, keep on truckin' and good luck.

Cariatid - Another great character, thanks for all the statues, you really are well played.

Claustren - Damn you for deleting.

Dieca - Wish I saw you more towards the end, I really liked your character. Make Thalongrim a married man, will ya?

Dalentar - I'm not sure if you were a Herald or not, but it was great having you for a friend. Thanks for the interactions.

Sreath - Not sure if I spelled that right, but I really wish you hadn't deleted.

Jashere - See above.


Lanaulyn - You really were a great friend of mine. I'm glad you ended up getting Savraeth's tattoo, you deserved it....but why'd you delete!? Ah well, I really liked your character and enjoyed having you "scout the skies" for me. We made a good team.


Maelifarau - I wish we could have interacted a bit more, I was looking forward to talking with you.


Zandrumial - Damn you were annoying (of course I know that was just you). Wish you would have stuck it out as an imm, you did a great job as a baron, in my eyes.

Krogum - I really enjoyed your character from the first time we talked. You were REALLY young, but something about you from that time on stuck with me. Good job.


Shila - I was really curious to see what you would do with leadership, I'm glad you got it, I really can't think of anyone else that deserved it. I truely hope you stick it out, you have the potential to do alot for Warlock as a whole. Thanks again for being such a good friend.

Shilite - I have no clue why I remember you, but I do.


Aliera - You can really be a force when you show, least you seemed to be. Thanks for the interactions from early on.

Karhon - I guess I can include you here now :P I really hated that time at the Inn, I still honestly feel all of you were in the wrong. I have no clue how you could even begin to think that attacking the Inn, just to kill one evil bard, even if it meant falling two neutrals, the Inn guardian, bouncers, and offending pretty much every Herald would be a good idea. Oh well, I'm glad you got in and hope you stick with it.

Ravenoth - Thanks for the friendship from early on. I wish you would not have disappeared, but hey it seems like all Marans seem to do that.

Zardik - I really like this character, I just wish you'd show more often. Thanks for the talks/help.

Lorimer - You saved the lives of more goodies in our fights then I ever thought possible, great job. I really liked having you as a friend and absolutely hated fighting you.

Tylinn - It really upset me that you would invoke your tattoo on me everytime we fought. How could you even justify that on a neutral? Ah well, that is all that led to our little...misunderstanding. Glad we cleared it all up.

Kerikorlian - In Nydeikon's lifetime, you were the embodyment of a perfect Maran. I'd tell you that the Light tipped the scales and you'd offer your life to protect them and I respected that. Great job, I was truely impressed with your character.


Weswin - grrrr. Was looking forward to fighting you more, can't even remember why our characters clashed so much, but I remember the fact that they did.

Those fire dousers from a LONG time ago - I was REALLY looking forward to a "war"-type relationship with you all. Sucked that you all deleted before we could play it out.


Esoehi - Thanks for being such a good friend.

Tiberianus - Damn you, it really sucked that you attacked me that one time, I hope you know that Nydeikon considered you a very good friend and would not have attacked you, no matter what. It really hurt him to have you attack like that.

Asielith - You were really fun to talk to, wish we could have hung out more then we did. Thanks for being a friend.

Albaszn - See above.

Kaicentsai - Thanks for all the help in my young years. I was looking forward to fighting with you as the years past, sucked to have you delete. Was there any reason for it?

Everyone else I'm forgetting:

Sorry, I really suck with names.

Some of my past characters (because I kind of like seeing who was behind the character):

< H-Elf > (BATTLE) Gough the Dumb Blonde
< D-Elf > (EMPIRE) Tyldur the Knight Hero, Imperial Soldier
< Human > (ENTROPY) Yarnty the Hero of Alteration
< Elf > (ARBITER) Calarathiel Tanthanalas, the Beloved Child of the Hummingbird, Aribter Lady
< Human > (MARAN) Pohanad the Ale-Soaked Maran, Drunken Drummer of the Brigade

Well, see you in the fields.

7014, Ah well
Posted by Zethyr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not much to say....liked our interview, very nicely done indeed.
7013, RE: Well, since it seems to have messed up, here is go two..
Posted by Thalongrim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well man, I know you've wanted to be gone for a long time. Playing one character gets boring, so on and so forth. You did alot for Thal... You helped him re-equip almost everytime he needed it, and I can mainly do so on my own now, though I hate doing it. All those times in Organia. Pushing for me for Overseer, or at least I figure you did. I can't put into words what you meant to Thal in truth, but the best I can do is you were one of his best friends, and the closest thing to a father Thal had in character. Hope you enjoy your next one.

Lord of the Pool
7012, RE: Well, since it seems to have messed up, here is go two..
Posted by Dullameh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You did a great job, and seriously added a lot to the game. When I saw your name on the battlefield board, even though it didn't surprise me, my heart dropped. You were just always around, and it's crazy even imagining not having Nydeikon running around anymore. :P

Anyway, I always liked you as a player, and Dullameh always liked you as a character, ever since the first tell you sent me pledging honesty. I enjoyed our strange sort of friendship (though Dullameh wouldn't ever call it that), and loved how it was constantly being tugged at by external forces and having to take different shapes (if you know what I mean).

As for your past characters, wow... Nydeikon's an amazing improvement in my opinion. I swear I'd never have guessed that you were Gough or Calarathiel... the rest I never interacted with.

Good luck with your next.
7011, No love!
Posted by Vhendus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Poone! You dont love me... :+

Oh well I still love you none the less :P
Whil was so far beyond well done I wont even call him that. Keep up the good work ;)


P.S. The word of the day is cooter }>
7010, RE: Well, since it seems to have messed up, here is go two..
Posted by Daiken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Never got the chance for the discussion I wanted to have with you. Bummer.
7009, well damnable....
Posted by Kaz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well my friend. What can I say. Poh was one of my best friends in a prior life. And whil was one of my best friends in this one. You taught kaz a lot. Namely how to have courage and compassion. There's a big hole in the rift now. Gonna be lonelier without yas.

7008, RE: Well, since it seems to have messed up, here is go two..
Posted by Penz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Darn, I really hate to see you go, I enjoyed penz, yeah it was rough. I cannot beleive you were Pohanad though :( you were my favorite Hero IMM, then again, I also played Selfren, so I guess that explains that, I was thinking of starting up another Shokai Follower, but I never saw you online, and you were one of the big perks when I played Selfren. ahh well, anyways, for the last two characters we have been enemies, your fun on both sides of the fence, but I cannot help but wonder what ever happened with Pohanad, does he still exist? or gone, due to inactivity? anyways, leave a line, if you wish to email me its xxbofinxx@hotmail.com

see you in the fields!

7007, RE: Well, since it seems to have messed up, here is go two..
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Theerkla - I really thought you were going to get leader
>after Divox immed. Too bad we played at completely opposite
>times you were cool to have around/be around.

First off, the highest compliment I can think of sure fits. You made the people around you better just by being there.

I know I said this when Lorak went on the long walk, but now it definitely feels like the first era of the new rift is over. You were a great leader for the rift, and I just won't hear any nonsense about me ever being suited for the job over you. Plus, I was much happier with my place in the rift than I ever would have been as an elder. And of course IMHO, you flat out deserved it a lot more than I did.

Well, it sure is going to be strange not seeing "that Whil guy" around, I'd say luck on the next, but looking over your bonafides I'm guessing you don't really need much in the way of luck in making a great character and having a positive impact on CF. So I'll just say looking forward to meeting the next incarnation, whether I know it or not :)
7006, Damn! Damn!
Posted by Sphinf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What can I say. You will be missed. I liked you from our very first interview. I think you had a good grasp on 'me' then, and it's been fun ever since.

You were what I would consider a near perfect leader. Non-condescending, non-threatening, non-ANNOYING (and it seems tha is a rarity these days) BUT, you were solid, you had direction, and you were hella fun to be around. From ranking, retrieving, raiding, reequipping, and kicking butt, we did have some good times. I agree with all of your post, but will put my own spin on it when my time comes.

Sorry I missed your final moments. I can easily say you were one of the few people I will actually miss having around.

Good luck, hope to see you in your next incarnation.

7005, RE: Well, since it seems to have messed up, here is go two..
Posted by Thralkoz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Our fights were always interesting to say the least. I loved how the outcome was always different. I never kept track, but I think you were a up more than I. You did a great job as Leader of a Cabal who I think gets the Shaft on alot of things(not just powers)We both were late night players, and often you would be the only enemy around, the best part about that was we would hardly loot eachother at all, which means we could jump right back into the fight for a night full of events. I don't have to say good luck on the next one, cause you really don't need luck from the looks of things. Well done.
7004, *sad sigh*
Posted by Auosfian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's not going to be the same without you.

Player: I wish I wasn't in the middle of moving.

Character: *sob*
7003, RE: Well, since it seems to have messed up, here is go two..
Posted by Cariatid on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Cariatid - Another great character, thanks for all the
>statues, you really are well played.

Thanks, means a lot to hear that from you. Would say the same but I'm sure you know. Always liked talking with you, could count on a hi within five minutes of logging on there for a while. To bad we didn't talk as much lately.

Oh, and I hear you on the late nights. Playing midnight to four, then going grabbing two hours of sleep before heading to school. ugh

7002, Not another Friend Lost
Posted by Esoehi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How could you do this, I told you, you had to wait till you know what. Now this just won't work. But I guess you felt it had to come. I am going to miss you alot, I enjoyed going to places that I know nothing about and just watching you lead away, almost never making a wrong turn or anything. I enjoyed talking to you when I was a little warrior. You were the one that gave me a chance, you took your time and taught me the logic of the rift. Shame it didn't work out and we never could have bonded, Hey warrior over here. hahaha.
Whil was a great character, great roleplay, I never really got the full story about you and fire, I had planed to ask some day when we were both sitting around, but now I guess thats out of the question. I will try to move on, and you will be missed by Esoehi Alot. Can't wait for your next character.
Hey I never got to Duel you, Ok now I am mad. I wanted to Duel you so bad. I knew you would win but I just wanted to see you in a fight. I hope the rift can move on after this, Going to be hard to replace both Lorak and you. Well, Thats about it. I had something to ask you but I'll think of it later.

- Esoehi
7001, I had no idea you were Pohanad
Posted by Johan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I guess I should have.

You're just a cool guy all the way around. Good luck in life. When I think back on CF, I'll definately remember some of the fun times we had - looking on your char list, every character I played in the last couple years had positive experiences with yours (and until now I hadn't realized they were all you).
6998, RE: Well, since it seems to have messed up, here is go two..
Posted by Fristapholin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, shame to see you go. You were a true leader,
one of the best since Vahlen (Who I still disagree
with more then any other Imm.) You kept the rift
strong through the ages, and were fair with your
rulings. Though I still disagreed with the removing
me while I was garbled and blinded. Especially after
just retrieving from the scions that time. But thank
you for giving me that second chance. I hope I earned
the mark in your book. As for the ass, yes I was an
ass and it was part of Frist's role. *wink* I didn't
respect anybody who did not earn my respect. And honestly
in the beginning, you did not have my respect. You seemed
a little.. distant and not dedicated to Nexus. After a
while though, you did earn my respect back. I must admit
though, as a player you improved greatly on your abilities
from what I first saw you as. I honestly thought you were
a newbie who got his leadership from being active without
any skill. You diffinately proved me wrong and good luck
in the future with your characters. After seeing Nydeikon
grow up, I know you'll do well. By the way, it was so much
fun pissing you off with the sir's and Nydeikon's. :P

7000, RE: Well, since it seems to have messed up, here is go two..
Posted by Theerkla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>As for the ass, yes I was an
>ass and it was part of Frist's role. *wink*

I guess I should feel honored because I never saw this side of you ;)
6999, Bah
Posted by Lorak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What's wrong with gettin Elder by bein Actice and no Skill? I'm hurt! Heh.

6997, I can let you know the reason
Posted by Weswin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Weswin - grrrr. Was looking forward to fighting you more, can't even remember why our characters clashed so much, but I remember the fact that they did.

It had something to do with one of your people attacking some guardians, and I killed them for it. You then got mad about it and came after me. We didn't fight much, and I got bored with the Character, so I deleted. THough, it would have been fun to fight against you. Oh well, we will never know eh!

Aaron aka Weswin
6995, Betrayor!
Posted by Dugruain on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When Dug was coming up, Nexus was still in the broils of thier Nexus Scion war. Scion was real strong, so seekers were friendly with us goodies. Yaeeh goodies. Well sometime after I had been a hero for awhile, the balance turned, and seekers begin to attack lightwalkers. The short interactions we had during that time, were a well needed break from running the Spire, that kept me going. And yes, we had a couple good fights. :)

See yeah around.


"Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead."
6996, We are...
Posted by Nexit on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Still at war, and we are still friendly.....
6994, Thanks for the fun...
Posted by Dalentar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah I'm a Herald. But I'm not at the inn very much and if I am, I'm always thinking of where to go to next. Hence, the Meandering Minstrel. I liked your character a lot. There was a sense of honesty in him that I was drawn to. You'd tell it like it is and during that one time when you asked me "was it worth it?" it totally took me by surprise. I was in shocked nobody asked me that before and it added something to Dalentar as a character and I think that's what interactions with other people do and I thank you for it.

Now knowing your past characters. I have interacted with every one in some shape of form but a couple of them pretty significantly. It's funny how I get drawned to the same few people who play different characters.

6993, Well played
Posted by Eleke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed my interactions with you, and i'm glad you were around and willing to lend me a hand with fights when it used to be 20 good aligns/Ragers, me, and 3 neutrals (you included) when I did a who pk. I must say, it will be quite boring now without you being around to hunt Villagers with or to generally chatter to. I've interacted with you with more than one character. Good luck with your next.
6992, Congratulations
Posted by Loborguz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's a hell of an achievement to last that long. When I died in February I think you were just coming into your own. There were a few times when I was annoyed at you or disappointed - sometimes you'd come stand at the giant when you knew we didn't have the head, and so all of a sudden you were very brave - but for the most part I also enjoyed our dealings. Since you mentioned it, I agree, you weren't too great at fighting other assassins at the start, but you quickly made up for it and by the time I died our fights were mostly just a matter of who gets the kot/kans off first.

My only regret is that I never had a character who had a reason to find out why you believed whatever it is you nexites (nexans?) believe in.

Good solid character and one that made the mud a better place. You have my praise and respect.

See ya, bub.
6991, RE: Well, since it seems to have messed up, here is go two..
Posted by Divox on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn, I knew it was coming and glad to see you lasted as long as you did. You did a great job as Elder and stuff. A bit too serious but I guess that was your role. Should've had some drinks with me. It's rare to see people age die on CF and I guess you had lots of fun if you ended up age dying. Glad to know you and glad you did become Elder and did all the great things you did.

6990, Well I saw it comin
Posted by Lorak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I heard that you were pretty old and knew it would be comin soon. I was hoping I wouldn't have to delete since that might leave nexus with no leader's at the time but things didn't work out....*shrug* Well nice work. I'm glad we got to interact again. If you remember a Storm Giant Arbiter named Jkor that had no idea what he was doin then you remember me when I first started pretty much. Well whenever I would see you get on I just had to Bond with you. It was always fun to Bond with you and see what you could do once you and they were spelled up. Wow you were a beast.......*shiver* Nice work. I wish Korlew would of turned out to be half as popular and known as you. It woulda been great. Well later and good luck with the next.

6989, So Long Whil Guy
Posted by Faoin aka Jraln on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You did a great job Whil, flat out great. As Faoin I had the pleasure of teaching you (as I did most of the first brood of the new Seekers) and your interview was particularly memorable. As Jraln I had the pleasure of watching you impliment what I taught you and becoming one of the better leaders ive seen in the game in a very long time.

One very strong element of being a Leader is being accessable, and you were very much so. Another is being consistant in how you lead and how often you are about, again, you did quite well. You were also a very memeorable character, leadership or not, with a wide variety of contacts with others, and by the looks of all these goodbyes, you made a ton.

I agree with you that the powers need changing. As it has been said so often and will continue to be said, their powers are for nothing if there is noone to group with, and as that stands, its incredibly inconsistent.

Congratulations again on a fine character, and good fortune with the next.

6988, Wow nice characters you've had!
Posted by Caeth/Belaran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, I'm glad to have known you but your coming in was the going out for Caeth. I'm playing another character now and god, I hate Nydeikon! But we'll see whom I'm playing...

On the whole I've interacted with alot of your characters, Gough, bloody drunkard bard (I was playing Rhiaele, the good invoker turned to scion for a short period), a short bit on your tribie. Anyway, from what i hear, Nydeikon is cool.

Sad to see you go, in fact just killed a Nexan becoz my current character hated Nexus becoz of you. I've never had problems with Nexus in the past but you caused it! If I felt such a strong feeling, it means you've been playing your role!

So long and see you in the fields.
6986, Aw nuts.
Posted by Iunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I knew it couldn't be too long before you died but it's still disappointing to see it here. What can I say, it was fun. We didn't interact much in the beginning, but the courtship, the wedding, it was all a blast. Interactions with you were always something to look forward to, and gave new life to Iunna. Good luck and hope to see you around the fields soon.

6987, So uhh...you're single now, right? *wink* Buy you a drink? n/t
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
6985, Until the next...
Posted by Rhowyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> Rhowyn - Damn you did such a good job roleplaying, where did you
> go? I really expected to see good things from you. Best of luck.

I'm... still around, though somewhat uncommonly. Real life has to take a precedence over *something* and this something is CF for now. I will be back in full force as soon as I have some time, which should be soon. Lets hope that the Scion Imms don't decide that I've outstayed my welcome; but if such happens then c'est la vie, another roleplaying hardship to overcome.

As for Nydeikon, a well done character all around. Always willing to trade some words if we were about, enemies or not. (although you knew my standpoint on the whole thing) You were a deeper character than I ever saw, this I know, but alas I was unable to pry much further than I did. I suppose if I had known you were Pohanad before, I would have just said: 'Well, there is another of his characters that was excellent'.

Well done all around.

6984, Hey I got remembered!
Posted by Viornsra on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah I had a lot of fun running around with you as well at times. Always did like the Nexans, glad I was able to help out with relations between the rift and chasm. I remember some of your past chars and interacting with some of them, they were all well done and enjoyable from what I remember, of course Pohanad is probably the one I remember best as I ran around now and then with him as Estaveo. Well I'll be seeing you in the fields.
6983, Good riddance!
Posted by Llohuir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yah, good riddance! Gosh I hated you in character and wished you death many times over. Didn't think you'd last till old age. As a player, you did well! Busted (or rather ganged me) time and time again.
6982, RE: Well, since it seems to have messed up, here is go two..
Posted by Sporial on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Sporial - You are the best healer I have ever been around.
>You'd heal stuff without having to be asked and you were
>just an overall badass. You did so much for the Rift (and
>keeping us kicking through some really rough times) I can't
>even put it into words. I really wished you would have
>immed, but hey, I understand about OOC stuff. Very well

It was great having you around, too. It's always nice to have a partner who you can be 99% sure will understand the plan and do their part in a fight, especially those massive raids. The secret to my healing without being asked: The "group" command. I always wanted people in my group instead of linked because it allowed me to hit "group" and quickly see who was hurt, and heal them. I did my best to not let anyone die if I could help it. Oh and, as for keeping us kicking... you definitely did your part, too.

>< Human > (MARAN) Pohanad the Ale-Soaked Maran, Drunken
>Drummer of the Brigade

Amusing to see this, since I considered you one of my greatest enemies back when I played Phinitz.
6980, RE: Wow, this is going to be long...
Posted by Enbuergo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good char. Two remarks:

1) Nydeikon always seemed too nice to me. I felt you were playing more of a neutral good character than anything else.

2) Stop being such a sissy =p You had the good kicks, a spiffy sword, and a spiffy tattoo, but I could never convince you to fight. For the record, I would have smacked you like a naughty child =p

6979, RE: Wow, this is going to be long...
Posted by Krivohan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well kick ass player. I would never have guessed you were the drunkard of the brigade. Well seems all the old crowrd are deleting or dying off, but we both knew I was gonig to outlive you.

Krivohan the Vindicated, High Chancellor of Shapeshifting
7015, RE: (AGE) Nydeikon the Unseen Flame, Lord Elder of Nexus
Posted by Annette on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
one hell of an assassin. 855hrs for a human? that seems quite long. what about your wife, aren't you gonna miss her? see you in the fields.
7016, You never can tell with leader position,
Posted by Lanaulyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Normally, a human would not live so long, but if you get the leader position early in your life, you can live for a very long time. If you get the leader position later in your life, when your older, the aging process has already bit you in the butt, but if you get it as a youth, I'm guessing you have an extra hundred hours or so. Besides, he was ninety five years old, which is just about perfect for dying age, I think.
7017, Oh, I forgot to say!
Posted by Lanaulyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nydeikon, it was great knowing you with a couple of my characters. I hope you keep up with CF. (I'm guessing you will, since every time I try to leave, I come back.) Anyways, well done and all that.
7018, RE: (AGE) Nydeikon the Unseen Flame, Lord Elder of Nexus
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
An 855 hour leader character who was quality all the way through, God bless ya ;). While I didn't have many direct interactions with you, you were always a presence. If more leaders showed half as much dedication Thera would be a better place.
7019, RE: (AGE) Nydeikon the Unseen Flame, Lord Elder of Nexus
Posted by Diego on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just wanted to say that I thought you did a good job and thanks for letting me come with your group into Organia a long time ago. Organia is an AWESOME place! Well Done.

7020, RE: (AGE) Nydeikon the Unseen Flame, Lord Elder of Nexus
Posted by Vahlen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well done and good luck when you have time to return again. Was fun watching you and your interactions.
7021, RE: (AGE) Nydeikon the Unseen Flame, Lord Elder of Nexus
Posted by Valaria on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I belive we only talked once, and that was to see who would win in a fight..then we got interupted by that sylvan invoker..I would have loved to fight you..just wish I would have talked with you more.
over all you did a realy good job.
7022, RE: (AGE) Nydeikon the Unseen Flame, Lord Elder of Nexus
Posted by Mordan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was good hunting ragers with you, although that tended to be the extent of our interaction. If I had known you were going to declare war on the scions I may have waited awhile to delete, I have a thing for fighting assassins, and Mordan seemed pretty good for fighting em. Anyways, lucks on your next as everyone always says.