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Topic subject(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Vrtainen the Victorious Champion
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=67688
67688, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Vrtainen the Victorious Champion
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Apr 4 22:44:40 2008

At 12 o'clock AM, Day of Thunder, 17th of the Month of the Ancient Darkness
on the Theran calendar Vrtainen perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
67734, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Vrtainen the Victorious Champio...
Posted by Fjarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fjarn didn't trust Vrtainen - and I had a finger hovering over the uninduct button, just in case. But you stuck it out - even when it was obvious that our playing times didn't line up. And even when the only times you caught me were usually right as I was leaving. I never really saw you after your (finally!) induction. The fact that you were willing to keep jumping back into the fray even without spellbane/resist/deathblow (and not delete out of frustration in the meantime) sealed the deal though.

It's not much of a goodbye, but I wanted to at least give you a thumbs up for a tenacious (if pessimistic) character.
67736, I really liked you, from the moment you nearly killed my hero at the Big D.
Posted by Kruuank on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And you shouldn't have trusted Vrtainen. That fact that you didn't meant I at least did something right and was roleplaying correctly.

Basically sphere Pride and role dictated that I become the best warrior in Thera (LOL, I'll let you laugh about that for a while). So, while I joined the village, the possibility before and after was always there that I'd switch gears and go Scion or Empire (especially before the real induction).

Keep up the good work brother!
67712, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Vrtainen the Victorious Champion
Posted by Jalenkan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When I first met you I was like... damn I wish I was playing a neutral or evil char because this guy knows how to fight. Too bad we never got to do any fighting or you didn't make it to second spec/legacy range cause well.... yeah... I will leave it at that. I won't be saying a lot but I enjoyed our interactions and hope I see you again soon.

ps don't let this experience spoil you on drow.

67720, I enjoyed our interactions...
Posted by Kruuank on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really like the dynamic (if done correctly) between good and evil characters in the same cabal. I tried to be as big of an asshole I as feasibly could, because hey, I'm drow, and you're an elf :)

Good luck with your char, hopefully the IMMs will notice you more :)
67975, RE: I enjoyed our interactions...
Posted by Jalenkan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember speaking to you of training and you saying you were ahead of me.... bah... no chance. I remember right then that I was like... how the heck does this guy who I have like 5 ranks on have better skills than me and I spent several hours working on my weapons thinking I needed to catch up... lol. I was going to buy your PBF to find out but it seemed someone beat me to it. I still really liked this char though and hope you make another.
67689, So a funny story...
Posted by Kruuank on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So I rolled this character to test out Striking...

I'll let the empty space leave you some time to digest what I just said...

But yeah. So the idea behind this character was: What's the best character I can feasibly roleplay that can take out an Eoria or Ravon solo? Drow Whip/Dagger STSF/Soul Berserker right? RIGHT? Well, that's what I thought.

Next time I roll a drow, which may be never, I swear I will abide by these rules:
1) Use magic
2) Attempt to cheat/permagroup/luckout to hero
3) Liberally joke at 2) since we all know I suck at cheating and my luck is bad to worse on most days
4) Remember 1)
5) Make sure to read 4) very carefully

But seriously. Part of the reason I believe everyone should roll a villager is because how seriously underpowered they are. Seriously underpowered. The almighty quaff recall honestly could have saved me from countless deaths. I'm sure in the logs people saw me swinging until the end, but knowing you cannot outrun someone is horribly demoralizing. Enter quaff recall. I won't bitch about everything, but I will bitch about a fair bit.

I rolled this char to do something I normally don't do, in response to some soul-searching on the topic of lowbie looting and bottom feeder players. I made it a point to loot my own kills as little as possible, and until I looted the Biomancer staff off of Vehldriss, I never once looted a kill that was not mine. I also attacked groups of three liberally even when I had no powers (which is probably why I condied in about 110 hours, LOL) to limiting success. Gotta say the only cool moment of this char was attacking a group of three in Eregion and choking out the two non-mages and killing the mage. Of course, I ended up mob-dying in the stupidest way possible during my escape, but c'est la vie.

Enlilth. Thanks man. I honestly gotta say this char brought out all the bad in CF for me. If this was my only char experience on this game, I can honestly say I'd never EVER play again. Of course, it's like my tenth or so serious char, so I'm going to keep playing. That day was hilarious, I especially love when you must have stat'd me and saw HOW low my con was. Your taunts had me laughing out loud. Glad you enjoyed the role, and even though I'm slightly bitter, I didn't deserve to win the role contest.

Daevryn. Even though I didn't talk with you, thanks for answering the e-mail. I think I went to your shrine a total of twice and sent up one or two prays after a pkill (you know there wasn't many prays if that was the criteria). Thanks for having a wicked cool religion that more players should try, if only to challenge themselves. Thanks for rolling with Ulzammon way back when, and I didn't die to hulking giant this time!

Battle Imms. Keep doing what you do. Never talked to any of you, never tried, and never deserved the attention. I was what, 1-11 once I got full battle powers? ####ing pathetic.

My link. Go to hell you asshole.

The Good (a page out of Laerrist's book):

Mizfara - Awesome foe, you ####ing suck for killing me in Caewlin. Story of my life, people just stayed on my ass for freaking ever, and either caught me with my pants down or just ran the #### over me. Real classy, I was shocked when I landed the kill on you and saw your super-stacked corpse.

Sovusk - A lot of the desire to play died when you deleted. My favorite lowbie foe. I'd even put myself at a disadvantage at times to scrap with you. I'll post a log or two for you on Dio's.

and that's pretty much it...though I will give a shout out to the village peeps.

ahhh and Dazareth, who deleted. Was fun Rp'ing with you. I wish I had gone Empire after our fight/talk.

The Bad

Droghnund - I wish I didn't know who played you. Other than that, I actually really liked this char concept/execution. Still knowing who it was soured the char for me.

All the ####ing assassins - Jesus Jumped Up Christ, did you all love attacking me. WTF?

Random goodie dagger specs with Heartseeker - WTF? Isn't request supposed to be the way it is so #### like this doesn't happen? Level 30ish chars with Hero request gear? Honestly fighting against you all was so pointless I developed Old school Shamanman suicidal-ness a couple logins. Not only that, but I liken most of you (the players of some, you know who you are) to bottom feeding APs. It's cool if you want to two-round the underpowered char once a login. But it gets old. I know, I've done it.

Random gangers - You all suck and should be shot. Nah just kidding, I love teh gangz!

The Ugly

Full loots - This sucks.

Lowbie Loots - This sucks +10

Loots where if you kissed ass, you could get scraps back - This sucks +1000000000000000000000. I'm sorry, but if I return to my corpse, and it's empty, I'm not coming back and waiting at your feet for you to throw me the scraps. It just ain't happening. Especially with this char.


Lowbie drow with no resist or no magic - WTF was I thinking?

Lowbie drow making the mistake of choosing flails because he thought it would be more DEFENSIVE than daggers - WTF was I on crack?

Lowbie drow roleplaying, IE being an asshole - Fun, but it sucked. #### all of you for not understanding. Just kidding it's all good.

Valg - He's just ugly, what can I say. Those bones and the smell, ugh. Thanks for sharing all the l33t IMP tips with me so I could boost my PK ratio. You're the best :)

People who bottom-feed (refrenced slightly above) - Honestly my biggest pet peeve right now. The amount of players who show little to no sack against people with half a shot of killing them disgust me. It's a ####ing game people! Take some chances, you just might have fun.

I'll end this by saying that in the two-three(?) months I played Vrtainen, my other char didn't die in PK once (and hasn't in the last 85 hours), and only had one mob death. If that doesn't represent the highs and lows of CF, I don't know what does.
67691, RE: So a funny story...
Posted by _Magus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You seem like a fair weather type of player, even if a bit deranged or crazy at times.

If my characters start sucking before they start being cool, I'm likely to delete. I'd be hard pressed to find a character of mine that's died more than 10 or 12 times in their lifespan. I delete long before they reach that point. Heh. Basically, I'm saying I couldn't possibly have lasted as long as you did.

67696, Fair weather? Cherist. I wish. NT
Posted by Kruuank on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
67692, RE: So a funny story...
Posted by Mizfara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Mizfara - Awesome foe, you ####ing suck for killing me in
>Caewlin. Story of my life, people just stayed on my ass for
>freaking ever, and either caught me with my pants down or just
>ran the #### over me. Real classy, I was shocked when I
>landed the kill on you and saw your super-stacked corpse.

Woe is Mizfara. :)

Basically here's why I died. First, I totally underestimated how often you'd hit me with flails. The bigger problem, though, was that I didn't resist heat. I knew your flails were flaming bite, I just thought I could handle it. Comically, the only reason I didn't have resist heat is that I thought a particular prep was too expensive to afford, when in fact it had been rebalanced at some point and was actually much cheaper than I thought. After dying to you, I decided it was worth the (higher) price and went to buy some, only to find out that it was in fact much cheaper than I expected.

Was I really super-decked at the time? There was a very short window where that was true, when I inherited some stuff the heros had looted from Ikemay (not at my request). Shortly after that I died to...Vehldriss and Sasha, I think, at the Fortress, and lost all the good stuff.

I actually didn't figure out you were a rager until after the encounter in Ceawlin. I figured you were just a dude who forgot to carry a return potion. Even so, I'm guessing you could have run by me if you'd tried. Auto-sneak is nifty that way. In a foot race back to the village, you might actually have made it.
67693, RE: So a funny story...
Posted by Mizfara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh, to add, I think that was my first PK death. The one in South Dairien.
67719, Yeah, about that...
Posted by Kruuank on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My link was horrible at best most times. I DID try to run past you, but I lagged at the worst possible (something that happened often, too often) moment and you did the whole trip trip thing.

I like your char alot. Interacted a bit with my current hero.
67697, RE: So a funny story...
Posted by Ruhktanshi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

< 80>
Sat Apr 5 01:41:49 2008
From : Ruhktanshi
To : Battle
Subject: Elegy to the Fallen: Lament at the Death of Vrtainen

*used as scroll paper you notice the skin of a gnome mage*

Undersider, the Drillmaster may call him
Bitter as a sneer or all sarcasm combined
But he went fighting and they who fall him
Still praise the legacy of resilence he left behind.

One more is claimed by this war: consumed.
And the huts were silent, war drums low.
But as the hour passed all was resumed
And must again, ourselves, into battle throw.

He is gone, Do not Weep and Do not Wail.
A silent moment to honor him we shall spend.
He did well, he fought hard, he did not fail
And his memories shall linger until our bitter end.

Written in remembrance and as an Elegy to the fallen warrior Vrtainen.

Below you see signed:

Ruhktanshi, The Puritan Voice.
Day of the Great Gods, 33rd of the Month of Ancient Darkness.

I liked your resilence. I liked the acidic roleplay. You almost made me break role and laugh. I hope you are back in the fields already.

Cheers Mate,
67698, Of course I am. I'll probably be killing you the moment you rank up HAHAHAHA
Posted by Kruuank on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You bastard.

Liked your char. You're crazy to take that flaw, LOL. Note was too much for that failure of a char though. Thanks anyway!
67701, RE: So a funny story...
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As long as people are impressed by the pk numbers, and don't bother about what the story behind them is, you'll get others who will do anything to win that admiration.

If that means taking easy kills often, some will do that. If that means getting people in ooc to help get uber gear, some will do that. If it means getting people in to run about ganking, some will do that.

Ultimately though, even if you did all of the above, if you ended up with the highest pk numbers ever, a significant part of the playerbase would consider you to be the best pk'er ever.

Until that changes, you'll see this poor gamesmanship.
67709, I liked you.
Posted by Xiu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You had heavy as #### times, with people running us both over.

I watched you constantly get jumped by solo'bashers, and groups--To no avail!

Ah guhnna mizz yuo liek lotz lol.

Make another Rager, go Defender Gnome Thief Binder--Enjoy.