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Topic subject(RAGE DELETE) [NEXUS] Andaayhn Di'hstil the Legend of the Battlefield, Rhyme of Resistance
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67631, (RAGE DELETE) [NEXUS] Andaayhn Di'hstil the Legend of the Battlefield, Rhyme of Resistance
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Apr 1 23:51:29 2008

At 2 o'clock AM, Day of Freedom, 4th of the Month of Nature
on the Theran calendar Andaayhn perished, never to return.
Cabal:NEXUS, Nexus, Seekers of Balance
67690, Andaayhn
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I've never in the history of CF been able to bash people down with any char i've ever made. Thus I have never used the skill all that much. So i decided i'd give Bash a try. I spent the majority of my life trying to figure out how to bash correctly. I still have no idea. I still suck at bashing. Who could believe it can be so hard?

I enjoyed his role. But it was easy to get frustrated with him and get bored. I think I dropped the char several times.

Andaayhn was about about Cloud. You could consider him rather selfish in his own regard towards the Curse that Clouds bore. He was dedicated mostly to them and really had no care of regard for any of the other races or anyone who would use the vulnerability of the Cloud.

Shout outs go merely to:

Grecken: Was always fun doing stupid stuff with you. You were the main
presence for Andaayhn for must of his life.

Praeto: We had some fun at the start. It was interesting exploring the bond from a fighters perspective. You were more desiring to be political over smash. So later Andaayhn usually was running with grecken.

Mal: Was fun. Always nice to have a bard with you. had fun doing many nifty things.

Nitch: Enjoyed Nitch too. Hopefully you go far.

The only thing I hate about Nexus really is the hatred by the majority of the playerbase. In truth, they are not 'backstabbers' or whatever bitchfests came. You spend a majority of your time on being cried at by whoever. For some reason people cannot grasp the concept of nexus. Everyone says they want competition or fights. But then complain when Nexus goes against them even though their are the dominate force?

Other short-lived Nexun attempts include:
Ciselor, Atalass, and Andaayhn.

All had lastnamed, not sure why. The cabal is neat, I just dont like having to explain myself 24/7 or have to argue the use of the bond power.
67700, Couple of things you need to know
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just because the inners say that cabal A is the dominant force, that doesn't mean that Fred in cabal A isn't already taking a pasting from the supposedly lesser force.

You have access to information about the global balance, but within specific pk ranges it might be the opposite.

From personal experience though, I do, generally, trust nexuns. However, I didn't particularly trust you. I think it is because I got the impression that you were the kill first, explain the balance position later type. That being the case, trusting you was something I expected to result in me getting neuro/beatdown death before I knew the balance was against us. Might not have been true, but it's the impression I got from things like you coming to Galadon when I was the only person in pk, and you were bonded.

Then again, you might have just been moving to and from village to island. Overall though, with others, I was reasonably confidence that I wouldn't get attacked without knowing beforehand to watch out.
67702, RE: Andaayhn
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I give last name often as a sign that I appreciate and respect a solid presence. You had a positive pk ratio (gasp), you played solid hours, you did things Nexus should do, and you didn't sound like an idiot on the cabal channel. All of these things get the Ray stamp of approval. I've liked your Nexus characters (more than some of your evil trannie attempts for sure). Hope you keep playing the cabal.
67703, Nexus - The Difference
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Alright...lets talk about nexus since you don't get why people dont like it. I'm going to try and sum it up as easily as possible. Nexus is about balance right..so when the light is in power, basically they fight agaisnt the Fortress. The fort is a single unified front. When darkness is in power, you get the guys fighting against you. Now...lets take the darkness horde and split them into their at least two categories, Empire and Scion. When I would be facing off against the like of Iltch and his gang fest, I would be a lone Imperial, or maybe one of two, because Scion was in power. Did you see them going after the Scions..no, Iltch made dealsw ith them and then went against them. Nope, they would instead try and kill off the lone Imperial or Two because "It weakens the Dark."

Do you see the issue there? Good In Power - Almost all are Fort or help the fort. Dark in Power - Spread out among a bunch.

Thats just my take.
67713, RE: Nexus - The Difference
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The system corrects for all those things as much as is reasonable.

The problem more commonly is that a large chunk of the playerbase believes themselves to be the underdog when that isn't actually the case. If you're the only Imperial on as a tough-ass Emperor who constantly whips people and Fort conversely has three scribes on who can't PK worth a #### and maybe have killed 2 guys in their combined life by accident, Nexus may very well consider you to have the upper hand... because you do.
67715, I'm not an idiot - I know what was balanced and what wasn't.
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Igbah, Chrichuk or whatever on for Scion and someone else. Zridv, me, alone for Empire. Maran raid, Iltch comes along too, they gang me down. Sorry...but I know the situation. I'm didn't write a note intending for a defense from anyone. I wrote my opinion.
67714, That ####ing Iltch bastard.
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What a piece of ####.
67716, RE: That ####ing Iltch bastard.
Posted by Minyar1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You did your thing, I did mine. I'm not complaining about you ganging me down, it happened, we both know it. If you weren't with a group you would just rob me and run, until you got that nifty sword and some nice gear. You played your char well, I'm not faulting you for that. I'm giving my opinion about Nexus. You told me on many occassions you came after me first for multiple reasons. I do know that killing my char helped balance things, but I'm saying, its f'ed up.
67717, RE: That ####ing Iltch bastard.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You told me on many occassions you came after me
>first for multiple reasons.

Well... yeah. Nexus aren't robots. They have some discretion.

I mean, if you played a Battle guy and I told you you were a ####up because there were times that you killed someone who wasn't a mage while there was a mage in your PK logged on, you would call me an idiot and rightly so. Maybe killing the Scion warrior was a smarter tactical move, maybe it was more role appropriate, etc.

That aside, if you scratch the assassinates, Iltch and Zridv would have remarkably similar ganging stats. I'm just saying. Not that I'm sure Iltch didn't gang the hell out of a ton of people, but, pots and kettles and what not.
67722, I don't see why do you defend Iltch that much
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know anything bad I could say about Iltch, nor Minyar is trying to say. But you go and do some useless ganging remarks on Zridv. But it has nothing to do with things he is saying.

It is obviously that nexus, as any other players will go after more easy pk to balance thing than go and risk their eq/lifes. So nexus usualy looks like it's not balancing things but goes after easy pk with excuse that you are in power. That's why people hate them. I repeat once again it LOOKS LIKE. We all could be wrong though

P.S. "Well... yeah. Nexus aren't robots. They have some discretion."
Yea but Iltch actualy could kill anyone in his pk with an excuse he used(like I can gang one of evil team with another of evil team because it will balance dark), which I think(as player) is lame :)
67760, RE: I don't see why do you defend Iltch that much
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Eh. He wasn't Nexus Jesus or anything, but being that he was cabal leader for a while there I spent more time watching him than a lot of people, and he wasn't half as bad as his rep.

Clearly, you need to play Nexus for a while and show me how it should be done. :)
67764, I thought I'd throw in a quick 2 cents
Posted by Yhorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is actually something I feared happening when I designed Nanorab. Part of his role then became that the reason he thought Balance was so awesome - was because variety was so critical to Thera's survival. He considered that having so many different people, all unique in some way, was beautiful. And that having one group of people grow too strong seriously inhibited the beauty of other groups.

This allowed me not only to convey a really cool hippy theory about Balance, but also dodge the old 'pick the weak off as a cheesy excuse'. The Cabal IS very vulnerable to this kind of behaviour - that much I agree with - and I can't see any way to easily weed it out other than players voluntarily not being asshats. And punishments or at least some kind of chiding from the Imms being thrown around to discourage it.

That said, Nexus plays quite a handy role that I think people are beginning to realise as they get used to having it around. They are a GREAT ranking tool, and at Hero level they really help in those situations where you know you have absolutely Zero chance of retrieval against something like 6-2 odds. But throw in just one Nexun and suddenly it's 6-3, and looking halfway possible with a well planned strike. When that happens, it's cool.

67710, People hate Nexus because
Posted by Dwoggurd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The cabal is hardcoded for gangers.
And ganging is not the thing that should be really encouraged in this game.
Nexus powers just ask players to make permas, so they do. Login together bond and gang. For example: you did that. And players with eyes could see when you login and with whom you walk around.

Another bad thing about Nexus is elaborated in Minyar's post.
67711, Glad you posted it first. Only problem I had with Andaayhn is...
Posted by Kruuank on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...I swear to God, I never once saw you logged in unless there was another Nexun on. Not once. In about 50 logins.
67721, Worst of it is...
Posted by BCharmed on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Some of us wasted several hundred hours and several characters trying to build a Mage Cabal. And we got Nexus instead. I don't HATE nexus, but I believe it needs lots of work. Bond worked back in the old days because our playerbase was 4 times what it is now.
67725, Hah!
Posted by Grecken on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No wonder we ran well together. I knew you quite well as Ciselor. I got a log of you(Ciselor) and myself (someone else obviously) tearing through people bringing balance to the world.

I liked Andaayhn. You showed up just before I became meter and we had the same philosophy. Fight. Smash. Bash plus Sunray was mean. Grecken has a real experimental role and I've never in my life had a char this long so I feel you on the boredom part. Nexus is really a fun cabal if you take it with a grain of salt. If you're the type that can't deal with people griping, then it's probably not for you. After all, Nexus is its own cabal, it's not a servant to the others. It is truly an enemy of all.

Anyhow, had a blast.

67846, RE: Andaayhn
Posted by Firata on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What did you think of me?

You were huge impact on my char. Tried to impress you couple of time and thanks for helping me level those times.
67676, RE: (RAGE DELETE) [NEXUS] Andaayhn Di'hstil the Legend of the Battlefield, Rhyme of Resistance
Posted by Praeto on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry to see you go Man Mountain, Hopefully you enjoy your retirement among your tribe and are able to help the Cloud giants on to greatness and redemption in the eyes of the gods. Based upon your courage, honor, and skill you have shown that your people deserve it.
67687, RE: (RAGE DELETE) [NEXUS] Andaayhn Di'hstil the Legend of the Battlefield, Rhyme of Resistance
Posted by Other Nexun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You mean honor = group rapes and bash;!;!;!;!? :p
67740, Honor, nice
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Between Andaayhn and the other two that ran hand in hand I have never been more disgusted by the hypocrosy and blind powergamey permagroupy ####. This is the first time I have posted since I walked away from CF, an all together great great game, that your #### ruined for me, if not for others.

Thats my take on Andaayhn, who was actually much much better then the other two.
67741, RE: Honor, nice
Posted by StayingAnon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't like Nbm for awhile and I am a fan of Crafted, but his post is dead-on. And it sucks because I know you(meaning crafted) is cool with the fact that ppl know how you(all) play(ed).

It's part of why I wondered why I was bothering with CF, because it sucks being on my end.

It's not just Crafted, it's like seven groups of ppl.