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Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Ophanelu Zerislov the Mistress of the Miyama Ryu, Anathema to the Empire
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=67887
67887, (DELETED) [None] Ophanelu Zerislov the Mistress of the Miyama Ryu, Anathema to the Empire
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Apr 12 19:13:04 2008

At 3 o'clock AM, Day of Deception, 9th of the Month of the Old Forces
on the Theran calendar Ophanelu perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
67928, Some Goobyes
Posted by Ophanelu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Thanks SO SO much for all the interaction and role experience. I had a fantastic time with all of my interactions regardless of how much trouble I was getting in. I would have loved to continue up with Twist, but I was running short on playing time, and then stuff came up that I couldn't come back and play from.

Getting married was definately a neat point of the character after I'd written three or four roles about how all of the 'wife' prospects were either worthless, blades (worthless), or worthless because they weren't Shadows. I didn't really expect anything to come from it, and due to my role I would never have applied for the 'wife search' myself. Thanks to Laurel for keeping me updated on the whole thing, and thanks to the immortals that put whispers into the Shadow Lord's ear.


There were very few Imperials that Ophie liked. Eoria and Kosty were by far my favorites that I interacted with more than a handful of times. Being ordered to write a song for Eoria took me completely out Ophie's role, so I had to stretch and come up with something at least passable. Glad you liked them. I went out of my way to avoid dealing with Blacks and Divines. So, handing off the Divine citizen to the necromancer Black like I owned him really didn't bother me so much.


I had a great time fighting a lot of battleragers. There were a few that I just /could not/ seem to get along with, so the interactions pretty much got cut out as much as possible. Otherwise, raiding village was up there on my list of enjoyable activities.


I never got to fight Ravon. Llorenz melted my face off a couple of times. Other than that, I never had much interaction with many of the scions.


I had a lot of fun assassinating fortress paladins just outside of the tara'bal. Fortress assasins were a toss up, and I really liked fighting a couple. At hero ranks, fighting toe to toe with a paladin was something I just could not figure out. Maybe better luck next time in not dying to them so fast. :)


Pretty much the same as Scion, I didn't have an overly impacting interaction with any Nexans. I liked fighting Iltch, but the verbal interactions between the two characters really just urked me, so it made the combat a lot less fun.


Fendril, Ophie liked you. Otherwise, I didn't seem to get along with a single other magistrate that stuck around after the last dark elf antipaladin (sorry, can't remember the name). My final choice to take the Scales had a few people pissed off, but I stayed in character for it. After quite a few occassions seeing magistrates aiding in the death of Imperials on Eastern, outskirts, and even summoning Imperials from the Palace for others to kill, Ophie decided enough. I wish I could have followed through! Sorry!


After being around for a couple of Blacks freaking out over how hard Ambra was to kill, I went after a lot more outlanders on their terms. Some of it worked out. Some of it didn't (aka Jhoqu). Giant bear charge is nasty, and reduced I can't kick. Mm. Trade off. He almost always killed me. Macha wasn't really a problem that I faced a lot, though she stomped me at lower ranks with disruption. The last time I faced her I had just got done raiding the refuge, and was underwater for all the effects, just about done and ready to head back to the Palace. Fifteen rounds of being frozen later, and she's almost dead just from meelee. She fled and I stopped water breathing, so I where'd and ate some seaweed. Rough. I didn't get to fight Throkk as much as I would have liked. Got me once at Galadon healer after just having been at the Island. I barely blinked and was dead.


Href - I have no idea why you didn't try to kill me, but I'm more than happy not to have to deal with traps all the time. I think I eve threatened you a few times, and you took it on the chin because you had better things to do (?). I would have liked to work with you more.

Veesa (spelling?) - You hit me as one of the most annoying characters about at that time. You asked me at least ten times about being a ninja... and, you refused to take the Oath (along with my ignorance about something you decided to make up) so I ignored you, used you as a pawn with promise of information, and paid out of pocket to keep tabs on what you were doing.
67929, Just an FYI
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>After being around for a couple of Blacks freaking out over
>how hard Ambra was to kill, I went after a lot more outlanders
>on their terms. Some of it worked out. Some of it didn't (aka
>Jhoqu). Giant bear charge is nasty, and reduced I can't kick.
>Mm. Trade off. He almost always killed me.

Reduce doesn't protect against bearcharge. In fact, bearcharge will just work better if you reduce.
67934, Bummer
Posted by Zridv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was bummed to see you didn't stick around long as Empress. Being a former Emperor I know how cool it can be and you sure would have had a lot of help at your back. I'm glad the whole thing worked out for you with the wedding and stuff. Sometimes I regret deleting before more RP could have come from that whole thing. I never wanted it to be like a mud sexxor thing though, so I was pretty adverse to really getting "close." I tried to play it like when we were logged off was when those "special" times occurred. Anyway, great luck with whats next Mrs. Zerislov.
67936, RE: Bummer
Posted by Enlilth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> I never wanted it to be like a mud
>sexxor thing though, so I was pretty adverse to really getting
>"close." I tried to play it like when we were logged off was
>when those "special" times occurred. Anyway, great luck with
>whats next Mrs. Zerislov.

I watched a lot of both of these characters and I was ecstatic I never had to see any of this. You both handled it from a role stand point where it was just kind of assumed, but never acted out. I was extremely greatful on that front.

I was both upset and thrilled to see Ophanelu overthrown. Part of me was like... Aww man, but the other part thought it was pretty cool watching the politics of it all play out over the last week. That said I really liked this character, and hope you get some time to give it another whack.
67940, RE: Some Goobyes
Posted by Fendril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Many people asked me how I could trust you. My simple answer was "Our relationship started with her dagger in my back, how could it get worse?" Ever since that first fight, I knew you were not going to attack me with out me either 1) knowing about it first or 2) starting it myself. Since I wasn't likely to begin that fight, I knew I would have some warning before you began it. I enjoyed our talks and was looking forward to it when you got Empress, especially when you declared war on the Spire. I couldn't wait to debate that with you. Unfortunately, I never saw you awake after you became Empress. I hope everything works out for you and we see you again soon.
67980, A shame.
Posted by Ilasair on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Congrats on Shadow Lord - though I knew it was coming and well done for making Empress.

You really made playing fun and were a good Imperial mentor - this was my 2nd Imperial and my first serious pk character. You seemed to call it just right. Harsh when needs be and not scared to hand out a demotion or two but fair when earning promotion back.

I enjoyed running with you, giving you some of the nice pre-hero gear that passed my way (you put it to better use than I could have.) Learning tactics, and ranking. It was all fun and a gratifying experience.

I was sad when time constraints ended my character's life. It seems the same thing got you in the end.

Well done on an overall well played and enjoyable character. People may be hating on you but from my perspective it was all good.

I look forward to the day when I can run in a cabal with you again and hopefully next time we'll have the time (and I'll have the experience) to do some serious damage.

Take care and GLWYN Ilasair/Istirith

PS: If you have any logs post 'em.
68027, Logs
Posted by Ophanelu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have her whole life logged. I'll pull some up when I have time to sit down and edit some of them.
67892, RE: (DELETED) [None] Ophanelu Zerislov the Mistress of the Miyama Ryu, Anathema to the Empire
Posted by Ophanelu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Real life got in the way suddenly.

I had a great, great time with this character. Sorry for the delay with deleting. I'll hopefully post some goodbyes soon.

Thanks so, so, so much for the immortal(s) that interacted with me so frequently. I really had a blast.
67893, RE: (DELETED) [None] Ophanelu Zerislov the Mistress of the Miyama Ryu, Anathema to the Empire
Posted by WarEagle2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I figured real life was the reason this happened, and from assuming, I hope whatever is going gets better.
67905, Khrathtyn never liked Ophanelu.
Posted by Khrathtyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was that day you tried to 'give' me to Clissa. Saying I was her slave and everything. It was rather humourous because an hour later I was promoted into the Divine Sect. Your logins were rather suspicious as I'd never see you, time to vote came around and you were on a bunch, then once you got Empress, gone again. But I totally understand the real life demand.

Overall. I liked Ophanelu, but from another characters point of view.