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Topic subject(DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Jhoqu the Source of Dedicated Hope, Harbinger of Thar-Eris
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=68939
68939, (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Jhoqu the Source of Dedicated Hope, Harbinger of Thar-Eris
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat May 17 12:48:47 2008

At 9 o'clock PM, Day of the Great Gods, 26th of the Month of Nature
on the Theran calendar Jhoqu perished, never to return.
Cabal:OUTLANDER, the Outlanders of Thar-Eris
68959, did you ever get laid???
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved this character. Im going to keep some of her alive with any future outlanders I have.

Just fun to be around every time.

thanks for some good times.
68967, RE: did you ever get laid???
Posted by Jhoqu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah Lyr had an elder named cloud giant come from a land to the east and magic me up. Lyr said over there the wild things had already won and tore up all the cities so he would take my young with him there to train and raise them. Was a great way to help me with my role angle without having to mudsex amongst the thorn bushes. I was hoping to play it all the way out and see the two lil buggers born before I called it quits, but it seemed the right time. Good to see you still playing Pro.
68950, Thanks for making Jhoqu fun..txt
Posted by Bad Ivan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks to everyone who made Jhoqu so much fun to play. I was looking
for something to roll up and a few guys on Dios were saying they thought a Cloud / Savage / Mountaineer would be strong on raids and in their terrain. I hope my efforts at it did not disappoint too much. I had only played one Outtie prior and that did not go far as I didn't like the char. I knew next to nothing of the "special" Cabal stuff and little of the real idea of the Cabal. As a chronic Scion player I must say Outlander may have won me over. There is a great dynamic in the Cabal between the diff aligns and other Cabals. I felt I fulfilled what I set out for the Char and wanted to go out while I was happy so I called it quits. Sorry if I left in apps in a lurch as I tried my best to speak with any I saw online.

I only have a few regrets with the char as I seemed to enjoy each login. I should have posted a role earlier, and completed the one I started. I delayed as I kind of wished the char to develop from her interactions instead of being pre-scripted. I should have just got to work and finished it to help the Imms follow my course. I also wanted to age die Jhoqu and try to earn a spot on the Totem but I just didn't think I had another three hundred hours in me. Maybe next time. Last off I wished I had been maybe a bit more aggressive.
I think I could have done the combo proud but I seemed to always find a reason to talk instead of fight. I enjoy the PK aspect of the game also and should have done better on that side.

I wanted to say something about the state of the game in general. I keep hearing some decrying the faults of the game and it's players but I never saw it with Jhoqu. Almost across the board my interactions with others were positive, even with those I considered my Archenemies. I approve of looting and think it is up to the each players discretion. I tried to only take really interesting gear from my kills and in turn I think I never lost more than maybe five or six pieces of gear when I died. I'm talking even when I died on the Tribunal's doorstep. Good showing on most every ones part.

Lots of Goodbyes - I suck with names so forgive the spelling.


Lyristeon - Thanks for all you do for the Cabal. I know you were a lot of hats up there but it was a pleasure when you would come calling over cb. Jhoqu was way to conservative to ever be a follower of the Imp but you made me wish to try at times. Sorry I didn't give you more info to help you with the her direction.

Feilinal (Willowhip) - Twist you are just good for the game bro. I said my goodbyes when you died but damned I missed you once you were gone. You were part of the core of the Cabal and helped me develop Jhoqu. RP and PK. Solid.

Macha (Bonetwist) - You had whipped up on about three of my prior experiments when you were as weak as lvl 16 I think. Both loners for the most part less raids so it was always a pleasure when we got a chance to speak. Thanks for giving your side of the Tree such a steady presence.

Cyrein (Hand of Ancients) - I didn't take to you at first for some reason but wow did that change. You taught me more about how the Cabal functioned and the history of it than anyone. I hated that Heroimm life didn't work out as you would have been a true asset to the Cabal.

Dejek (Creepen Thing) - You were an example of what I really enjoyed about the Cabal as expressed by the differing aligns. You were evil in the "I flat enjoy being evil" kind of way and out interactions made me always hope you would log on. Absolutely fearless.

Riv (Lorespeaker) - I never got to witness you in action much but your roleplay was so solid it challenged me. I had heard of Outlanders who would sit around for hours never coming out of camo but didn't believe it. Now I understand how that happens. We would sit around for absurd amounts of time just discussing backgrounds and ideas. Thanks for helping to develop Jhoqu so much.

Throkk (Hot Winds) - Braver than I will ever be. As I said in your deletion thread I just don’t that I have that much aggression in me but I am going to try. Throkk influenced my next char build and I'll see where it ends up. Thanks for being the big, hateful, blackhearted bastard that the Cabal needed.

Vreshok(sp) (Beastkin) - You were the ranger I wanted to be but just was not aggro enough to pull it off. Thanks for the interactions and gratz on the position as I think you fit the bill.

Seyriannia (Silvertongue) - Great Char. I know alot of people are upset about you traveling in packs but I never thought negative about it. I saw you work solo plenty and you never seemed to mind. I just get the vibe that you as a player are all about efficiency and see no reason to struggle at something if others are available
that can help. Thanks for teaching me so much and being there for the Cabal.

Glordath(sp) (Fang-Priest) - Maybe the best roleplayed char beside Riv that I have encountered since playing Jhoqu. I hope you go damned far and I think you are deserving of the rewards you get. Your interactions always made the login better.

Sonlial (Lion of the Boughs) - I saw this char develop and thought you would go far. I hate you deleted as you had forms I envied. Thanks for pointing out a few ways for me to fight shifters better.

Baltizar (Deadeye) - What a crappy way for your char to end. I am sorry the things worked out like they did after all your effort. I was really looking forward to seeing you around as you had a great feel to be around.

Nizidrayt - No one plays that combo without knowing what they are doing and it looks like you do. Without you and Tel around to anchor the neutral part of the Cabal I may not have deleted. Keep bringing it.

Teldasill - Great Combo. Great Pk ability. Great RP. Maybe one of the best roleplayed inductions I have participated in. The conversation by the river was important as one of us was going to do what you spoke of. That talk helped me determine which one it was. I expect you be there for some time to come.

Ortmaraak, Havalan, Thukorg, Gujnuz, Kynainan, Thalladius, Nusson, Careashiin and I am sure a lot of others. Thanks for making the Cabal so much damned fun to play. I learned something from each of you and can’t say I ever found someone in the Cabal I flat didn't like...except maybe Careashiin at first but I even came around to him.


Janos - One of maybe the only two or three Chars during the characters like to make me actually worry. You did the evil drow role proud. I shouldn't have been able to get you that one time. I can only think it was some sort of bug.

Igbah - You are the Man and I mean it. It is tuff to play a Scion at times as I have played a many, so I truly appreciate what you have accomplished. Thanks for managing to play a powerhouse with the combination of style and tact. You are proof that the player behind the char dose not have to be an asshole just to roleplay an evil effectively. The incident with Feilinal killing himself via the opium
pipe while you were snared may be one of the all time best. Keep trucking.

Waris - Three times I knew I had you dead to rights and...nothing. I let you walk out of a snare while I prepped. I found you sleeping and mistyped an alias so I quaffed a teleport potion instead of wake/bearcharge. I caught you in a no recall area and set waylay / snare / deadfall series only to have the game crash. Then I one day walk out of the Spire to your dirty blighter butt summoning me
to the hidden room. Man you had the Voodo on me. Thanks for the talks.


Chuck - I hate your Combo as it neutralized mine completely. You were a truly bothersome bastard to fight. That being said Great Char. I never once got a bad vibe from you like I have heard others mention, and you handled yourself in death and victory like a class act. Keep trucking and anathema anyone who becomes
a threat.

Ophanelu - I don't know how I always managed to end up where you were at. I started just leaving you alone contrary to my better judgement after our several fights. Sorry I didn't offer up more interactions as your char seemed to have some


Grecken (Priest of Earth and Sky) - You could have killed me whenever you wanted. I had decided Jhoqu would never attack a Druid. Thanks for the many talks and not abusing the Nexus shift like some would. Thanks for turning about six thousand things to wood for me.

Praeto- My buddy that never was. For two people that never once traveled we sure did talk alot. You were the kind of char that sought interaction and a chance to roleplay. That is what the game needs more of as the development it offers keeps chars around longer and keeps the Cabal shift down. Thanks for all the interest and the chances to help Jhoqu develop.


Inglor - I think I might have had you till you got champions stand. After I couldn’t budge you you just laid wrath sword to me till I ran, often with a hiltsmash tossed in. Thanks for being a consistent foe and contributing so much to the game. The one Mexican standoff we had at the Tree was classic.

Fendril - Man you have heart. I hope they erect a little statue of you in the Spire with bruises and all. I always felt with your legacies / specs that if you would have ever managed an entwine on me one on one then you would have had me. Keep at it buddy.

Takezenallan - You somehow made a fairly competent PKer look wretched in nearly all our encounters. Regardless of my personal hate for the combo your play all ways came off as top notch. I didn't mind loosing several of the nice things I did to you as I know you would keep mixing it up and make use of them. When I lost the bracers I was not even wearing them. Seyria handed them to me during my preping and I didn't notice. Argh..my fault.


Miz - I knew from our first interaction I was enver going to hunt you. You just seemed to be putting too much effort into your char for me to give you yet another problem. Thanks for all our talks and good job on holding the Fort together. I noticed your note revising things before I deleted. Good management call there I think. I never tried to destroy defiance. I killed Naturebane and tried to just loot the damned thing (Screamed roleplay opp) and the sword Unspoke me. It damned near killed me. I just ran like hell and thought the blade stayed there.

I know I am forgetting a ton of people but alot has transpired during the life of Jhoqu. Thanks to all who had a hand in making her worth playing and wish me luck with my next.
68954, You're welcome
Posted by Riv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Um, likewise.

I loved Jhoqu and felt so damn cool when I'd see "Greeten Lorespeaker. Greeten Great Clan" HAHAHA! I got a nickname, bitches! What? What! I really wish I would have recommended you instead of Careashin (no offense, Car :) ) for Harbinger, but for some reason I just didn't think you would want it. Oh well. Like I said, the admiration and inspiration was mutual.

I was Nusson too. Yeah, two w-elf rangers in a row. Yes, I am a masochist, why do you ask? It was nice to see you from a different perspective, to get re-inducted by you (I was so glad it was you instead of an imm), and occasionally feel awesome when you mentioned Lorespeaker.

I'd wish you luck but, honestly, you don't need it.

See you in the fields.
68957, Yeah you were right..txt
Posted by Jhoqu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lyr came and challenged me in a very RP way to take the position. Two things stopped me. First was I was having loads of fun at that lvl and I just wasn't ready to give it up for the mantle of leadership. Second was Jhoqu's roleplay. She would never wished to assume leadership when there was a druid who could do it. I turned it down and agrred to follow the crazed flower picker. It all turned out ok and Care did fine as Harbinger.

From your angle did I handle Nusson's reinduction in a decent way? I have done a few leadership positions before but would like to work on my induction process. Too hard? Too easy? Thanks for bringing both Nusson and Riv to the Cabal as they both added alot to my char.
68968, RE: Yeah you were right..txt
Posted by Riv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Um, I've never had a char REinducted so I can't say. But I thought all of your inductees (including me) were awesome, so take that for what it's worth ;)
68955, Wow. Thank you.
Posted by Glordath on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Glordath(sp) (Fang-Priest) - Maybe the best roleplayed char beside Riv that I have encountered since playing Jhoqu. I hope you go damned far and I think you are deserving of the rewards you get. Your interactions always made the login better."

Damn. I was waiting for you to post your goodbyes so I could tell you how much your rp always struck me as so original, fluid, appropriate, and just ####ing slick. It was obvious you'd been at the character a while, because the speech patterns and turns of phrase you used were magnificent. Perhaps the reason you felt I'm well-rped is because whenever you were around your example helps/helped kick me into top form. Thank you sincerely for that compliment. I'm going to try to go far :)

Also, kudos for being so helpful. I was amazed at your willingness to bitch-rank me and others, notify when getting preps, etc. That can't be the most hair-raising, adrenaline-pumping activity in CF, but you stuck with role and duty flawlessly. Great work setting an example as a leader.

An amazing character. I actually felt the sad emotes I was making as you prepared for your journey. Well done, and tons of luck with the next.
68958, I enjoyed Jhoqu, a lot.
Posted by Seyriannia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Your ability with speech and role were just something to always admire and look up to. You just sparkle with Creative juices!

I know my character has a lot of negative feedback from enemies. I dont let it really get to me though. I prefer group dynamics and working with others. Not only is it beneficial for me but it also is beneficial to others. And I hope people learn. I like coordinating and testing out different abilities/skills with each other. It created roleplay between more than just Me and Enemy. After all, I just cant seem to kill anyone solo.

Often I am running around scouting for the younger people in Outlander or for other targets people are asking about. Majority of the time I sleep said person and then mention I did to all those who were looking for them. I think thats what disturbs people. Soon a Solo me turns into whoever shows up. From 2v1 to 3v1. Sometimes it happens. But I am not one to say, 'ok guys. Two more of you showed up. I'm stepping out of this one.' or 'Sorry guy2, you cannot participate.'. I'll often mention that the chance of killing him is little with this many. But if they choose to strike I will not decline.

but besides that.. I enjoyed our earlier raids on the spire. I died a few times but hey! I'm the bard who is trying to raid spire with THREE rangers against 1-2 defenders! You have to think me crazy. RANGERS!
I laughed about those deaths a few times. Doing it all with 600 hps at my max total at the time.

Then there was that failed kuo-toa trip. I've never actually lead a group to kill the king before or knew exactly what all he did. So it was a new experience for a majority of us. Sorry about the death! I'm still guessing fleeing several times was our fault. Or putting too many people in with the king.

But overall. Excellent job. I'll miss your rp and your char. If you come back as an enemy.. put in some earplugs ;)

68991, RE: I enjoyed Jhoqu, a lot.
Posted by Jhoqu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just wanted to say as player it was obvious to me that you knew a ton about the game. I have played for a long time myself and know a bit of this and that but not at your level. I "the player" was dying to get you to tote me around and teach me a few things but Jhoqu just wasn't that type. I hate I missed a chance to learn some from you. Either way thanks again and just keep doing what you are doing.
68961, Little child of Stone
Posted by Fendril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Much respect to you on Jhoqu. Everytime you and I spoke I really wished I could have spent more time speaking with you. It seemed like everytime you and I started to really get into a good conversation, something would happen and I would have to walk away from my computer for a bit. I swore everytime. I don't know how, but I got really lucky a couple times when fighting you and you missed your ambushes. Unfortunately, it seemed like the only time we fought was when one of use was trying to get their item back. and it was never 1 on 1. Come on over the Spire and try out this life, your RP should be an example for all of Carrion Fields to experience. Not just the scions and ourlanders! Well done and well played. I look forward to your next, even if we will be enemies again.
68990, RE: Little child of Stone
Posted by Jhoqu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had an Arbiter Elder long ago but no tribunals since then. It would likely do me good to play one and see the other side of the fence but the rules as I suppose they are would bug me. No area abilities in town limit many classes and all the town guarding I think would bug me. I'll see you in the fields in one form or another soon.
68963, RE: Thanks for making Jhoqu fun..txt
Posted by Janos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always enjoyed interactions with Jhoqu. Though that one time you ambushed/bearcharged me to death whilst flat (and because I was flat, I didn't have control trans up) I didn't really think much of it - you seemed much more like a roleplayer than a powergamer, and knowing you didn't abuse it or have any knowledge of the bug beforehand made it was less infuriating.

You were extremely conservative against me, and that drove me absolutely nuts. With my neuro edge and haste, I was sure I could have got you good - but you never EVER came close to me. I took it as a compliment of extreme flattery.

Good luck with the next dude.
68969, I dunno...
Posted by Grecken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I coulda done some damage for sure, but rangers have those wooden smashing sticks that Grecken hates. Ambush is one of those skills that the vanguard protects against, so you'd have to come up with a better way or wait till I'm bonded to ambush me. I liked Jhoqu. Solid RP and all that.

Grecken doesn't like hunting outlanders so I pretend like I don't see you unless the fabric of reality becomes maleable, then if it's chaotic or wanted I'll throw a sunray or give it some spores. And since I was the only druid around for quite some time, and order is sure to tip later too, I didn't feel bad about making your items wooden even if chaos tipped a little. I transmuted more stuff for you and Throkk than I have for myself. Anyhow, good luck with your next.

68972, Dejek
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the kind words man. You definately made my play times much much more fun... I would be thinking of logging off and the spirit would announce that you woke up and I would just make myself stay, another half hour/hour/two hours.. whatever it took to hang out and have some fun. Thanks for all the enjoyable interactions and raids against the spire, and of course the random exploring.

68973, Longhair. This saddens me.
Posted by Vreksoek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Jhoqu you were really a tremendously deep and fleshed out character. Seeing a player who can both kick butt and also RP with such color and imagery is just... amazing. I really enjoyed hearing the story behind Longhair Jhoqu, and am glad I got to hear some of it firsthand.

It always put a big huge smile on my face to hear you log in and holler "beastkin,.." followed by all your other nicknames for other folks.

You showed me a couple cool things that really helped me out, and I appreciate that sort of selflessness immensely.

A couple specific memories stick out in my mind about Jhoqu: Firstly, ranking up toward hero just me and you and sitting waiting for repops shooting the breeze near the headhunters- I don't know if I've ever been so enthralled about hearing another character tell their story as that. And also when you were trying to figure out if you should call Vrek beastkin or I think goldenfur... glad you went with beastkin- goldenfur might have made him freak out for so many reasons- wink wink. It is those sort of interractions that makes us keep playing this darned game.

So it seems we will never get the chance for one final hunt together... I hope you made your new family in some corner of the woods and would like to think there's a bunch of young Jhoqus fighting it out in the wilds somewhere... Thanks for sharing Jhoqu with us all.. You'll be missed.

69108, RE: Thanks for making Jhoqu fun..txt
Posted by Cyrein - on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry I missed this, but I just wanted to take a second and tell you that Jhoqu was hands down one of the best roleplayed chars I have been around in a long time. I really enjoyed our interactions and your speech. Hell, I still miss Jhoqu and I haven't even played since Cyrein. Here's to hoping we cross paths again sometime.
68949, Great char.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The fear of spiders, the nickname for everyone, it was all awesome.
Good luck with the next.

- Willow Whip.
68948, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Jhoqu the Source of Dedicated...
Posted by Praeto on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The Best RP and char I've seen since I returned to CF, Very very well done and extremely entertaining to play with.
68947, You made me want to keep playing
Posted by Treebeard_Ort on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your RP was SO flawless - a level I aspire to. Rich and interesting too.

Thanks for being such a good addn to CF. Come on back now ya hear.

Ort Ort ORT
68946, Thanks for taking the time to talk
Posted by Jhailou on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When you're trying to make it into the Refuge but can't find the right person to talk to for a while (though when I finally did see him on it was no problem) its nice to know that everyone else is still willing to sit down and have a chat. Didn't get to know too much about your character but I got a good feeling from our interactions and I was looking forward to anything I'm sure you could have taught me. Good luck with everything
68944, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Jhoqu the Source of Dedicated Hope, Harbinger of Thar-Eris
Posted by Mizfara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Our interactions were pretty sparse, but you seemed like a class act. I was slightly annoyed when you destroyed Defiance after destroying Hiajist on Calandaryl, but...I guess I can understand why you did it. Thanks for not thrashing me like you obviously could have.
68942, You are going to be deeply missed by me.
Posted by Teldasill on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember the first time I ever interacted with you on a previous Outlander I played, and I knew you had Harbinger locked up at some point down the road. We had some really awesome RP sessions and then I left... and after a long break I came back and was like dang, he's still here!

You were a pleasure to be around, very skilled in pk, always unseen when you were on, but most of all your RP inspired me. You were always willing to help the "Clan grow big and strong" which was a lifesaver to me personally once I got up to hero range. I loved that rant about the farmers you gave, it was the last thing I heard you say and just solidified how great of an Rp'er you were and how set you were in your role and speech.

Anyways, I don't know what to say really, I'm pretty upset that you're gone and these RP sessions with you won't happen anymore. Thanks so much for that talk by Azuremain, you really saved me that day, and I hope my tiger skin is with you down deep where the Ancients are.
