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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectI never had this much fun before
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=67066
67066, I never had this much fun before
Posted by BlumforbKrilcov on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was all about making friends and the roleplay this time around.
Dwarven sword spec. I worked really hard on the desc and roleplay.
It wasnt even work, it was a blast. I met alot of cool people.
and others

You and other people really made my day. This being my first and probably only character this year, its too bad I won't be remembering the fun we had because of some asshole.

It ended on a real sour note, and I am ####ing shaking pissed
How would you like to have some lowbie follow you around and steal
things from your kills. Then say they are going to join the village just to piss you off. Well it happened I guess. And I attacked them in galadon, used some skills I was very unprofficient at to give them a chance and they fled. I fought some other things after and was still at low health when they returned and killed me later.
Taking all my #### too. So much for us both being village applicants.

Its just a game however, and I am going back to my real life and working on having some little krilcovs. Jobs working out and my girl is awesome. Peace out.
67133, I hear you on that. I have had applicants loot my applicant twice now~
Posted by Abernytee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
67134, You had that happen to you too? Jeez...NT
Posted by An Applicant on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
67138, Yea, well, time to go oldschool. In the 20's with something nt.
Posted by BlumforbKrilcov on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
67106, Man I had pretty high hopes for this char...
Posted by Yean on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He was always rping whenever I happened to watch, and his rp seemed like lots of fun...very dwarf and humourous. You should roll more chars like that!
67120, RE: I never had this much fun before
Posted by Mawavaw on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Sad to see you go, I definitely enjoyed interacting with you. The RP energy was very contagious, and that made me want to keep grouping with you and inspired me to put extra effort in. Sorry to hear that other things didn't work out, and good luck with everything.
67102, RE: I never had this much fun before
Posted by Fjarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fjarn didn't like Blumforb. But I was hoping you'd make it in.

I had my eye out for you, and then when our times finally lined up, your abrasive disrespectful dwarf attitude was the first thing Fjarn encountered. I might grin behind the monitor, but how would Fjarn respond? If you'd stuck it out, you'd have had a chance.

And it's a shame you went out on such a sour note. Unfortunately, "snoop" isn't a leader command...

Oh well. Come on back when you need a break from procreating.
67080, Dwarves are usually a really fun race to play.
Posted by Jalenkan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was so wishing you were going to stay around. I had high hopes for you after that little spat inside the arena. Not all wishes come true however... I will wish you luck in whatever you do, and if you think about another char, the village almost always is in need of hearty souls.
67073, RE: I never had this much fun before
Posted by Parg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seems like not a surprise to me that you were Krilcov. I don't know many players with the excitable energy that you do. It's a shame you're gone, is about all I'll say. Maybe one other thing...I can't even fathom talking as much as you do and still being able to type anything else. Sorry you went out like that.

67074, I wish I had the time to be around
Posted by Blum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
..enough to get into a cabal. It seems like you need to be on half of the time the commanders playing time to get any recog. I spent all but 4 hours as an applicant.
67083, RE: I wish I had the time to be around
Posted by Parg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For what it's worth, man, I was past 45 hours before I got Fjarn alone. I was literally on my way to a shrine at the recommendation of another rager when I saw him log. I wasn't playing during my regular hours though, so I think I just wasn't meshing with him while I actually was with you. I felt pretty bad logging off, but hell man, it was Saturday morning and it was actually getting a bit late for me to be playing.

I missed the last line of your post the first time through. I'm really sad that you're not still playing but I understand whole-heartedly. Without indulging too much of my personal information, I'm in a similar boat. The fiance deserves more time than I usually have free which means that CF is taking a hit. It was a chore to get into the cabal but in the end I was pretty happy to actually accomplish the goal. I don't think it should be -that- tough to get in, but at the same time I couldn't even get the applicant flag for a long time because when I was ranking there were no mages around. Everyone knew the rites were coming and I feel like there was this influx of ragers. Probably you just missed the timing by a week or two, and we were in about the same boat. Good luck with the real life stuff, man. I think what the world needs is a bunch of hyperactive Krilcov babies running around stealing candy from their friends =D

The one criticism that I'll give the char other than the excessive talking, and comedic but _almost_ instant-message-feeling tells outside of the hilarious group tells, was the last fight we had. You ended up in all sorts of ways messed up by the necromancer and after I killed him, I came to help you out. We got you through it but you asked if the gods would mind if you used the healer to make it. To me, that meant that you knew you shouldn't and just really wanted to to avoid the pk death, even with no chance of looting. That put a damper on my fun at the time and I tried to smack you a little bit for it verbally. Overall though I had fun with you around and only on a few occassions had to stop and think "WTF is going on in front of me?" The whole thing was very immersive in the RP environment though. I'll welcome you back whenever there's time for you to play.

What's funny is, I know I hated one of your earlier characters with a passion. I just can't remember if it was Krilcov or not. What was your one right after that?

Again, Best to you man.
67103, Look at
Posted by Blumforb on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tuk the Orc's comments and Krilcov's pbf if that will help.
67070, Liked your char. There's some incredibly ####ty apps/villagers at the moment, but what can you do.
Posted by DaBull on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your speech cracked me up.
67099, Agreed
Posted by Fors on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's kind of sad seeing the #### they come up with to justify their ####ty actions as applicants.