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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Vicaxion the Spectre, Magistrate of Hamsah Mu'tazz
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=67454
67454, (AGE DEATH) [TRIBUNAL] Vicaxion the Spectre, Magistrate of Hamsah Mu'tazz
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Mar 26 13:53:31 2008

At 11 o'clock PM, Day of the Sun, 6th of the Month of the Spring
on the Theran calendar Vicaxion perished, never to return.
Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal
67456, 3rd time lucky. Or not!
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, I had a blast with this character, so I was a little sad to see him meet the same fortune as Baendra and Zkatholef (if that was my second -- think I got his items but then deleted without going back to the mummy-maker). That said, at least this time I knew it was a possibility, unlike with Baendra when I had no idea you could die after successfully completing the tasks, and drooled over having a mummy for a week.

For any that wonder, I took the macho edge, for role reasons (the role command explains it). I loved it because it forced me to rp better, and do stuff like insist on leading even when it pissed people off. I hope most people figured out that it was role based though, and not me being an idiot. Also (for Jeremiciah), the macho edge is why I didn't yell out when attacked on your watch. He was too macho to yell (although I do remember shouting "Shark! Shark! Shark!" when attacked in the ruins of the deep by one, and then suddenly realising that it might have been bad rp instead of good (sort of) rp, because macho dudes might not do that.

I also took hemophiliac edge, on account of the royal family being quite inbred and thus perhaps prone to genetic problems. That got me killed quite a lot, because prior to getting vampiric touch, I'd go straight from a death into a fight, get cut, and then bleed to death because I had no coins to heal with.

So... onto friends and enemies:

Inglor: Great Provost. Was good to have you in charge. Thought you balanced dealing with evils well with your paladin code. In that, you pretty much wouldn't work with us, but you saw that we still had a place to serve the law. And yes, I was using you that last time when I said that a certain mob was plotting to poison the city if we didn't stop it. Said mob was carrying one of the items I was after. I was surprised to get it gushing on my own, but then it changed tactics and I couldn't finish the damn thing off.

I especially liked the verbal banter we had during my induction. :)

Zattanralk: Man, you and Joram between you sure die a lot. But you have a great attitude to the game, and I reckon in time you'll turn out to be tough (just not in time for the character Zattanralk, heh!). I tried to help you out a bit with advice re enlarge, reduce, flight etc, but I probably didn't help you that much because for some reason I kept thinking you were a giant, so most of the advice I gave you was only true for giants. Sorry! So yeah, if you REDUCE AGAINST GIANTS, they can't bash you unless they've reduced (giving you a chance to sleep them), and if you ENLARGE against people that can bash you, they won't be able to bash you nearly as effectively. Hope those wands I showed you help. (Don't mention where they are.)

Fendril: Liked having you around. There was a definite svirfy vibe from you. Not so much because of your rp, but the fact that you were always there, pretty calm and unflappable. Kind of like the "earth".

Various other tribs, fun working with you. Even you Jeremiciah. :) I hope you figured out from my completely over the top rantings and writings that it was rp and not me having a problem with the player.


Well, generally you guys are getting the shaft right now, and if what I think was happening between trib and empire did happen (just as I was getting mummified), I think it will help game balance. I sort of wonder whether me running around crowing about being "king" is what triggered a new Empress to attack. That would be kind of cool.

Throkk: I don't know quite what to say. I loved Throkk as Desabarun, and I loved him as an enemy. But when you beat the complete crap out of me through all my protections, that was humbling! I knew I was risking death by running into that room to vamp touch up after getting insects on me. Was trying to balance vamp touching mobs to stay alive from their damage with not letting you catch up. Unfortunately I wouldn't vamp touch any guards, so each vamp touch of a cat or dog etc was giving me only a few hp. Too few, clearly.

And you got me killed before I was in pk, that time you subverted my guard. I blinded, slept, and just scourged it as Shenkov stepped into town, summoned and slept me before I came out of scourge lag. And I was already hurt from Djabree, so that was something of a forgone conclusion.

In fact, I'm pretty sure you got me again before that, because I died to fires in Hamsah just after a tough fight, on my way to the healer. And we all know who likes to set fires! >:)

Macha: Kept me on my toes. Very agressive. Fortunately I think each ambush you sprung was not a ocmplete surprise, so I came out of them ok. Man I hate muters. I was really hoping that neuro didn't work on mummies!

Vreksoek: Good rp. Very unlucky in that fight where I killed you. You know that door wasn't locked? So you could have opened it and run? heh.

Rest of you outlanders... don't remember much. So if we interacted, let me know!


Argh! Djabree. How they call you the Mageslayer, I don't know. You couldn't kill... oh wait. You got me at least twice I think, and sent me running pretty much every other time apart from once. Watching you ignore the Hamsah gateguards whilst still in the 30s was sick. Nice work.

Taruk: Nice and agressive. Keep it up.

Droghund: Just way too tough. Couldn't land a spell on you and my full undead army didn't seem to be doing so much either! But at least you weren't getting me that time as a sword spec.

Shenkov: You seemed very cool. Apparently you were the only Twist-tatted person, but what little I saw suggested it was merited. Nice kill there. For a moment I thought you'd forget to cast forget on me (in which case I reckon I'd have lived), but you cast it just before damage from scourge / poison would have woken me. Ahh well. In hindsight, I could have done better than attempting to run the entire length of the Aryth with you summoning me back. At least bled off your mana by moving between Open Sea and Aryth or something!

Igbah: I wasn't sure whether you were really annoyed at me or not. I got the impression you were, because I used pwk on you. But having fought you as Desabarun, and knowing that you were in combat and thus couldn't be slept, it seemed like the best plan, rather than a cheap kill attempt when you needed only to take one step to be safe again.

Some very well rp'd characters imho, and just generally a good bunch, although I feel that you guys have it pretty easy a lot of the time, what with the combination of classes you have right now.

Special mention to Klurak and Khraththryn (sp?) who seemed very well rp'd, and also to Dashmiri and Kornuel who I just had fun with.

A high point of my life was us having a fight when you argued with the king! And then you not getting pissy about it as many would. I was trying to play it a bit like Palmer, who was generally a good ally but sometimes just lost control and turned on his "friends".

Ophanelu: Didn't really know you, but I liked that you went to war with the spire. I hope it was because of me. :)

Dargekt: I'm sure you tried to attack us that time. No way am I going to stay my hand against an ap that comes a long way through an area without announcing he is, and then when I sleep him, turns out to have aura and bloodlust up. You would have died quicker had the arcane been on my wavelength, because I only wanted you fumbled once (and it was his attempt to fumble the second weapon that woke you). After the first fumble, I was going to finish spelling you up and let you stew a bit to drain the rest of your moves. As it was, you -almost- made it out.

I have to apologise, because I did loot a lot of crap from you the second time. I was getting rather frustrated with your repeated attacks on the spire just to draw me back, because I was trying to do other stuff. That said, much of what I took I took to try to give Zattanralk the chance to experience good gear, however briefly, because yet again I for some reason thought he was a giant. So things like the bracelets, I took for him. I thought about getting them back to you, but the Empire declared war in the meantime, so that option was off. Some of your stuff was left where you died though, as I embalmed your corpse and it all fell on the ground. Your weapon got sacced by the fortress. They didn't particularly want to help me, but when I told them where it was, they couldn't exactly ignore it.

Laernoch: Enjoyed our fights. It felt a relatively even match, although annoyingly you kept jumping me when I was running to where I knew a criminal was, and then by the time you ran off (normally, though sometimes it was me), they were gone and I didn't know where.


Annticia: You should be banned from the game, imho. Permanent deaf on, sitting in your guild just running out to loot corpses before running back into your guild. No apparent attempt to rp with anyone. As far as I can see, you log on only to try to keep what gear you looted. I -almost- rolled a necro during the incubation waiting period just to kill you and full sac. I am quite proud that I didn't succumb to that urge.

Satebos: You seemed like a cool cat the brief time we met.

Twist: Thanks for the immteraction (albeit not to be repeated!). I probably should have been more religious, but Vicaxion felt that priests should be servants of royalty, so he wasn't too keen on ending up like one. Also, by the time we eventually met, Vicaxion wasn't quite as macho (because he'd taken more than a few beatings).

Enlilth: Nifty echoes, and a chance to put another thread into Vicaxion's role. Thanks for that, and thanks for the post-mummy-death talk. Without it I think I'd have left quite demoralised.

Rest of the imms: I still like this game, but sending the stream of my necros to their doom is starting to frustrate me. I can't just roll up another and try again because I have to wait for a role to strike me. You can't really do a throw-away undead, since it makes no sense to delete them quickly or to waste the opportunity.

Master of decay: I liked it, but I'm still convinced it is buggy. You get immunity to your scourge whilst mobs are alive, but if you loot them after they die, you catch it.
Cryptborn: Kind of liked it, but the only real use I got from it was not getting scourged from corpses (see above).
Spectral adept: wtf? It's ok, but how expensive?! It felt disproportionately so. Admittedly I was after spectral master ultimately, but to me, it feels as if spectral master should be expensive and spectral adept should be more akin to the edges like cheerful, mousy etc.
Battlemage training: I think I liked it. Against mobs. Against most players I seemed to still tank badly. But perhaps that's because often I had forgotten to wield a weapon. Doh!
Black duelist: Think I liked this one too.
Not sure if I had others.

Anyway, enough from me for now. I'll post later if I remember anything.


67458, The intended mummy description, fwiw
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As ye gaze upon the creature before ye, it is hard to believe that
it once lived and breathed with characteristics typical of a male
drow. Skin once of dusky hue and youthful tone now hangs in
strips of hardened dry yellow flesh, clinging to a bleached skull.

Teeth protrude from dessicated and browned gums, surely held
in place only by magic. Eyes still remain within the skull,
hideous in nature. They seem to have shrunk to the extent that
they float within the bony crusted sockets, turning and peering
at the bidding of a dark magic. Their once healthy whites have
turned grey and no longer glisten with tears, and pupils shrunk
to tiny pinpoints of violet light stand out in stark contrast.

Bandages protrude from a variety of armors, the weight of which
it seems to be effortlessly with unholy strength. One thing that
strikes you is the absence of the normal bodily smells that you
so take for granted. The edgy stench of sweat-soaked armor is
completely absent, and there is no smell of decay taking its place.
Rather, there is a faint aroma of myrrh from his wrappings, and
the intoxicating scent of reagents bursts forth each time its
satchel knocks against it.
67485, Cool description. n/t
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
67652, RE: The intended mummy description, fwiw
Posted by Dark Priest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just curious, not meant in any negative way...

If it hangs in strips of hardened and dry yellow flesh, how would people know it was once a youthful and dusky hue?
67653, RE: The intended mummy description, fwiw
Posted by WarEagle2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Few descriptions, very few, that are elaborate make total sense.
67657, RE: The intended mummy description, fwiw
Posted by Dark Priest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There are some wonderful documents available about writting descriptions that would add a lot to the wealth of documents we have have as well. However, they are published by another MU* so I won't link them here. =(
67680, Because his life was famous
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As in, most people will be aware of what race an undead was before he/she became undead.

People that become undead tend to become famous, and their previous lives known about.
67683, RE: Because his life was famous
Posted by Dark Priest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Never heard of him. I think its a rather far stretch to assume everyone is aware. Descriptions are rather lax on CF, at least since I started here several years ago. I am not complaining, its just how CF is and I enjoy the game very much. Simply an observation.
67699, Well
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Point taken, but

Firstly, he wasn't undead. Therefore you are more likely to hear about him from that point.

Secondly, I am surprised you've not heard of him. I was definitely under the impression that you were playing a character that spent a bit of time with Vicaxion.

I did actually consider whether or not to put something like that in, and I figured that people would believe that he used to be drow (even though he, in fact, wasn't a drow).
67462, Good char, good fights. Too bad we didn't have more - nt -
Posted by Laernoch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
67475, Aww, crap..
Posted by Vreksoek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Vreksoek: Good rp. Very unlucky in that fight where I killed you. You know that door wasn't locked? So you could have opened it and run? heh.

That made me laugh. I had it in my head to be worried about that galadon locked door so had translucemse going but didn't notice it fell. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Never even thought to open that stupid cabin door. Thanks for being fun about it IC, you were more than gracious- that was a totally "d'oh" moment for Vrek...

Too bad about not mummy-ing again. Woulda been cool. Fourth ... times.. a .. charm? ;(
67481, Premium battlefield -- fta of an imm (Zulg?)
Posted by Vicaxion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I got an email saying that the pbf for Vicaxion had been published, but it doesn't appear to be there.

If you could look into this, it would be appreciated.

67662, When you say FTA do you mean..
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fail To Appear?

I ask because that's what that means in my line of work.

67679, Nope, I mean
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For The Attention (of)

That's what it tends to mean in UK business. At least, in any business I've worked in.
67483, RE: 3rd time lucky. Or not!
Posted by Dargekt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Dargekt: I'm sure you tried to attack us that time. No way am
>I going to stay my hand against an ap that comes a long way
>through an area without announcing he is, and then when I
>sleep him, turns out to have aura and bloodlust up. You would
>have died quicker had the arcane been on my wavelength,
>because I only wanted you fumbled once (and it was his attempt
>to fumble the second weapon that woke you). After the first
>fumble, I was going to finish spelling you up and let you stew
>a bit to drain the rest of your moves. As it was, you
>-almost- made it out.
>I have to apologise, because I did loot a lot of crap from you
>the second time. I was getting rather frustrated with your
>repeated attacks on the spire just to draw me back, because I
>was trying to do other stuff. That said, much of what I took
>I took to try to give Zattanralk the chance to experience good
>gear, however briefly, because yet again I for some reason
>thought he was a giant. So things like the bracelets, I took
>for him. I thought about getting them back to you, but the
>Empire declared war in the meantime, so that option was off.
>Some of your stuff was left where you died though, as I
>embalmed your corpse and it all fell on the ground. Your
>weapon got sacced by the fortress. They didn't particularly
>want to help me, but when I told them where it was, they
>couldn't exactly ignore it.

Well, by that time, I was kinda irritated in general, and I knew you'd have to retrieve at some point. I'd already gotten wanted for something else, so figured why not use it. As far as my stuff...I died to a bad teleport, and still have no clue where that was, so in essence, you ended up full looting me. Most of it's my own pride though. For some reason, I never really liked this character, and I've dealt with him with others, it was mainly just the character and never the player that grated on me. I'll see ya around soon enough again, I'm sure.
67504, fwiw
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You died in the ruins of Delar Tol. To the adult basilisk. (I'm assuming it paralysed you and you wimpied into a lesser basilisk.)

Not sure what you meant about retrieving though. As far as I was aware, we had our item.

Know what you mean about not getting into a char though. Desabarun really didn't suit me at all.
67484, Tough luck!
Posted by Throkk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Such a shame you didn't get mummy. When you take into account the history of the player it is just plain cruel.
Still, keep playing the game, man!

As for this particular char. Very quirky and stylish. I can imagine grouping with your must have been fun too. I liked the little log you shared on Dioxide's. The king, indeed!

That time I got you in Galadon where you ran to the hidden room to heal up I was like 'He hasn't given up yet! What a great attitude!'

Perhaps it wasn't super RP but I tried to convey my feeling of respect after the fight there.

I also remember an interesting retrieval against you and Fendril where you had a lot of zombies. Fortunately I had Vreksoev to help and apparantly some nexans killed Fendril. At the end of the retrieval, you just stood in the spire, wanding up I presume, but it was super lucky on my part since Fendril came back into range seconds before the executioner died. Fortunately he eyejabbed me instead of entwining. Special guards and zombies would have killed me there for sure.

67505, yeah, I was wanding up that time
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did learn to do some things differently after that fight. e.g. to pre-prepare for fights by doing the summoning first.
67487, I'm so going Lich.
Posted by Yhorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The time investment into getting a mummy is so not worth it... these failures are way too common.

I'm assuming you got your items right though.

67639, I read through your role, good stuff. nt
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM