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Topic subject(DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Glordath the Holy of Faith, Priest of the Jaguar
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=69576
69576, (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Glordath the Holy of Faith, Priest of the Jaguar
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Jun 29 19:51:58 2008

At 4 o'clock AM, Day of the Sun, 27th of the Month of the Long Shadows
on the Theran calendar Glordath perished, never to return.
Cabal:OUTLANDER, the Outlanders of Thar-Eris
69623, thanks..
Posted by teliel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
for the kind words. I, the player, had and (especially in light of your previous hero) have a great deal of respect for the shadowy figure behind the keys. A lot more to say after I'm dead. Peace.

And, of course, see you in the fields.
69587, Teldasill
Posted by No way man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I *just* realized I didn't put a goodbye to you on my thread. When I deleted I sat there for like a half hour looking at my goodbye post knowing that I was missing an Outtie hero... and I looked through my like 70 or so logs and you weren't in any of them so I just gave up. You were normally fighting solo and I was so much about being solo that it's understandable though, and my last 2 weeks or so I didn't see you once now that I remember, so you weren't fresh in my memories.

I had that feeling that you were swaying on your role in Outtie and take on everything, but I think you did a good job anyways. I loved having you around.. I wanted to be such a carefree yet wrathful hunter, and no matter what that will always collide with a pure-bent goodie at some point in the road. We had some great conversation spats on CB that I smiled at cause I knew it was pure RP and I was happy that tension was there with you.

All in all, you were on of my favorite heroes when I was on... simply for your solid ability to play the game, and that different taste of RP that any Outtie character should bring if they are played right. I'm sure the Tree will miss you.

69588, Mixed up my topic but you get the idea!~
Posted by Teldasill on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
69591, Dude, Way!
Posted by Aodh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, yeah, I guess I was hunting solo for a while. Kind of forgot about that period.

Yeah, the conversation spats were good, except I never seemed to be able to come up with a clever retort, so you always got the last word. That's pretty much because you were right :P

Thanks for the compliments! I'll be back in the Tree soon, I'm sure :)
69578, So my paths end... some thoughts and Outtie goodbyes
Posted by Aodh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I learned a number of things from/with Glordath, and therefore I'll consider him a successful character.

He was a super-zealous shaman that, now that I"m honest with myself, didn't have a whole lot to him than Be A Wild, Crazy, Evil-Killing Machine. How well I lived up to that is up to debate. As Daevryn/Rayihn's comments on my role in the contest said: yeah, they didn't really set my pants on fire, either. I just wasn't sure where to go, or how to fix it. He had a number of flaws. I really didn't think out his role very much, I didn't have a very good grasp on his philosophy and on Baerinika's religion, and I lost focus with his rp (especially the somewhat unique speech/phrasing) near the end. The crash kind of killed my desire/drive to play him.

All in all, I realized that Glordath would have been a great Fort character. Not so much in Outlander.

Shaman are kind of strange characters: nobody should ever, ever, ever die to them, imo, unless they have limitations like inability to use healers, outtie's inability to use coins and have basic curative items available, etc. Rot... just isn't fun. I mean, sure, landing one supp on someone and having them die from it is easy, but it doesn't take skill. And, honestly, if they die from it, you're shooting fish in a barrel because it's an old/newbie char with low con that for some reason doesn't have access to/doesn't know enough +con eq. Anyone who doesn't sit on their ass waiting to die should be able to make their chances of survival very, very favorable. As for the other supplications? Yes, maledictions are very nice, but your chance of running somebody into 0 or negative moves *should* be nil, and anybody who doesn't teleport early enough, before they're totally maledicted, killed themself. They're definitely fun, but their skillset seems to be much more useful in group pvp, ie. damnation/curse and summon. PvE... not the worst thing out there I'm sure, but very hard to face tough mobs with. They're very survivable with sanc, protection, and word of recall, but I'm going to try my hand at trading that survivability for more killing power.

Also, some people were just absolute hell to land communes on. People wear good saves nowadays, instead of forsaking all for damroll. I blinded Kostyan, for instance, a mere handful of times, after which he immediately teleported. I win?

Teleport is shaman-bane. I'd definitely like to bone up on my chasing/searching/hunting so that I could go *find* people who've teleported, but I honestly can't figure out the strategy and mindset that I would need to employ. Perhaps I need to make an algorithm to discover which connector areas a foe is most likely to have to use and run between them. Oh well. With time and experience, I'm sure. And eyes of intrigue.


Baerinika: the first empowerment interview was kind of rocky. The other 1 or 2 weren't really any better. I was pleasantly surprised when I got the "Priest of the Jaguar" title, because I really never felt that I was living up to the ideal, or quite understanding the mindset/philosophy/attitude that is your religion. I'm definitely going to try again. Thank you for being kind and empowering me to 51, even if I was a somewhat lackluster follower. I did try.

Other Imms: Enlilth, we had a bit of a run-in with you coming and burning down the Prosimy and smiting me. It was fun to rp with Sey and run around putting out the fires and talk smack about you duergar types. Thanks for that bit.

Lyristeon: I tried to play the super-good zealot, and we had a little friction when you would speak on CB. That was fun, and yet another example of how this character didn't quite work.

Eshval: I don't want to be a jerk... but I honestly don't see the point of your religion/persona/whatever. Just... being an evil presence? I wasn't sure what to do when you transed my groupmate (?) so I started talking smack, as a sphere courage Baerinika shaman would do? I've had a few sparks of role/character ideas that would follow you, and I might try it sometime to avoid being branded a serial goodie player. But #### like Dulzuth? Tattooed? Come on...


Seyriannia: my best friend. I enjoyed running around with you. You taught me a good number of things, and I would have immensely enjoyed exploring ST with you... but for some reason, I never got the nod. Your rp is simple and appropriate. A well fleshed out character played competently. A great ally and friend. People cried about us running together, I think. If you're going to play evil, you need to sack the #### up, imho. It's not for noobs. And for all the people we slept/summoned, how many did we actually seal a kill on? I'm pretty sure you were deadlier solo! I screwed up countless "ganks" of ours, and that has taught me about timing.

Macha: I was glad I could show you a few areas, and I still feel like a jackass for getting you killed and preyed on, then full-looted. I guess vultures can't afford to be good sports. I always enjoyed seeing you/running with you. However, I do have to echo Nizi a bit: you do seem quite knowledgeable at some times in some areas, and then clueless in others! I do think some of it is the youthful rp, but, then again, I have a very high standard for transmuter allies after running with Enarn. I think you're having fun, and I'm glad you are.

Nizidrayt: You were funny, competent, and solid. Not much I can say besides "Kudos, well done, and you are super-cool... comrade!"

Teldassil: I was a little surprised to not see a goodbye on your thread, but it's all good. I wasn't the hugest standout in a time when Outlander was swarming with strength. I was glad when you decided not to rage-delete, and it was *great* to have eyes in the sky. I thought your character idea was good and well-played. You were another person that made it obvious to me that Glordath wasn't quite made to be an Outlander, due to our conflicts over CB. Although, as I understand it, some measure of conflict is supposedly built into Outtie. Well done, good job, and hope to run with you again.

Jayundar: I started hating you when you twisted around a declaration of mine over CB, and Eshval gave me a mocking pecho. I wanted to kill you, but I guess that's not going to happen now. Your nonchalantly wicked rp was pretty slick, though. Hope things go well.

Jhoqu: I think I said all I could on your thread. You are a rockstar. I really, really hope to play on your side again. Great, great, great arpee.

Teliel: You're a weird one. Definitely a nice guy, but not sure what to make of you! Your rp is consistent and interesting, good luck!

Kirsca: I hope you make it in! I was always rooting for you and wish I could have done more for you!

Assorted Evil Outlanders: I was a #### to you guys, if you made me pay attention to you. Meh. Seems like the few of you were pretty neat which, sadly, I couldn't really partake in.

Any other ally, if I forgot you, please "holla at me". Outlander is a fun cabal: it's all about freedom, baby. It appeals to my radically unorthodox, non-conformist thinking, and is a ton of fun to rp, with so many starkly different characters all interacting and trying to figure out how to work together. That is infinitely more interesting to me than the Imperial "we're all OE, and we all want to backstab each other and drag our competition down to achieve top dog". Sure, they might do it in different ways and have different role motivation... but bleh. Besides, we all know Imperials are ####heads.

Yay Outlander. I"ll definitely be back.

Past chars: Mendecirith Ieyasu'olas the Heart of Gold.... and some unimportant sub-hero dudes :P

69579, Enemies!
Posted by Aodh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Fendril: You come first, because I'm really ####ing sorry. When everybody else would run away, log, ditch, you stood tough. Even if it meant you were most certainly going to die. And I'm sorry for the crappy full-loot and other garbage that happened to you. Way to be a trooper. Much respect, and I hope you get rewarded for having so much guts.

Elorit: You were a big coward. I don't think you know where your wands are, and that's gotta be tough.

Trovaine/Takezenallan: ... I'm not sure what to say. I've never played a Trib, much less a goodie Trib, but you two never, ever hesitated attacking me and my goodie cabalmates. I can't say whether it was only when we were flagged or not... but at least a little rp on our first meeting? Meh. I suppose I should play it before I lecture.

Bhaer: walrus + abs must be hard. I'm sure you're skilled, but that form seems like a pretty sick "I win" button. Sure, you can't really chase for beans, but if you're in a raid/defense situation where lot's going on, outers, inners, or guards are making fleeing problematic, being able to be a mostly invincible tank seems pretty sick. Also, for what it's worth, I never really saw a difference from... any of the shifters melee when I/we maledicted their strength (that's all a shaman can really do, stat-wise). Even withered. Wasn't sure what to do against you, as was probably quite obvious.

Aerlach: I was so happy when you deleted. #### thieves. #### them in their stupid asses. I really wanted to full-loot you more. But, alas, no lag ability = no kill sealing in a majority of situations.


Kostyan: I have to wonder if your inability to rile me up with your taunting made you angry, instead. I don't know what your saves are, or what crazy legacies you have... but I just couldn't touch you. And you did a stupid amount of damage with what looks like a pretty crappy damroll. Well played... I guess?

Kornuel: Good job at killing me. I guess. The combination of the auto-powers and feign weakness was pretty over the top, from my point of view. Feign weakness is op. I was very happy when we successfully ganged you those... 2 times?

Ijerga: We only fought mano-a-mano once, and as I recall I won pretty hard. Then there was that one day that I fought Kostyan, you came out of nowhere and helped wtfpwn me, then I spent another hour or two dying to you two over and over because my allies and I could not, NOT coordinate to even attack NEAR the same time. Curse of being a chaotic lawbreaker I guess?

I never fought any other important Imperials more than a handful of times. Except Harro I guess. Ahtieli always worded out quite quickly.


Ruhktanshi: hey, 5 people in a brawl? Why don't I fiend them?!?!? Wait, were any of them mages...?
I'm going to guess you have a ton of edges. I'm not quite sure how the antipathy between you and... a lot of people started, but I can see how it was nurtured into a big fat ball of hatred. Your fiends were stupidly strong. Well done with the e;e;e;e;sing grand. And calling my allies whores. I was very happy to get under your skin when Seyriannia and I boxed you into the Village. I only wish we could have done it a LOT more. Oh, and killed/fulled you.


Igbah: You have some shiny gear and you do a lot of damage. Yay. Yay for Iggy?

Waris: I didn't really care for the "rp" at me, but I suppose it's probably good duergar rp. Just felt quite OOC to me. With how much damage you could do to me, and how easily you could have probably killed me if you tried? I was puzzled at never, ever, ever finding you... anywhere. Or doing anything. Alone, anyway. Do you just go get the black opal and just hang out somewhere?

Kharnial: You're a shifter. Whee. Makes for an impersonal foe.

Satebos: I would always have to say "But not to insult the vultures" when speaking of you. Way to... play careful? Heh. I tried to fight you once, and I did some mauls I believe, while your army pwned me. I'm thinking that except for a few certain silly strategies, shaman vs lich isn't very useful.

Zuktharg: One of my "favorite" enemies. You're obviously a good player, and have good pk instinct. You can get a good set, hold onto it, and kill lots of people. Your attitude is garbage. I'd really like to see you rp something... not a totally evil, mean-spirited ####head. Making you go OOC was sort of satisfying, given your ####-talking in #DR. A very, very strong opponent who I, sadly, only killed once. When you were naked.

Lonik: #### you, #### thieves, #### them in their stupid asses. No lag ability makes me cry. I would have given Glordath's left arm to full you. And the thing is... I'm not at all sure why anymore.

GG everybody. See you in the Fields. This was quite cathartic. I'm not as bitter as I sound, but it was frustrating to fight with a class that I never figured out how to seal kills with.
69599, Ahtieli always worded out quite quickly.
Posted by Ahtieli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
May be that's because you NEVER tried to fight me alone and always come with group I could do nothing against? While I almost always came to defend against you and your "friends".
69608, RE: Ahtieli always worded out quite quickly.
Posted by Aodh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh, I'm not saying it wasn't definitely the right move on your part, it's just that I never really was in a battle with you as a significant presence in it, except for one fight between a mob of us and I think you, Kostyan or Ijerga, and Kornuel where we got Kornuel.

I would have fought you alone, but we never rolled up on each other alone, iirc.
69581, Also, any critiques, observations, tips on my pk/rp would be VERY appreciated.~
Posted by Aodh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
69586, RE: So my paths end... some thoughts and Outtie goodbyes
Posted by Jayundar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey, I really liked you. You were supposed to hate me.

I was hoping you would be around when I finally got into range, but it appears it won't be the case. Shamans are always hard for all of my characters to fight, so I wasn't looking forward to fighting you, but certainly the back and forth I was!

69592, haha
Posted by Aodh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, you did the creepy evil outlander very well. In the beginning it was very subtle, but started becoming more pronounced as you got more comfortable with it, I think.

It was always clever and biting, and I think that's why it pissed Glordath (never me) off.

Well done, kick lots of defiler ass! Keep the creepy going!
69589, RE: So my paths end... some thoughts and Outtie goodbyes
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>All in all, I realized that Glordath would have been a great
>Fort character. Not so much in Outlander.

I got a similar impression from the little bit I saw of this character.

Aside: There's a comment for his PBF that makes me laugh. Your sense of humor may vary.
69598, Well done
Posted by Nizi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry for forgetting about you in my thread.

I actually liked to travel with you and your attitude/ RP. It is always nice to have hardcore goodie zealot among the branches. Ah, the conflict. Very, very nice to see.

As for your choice of class, if you are ready to trade some survivability for some offence, I would go Baerinka's druid. You could have pretty nice RP line, may be even more interesting, and have the priest of Jaguar you would like to play more.

Also, learn to chase and you should be fine :)

69602, Almost fell out of my chair...
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...this morning when I saw that you had played Glordath. Extra ironic because I was just thinking the other day "Ohhh Mende's posting on Dio's, I wonder who he's playing, I wanna RP with him!!!"

Considering how well Mende clicked with my other persona, Glordath and Baer did not do so well together. I really meant it when I offered you the chance to just worship the Ancients, I would have empowered you all the way and let us part ways. The title I gave as an "A for Effort," because you really were trying and I really do respect that. As far as my actual religion goes...yeah we had a hard time getting on the same page there. I was trying to push you from basic tenants to really understanding the why's and how's behind them. I didn't want to hear "I am the jaguar!!" I wanted to hear "I am the jaguar because of...(the hunt, the stalking, the crippling bite, the wait, the patience, the battle tactics, the strength within, the point of calm to rage, the speed, the lithe grace, the cunning, etc etc)."

I do hope you try again. Baer druid might have been a better fit, as I do think the religion applies itself well to Outlanders, and with a neutral follower I'm always going to be disapproving of anything that harms the light but I won't actually hold it against you. From Baer's perspective, protecting what she believes in is worth dying for. She expects her followers to have the same conviction, but not just to have it but to understand it. To live and breath that thing that you're willing to die for, that you believe in body and soul. Strength of conviction is everything to her. That is what she looks for in a follower.

So, in short - loved the enthusiasm, I'm thrilled as punch to find out that one of my all time favorite players came back to my shrine, and I really hope you try it again!

Cheers - Raybaer