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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Goarang the Mistress of Owaza, Initiate of the Veil
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=68209
68209, (DELETED) [None] Goarang the Mistress of Owaza, Initiate of the Veil
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Apr 26 21:13:55 2008

At 2 o'clock AM, Day of the Moon, 21st of the Month of Nature
on the Theran calendar Goarang perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
68302, It's already time to say
Posted by Dwoggurd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
who was the player.
68305, you'll never know. I'm just a newb anyway >=) nt
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yea right...
68309, Don't let me think
Posted by Dwoggurd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
that you are ashamed for what you did.
Why hide?
68316, ROFL what a lame..
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
a narcisstic lame on top of that, for you to assume i care AT ALL what you think.

I'm not saying it because I don't need bozos like you focusing attention on what really doesn't matter at all. Why give the public more things to talk (aka bitch) about?

Just play the game and have fun. If I made it less fun for you, I deleted the char, so who cares?

You guys need to toughen up a little bit.
68317, Lame n/t
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
68318, Your response here could only be worse...
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
if you said "yo momma"

I don't concern myself with the OOC aspects of the game. #### who you are. Roll a character and see me in the fields.
68319, You don't really want it
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
because I will pwn your ass. as well as I pwned ass of your assassin :)
68321, lmao (really)
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"you don't really want it" <--- e-thugging it? *dead*

only guys without girlfriends or social lives use the word pwn. And only funny style "men" want to pwn "ass".

You killed my assassin? Great for you. Must have ####ted on a few of your dangeroom friends for you to care so much to come to my thread and make frivilous comments, but such is the life of a LAME.

On the other hand, you did manage to amuse me with your vain attempts at forum intimidation. However, like I said, I don't really care. #### you and who are you. See me in the Fields.
68322, And we're locked, having hit maximum stupid. (n/t)
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

68294, RE: (DELETED) [None] Goarang the Mistress of Owaza, Initiate of the Veil
Posted by Inger on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You had some bad luck trying to assassinate me the first few times. Then you managed to get me back. That first time you did was really well done. I am certain its not an easy place to stalk in. I actually liked having conversations with you. Thanks for returning the favor with the gear.
68298, RE: (DELETED) [None] Goarang the Mistress of Owaza, Initiate of the Veil
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yea no problem. Even after that time I got ganked by two ragers and an Imperial near the village and we both ended up getting full looted, and I said I would strip all ragers bare, I could never bring myself to do it. It's just not my style to take and sac adamantite bracers and #### like that unless I'm REALLY pressed for the money and I think I can get the stuff off at shoppies, or you SERIOUSLY pissed my character off and I just wanna be a prick.

You were one of the few people I actually FEARED stalking. The whole time I'd think, I gotta do this right, or I'm dead. And 2 out of the 3 times, when I missed, I was dead. You're probably the strongest rager I fought out of everybody. You would just tear through me like it wasn't ####. I think Drognund permalagged me and riposted me with DEMOS and such to death (with ####ty armor too... is that the leader weapon, cabal powers, legacies, or what?), but nobody could completely demolish me quite like you lol It actually made it fun to go after you because I could just be like... oh well I missed I'll try again soon. It was more like... oh #### I missed I'm gonna have to re-armor a little bit and wait to unghost lol

Anyway you were again one of the few people I could take shots at without them getting all bitchy. Probably because you KNEW (and again, you were one of the FEW people) that I would never try to fight you straight up because it was just suicide. Keep pushing man. If you delete I'd be pissed. Good character.
68292, RE: (DELETED) [None] Goarang the Mistress of Owaza, Initiate of the Veil
Posted by Eshval on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had been keeping an eye on you since you left the Chasm. I was devising a couple of immteractions, but sadly I never got the chance.



A whole new day, a whole new set of possibilities. - MacGyver
68296, May or may not have been worth it
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
since you were planning immteractions, you must have read my roles, and realized (I hope) that even though I had some decent ideas and actually a cornerstone for what I wanted to do, I could never quite figure out which way I wanted to go with it, and thus, my RP suffered greatly. Thanks for at least thinking about giving me a chance, though. I'll be back. I think this time i'm just going to make some basic notes in my role. Whenever I make roles like that they become too specific for me to stick to. I'm more of the get a general concept and let the character play itself type. The RP becomes a lot more natural and it makes the character easier to play, especially through the rough times.

Anyway, thanks again.
68291, I could never quite figure you out.
Posted by Fendril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In the end, Fendril had decided that your goal was to kiss up to him so that I would never think you committed a crime. Thing was, I knew you committed at least two but I had no proof. And I so wanted too warrent you just because I knew you were trying to get away with it. I figured it was just a matter of time. Now we'll never know. I never saw any of the full loots or anything, but I was fully expecting you to one day take a swipe at my neck. Guess I'll never know that one either. Good luck with your next.
68295, Perceptive
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I definately was the one who killed the Elf right before you logged in that one time. After we talked though, honestly, I tried not to attack people in the cities. You're right, though. I have would eventually tried to catch you at the tree and down you. I just hate tribunal, even OOC, and this is after playing a few myself. I just hate the cabal. It does play an inherent part in CF roleplaying, however, so I deal with it. Usually by killing magistrates any chance I get. That's just me being honest.

Goarang the characterhated tribunals because, well, he was chaotic. That and the fact they were always giving him away while he was stalking. You were pretty cool about it though. You're another one I've known over the course of two characters, and I actually like you. I just hate Tribs. Keep up the good work, though.
68281, RE: (DELETED) [None] Goarang the Mistress of Owaza, Initiate of the Veil
Posted by Praeto on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In My interactions with you I could definatly tell when you turned the corner in your char from RP char to Murder char and Previous to Murder char it seemed interesting to talk to you.
68286, Ding!
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yea and it sucked. Even though I was damn good at assassinate and had a lot of fun PKing heads up, I couldn't shaek the fact that I had lost complete sight of what I really wanted to do with the character, and just ended it. Was cool helping you retrieve that one time.

I actually had an interesting thought about Nexus in my role, which made me go after a few of your guys (which was taken badly OOC on their parts. I could tell by the IC response). I would have played it out a lot better had I remained in Scion but it didn't pan out.

Anyway thanks for recognizing what happened instead of being like "hey you SUCK guy!" lol. I enjoyed your character with, what.. two characters now? Pretty solid. Keep up the good work.
68297, RE: Ding!
Posted by Praeto on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah that was a fun retrieval, I'm the only Nexun on, four or five imperial heroes including Kostyan, Korneul, Ijerga, and a few others and I managed to duo inside thier cents before they called them, I ask you to come tiger claw the Vanquisher for me, you come up, Pay the cents to get past them(why arent people willing to do this, outside the fortress, outlanders and the village, there's nothing that says you cant pay them off to get past them if no one is there defending them) and you run up Tiger claw, We proceed to take the key back with the imperials none the wiser that we were ever there or that they lost the Key, They never re raided to get it back or made any indication they ever noticed it was gone.
68299, RE: Ding!
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
people complain about commerce... I say screw those idiots. I think the imms have gone OUT OF THEIR WAY to include all kinds of shoppies in the new areas as well as the barter system and stuff like that. I don't think I killed a single Centurion the entire span of my character. But yea that was cool. I learned to always tiger claw at the end of the fight too, so that they get no echo at all. I think that would be buku cool for a rager. To just pop up on an unexpecting enemy with resist and deathblow cranking and have them wonder how the hell it happened.
68278, What I saw...
Posted by Some Dwarf on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Only fought you a few times and you beat my ass. Here are my thoughts.

1. You actually seemed evil. You did response to my tells, and from your tone and what you said I knew I had to watch out for you.
2. You didn't gangbang. You weren't part of Team EvilTM.
3. You weren't some pathetic newb slaying mage with a fistful of wands up his butt. Either of us could have won our fights and you just out-fought me.

I don't know what really did to piss everyone else off. You seemed okay to me.

68284, People had mixed opinions
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
See Venecfis's goodbye thread. That pretty much summed up how I thought most people would/should have saw my character.

But then again you have to take THIS into consideration.

Most people were only on the receiving end of an assassination or a PK, and thus, the bitchassness you see running rampant in my goodbye thread.

Everybody who actually interacted with me outside of the realm of RP has at least something other than "hey guy you sucked" to say.

Point blank period the character was, indeed, a failure. I'll admit that. But it wasn't near as bad as people made it out to be.

Anyway I think I have a good idea of who your character is, and you play pretty solid. I enjoyed bumping heads with you. One of the few people I could do that with, without them getting all emo on me.

Thanks for the compliments, and good luck and all that good stuff.
68289, LOL. You know what, I was about to hook you up with all my gear then delete.
Posted by DaBull on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But as said earlier, you didn't respond to tells then tried to land assassinates on me, so, umm, thanks for making me start playing again?
68293, Haha no problem I guess? CF is great. Keep going nt
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
68303, RE: What I saw...
Posted by Ash on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd say doing things like looting all he could of someone who died to a rager whiel retreiving while he is a ghost after being "friendly" with that person qualifies as a reason people hate him. From the sounds of it, I am not the only one he did that to.
68307, RE: What I saw...
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From the sounds of it everybody else is pissed I assassinated them.

Also I was chaotic evil... why wouldn't I do something like that?

That's a big problem I had with a lot of so-called allies I turned on. They were playing evils like goodies. All extra friendly and nice and ####. At some point you have to put yourself as a player aside and actually PLAY YOUR CHARACTER.

With that said, at the point I looted you, I had forsaken all my RP and was going just for a murder character, otherwise I think I would have had some good RP interactions with you, because i had an interesting view of the Nexus.

Still... STOP BITCHING. It's embarassing...
68310, Not bitching, exactly.
Posted by Ash on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sure it is annoying, but if that is how you want to RP you char, so be it. Just expect others to RP hating you and trying to kill you, a lot. That's all I was really trying to get across. Ok, maybe a little bitching. I hope you find a role that you like enough to stick with and learn from this a bit. G'luck!
68315, yeah I feel you
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
actually I didn't catch much heat for it because you were the only person I did that to. Other people were pissed because I took their weapons when they died (kinda trib style) and usually racked up 25 gold from an assassination. Basically it payed itself. I never full looted anyone, except you, because I was butt naked. And yea, I felt bad, until you sent me that tell (which I described as bitching) and then I didn't really care.

Everyone else... idk... propaganda or some ####. Only a few people came after me hard. Droghnund came after me hard because he was the only villager that could see me and actually do damage. Rakhir came after me hard but he fled at covered in wounds every time. He was just a minor annoyance. Mizfara came after me hard because she was the captain. other than that I was on good terms with everybody who actually mattered.

nostalgia: I remember one time mizfara and rakhir were both after me and I still got my assassination off. Ah... good times lol

But yea, I already rolled up my new one. Can't tell you what rank I am but PK me if you can hehe. It's a roll I'm already enjoying. You'll see me in hero range soon >=)
68263, Disliked the Char a great deal, and the player behind it for writing that role.
Posted by Zen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have never had a character detract so much from my enjoyment of the game. Poor/non-existent RP, repeated multi-killing/looting of sacks and other things you didn't need/then killing again while trying to regear is just lame.

I don't give a ##### if it was in your role, you're a jack### for writing a role like that. You're playing a game in which interactions are a large and important facet, why wouldn't you consider how your actions really ruin it for other people when considering a character concept?

Lame lame lame, I hope you don't come back.

68264, RE: Disliked the Char a great deal, and the player behind it for writing that role.
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Barely looted, always got full looted near the end regardless, probably because guys like you were so pissed.

Just for your enjoyment I'm coming back with another one.
68273, And I was going to quit, too! Thanks for fueling my fire! nt
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
68320, Kinda smells like Rogue in here. -nt-
Posted by Mek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
68279, Omg, Guy Playing Vid Game, Looses a line of text from his gear slot. Omgurbble. nt
Posted by Krilcov K on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
68229, I'm so glad you're gone
Posted by Tarynaru on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I'm playing a neu/neu svirf warrior uncaballed and I've never talked to you in my life, and you kill me when I'm practicing spec moves at 20%hp and then full loot me to sac it all... I'm pretty sure that goes beyound your role, and even if it is your role... then it's worse because you were the douchebag who wrote it.
68235, RE: I'm so glad you're gone
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He's chaotic evil. Why should he not murder you in cold blood? Though, I agree, full loot in that situation is sort of lame.
68246, The thing about full loots is:
Posted by _Magus_Guest_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What comes around goes around. I'm pretty sure I witnessed Goarang reap what he sowed.
68252, I'm just glad I got to rape him after his fruitless assassination attempts on me.
Posted by DaBull on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You know what they say about payback...
68267, RE: I'm just glad I got to rape him after his fruitless assassination attempts on me.
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were mad because i TRIED to assassinate you? Lame.
68288, Umm, no, that's not lame. Me the player wasn't really mad, the character however.
Posted by DaBull on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And that's why I killed you.
68300, Oh... my bad
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A lot of mudslinging going on. Hard to tell what's said as a character and what's said as a player. But yea of course as a char you'd be pissed off lol #### i'd be pissed too. I haven't got assassinated since way before the third age came to an end. In fact I've only been assassinated twice. Once in Ar'Atouldain when I wasn't paying ANY attention and never saw it coming. The other time I was ranking on wardens in the white tower (*BOGGLE*). So yea, if someone tried to assassinate me I'd be pretty pissed, for the simple fact when I play a non detect hidden class, since i play so many assassin, I go WAY out of my way to not get hit now. In my mind, anyone who tries to assassinate one of my characters is just trying it just to try it lol
68266, RE: The thing about full loots is:
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sure did. Got full looted a bunch near the end though I never full looted anyone.

I think I full looted oen person... Zalshuru.

I had just re-armored and did a remove all, drop all, get all coprse, wear all. But even THEN i left him my #### I re-armored with, so it wasn't like i left him naked.

Think about it.. I'm a felar. how the #### do I full loot? Get serious lol
68265, RE: I'm so glad you're gone
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Only this never happened. I took your bracelet of charms and your axes. Stop crying.
68224, RE: (DELETED) [None] Goarang the Mistress of Owaza, Initiate of the Veil
Posted by Ash on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Were you sphere Jacka.. I mean deceit? Or just stupid? You were really pissing off a lot of people, which I guess must have just been your role. I tried to be friendly to you even after all the comments I heard from various other characters, but after that one instance where you totally jacked me over... yeah. You seemed to die a lot. I suggest playing a character next time that isn't out to screw EVERYONE over.
68268, RE: (DELETED) [None] Goarang the Mistress of Owaza, Initiate of the Veil
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was naked, I need armor, and didn't really care. Yea it was a PK char after I got booted from Scion and i really didn't give a ####. Happy to see I could piss so many people off. I'll have to reincarnate him.
68221, RE: (DELETED) [None] Goarang the Mistress of Owaza, Initiate of the Veil
Posted by N.B. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A careful examination of this situation yields disappointing outcomes. This researcher had hypothesized that you had safely passed through your time of personal uncertainty, aided by the recent religious guidance you had received from a healer whom you had sought as an enemy and later directly from your emerging deity. It is likely your direct instruction was to begin soon that one day the Mistress would deem you worthy learning her name and receiving her mark of the faithful.
68228, RE: (DELETED) [None] Goarang the Mistress of Owaza, Initiate of the Veil
Posted by Draekon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Can't say I'm sad to see you go. My character had built a little grudging respect for you after the arena thing, but then the double cross, and taking all his pretty axes? Never again. Looks like I won't have to worry about it any more though.
68270, RE: (DELETED) [None] Goarang the Mistress of Owaza, Initiate of the Veil
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew you didn't like me but you were cool about it, and I thought that was cool. Not much to saya bout your character other than, you're a goodie tribunal. *shrug* have fun
68269, Thank you for speaking to me like a human being
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With that said I'll explain some things. I had a pretty solid role, I think, and decided to go Scion with it. Unfortunately I was playing a pretty ruthless evil character, because all my other evils are always too friendly and ####, and I ended up getting booted from Scion after Jerzickus pulled a really cool move (even though the prick hates me OOC I give him his props because i realize it's JUST A GAME... lames...) and put me in a situation where I couldn't emerge triumphant. After that I considered a lot of things. Going Empire so I wouldn't be anyone's "blood pet". Getting back into Scion which seemed like it was take a lot of work. Going Outlander for the purity I'd found. Knowledge of self and all that. But then a few things happened and I just found myself trying to save the character, at which point I became a PK whore. No... not EVEN a PK whore, because I stopped caring about PK alltogether, running into fights I knew I would lose and staying in fights I knew I should run from. Did a lot of re-armoring in my last 20 hours or so and just finally decided to call the character quits because *I* wasn't happy with it any more. So I share everybody's heartache about the character, although now I think I'll just do it again and this time MAKE IT MY ROLE lol

But no... I thank you for everything you did. I had high hopes for those interactions and the first one though brief did give some life to the character, but by that time it was all for naught, and I just decided to end it. You seem like you have a pretty good grasp of it and everything. Natural RP without effort. I like talking to you. Have a good one. Pz.
68277, Although it was fun playing with you, I got the same vibe as everyone else
Posted by Venecfis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Our initial interactions were fun. After you got booted from the Scions, it was a sharp decline of roleplay, and I steadily took time to detach myself from you.

If a character becomes pointless or boring, it's best to delete in my opinion.

Good luck with your next.
68283, I agree. Thanks nt
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
68211, RE: (DELETED) [None] Goarang the Mistress of Owaza, Initiate of the Veil
Posted by Magus_Guest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well this comes as a surprise. You made it sound like you had plans for the future. What gives?
68212, RE: (DELETED) [None] Goarang the Mistress of Owaza, Initiate of the Veil
Posted by Mizfara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm guessing it has something to do with getting his teeth kicked in by Droghnund. That'd be my guess, at least, as a third-party observer.
68272, LMAO no dangeroomer, that isn't why
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's because I had big plans for this character that got ruined by someone elses throwaway character and I just got tired of trying to make it work. But now that I know I pissed you all off so bad I'll be back with a reincarnation, because honestly, minus having to try to keep my role up, I had HELLA FUN ####ing you all up! lol
68271, AW MAN
Posted by Goarang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So there was more than on person who didn't complete hate ME the PLAYER eh?

Haha no but to make a long story short, I had big plans with this character when I first rolled it, and few things that happened threw the character off course.

In the end I honestly just ended up playing around with assasssinate, learning the ins and outs of my assassin skills, and testing the depth of the power of my enemies. Learned a lot though. Finally buckled down and learned some area explore places, and found a bunch of new places to explore and ####, including silent tower (which I found while stalking somebody, ironically lol).

I just lost the drive to play the char. I could stuck it out with the Initiate of the Veil thing but I just didn't have it in me any more.

Anyway check Nerisa's goodbye reply if you wanna know more. Good luck with everything man. Peace.