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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ajirkahn Tallanthoralis the Legend of the Battlefield
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=69489
69489, (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ajirkahn Tallanthoralis the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Jun 27 01:21:45 2008

At 12 o'clock PM, Day of Thunder, 10th of the Month of the Dragon
on the Theran calendar Ajirkahn perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
69647, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ajirkahn Tallanthoralis the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Humbert on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Haha thanks for the comment. Yeah I usually would share the not-so-obscure prep knowledge with someone who I've watched enough to know is trying hard and a good player. Problem was I wasn't so sure about you, since I didn't get to talk to you that much. Also, certain preps and area knowledge things are just known to very few people, and it would be quite counterproductive to give away knowledge (which spreads fast!) indiscriminately. Believe me, my first few chars didn't even get any prep help (since it didn't occur to me to even ask about it), but a few more Heroes + knowledgeable players help does get you something.

I had few problems with Ajirkahn, except that time when you swore bloody revenge on the goodly conjurer. Perfectly alright if your role is like that, but you're treading the line for a Maran. I've played a Maran like that, and the IMMs -will- notice and intervene. But props to you if you did this different Maran role intentionally, because it is not easy.
69490, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ajirkahn Tallanthoralis the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Pof Ajirkahn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't post much on the forums... my last notable character being Oriarn who was a cloud giant in Battle who got horribly ####ed up in almost every PK he was in... I made Ajirkahn right around the time everyone started complaining about STSF... wanted to see just how sick the difference was... I gotta say, at first... it was pretty ridiculous... the admins have down-graded it significantly, to the point where it's really only viable against very low int races... I found guys at 20+ int, later on in my career, to be tougher to decipher then they used to be... I didn't do any real number crunching tho...

I made this guy as a honorbound warrior to start... as a aspiring Knight of the Old Code... unlike alot of people tho, I let my actions and interactions shape my future... and so, Honor, began to take on a certain colour, as my role explains, which i'll be certain to purchase in a week or two. I know alot of you people just figure i'd attack whoever and whenever, but my role explains alot about it... I like to think I did alright, considering i'm not l33t at this game, and just really learned how to prep a warrior properly with this character, before this, the only warriors i'd played were villagers. I think and I hope i'm above a 50% ratio, but I gotta say, prior to Soul + STSF I had a negative pk ratio... live and learn I guess...

People I remember who I was fond of -

Mizfara - Good Captain, Solid RP... never got to talk to you much indepth, but then again, I never really followed orders after being Maran'd... something that's explained in my role extensively.

Cyruil - I respected you greatly as I grew up, and really shook my head at times at the some of choices you made when we went to a big fight... i'll still always be fond of that fight in Hamsah where you kept me healed as Igbah was wailing ***DEVA 8-hit flurries on me and I just barely managed to kill him :-P

Kayella - Had mad respect for you... you're long gone, but I looked up to you alot.

Istdinen - My favorite Healer of all time... i'll cherish everything you showed me and all the close fights we had taking on insane odds.
CF needs you if it's going to stay alive, and people like you.

Corriann - Second-Favorite Healer of all time... most priceless moment ever was me, you, and Ilirenen, fighting off Waris, Satebos, Fatfrumos, Igbah and Padraig... we left that fight losing the orb, but we took Igbah and Padraig down and lived to tell of it... that was intense.

Ilirenen - Liked you alot for the brief time we traveled/fought alongside one another... as per above, that was the most memorable fight I had which you were in.

Jalenkan - Good times, always down to throw down for another elf.

Macha - Thank you, Thank you, Thank you... you made my life x5 easier showing me the few things you did, finding me as I was wracking my brain, being like, how am I gonna figure this out :-P

Inger - Solid BattleRager... mad props, keep up the good fight.

Ruhktanshi - Same as above... I still remember that kill on Kornuel and Ijerga like it was yesterday... beautifully executed on all our parts considering how bad we started out.

Humbert - Solid Storm warrior... my only gripe... spread your knowledge to more players... I realize it's nice to have them yourself... but honestly... share the wealth, that's always been my motto.

Seyriannia - Really appreciate everything you showed me/helping me out whenever I was suddenly overwhelmed, outnumbered, or outmuscled... we made a deadly combo me in you, pissed off alot of folks i'm sure... we worked -extremely- well together... don't think there was a single other PC who I ever fought with who I knew was going to read my mind... who enabled me 10 times more victories then losses... ####, I can't even remember if I ever did die with you when you were still together and hadn't been split apart :-P

Characters that leave a sour taste in my mouth (Aka Douchebag Awards)

The Biggest Douche of the Universe - This is split between two characters... both of them personifying douchebaggery to the fullest extent possible.

Both these characters earn this award for there countless efforts to continue to cripple and deter the playerbase from this game. I hope you guys truely earn the banning you deserve... call it roleplay, call it whatever... it's called being an ass and having no sportsmanship whatsoever.

Zuktharg the Highlord of Douchebaggery, Full-Looter Extroadinare
Fatfrumos the Douchebag Supreme, Advisor to all other Douches

Sletren - Very, Very, Very lame, telling me to come get my corpse, only to force me to unghost so you could kill me again... I relished everytime I killed you.

Igbah - I liked you as a foe... I hated you for enabling such total losers to continue tromping about, using absurdly OP powers to continue to full-loot/sac the entire mud over... real lame man, you're the leader, stand up and straight create a IC excuse if you have to, sportsmanship is a necessity in the community we have.

Kostyan - You did alot of Droghnund ####... quiet/telling me something/quiet... or ignoring... I realize you had gripes against me, but just understand that when you die, and you have better gear, you should expect to lose it... FYI - I lost all respect for you when half-dead, I returned your gear, you gave me your word you wouldn't unghost... you unghosted only to try and kill me again... I sacced all your #### for that stunt and you proceeded to bitch and swore to full-loot/sac me whenever you could... good thing i'd make sure you couldn't carry ####all when I did die... all in all, I think I still got you a good 3-4 times... that's more then most.

Kornuel - When someone takes your preps, and leaves you your rods and other stuff that he doesn't need... don't complain... some of us don't have the potion knowledge you do... I also don't really care for my enemies having endless escape supplies... i'd rather give them all there gear to fight again... for a bard, I needed to do what I could to try and lever some upperhand... as near everytime I did take you, it was a group on group battle... still, you were tough.

As for the admins... I didn't get much interaction from upstairs... but I didn't really look for it either... in the end, I became nothing more then a bloodthirsty zealot, just barely walking over that fine line of Maran... I enjoyed the character though, just got tired in the end... realizing that quite honestly, people like Zuktharg and Fatfrumos just make this game pointless from my perspective... I would just rather find other things to do with my time is what I guess it boils down to.

Thanks for the great game...

Some of the former characters...
Alcaledes - Tiger/Rattlesnake Shifter in Scion under Akscereh
Tristea - Storm Paladin in Dawn (First Hero ever) Bria tattoo
Arkan - Elf Warrior in Empire
Oriarn - Cloud Warrior in Battle

69491, Here we go.
Posted by Kostyan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First. Yes, I fully deserved full sac. for that action in the Fortress - when I unghosted before you and Iliriend and died again.

THATS IS WHY, I calmed down and didn't full saced you shortly after that.

Second. I don't care about eq. I care about ####ty actions. You did the ####ing ####ty thing. You were crying not to touch you (And I didn't) and 30 seconds after that you ganged the hell out of me. And..Listen carefuly here, perhaps it will help you in a future...I didn't care about that eq..I was ####ing pissed by your action.

You were like that coward on the street, who screams 'Don't kill me, Chuck, please, I am so weak and injured'. And when Chuck turns around, that guy puts the knife in his back ;)

Third. I turned ignore on, when you start to talk the #### about how mighty you are, when you were hiding at the Watcher or behind others. Grow up a bit.

PS: 3 or 4? Doesn't matter. You were the fresh meat. I always expect to die some when I harvest souls in that temp like I do.
69492, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ajirkahn Tallanthoralis the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Mizfara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My two complaints about you were 1) you were bossy, and 2) you punitively withheld gear from people who hadn't really done anything to deserve that kind treatment.

With the "bossy" thing, I had reports from other marans that you ordered them around whenever I wasn't on. Then, after one raid where we both almost died, you gave me a pseudo-patronizing lecture about what I should have done differently. I'm not perfect, and it may well be that there are things I should have done differently in that specific situation. It was your tone I objected to.

With the gear thing, I recall you deciding that this mid-ranked anti-paladin who'd died attempting to retrieve his item (against odds, mind you) should have his Dern gear taken away and left in the chest. Never mind that, at the time, I don't think there was a single dwarf in the Fortress, and there were no dwarves online.

Other than those two points, though, I had no complaints.
69500, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ajirkahn Tallanthoralis the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Pof Ajirkahn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just gotta say... when a level 26 A-P has what is clearly a hero-set... it's quite obvious where it came from... especially one who dies so stupidly at the Maran, that is not the caliber of player that manages to hold on to Pwent gear after butchering a sleigh of opponents... So yeah... if he dies, in my opinion, at level 26, sac the stuff and let a hero go and gather it.

As for the Bossy... you're talking about a character developing as it went along... when I started in the Fortress it was Yes, Sir, blindly following orders from Maran, b/c we're a military, we're a brigade, we have a chain of command, and my guy saw himself as among the most seasoned of soldiers within the Brigade towards the end (And he was). As for patronizing you for doing things wrong, I did that alot... after taking the first six deaths to my groupmates doing everything wrong and keeping my tongue held, I decided i'd enlighten them... I guess it's why in the end, I really only had two or three people that I actually wanted on my side in a group on group battle... most folks just freeze... as for the tone, I had become a bitter and jaded Maran... the role will explain it once I purchase my PBF.
69506, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ajirkahn Tallanthoralis the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Mizfara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Just gotta say... when a level 26 A-P has what is clearly a
>hero-set... it's quite obvious where it came from...

It's not obvious to me. Actually, the most likely situation I can see is that some good-aligned hero hooked up a low-level dwarf, then this A-P killed that dwarf. I'd be more inclined to keep or destroy the gear if he'd been a wuss and *not* come to retrieve. But instead he tried (and failed) to do something daring/impressive. I try not to punish people for taking risks, except in situations where they appear to be taking those risks only because they have "nothing to lose".

Besides, if he sucked that much, someone in his PK would have killed him for the gear before long anyway, so there was no need for me to expedite the process.

>we're a military, we're a brigade, we have a chain of command,

We are a military, and there is a chain of command. You were an officer, so to speak, but there is no rule in the Fortress that says senior members have authority over junior members of the same "rank". You were bossing around other Maran. That's uncool. Giving advice, being a leader, etc. That's all good. Being bossy = bad.

>as for the
>tone, I had become a bitter and jaded Maran... the role will
>explain it once I purchase my PBF.

No offense, but it sounds like you had become a bitter and jaded *player* of a Maran.
69507, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ajirkahn Tallanthoralis the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Just gotta say... when a level 26 A-P has what is clearly a
>hero-set... it's quite obvious where it came from...
>especially one who dies so stupidly at the Maran, that is not
>the caliber of player that manages to hold on to Pwent gear
>after butchering a sleigh of opponents...

That's your assumption; while it may be right, I've seen a lot of the best players in the game have a bad day and lose in a stupid way, or lose to (generally) much, much worse player.

I mean, if you wanted to take the gear, you could, and you did -- but your assumption doesn't turn it into something worthy of praise. It just is what it is.
69495, Interesting.
Posted by Takez on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This was one of the chars I wanted to comment on in my goodby, but had forgotten your name.

I am surprised to see that you aren't one of the known "plays outlanders all the time" characters.

Heh, you were one of the two reasons why I almost never ever ever got a heartseeker *wink*.

But what got me, was that especially in our early talks, you sounded 110% like an outlander.

I mean word for word without any deviation, the same arguments I have heard from outlanders through many characters, and even the arguments I've used as an outlander in the past.

I guess I can see some of it now that I see you were sooooo friendly with sey and macha, but it always seemed strange to me, IC and OOC, that a maran would be so friendly with lightwalkers who hunt and kill other lightwalkers.

I guess, ooc, I wasn't expecting you to take the Trib's side against outlanders, because trib lightwalkers sometimes hunt lightwalkers too,.

And I wasn't too surprised that you sided with the folks that you had been friendly with the longest.

What was so surprising was that in most of our talks, you sounded like an outlander who was in the wrong cabal.

I believe you even implied that the lightwalker innocents that would be hurt when you helped burn Galadon to the ground were acceptable to get at the darkness inside.

Although to be fair, when I called you on that IC, it seemed from then on you started to pull back from the rabid outlanderish and seemed to remember that you were in the Fortress not outlander.
69497, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ajirkahn Tallanthoralis the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>the admins
>have down-graded it significantly, to the point where it's
>really only viable against very low int races... I found guys
>at 20+ int, later on in my career, to be tougher to decipher
>then they used to be...

Pretty sure how that works hasn't changed over the life of this character.
69499, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ajirkahn Tallanthoralis the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Inger on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you were pretty sharp. From what I witnessed of you, you did a very good job. I had interacted with you as Oriarn with another character and it seemed like you took Ajirkahn to a whole nother level. Great work!
69508, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ajirkahn Tallanthoralis the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Igbah on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Igbah - I liked you as a foe... I hated you for enabling such total losers to continue tromping about, using absurdly OP powers to continue to full-loot/sac the entire mud over... real lame man, you're the leader, stand up and straight create a IC excuse if you have to, sportsmanship is a necessity in the community we have.

Dude, if anyone has had sportsmanship, it's been me. I will drop more when I'm gone, but don't bring my playstyle into this. I take it personally
69509, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Ajirkahn Tallanthoralis the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by TheFrog on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think he refered more to people under you in the cabal, than you directly... Like if you could, and should, make sure no one full loot/sac in your cabal.

But I might be mistaken of course... And I don't know anything about either char so I'm not taking any "side" here.