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Topic subject(AGE DEATH) [SCION] Dkarfvoor Ter'aaknm the Hand of the Unseen, Kingpin of Galadon
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=69008
69008, (AGE DEATH) [SCION] Dkarfvoor Ter'aaknm the Hand of the Unseen, Kingpin of Galadon
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu May 22 22:09:49 2008

At 12 o'clock AM, Day of Thunder, 31st of the Month of Nature
on the Theran calendar Dkarfvoor perished, never to return.
Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
69393, RE: (AGE DEATH) [SCION] Dkarfvoor Ter'aaknm the Hand of the Unseen, Kingpin of Galadon
Posted by Praeto on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just looked through your PBF and you had ragers leveling you, and you were a scion! thier sworn enemy, that is badass!
69404, Yeah, that is kickass. I managed to do that with Deiha as well...
Posted by Deiha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But me trying not to look scion lasted for 4 RL days... Than 90% knew. But for some it took longer. hehe
69315, Heh Scion... now thats a surprise
Posted by Rioko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wish I could have found more time in the last month to play but sometimes it just doesn't work out.

Thanks for the stuff you showed me and the time we travelled together. :)surprise
69075, RE: (AGE DEATH) [SCION] Dkarfvoor Ter'aaknm the Hand of the Unseen, Kingpin of Galadon
Posted by Praeto on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Awesome job, I never once suspected you were Scion, but always knew you were evil. I didnt have the slightest clue.
69061, RE: (AGE DEATH) [SCION] Dkarfvoor Ter'aaknm the Hand of the Unseen, Kingpin of Galadon
Posted by Dizari on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hah! I'm glad you remembered the sea of despair incident. Often times it seemed that most people forgot I was a chaotic evil drow. So occassionally it was nessecary to be a little devious. You had me scared a few times when you caught me without malleability up and began binding away. Somehow I always managed to escpae, the same could not be said for you. Anyways, when we wern't trying to pk each other we made a pretty brutal combo.
69052, You sure fooled me =P
Posted by Teldasill on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great character, you were soooo deceiving.. and it's so easy to be deceived IC and be like "Oh well that guy is being a douchebag" OOC and then theres the stellar RP deception which you pulled off so well.

I never knew if you were a scion or not. I was told you were in game and figured that after three more people saying you were I would start gunning for you.

I felt so bad after I killed you that time in Galadon. Seyriannia gave me the mask of Anazu and when I flew to you on the outskirts and you jacked me instantly I was like wtf that must have been a spam blackjack 1. I came back in Galadon though and you kept trying to hide so I guessed you didn't suspect it so I landed the kill. I'm so sorry you got fulled, I couldn't do anything about it.

Good stuff though.. it's good to know it was played by one of my favorite ragers ever =D Make something new and cool again!

69069, RE: You sure fooled me =P
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah I had been playing whack-a-bard with Sey, you flewto me once as I was moving and I instantly got some bj 1. on. Never occurred till too late that it was the mask rather than the random out of hiding that seems to occasionally happen. When I saw you change to tiger I was too slow with the teleport, and I had used my last travel orb, ce'st la vie. One of the real 'irks' about binders is how problematic certain forms can be. Flying forms can easily just fly up, certain animals who have four limbs still can't be bindhand, and tied.
Outlanders were the group who legitimately could have known I was Scion as Feil saw the nightwalker greet me silently the instant before I jacked him and then chased him down with Shenkov (Damn you Twist!!!) Luckily he was gone soon after and I was hoping that a period of non-confirmation might cast some doubts.

Nice job with Teldasill, its a nasty combo.
69048, No more bondage
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well a long ride on what was really just rolled to check out some of
what I thought might be possible with a binder. I did find a lot of
what seemed buggy things, some great tactics and neat things I had
never knew existed. Last thief I played had dual backstab.

Binders are absolutely hellish for some classes if they land the jack,
and a complete joke against others so much so it was hardly even worth
the attempt at times, so I would revert to robbing people blind. Having
everyone in the victims cabal race to the spot 9/10 times is just annoying.

Anyway there are a ton of people who will rightly be glad I am gone.
I hope just as many who will be going "What the hell! He WAS a Scion!"
Dkar's role was all about strength through deception and manipulation.
Constantly playing others off against each other, insinuating himself
into situations where he could play both sides and come out with a profit.
There was one and one only person who wasn't a Scion who could have known
with certainty I was of the fold. Several twats who deleted basically outed
me on both Dio's and Officials. I appeciate the Imms/VIPs who helped mitigate
the damage. But the OOC word was definitely out, and it wasn't suprising to
see the players who 'miraculously' concluded I was Scion. I spent most of
my time without using nightwalkers (I could have racked up way more kills if
I had) and very limited use of nightfist (only when noone was around to see)
The chasm was also the last place I would run to or hide out in. Although several
times I would enter during raids if I thought I could snatch the scepter.

I am going to send Kasty some of his role entries as I think they might
make good into web tales.

Anyway, too many hours to remember everyone.
But here goes some highlights:

I of course was playing you as much as you were playing me.
I used your thirst for knowledge to leverage my position in Galadon
along with some other powerplays I snatched the Kingpin spot all on
other peoples dime. I think I actually had to work for maybe 90 gold
of the 1500 I donated. Even my joining fees were paid by someone else.
I did appreciate the little tricks and tips you threw me.

Boy we had some cat and mouse, I totally should have let the AP cleave you
that time, but I was getting old and sloppy.

binder on binder action is just hilarious. Problem was for the most part
there was an army of people waiting to untie and assist you. Although
on occassion I was able to call in some scions. =0)

Another constant running battle. I don't think we ever got each other, but
we both came close once or twice.

Man I can't believe you failed! I gave you as much help as a could without
actually giving you the items.

Old fart. But boy what a stink you raise when you get going.

I loved to take your shinies, and tried to manipulate Klurak into the Throne.
But it was not to be and when you got eyes I just took to avoiding you. Unless
you were running through Galadon and then I'd steal your gold.

Stole from you, gave you things, attacked you, passed you information, ratted out
your location to your enemies.

we traded and bartered, passed info and plotted. Completely rotten. I made a point
not to piss off duergars.

Boy I stole so much from you while you stood around Galadon, I think you only busted me
once for the orb of travel.

Yes I totally led you on a dance through Galadon until my cabalmate got the stalks and
the assassinate on you. I kept going to sleep and claiming he strangled me.

man my spider senses just screamed at me under the sea of despair, but I hesitated and
that was all you needed. You were a couple role entries and some sweet sweet revenge.

Loved your role. My deception was more important to me than your life I fear, but I loved
the scam we ran on Andaayhn. Wish you had been around more.

Right that's all that springs to mind for now.
Holler out.
69053, RE: No more bondage
Posted by Mizfara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
God did I hate you. You and...uh...that other female Scion thief whose name I can't remember. I seriously considered taking the anti-knockout Buki edge solely because of your character. It helped for our fights that I don't care around a lot of spare weapons. So, other than the possibility of you calling in a gang, I could afford to get knocked out and not suffer any big consequences.

That time with Venecfis: If I hadn't developed a sudden and acute case of tunnel vision, then I might have been able to kill you and still get out of there alive. I had my chance, between bashes, but like a moron I thought I had a chance to beat Venecfis as well, after you were out of the picture. Ooops!

btw, I recall at least one time where you accused me of calling in cabal help when, in fact, I had not. I didn't bother to tell you that in game since I figured you wouldn't believe me anyway, but...it's the truth.

Anyway, well played. Binders do indeed seem sickly vs. certain classes if you have time to work your mojo. Out of curiosity, how frequently did an immediate gag after the initial blackjack serve to keep your victims from calling in help? Were most people smart/fast enough to cb "Help!" before you got them gagged?
69059, It was youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!
Posted by Zen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hah! Ironic because the character I played preceding Bhalfwei and the one directly afterwards were both worshipers of Ysal: Tahrlaw the minotaur and Saglethrup, the gnome healer, not to mention Tynnyn the Maran/iForgetTheNameofYourMortalTribunal interaction. Sheesh.

Bravo, I loved the character OOC, but disliked him IC. Bhalfwei thought Dkarfvoor was suspect, using the Scions for his own gains and unwilling to give back to the concentrated effort for bringing the Night, and unreliable (You definitely had me pulling my hair out on several occasions when I was inches away from PK victory instead of death.) I think my PK ratio had to be absolutely wretched, as I tended to over-extend myself.

Anyways, consider me name #1 on the Ysal fan club list. Your contributions are enjoyed and appreciated.


69068, Bastid
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm still ticked off that you totally fell flat with Saglethrup. Thought I was finally going to get my first Priest of the Paragon. Bleh!

Keep the quality chars coming.
69065, Enjoyed your char...
Posted by Dragrahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Every once and a while I'd hear "I have so and so tied up", and wonder why you'd call me to kill him instead of doing it yourself.

Anyways, I didn't mind if it was a magi. I also didn't mind you passing info to me :)

Later man.
69067, Heh
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Usually it was something devious or manipulative. Sometimes it was
because there were other binders in their range and I was double
dealing. Jacking them, stealing all their #### and blaming it on someone
else, calling in you to hopefully kill them so I could remain blameless
and keep whatever false alliance with them intact. Also it perpetuated
the myth to the village that I wasn't Scion.
69070, And all that time I just thought you were a pu$$y...
Posted by Dragrahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just kidding.

I figured you were trying to get me to be blamed for stealing, and at the very least get me in trouble for jacking/binding in town.

Towards the end, our playing times didn't match up well - I wanted to get some guild interaction going.
69071, I was actually snooping
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
the fort kids when they "concluded" you were Scion. It was a matter of folks just talking to eachother and noticing your patterns and your 'sudden' appearances in raids and battles. Several folks busted your deception long ago, they just failed to communicated it to others, which was great for you...foolish for them.

For my part, the usefulness to Scion of someone who cannot actively participate in cabal defense and raids is very limited. If mortals weren't in charge, I would have likely tossed you. If your pk record was better, you could make a better case for usefulness to Scion. As you mention, however, binders can be formidable, but folks are always untying your victims. Also, you would need to make a case for a deceptive character's worth via 'I stole stuff and gave it to my cabalmates to make them tougher,' or 'I stole stuff from enemies to weaken them,' and so on. Sometimes you would let Scions know you had so-and-so bound, come whack them...which kinda lets folks know you had some affiliations.

Generally, cool character.


I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me. - Hunter S. Thompson
69072, I generally agree
Posted by Dwoggurd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When the said thief acts like a scion (coming for raids from nowhere, for example) he is "effectively" a scion. So I would call him scion over cb even if I'm not 100% sure that he's an actual member of the cabal.
69073, Yep
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was the fine line I walked, I pumped some very pimp gear towards Scions, all with the goal to keep me where I was.
69074, I'm sure you knew where you stood with me then
Posted by Waris on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I actually had considered tossing around the idea with Igbah to get you booted, but our times seemed to match up too rarely for me to remember something like that and ask.

I on a player level enjoyed watching you work, binders are tough to play and you often swung some cool stuff but it seemed like you didn't have shadow drag?

Your RP was intresting, and of course Waris never trusted you a inch.
69445, RE: I'm sure you knew where you stood with me then
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heheh Yep and that was an inch more than Dkarf trusted Waris.

As I responded to Eshval, I knew the route I was taking was a tough row to hoe, and that much of what I pulled off wasn't going to get much notice as far as contributions to Scion went, but still 16 retrievals wasn't too shabby considering I managed to pull each and everyone off without letting anyone in the enemy cabal know who had gotten the Scepter back.

I actually was about to hand that mace to you as I got older, but then I got nuked at the fort and that was one of the things I lost.

I did actually go up to Shadow drag, and IMHO it was a waste. The only nifty thing I pulled off with it was knocking out some nasty mobs and binding them into the shadows, then dragging an invoker into the room. When you use it on a PC all they need to do is 'vis' or do any of the other kind of actions that would normally bring a hider out of the shadows.
69454, Completely off the character subject
Posted by Shadowmaster on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"I did actually go up to Shadow drag, and IMHO it was a waste. "

I think there is another use of this skill that might make it oh, amazingly OP. That could just be me misunderstanding the skill, though }(
69088, Everytime you stood next to me...
Posted by Fendril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was constantly checking my inventory. Good thing I rarely, if ever, have anything worth stealing on me! I did ask you once, point blank, if you were a scion. "Who me? No, you are thinking of that other thief in the other city." I didn't believe you but whether you were or not made no difference to me. Well done.
69109, Luckily
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You didn't type 'worth' as often as you did 'inv' I would always lift a few pockets of gold off you.
Then there was the humansunder incident which was just hilarious. Igbah had just lost one and, as I was alway scheming into his graces, I thought to procure the one you had, but I couldn't remember if it would zap humans just on holding, or whether I had to wield it, so I took the chance.
Nice job on Fendril good solid Tribby.
69091, I am SO SO SORRY! txt...
Posted by Deiha on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't think AT ALL when I posted that logg on dios that got removed. I really didn't want to blow your cover there. Really sorry about that.

I almost made a bit mistake with Khurga aproaching you as you would have been a Scion when he really shouldn't know. Though after I wrote the first line I realized what I was doing so tried to cover it up. heh

I really enjoyed your char. Hope you enjoyed it as well. heh
69096, Our interactions were fun, thanks.
Posted by GinGa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Klurak was completely unaware, because the only person who seemed to believe you were a Scion was Ophanelu. And Klurak never liked her :)

I personally knew quite early unfortunately - one of the disadvantages of being the person cleaning up on Dio's. I made a point to keep it out of the game though. However, towards the end there was simply too much overwhelming evidence in terms of peoples attitudes for Klurak to ignore - and with Enlilth watching my every move it would've been folly to keep up that charade.

Great work on a deception character. They're not nearly as easy to do as some might claim, and it's definetly another notch to add to your huts doorframe. Keep growin' tall little biddy.
69111, Yes indeed.
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For each person who abused their OOC discovery of my Scioness I know there was at least one who definitely went out of their way not to. Much appreciated as I would have deleted Dkar long before otherwise.

I was so aiming to vault Klurak into the Emperor seat, simply because Dkar didn't Oppy or Dagger-boy, and I knew the shinies was a good in with the greedy duergar priest. Alas things didn't go as planned, I schemed against Oppy, planting dessension where I could, but it was not to be.
Good job with Klurak, I always enjoyed our Machiavellian plotting and object trading.