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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(Deleted) Vyborny
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=67087
67087, (Deleted) Vyborny
Posted by Vyborny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So I logged on today, and there was no orb in the Fortress. Okay I thought. But then I type a who PK and 5 out of 8 people in my PK range are Imperials. A shaman, healer, warrior, assassin and bard. I think to myself that I have no chance in hell, so I hold out for a while. Two and a half hours later, some of them start to log off, probably due to boredom of sitting at the Palace jacking each other off, and waiting to gank the #### out of me. The several taunts thrown at me for being a coward during this wait period wasn't exactly cool either. Really, I should have just said screw it and just logged off long before, but I had a few hours to kill, so eh, whatever. No one has fun as 1 against 5 enemies of the same cabal (unless you're 3000hp, 200 dam roll AP). And when you have 5 allies, no one has fun either. But I decided to stay anyway, and I finally get the opportunity to make an attempt at a retrieval with two people (a warrior and transmuter). But of course, I would get assassinated in the process, even after I thought I was being cautious. I would really like to express my dislike for assassinate. Or any other one shot ability. But of course, they will remain in the game until the game dies. Personally, I don't like playing the game like some sort of paranoid crack addict that constantly has to teleport, recall or run to areas where assassins can't hide. But that's not the worst of it. No, getting full looted by an army of undead by an out-of-range necromancer, who was ordered to do so by a "superior" of another sect. Then I am taunted further by these Imperials by them saying they dropped all my armor at the Throne room. It's a suicide run, I know, but I try anyway. I die. And as though that wasn't enough, some Imm has to chime in and start taunting me as well. End rant.

So I'm writing this and posting my own deletion so that I don't reactivate, because I tend to do that on occasion.

Other than that, I mostly enjoyed the character and several of the people I met.
67130, RE: (Deleted) Vyborny
Posted by Armin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dude, that sucks. I know how it is though, you know how hard I suck at this game. I took a few years off, come back and have no idea what I'm doing and still trying to relearn. So, through my own personal suck and being killed by several people (As well as one shotted with assassinate, ambush and the other suprise attacks when weakened) I can understand why.

I really liked this character through, pretty cool. I figured you or Miz would be the next Captain.

Hate to see you go dude.
67129, All Fortress members are tagged with a vuln_assassinate tag
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My Fortie got assassinated too, and I personally witnessed (as my character) Gryshilniar getting assassinated by an Imperial assassin.
67132, They never got me!
Posted by Mek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Or did they? Hell if I can remember.
67104, Fook
Posted by Ortmarraak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dude, I'm sorry about that - I hate lowbie looters too. I had no idea he'd been stalking you for so long.

Life as a goodie is hard rightnow, I feel your pain. If it makes you feel any better, I died trying to keep the vanquisher from returning...

67113, RE: Double Fook
Posted by Vyborny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You weren't supposed to die while I was suiciding myself!

Yeah, I knew Vehldriss was stalking for quite a long time. But I saw him in Balator and figured that would throw off the stalk count. I guess it didn't complete negate it. Oh well.

I'm curious what your legacies are. The polearm/mace thing can be really powerful if in the right hands and right legacies. Even some edge choices can really up the power of this combo. It's always one of those things that I'd like to do, but end up doing something else instead.
67097, Ugh
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ok, the lisp got on my nerves, but besides that I liked this character. I was about to Maran you and was looking at you for Captain, so I'm extra disappointed to see this. Well, good luck on your next. I can admit in your shoes with Empire as strong as it is right now, I wouldn't want to face those odds either.
67110, RE: Ugh
Posted by Vyborny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really, really wanted to take this character places. But alas, I guess it was just not meant to be. There were a few more role ideas and tidbits that I thought would have really helped round the character out, too. *sigh*

Thanks for the encouraging words.
67095, RE: (Deleted) Vyborny
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just read this rant and I just have to say, bleh. You sat in Galadon for nearly an hour and let the assassin stalk you until no end. I am sorry, but, assassinate isn't the "one shot deal" you think it is. But, when you sit in one place and LET an assassin stalk you for that long, you have nobody to blame but yourself.

There are always going to be power swings on occasion. When things aren't going your way, go someplace where they aren't and explore, work on skills, do some quests, try to figure out some quests, etc. Don't sit in one easily recognized place and wait for the beating.

Looting is part of the game. When you die, expect or accept that your gear is forfeit. If communication doesn't get your gear back, then so be it. Committing suicide against lousy odds is not going to help you keep your gear. In fact, the more people that are involved, the less likely you are going to get much back at all because each piece might have a use for that many people.
67094, Vyborny
Posted by Istdinen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is a real kick in the gut. I was really digging running around with you. I hope this hasn't soured you entirely to the thought of another Fortie. For what it is worth I thought you handled the few bad situations we managed to find ourselves in with grace and dignity.

Good luck with your next choice.
67112, RE: Istdinen
Posted by Vyborny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I kept thinking I was going to log on and finally see you as an Acolyte. Your play times generally seemed to match with mine, so you really helped fill the slow times in the wee hours of the night (or morning, depending on where you live I guess?). You are a very competent healer (I'd be surprised if you said it was your first). And you do the two things healers do well, and should do well: Stay alive and keep people alive.

Istdinen for Cardinal!
67091, RE: (Deleted) Vyborny
Posted by Mizfara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That sucks, dude. We didn't get to run around that much, but I liked Vyborny. You seemed to really know what you were doing. Basically, against those odds, there's almost zero chance of you retrieving unless you can do it sneaky-like, or unless Team Empire really drops the ball. Or maybe if they're all stuck in Hell or something.

You know what you need to do now. Roll an Imperial, and reform it from the inside. :)
67090, RE: (Deleted) Vyborny
Posted by Vehldriss on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
After I heard that you were being suicidal for your equipment, I went back to the palace and removed them from the Throne room. I was going to tell you to stop littering your body at the throne and pick them up, but alas, you quit out.

All in all, I thought your character was kinda cool. With you and one of the paladin, I couldn't even come close to assassinating you, because of your legacy.

Also, that last assassination...you were in galadon for the better part of a hour. I must've had at least 30 stalks on you, and I'm fairly certain that you were aware I was stalking you.

Anyways, good luck on your next one.

67089, Were you sphere Anger or Rage? And what was up with the lisp, heh.
Posted by Vrtainen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Other than those questions, I got nothing to say except wow you really beat my ass that last time in Hamsah. I mean, really beat my ass.
67092, Sphere combat.
Posted by Vyborny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I just wanted to add some flavor to the character, so I gave him a lisp. Sometimes it was a hinderance though, but all in all, enjoyable.

I ran into you couple times when you were already injured, usually resulting in your death. It was really just bad timing more often than not. As a dark-elf village applicant, I'm sure you have people gunning for you all the time. But I could tell you wanted a fair fight, and so you brought it to me. Unfortunately for you, a mithril vulnerability isn't an easy thing to cover.

Hang tough, because people are going to want your head.
67100, RE: Sphere combat.
Posted by Mizfara on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was impressive how well you kept that up. It's bad enough when the game does it for you (e.g. minotaurs) but having to cook up that accent on your own, for every say or tell...that's dedication. :)