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Topic subject(AUTO) [SCION] Llorenz Ik'Ongkar the Quintessence of Surreptitious Spite
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=67569
67569, (AUTO) [SCION] Llorenz Ik'Ongkar the Quintessence of Surreptitious Spite
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun Mar 30 08:59:52 2008

At 3 o'clock AM, Day of Freedom, 11th of the Month of the Ancient Darkness
on the Theran calendar Llorenz perished, never to return.
Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
67888, A fond farewell
Posted by Llorenz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A whole decade! I've been playing this crack habit of a game for more than 10 years, it sounds like a freaking eternity when I think back on it. My first character on CF was a human thief named grifter, he joined battle back when battle was still north of arkham. I started playing a CF spin off set up my Morgath and company called Turning point and then switching to CF when that mud started going through substantial down times. Its been a crazy cf life with plenty of ups and downs, and with anything that becomes such a huge part of your life it wasnt without a load of drama heh. I've tried playing numerous characters after Llorenz and just have felt the same since. At this time I think I am gonna duck out and leave CF to the younger hipper crowd. So on to goodbye's specific to the character itself.

I rolled up Llorenz because I had never seriously played a transmuter before, I had a short run with Alatriel but that char just fizzed out early. To any future transmuters out there take the time to work up edge points, its not that transmuters are overpowered its edges that make you a freaking machine.

First of all I want to thank you guys for running an amazing game. CF has changed so much over the years that it is barely recognizable now. I tried working on my area and was clicking on at a pretty good pace and then just ran out of steam. At some point logging Llorenz on just became a chore and the thought of finishing up my area just became bleh. I am sorry for letting down the people that had high hopes for me. Specifically Kastellyn, Iukulli, Enlilth, Zesam, Sebeok, Cyradia, I can't tell you how many times I got yelled at by a combination of those six imms to man up and finish my area :P Immorting on cf was the one thing I had never done so it felt good to go ahead and get it out of the way. Too bad I'm just not cut out to be an imm, kudos to all that take time away from their lives to help run CF. Its a labor of love and obviously you guy love cf more than me ;) That being said I have to say this, take the time to listen to the player base. The our way or the high way approach that was so popular some years back has left CF with a shrinking playerbase. I am glad to see that mentality is taking a back burner with most of the imm staff.


How I love and hate this cabal. Llorenz and Cuvatar were the only two chars that ever really got into the cabal's rp.
Ravon you were a freaking beast, it made me sick to see you in action I enjoyed our trips to hell and ST.

Igbah.. seriously dude when the hell did you turn on beast mode? I remember as a mort I'd give igbah loot all the time and then next day he was sporting around a completely different set and now.. yeesh nice job turning the ship around and beating ass.

Shenkov was another personal favorite, you were not a pk intensive character but you were slick as #### to me. I remember following you around duo and thinking this guy could be a monster if he wanted to.

Little nazmorghul guy, shame on you for deleting with such a cool rp concept and a perma title.


I love the cabal, this cabal is what hooked me to cf and I am sorry to see the sorry state it has gotten into. I think mostly its just the serial battlerager players that come at the cabal with some sort of a sense of entitlement. Weekly progress reports? Really?

Yevandr if you had any idea how many times you got me below 200 hps.

Harol we had some wicked fights, I bet you wanted to punch the wall everytime one of your perfected skills missed on me.. 4 times in a row heh :P.

Ckol/Cezar double goes for you two, another classy pair of guys I think you guys might actually have gotten me once I am not sure. Drahmin and me were bitter enemies in our 30s and 40s but come hero you just gave up on me, fun fights though.

Golhyrr you were pretty much on the way out when I got up to hero ranks, I was so glad I didnt have to fight you.

Another personal favorite of mine, the imperial crop during Llorenz's time was pretty ho hum but there were a few stars. For the most part I just rolled right through imperials and after a few run ins imperials just started avoiding me.
Elhe's bard for example a total beast, I never got you and that one time when you rocked me with fiend was pure classy.

Zridv you shoulda taken me up on my offer! You and I were just a bad match up man, im pretty sure if I was anything but a transmuter you would have wiped the floor with me.

Chirikaw the OTHER thief that was a royal pain in my ass. How much eq did I give you over the character's life?

Jhuutr the only imperial to ever wreck the #### out of llorenz in melee, mind you this was before I hero'd and got barrier but still you were so freaking beastly it was sick. After I got barrier we never did fight much.

Here is a cabal I've never gotten cozy with ive played a character or two but for me its just way too passive. Everyone seems to be happy just sitting camo waiting for someone to raid.

Linaeren you son of a bitch I am so glad I got my revenge in the immortal lands. Kudos on imming and burning out just like me.

Throkk I am sorry you held such poor opinions of me but I wasnt about to let you waste me just to make you think better of me. Sides you played the same way, I fought throkk with 2-3 different chars with similar tactics from your end. With llorenz you just didnt have an option to fall back quite as often no need to be bitter about it :P

Folsa it was just a bad match up for us, I could see your frustration during our after fight conversations. I did my best to leave behind everything I couldnt despoil :P heh

Danrae BLEH! How I hated healers specially competant ones that showed up in raids.

Turjuk playing a cloud giant druid was very brave of you, sorry things didnt quite work out. I liked our constant verbal battles more than I did our actual fights.


Darascus one of the few people to kill me post hero. You beat me black and blue just about every time we fought. When you hooked up with dungard it was pure pain. You made me curse invokers and pray about overpowered iceneedles so damn many times. Great fights and great foe awesome having you around.

Dungard everything i said about darascus goes doubly for you, specially since you didnt always roll right over me. I was stunned when you beat me down that one time, barrier protection and bash protection all dropped same tick as you walked in. UGH

Gwevfeldr yay graatch! You threatned to full loot me, guess thats all I have to say about you.

Klyndenstrom I think I said everything that needed to be said in your goodbye post, we were bitter enemies from the teens on up. That never changed and I am thankful you stuck around.

Pesawwkt you made me want to roll up a dagger spec so many times. I still say to this day that dexy changes need to be looked at. No one cares so il shut up about it. Nice char though Ysal

Niheriva what else is there to say other than get defiance corpse hehehe :P

I love the idea of this cabal but I still think its not cutting the mustard. But Ray and Nep would say different, more power to them.

Iltch you son of a bitch! I think everything I have had to say about that char I've already said to you in person over beers. You sir are a douchebag thats all.

Anyway this is the longest character goodbye I have ever written on cf. And at this point im gonna go out and drink and maybe smoke a joint or something. All you wonderful people keep on keepin on!

Oh a quick listing of some of the chars I remember.

Llorenz DUh :P
Nicor, fire ap scion (complete failure)
Ukobach human shapshifter bloodoath (waste)
Alatriel, elf muter squire
Oriax, gnome shifter outlander (waste)
Mauzafat, darkelf healer empire
Forsk, dwarf paladin fortress
Cuvatar, human necro scion
Mirzah, human necro scion
Nysrogh, lich, ex trib
Fomorius, fire ap empire
Thamuz, fire ap scion
Inder, felar warrior empire
Vizarsh, cloud ranger, battle
Kadsuane, darkelf transmuter (porcupine)
Grifter, human thief battle

Have fun folks!
If I missed anyone feel free to post and il respond the best I can.

PS Twist I promise to come back if you bring back masters.

Acidic Parv signing off.

67890, Too bad you auto'd
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>PS Twist I promise to come back if you bring back masters.

Twist and I had already decided on all the powers for the new Masters Cabal. I was 90% done with the coding. Twist had nominated you to run them if you ever got your area done. C'est la vie.

Guess I'll delete it all and go back to working on shifters.
67891, You are an EVIL EVIL IMM!
Posted by ElfArialWarrior on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loves this reply. :p
67894, Seconded haha. n/t
Posted by WarEagle2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
67895, RE: Too bad you auto'd
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Twist and I had already decided on all the powers for the new Masters Cabal. I was 90% done with the coding.

I liked what you did with Magic Bash, but I thought Magic Pincer needed either to have more than half a round of lag, or not be area effect.

67900, RE: Too bad you auto'd
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked the new leader power, Hypnotic Gaze. Just the thought of it happening made me dream about it.
67898, RE: A fond farewell
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glad I could keep Ukobach consistently outfitted with hero gear. (grumble)
67901, "Eb-o-ny and I-vo-ry..."
Posted by Mek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Darascus one of the few people to kill me post hero. You beat me black and blue just about every time we fought. When you hooked up with dungard it was pure pain. You made me curse invokers and pray about overpowered iceneedles so damn many times. Great fights and great foe awesome having you around.

I couldn't help but laugh when I read this. Trust me man, I was praying about how overpowered disrupt organ was!! Haha. I gotta say you terrorized my people very well, and I was actually loathe to let them wander off on their own, 'cause sure enough after a little while I'd see:

(Squire): Llorenz got me.

And then I'd sigh and be like, "That wily son of a bitch..."

All-in-all, great character. You definitely made my life more interesting there, and I thank you for it.
67907, RE: A fond farewell
Posted by Desabarun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed our fights, although as you noted muter makes for an unfair match-up against some, I felt outtie bard made for an unfair match-up against muters.

So many options to screw the muter. Distort, beastcall, and massive dam redux... I thought you did well to cut out of fights when you did. We seemed to be judging them the same because each time you left was just at the point where I felt dropping the fiend my be worthwhile.

Anyway, we still had quite a lot of fights, and I enjoyed having you around.
67917, RE: A fond farewell
Posted by Cezar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Great work. We definately had some good fights. You really tested my skills, I know that the first few times we fought you decimated me. Our last battles were much closer though. Sorry to see you go, I'm sure you would have done really well as an imm.
67925, You played Nicor?
Posted by Tekkorahn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Those where some one sided, then fun fights.
Sorry I went nuts that one time. You did really good
67926, Kaddy!
Posted by Feirshay on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Be good, man. Had a lot of fun mudding with you throughout the past decade. If you make it back, well, that'll be more than ok!

Luck, bro.
67939, RE: A fond farewell
Posted by Enlilth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I still say you suck for not writing area, but I understand. Oh and one of my last morts eight pks... Llorenz!
67941, it was always a blast
Posted by yevandr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There were not a lot of transmuters that gave me problems but you were nuts. It was always a tough fight and we had a lot of close calls. In the end it basically came down to if I could remove the staff from your hands I could out damage you, if I couldn't then it was really close (assuming spellbane was up). I would stare at my screen in wonderment as I was getting purely out tanked by a drow transmuter while thirsting and baning every spell.

Good luck with life
68635, RE: A fond farewell
Posted by Chirikaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ooops been a while since I read up on these.
Can I help it if you had some really nice things just lying around in
your pockets?? That's like finding something just lying in the road.
*rofl* I tended to focus on wands though, I needed to bribe mages now and again to help me out. :)

Have a good one, too bad about the hero-imm thing. Good luck
with the next one.
68701, Absolutely Memorable.
Posted by Malcolm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Looking through your list of past characters I understand why I enjoyed interacting with you so much, even on the receiving end of your wrath this time around as Idril. Your history spans back with some fantastic characters I had the chance to interact with as both enemies and allies and, in my opinion, you were all class. I cheered you on when you made avatar, not only because I'd stop getting neuro'd into grave, but you were one of the few who actually spoke with me on your views and position concerning our (The Village/Chasm) conflict and simply didn't rub death in someone's face. (My P.O.V. Maybe you did with others.)I hope you do come back and eventually finish that area. I'd like to see what you come up and even see what your take on a religion would be. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.


67597, It was somewhat of a badge of pride for me that while you were raping the midranges, we had some epics.
Posted by Vhergruhl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well played.
67596, brutal
Posted by Fjarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You gave Fjarn a tough time when I got to the hero range. I'm glad you tried something different on that last pk. Neuro-neuro-neuro got old :). It was an ironic source of pride that Fjarn was your last PK as a mortal. It's a shame to see you auto, your roleplay seemed pretty solid.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot. That one time you tricked Fjarn into running out into the forest to kill some mage was classic.
67575, Damn. I was really hoping for you to IMM.
Posted by Naerzghul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Excellent job man. Llorenz was one of the pinnacles of power in the eyes of Naerzghul. And you were like the only one who understood the background of Naerzghul.
67573, darnit
Posted by Iukulli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This really bums me out, I had high hopes for you.

Good luck
67902, Classy, just classy!
Posted by CkolBjorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With Bjorn I SO frustrated fighting you... I think I saw you writing ONCE in 1vs1, if I remember correctly your protections had just fallen inside the fortress. The rest of the time it ended up with you at a few scrateches and me dead...

Ckol though did ALOT better, but we didn't get to fight that many times. The times we did was always great fun.

You had that cool Scion feeling that really just made me want to curl up in some cave well hidden not to face you while playing Bjorn. ;) Sad to see you go, but guess it doesn't matter since I'm gone as well... heh
67571, RE: (AUTO) [SCION] Llorenz Ik'Ongkar the Quintessence of Surreptitious Spite
Posted by Patick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
man its about time! I remember you following me and my groups down into the slave mines. haha.
67570, RE: (AUTO) [SCION] Llorenz Ik'Ongkar the Quintessence of Surreptitious Spite
Posted by Aubrei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Autoing hero imms makes me sad :(