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Topic subject(CON LOSS) [NEXUS] Krengrar WillowWood the Augur of Draconic Lore
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=68183
68183, (CON LOSS) [NEXUS] Krengrar WillowWood the Augur of Draconic Lore
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Apr 25 12:43:54 2008

At 10 o'clock AM, Day of Deception, 30th of the Month of the Old Forces
on the Theran calendar Krengrar perished, never to return.
Cabal:NEXUS, Nexus, Seekers of Balance
68210, I leave things in your capable hands...
Posted by Krengrar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow, what a run.

Krengrar was my frist character in over a 2 year break from CF. I've always loved rangers and wanted to try them out. I've always been an explorer at heart so the explorer path was a natual. Nexus is also one of the few cabals that I'd not played seriously over the years so I thought I'd try it.

I was really hoping to age die Krengrar, but that didnt pan out. Playing time became fewer and farther between and when we brought baby #2 home on Friday, it was time to end it. In college CF trumped sleep quite often, but in the real world, there's no contest.

On playing times...
I was trying to be consistent on my playing times. Usually playing from home the 2 days a week when daughter #1 was napping. Thankfully she usually takes long naps. For all of those times I had to leave suddenly, during a raid or retrieval, in Hell (sorry Praeto), or in the ST (sorry Grecken), you can blame my daughter. Don't worry, she's too cute for it to bother her.

On Explorer Rangers...
I love them! For exploring there is no contest. Well designed and thought out, excellent job IMMs! I still think that their resist poison skill is buggy, but that's neither here nor now. I would recommend though making an edge that gives herbs a chance to cure poison. I dont see it as being an issue with game balance and would flesh out the class nicely.

On Exploring...
I think Krengrar spent a considerable amount of time in every area with the exception of the Ghoul Tunnels and Hell circles 5-9. So much to see, so much to do... Much of it alone.

On Krengrar in Nexus...
I tried to be a diplomat with Krengrar. I talked with everyone who I thought would talk back. I scouted greatly for everyone at various times, but managed to only really fight villagers, which worked out just fine with me. I think that, in Krengrar's entire existance, I attacked a cabal for an item other than the key 3 times. Krengrar was never wanted, nor did he ever attack the refuge... I'd say that sounds prety balanced to me.

On Nexus...
Its a great cabal and I recommend that everyone try it. Its definately more complicated than "the key says that good is strong, therefor we should kill goods"...

On Bards... since everyone likes to complain about fiend...
I was fiended about a dozen times in the many hours I played Krengrar. Forest or city, cabal or ocean. Krengrar died to 1 fiend... and that was because I couldn't get the right things out of my container at the right time... The curse of being a pack rat...

On Imms...
Thank you, thank you, thank you. You do a hell of a job and get too little credit for it. Thank you, thank you, thank you....

The Imm who gave me the title and last name... thank you. I had to go and look up Augur in the dictionary...

Twist specifically...
As far as I could tell, you were the only Immortal (other than Zesam) who I interacted with. Thank you for that. I really got a kick out of when you were comparing me to Truck, especially since I remember grouping with Truck way back...

Friends and Memories...
If I forget anyone, I apologize. Krengrar was over 500 hours old spanning over a year of real time... I'm only human...

Zesam, thank you for inducting me. I'd like to think that I held up my end of the bargain. Sorry I didnt accept the leader position you were trying to get me to agree to. That was right before I was going out of town for over a month and I didn't think it would have been fair...

Praeto and Grecken, my exploring buddies... Thanks I learned a lot from you two and had a blast doing it... Sorry we didn't get to finish that last project I had in the works...Praeto, in the topic of leadership, see Zesam's goodbye, thats as close as I ever came...

Zennon, way way back. You helped me overcome that 2 year lap in game knowledge, thanks, especially for the help with the Herald quest...

Thanks for that exporation quest way back, that fit perfect into Krengrar's role and I had a lot of fun working on it. I never did get my prize.... :)

To that battle assassin who helped me with my steep 2 year gap learning curve in pk in our 30s, you frustrated the hell out of me, but I enjoyed every minute of it.

Its late and I hear the baby. I'll poke my head in every now and then but thats it for a while. Thanks everyone...


and for all you old timers....

The Holy Hand Grenade....
68213, LASTCALL!
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow. No idea you were still around CF in any way, shape, or form. Nice job on the character. Glad you enjoyed the interactions - I feel like I maybe didn't give you enough, but heck.

I liked interacting with you with several of my chars. Hunsobo, bashing you and then sorta avoiding you because you were the one Nexun who didn't really mess with Empire (or me, I guess). Aldonius, grouping with you a couple of times. I think Feilinal chatted with you a bit too. :)

Great char, good luck with the next!
68395, RE: LASTCALL!
Posted by Kraenesk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Funny that for the longest time a lot of people I know thought it was Twist playing Krengrar.
68233, Damn you!
Posted by Grecken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How are you gonna con die on me? We were both so close to age dying. I got anywhere from zero to 150 hours left in me and I'm hoping it happens soon. I'm ready to start playing my next char I got planned out so I can get some time in on them before school starts. I seriously doubt I'll get killed another 20 times. Even without leader con, I still got 18 deaths in me.

I had a blast running around with you. You were one of the few who'd run into OBVIOUSLY stupid situations with me with the same mentality as me. We may not succeed, but damn that was fun. You showed me lots of junk I'd forgotten about. It was you that made me acutely aware of how simliar Grecken is and one of my older characters, especially when I referred to a certain area as something that dates me from the 2nd and 3rd age. You kinda dropped a hint that you'd figured out who I was one day. I dunno if you did or didn't. If you did, just nod and smile. I doubt it really matters, though. I just can't say bye to you as that character. I've known you as three characters so you could say we've met. You're gonna laugh when you realize that I myself have a six year lapse in game knowledge. My last char as serious and ... "profound" as Grecken was back when the ST FIRST came out. Yeah, I lost a bunch of con to it then too. It's a fun place, what can I say? I didn't actually learn anything from our travels in there. It was all a refresher since I deleted my notes on it one day when I was intoxicated.

Nexus druids and rangers can be extremely deadly and full of nasty surprizes. I think we got to do just about every unusual tactic I've ever thought up. The most fun I've had so far with Grecken was that day I was so lagged I could barely move and we tried to retrieve the key from a bunch of imperials and I ended up dying and losing the troll amulet after putting you and a few of them to sleep with an opium pipe. That was a fun battle. Then there were countless other battles similiar to it. I'd give you my e-mail, but then a few people would know who I am so I can't do that. Anyhow, good luck with your next. See ya around.
68285, boo on both of you
Posted by yevandr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am back in the game after a long hiatus and looking for some good rumbles and krengar dies and now your near age death!!! grr who is gonna be left for me to play with when I finally hero?

Krengar like everyone else here I saw you from many angles as both friend and foe. I was always amazed at how willing you were to mix it up out of the wilds. In fact as an enemy I don't think I ever really fought you in the wilds and you did just fine out of them. Also thanks for all the help heroing Glimdar on skeletons it ment a lot. Have fun with the kids and RL
68247, RE: I leave things in your capable hands...
Posted by Narissa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gah, 500+ hours? Geez, that's an awful long time. I don't have the patience and with family and work, it's very very hard. And soon I get dsitracted or lose interest playing.

Wow, we had a couple of times together. I remember Kostayn was still young and learning in the storm giants. We managed to rid him but the assassin got away. Zdiv I believe.

Imagine they became leaders later. Heh... good times.

68328, Nicely done.
Posted by Forsaken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you as a Nexite (and a special thanks for the ranking, that's classy of you to spend your time on such) and also as a Villager. You handled yourself incredibly well in every regard, man. Had a blast and thanks for playing.
68347, Herbs cured poison with my ranger...
Posted by Hrefnwik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So you just barely outlived me after all. Funny, we have similar circumstances, except I didn't think I could pull off being in a cabal and listening for a baby to wake up. I have number 3 due in a month. Actually, all this time, I never knew you were in Nexus!

You have no idea how grateful I was for you helping me rank. In the forties, *no one* wants to group with a thief.

Was fun chatting with you when you popped up. I'm sure you had fun messing up folks' keepreply too!

Oh - I had a forest savage before Hrefnwik, and herbs did cure poison. Not everytime, but they would often when I went to my terrain. I swear they cured plague once too. You would think an explorer could find those good herbs anywhere!
68203, RE: (CON LOSS) [NEXUS] Krengrar WillowWood the Augur of Draconic Lore
Posted by Yrilbink on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You were almost never there but seemed to be there forever! Woot! Finally kick'd tha bucket old man! Sad to see you go.

68193, RE: (CON LOSS) [NEXUS] Krengrar WillowWood the Augur of Draconic Lore
Posted by Patick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't know you were nexus? How come you actually interacted with me then? I mean I was good/chaotic. however thanks for taking me on that adventure the the deck that one time. and through organia. and everything else you did. you were a great friend and It is sad to see you finally go.
68186, This is sad to see.
Posted by Jakziim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Although I did not get to interact with you too much, you were a positive role model for the island. Every one that ever said anything to me about you only had positive things to say. I hope you got to fight all the dragons you wanted to before you went out!
68187, RE: This is sad to see.
Posted by Praeto on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great fun running with you old fart, had a lot of good times with you.
You were one of my favorite people on the Island.