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Topic subject(AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Inglor Ars'ion Arelenar the Spirit of the Law, Provost Magistrate
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=68778
68778, (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Inglor Ars'ion Arelenar the Spirit of the Law, Provost Magistrate
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon May 12 21:55:55 2008

At 5 o'clock AM, Day of Freedom, 11th of the Month of the Battle
on the Theran calendar Inglor perished, never to return.
Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal
68962, Damn you, you old, weak elf!
Posted by Fendril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was really hoping you were going to be around for a while since I knew I had these two trips planned back to back! It just figures you go out on the second day of the first trip! I wonder if you will be surprised to hear that this was the second svirf Tribunal I have had that has followed you about? The first had a crush on your drow healer, Ylyssa. Looking back, I can see a few things in common between the two, so I guess it is not surprising. I really enjoyed our talks and listening to your views on how a leader how act. Your views on the Gods and how mortals should treat them made me chuckle everytime we talked about it, because you would say it, but then would just want to run to Lord Marcatis' shrine the second you saw him awake. Well done and I'm going to miss not having you about. I look forward to your next.

-Nancy (aka Fendril)
68899, One of my favorites
Posted by Hrefnwik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You struck Hrefnwik as someone very knowledgeable, and I wanted to be on your good side for all those secrets.

You were fun to talk to, to try to prod, and just the way you carried this character made me feel like I really was an inferior, lowly non-good thief. Much respect.
68809, I enjoyed our interactions
Posted by Sletren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I probably came in toward the end of Inglor's life but I really enjoyed all the interactions/fights. I think they were mostly fights, had much respect for you, and even more now that I see you stuck it out for 800 freaking hours!

Well done.

I still remember one where I was afk, and you and macha came, you summoned me to the nightwalker and macha held me. I came back and I was still held but I wimpied behind the nightwalker.. whew. :)
68782, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Inglor Ars'ion Arelenar the ...
Posted by Ducktrainer. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, what to say about, Inglor? I made him after deleting
Danrae, being appalled with the ganging the poor tribbies were
receieving. When he joined the Spire there was twelve members
to thirty outlanders, with poor old Rywald...(Yes, you guessed
about Telion, Ry} being the only hero. I made Inglor to be
the person who would always keep coming, someone to actually
stand up and start opposing the refuge camo sitting horde.
Inglors early days were horrific! Constantly being ganged down
retrieving...and then he hit the hero ranks and things got really
ugly. Throkk and Werz would take turns slaughtering me, ugg.
Still, Inglors job was to keep coming, so he did. I've never
been, and doubt I ever will a pk monster, but I think with this
ducky, I atleast held my own. I seriously did not think he would
live to reach 51st, much less an age death.
I honestly don't know why I keep making Tribbies...something about
the outlander ethos really anoys me, so blown if I know why I keep
exposing myself to it...things like taking 2 pieces of eq (sorry
Throkk) in 800 hours, and in return being full looted more times
then I can remember just anoys me...Petty yeah?
That said...I do love the Spire. I will always be a lot more rp
centered the pk, and the Spire is seriously the best rp cabal these
days. Nothing else gives more rp, and more chance to interact with
and help people, especially the new comers. Still, think its time
I returned to my froofy roots...playing these noble paladins is
hard work, though I do love their combination of survivability and
ability to help people with healing, sanctifying and such.
Hmm...what else? Had a good few leader chars now, but I think
Inglor is the one I'm most proud of...It just goes to show you
can make a difference in the larger scale of things without being
a pk brute, which I think is a very good comment for the mud
overall =)

Well, more thoughts and a whole lot of goodbyes to come =)
Keep having fun, folks =)


Danrae, Xilla, Telion, Kiamae, Ylyssia. Limnoreia...and gawds knows how
many froofy acolytes and lame easy killed squires who never reach maran =)
68785, [TRIBUNAL] Inglor Ars'ion Arelenar the Provost
Posted by Koolchi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After I saw you as provost and I had a talk with Niheriva about Paladins being Paladins, I thought to try something different. I am not as brave as you were. I learnt so much from this character. I will miss this char.

Also, few times I saw Marcatis logged on Late at night but not you. Couple of times, we really needed your help and so I mentioned on "CB: Provos, wake up; ma need yar halp." and Believe it or not like 20mins later, you get on and Marcatis disappear. After the second time, it was too much of a coincidence. I wanted to say something, but kept my mouth shut.

Anyways, do return to the Tribunal. It was one of the best times I had. Do mention what you thought of me. GLWYN
68803, RE: [TRIBUNAL] Inglor Ars'ion Arelenar the Provost
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Also, few times I saw Marcatis logged on Late at night but not
>you. Couple of times, we really needed your help and so I
>mentioned on "CB: Provos, wake up; ma need yar halp." and
>Believe it or not like 20mins later, you get on and Marcatis
>disappear. After the second time, it was too much of a
>coincidence. I wanted to say something, but kept my mouth

Umm, you are wrong in your presumptions.
68786, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Inglor Ars'ion Arelenar the ...
Posted by Outlandor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I fought you with two different characters, which was a real treat. "cb Hmm, he's standing still, probably have to wait him out." And those guards! I had a sack of Inglor's guard I made soon after I got wilderness familiarity last time. It was a high point. I showed it off to people.

That being said you were...well, I never got a chance to really talk to you, but, really, anyone who age dies a leader gets props from me. A reliable enemy is something to be treasured, and I'm sure you gave lots of other Outlanders a good time too ;)

See you in the fields
68788, Hrmph.
Posted by Grecken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How did you manage to clock in 200 more hours than me? I thought "I" play too much. Yeesh. I hope it doesn't take me 200 more hours to age die... if not I'm goin' for con death. Anyhow... Inglor was my brother in Faith. We never got to tag team Satebos, but it was still fun. You saved Rywand (I think, porcupine) that time in Hamsah with that timely hiltsmash thing. Then you were the FIRST person to ever attack me at the obliviax moss since Istendil did it to my sylvan bard and still managed to rape me. Anyhow, see ya around.
68789, Holy wow.
Posted by Vreksoek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
810 hours. That's old. You played a great Tribunal. So much respect.

You should be proud of Inglor he was pretty good stuff. We had some tangles and you kept me on my toes in the late of the night when not much else was going on.

I'm torn in being stoked that you're gone and bummed that you won't be around any more. Hope that means something. Inglor will be tough to replace, I am sure.
68791, Wow, really really great job with this one. n/t
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
68794, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Inglor Ars'ion Arelenar the ...
Posted by slaid on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
sorry for making you put up with me twice,and yes i had a hell of a time not calling you teleon.
68798, Man.
Posted by Hagart. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Way to stick it out. I knew you had a rough time in the beginning, too. I'm amazed you played as consistently as you did, all the while bringing your A game to the mud. Nicely played, great leader, great output, mucho fun. Thanks for inducting me and interacting with a midbie dwarf, I enjoyed it.

68800, Nice work...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were the closest I ever came to killing a good-align-pc as Feilinal. Not on purpose, either! But you would keep coming and coming for the Scales (nice work) and eventually despite my efforts to just pull you away and eyejab you so you couldn't continue attacking the Huntress, I'd build up STSF counters and start to whoop on you.

Then one time, it seemed like it went totally the other way. I fled from you with like 50 hp left.

We had some good battles. And I decided to see the other side with Gidibibble but I just couldn't handle the char being so boring.

Good luck with the next!
68804, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Inglor Ars'ion Arelenar the ...
Posted by marcatis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Congratulations on an extremely successful character,

Inglor was a quality provst and will certainly be missed. I noticed your hours picked up recently--and became almost perturbed, knowing how much sooner you'd die. A nice long lasting leader, and one you seemed to enjoy, always great to see. And certainly so few age die that when you see it, very remarkable--especially long lived elf-folk!

Beyond that, I'd also say you were a strong follower. Obviously you became more involved in the cabal leadership, which reduced our opportunities to speak, but in the times proceeding that, I hope you enjoyed our talks as much as I.

Best of luck with your next endeavor,

68805, I hoped you weren't as close as you were saying.
Posted by Takezenallan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For like 3 weeks, you've been saying you were about to die.

I had hoped that it didn't mean you were getting tired of the char.

So, do you owe me 50 copper or do I need to give Marcatis the 50 copper to get to you in the afterlife?

Oh, and about that time a few days ago when you tried to give me all your nice stuff? cruel man! hehehe. Ooc I was dancing, until I realized that Ic I couldn't take any of it. I am glad you got a few more days than you were expecting at least.

I can't really describe here how and why, but Inglor looms as a large influence on the early role development of Takez, and he always looked up to you, even if you and your paladinly ways kept telling Takez not to be so rude to the lesser races.

There are alot more comments I'd love to say, but I just can't because of still active characters, so I'll leave it with this.

Good job. Had fun with you. Hope you have fun with your next.
68807, RE: (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Inglor Ars'ion Arelenar the ...
Posted by Patick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey I don't know if you remember my char who served under you, however I was Draven and I Thought you really hated me for a while, then I just figured it was a bit of your role to be distant.

I did enjoy the Interactions we shared, what few was there, and my constantly comming back to you to see If I could get inducted.

I think you did a good job watching over the spire and good luck with your next tribby.
68808, Very well done
Posted by Khrathtyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You hung in well when things got bad. I liked seeing you online and provoking you. It was all good fun.
68810, Well done
Posted by Bhaer. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A great character to have around. Your demeanor is great for overall morale for those around you. Congrats on age-dying. That's proof to how much you stuck it out.
68952, I didn't actually guess, but I'm not surprised to see that it was you.
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Inglor was very Ducktrainerly in retrospect, he had very similar vibe about him as Kiamae had.