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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectDaichyl Ti Beraam the Deft Shadow of the Mist, Captain of the Brigade
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=66974
66974, Daichyl Ti Beraam the Deft Shadow of the Mist, Captain of the Brigade
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, that's it. I'm quite done. I have been waiting for the role contest and see how my role felt like to the Immortals and decide if I delete or not. But today was a bit bitter, I have been bored for a while now having other ideas to play with and so I decided to pull the plug.

So, to those who knows me, it may be a surprise being that I've had a hero goodie. Captain of the Brigade too. I'm an Imperial player (May have showed when I'd say 'Let's go gather back the Codex' on the cabal channel...that was kinda embarassing) and well, I've NEVER had any goodies over 40's...well one but I was a newbie back then and I did not practice dodge on that storm giant axe spec...it was back when Strohm was about and Entropies too. My first hero assassin too so it also showed. I never was able to assassinate someone...but then, sometimes I never had foes that I could stalk. But that's no excuses. I've learned a lot about how to gear a goodie so it's cool. I've explored a few places too.

So how did I decide to roll this one? After Zevsa, I didn't play much and felt like I should play something unusual to me. I've been watching those Naruto's and I wanted to have some sort of ninja who uses techniques and not skills and who fights with the heart, not with words. I wasn't the type to taunt although in the end, I might have done it once or twice.

I wanted to join the Fortress at hero but I decided to give it a go and I was successful. First Fortie since my VERY FIRST character...which was a servant of the dawn. I was surprised to be made Maran as I died to Igbah and I was also surprised to become the Captain when I'd see people like Acvilar or Hiajist or Tondumalanas who would rarely die while I'd be the punching bag. Of course, I never learn to prep before fighting and I could have avoided some deaths. Yeah.

At the end, I was trying to reach Baerinika and become an Initiate, perhaps have a tournament Assassins/Thieves/Warriors only related to my role of being a fighter. (I'll buy the PBF when I have time for it)

A special thanks to the Imms who make that game great. Thanks Enlilth for bringing me those laughs when you'd throw those elves in your pit. Hah.

If you say something, I'll answer back. Don't feel like making a huge post and forgetting possibly anyone.

Yuber/Sakard/Vortigern/Melchisedec/Zevsa/I forget plenty
67056, RE: Daichyl Ti Beraam the Deft Shadow of the Mist, Captain of the Brigade
Posted by Corsix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were fun to hang around, and I liked being able to actually find a use for all of those weapons that I seem to find in my possession for one reason or another. I wish I could've seen you a bit more, but school can be a bitch. My times have (finally) stabilized now, but everyone is deleting left and right. Bah.
67041, Good times were had dying with you at that demon...
Posted by Riv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed the makeup of the "party."

Also props for the talk we had in Mirkwood, er, Ar'something. I found you asleep and went back and forth about 5 times wether or nor to "amb dai onslaught"....So glad I didn't. I almost did it again when you were caught in my snare, but I could barely type the words ;)

Heh, I remember Yuber too, good times. See you in the fields.
67013, Hiajist died more than you ever imagine. Just that you're offline. Enjoyable character. nt
Posted by Hiajist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
66990, RE: Daichyl Ti Beraam the Deft Shadow of the Mist, Captain of the Brigade
Posted by Enlilth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Awww. Enjoyed poking at you. Hope you had fun, seemed kinda newish to me, but I felt like bothering someone, and none of my guys were around. I guess you won out? I can't make things splat in color yet darnit, but just go back and imagine all the splats in red. Beyond that spent a bit here and there watching you, and generally liked what I saw.

Someone really outta slap around that slacking bastard who's supposed to be running the March role contest. Geesh, what a worthless slacker.
67003, Well
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Doesn't help that english isn't my first language and that I tried something waaaaaay over my head. I'd play a shammy and I'd feel like home but what's the fun in that???

I'll post that RP log when I attacked you. That was really funny. I might enjoy myself returning to my old habits with you around now hah!
66988, Damn impressive to play a char this far from your comfort zone and be this successful.
Posted by A Player on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Says alot about the player.

Good luck with the next.
66987, RE: Daichyl Ti Beraam the Deft Shadow of the Mist, Captain of the Brigade
Posted by Tondumalanas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Captain. I'm sorry to see you go. I logged in today and almost immediately got a call from a friend that I was going to be needed and he was coming to pick me up. I made him wait till he yelled at the top of his voice and I just had to go. All the chaos, oh my.

I will sorely miss you. It seems all the leaders have up and deleted and now there is going to be a huge slug in the Fortress. You were very well played for a first time assassin and thankfully I never got the lets get back our codex. :P

Good Fortunes, See you in the fields.

66983, Enjoyed our battles...
Posted by Dragrahl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed our near-daily fights. I think we two had some mutual respect for one another, even though I knew you'd come at me at nearly every chance you got.

Of course, you were not really my enemy, but I'd rather make myself available to you for battling instead of you catching me unaware - BTW, if you would have asked for other locations for our fights, I would have obliged - I'm surprised you didn't.

Take care.

67002, Bah
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wanted a duel and I was overconfident most of the time which cost me in Arkham heh.

That was fun fights but boy was that annoying running for weapons all the time.
66977, RE: Daichyl Ti Beraam the Deft Shadow of the Mist, Captain of the Brigade
Posted by PSTYX on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
God you were a beast once you got Captain. I started to have a lot of trouble fighting you. Veesa had a few tricks up his sleeves but never got to try them out. Anyway I enjoyed our interactions all the way up to the time I deleted. I didn't expect to see you here so soon. It looks like everybody is calling it quits. Guess I'll see you all back in the hero range soon.
66989, This makes me wonder something about Captain...
Posted by _Magus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do they get any unique abilities beyond having a leader weapon that would make them stronger in combat?

I always thought Captain and Maran were virtually the same.

Just a random, miscellaneous question.
66994, RE: This makes me wonder something about Captain...
Posted by PSTYX on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
no idea but after he got captain it seemed like kote and kan didnt do jack #### to him. even after I landed those he was still serving me up pretty good. maybe it was all about perception but I don't think I was able to kill him once after he got captain, whereas before I had a much easier time. could have been an edge, or the stats on his leader weapon. idk.
67001, Like Rayinn said
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
+ I geared more for str and dex in the end as well as HP. I didn't care about hit and dam and still was always over 30 for each.
67000, Not really
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You get leader weapon, which is a better version of lightforge. I also generally throw some XP to the poor sap, which does equate to edge points, so maybe it was an edge that did it.
67009, RE: Not really
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This isn't really a complaint, but I didn't think my leader weapon was that great when I played Nhiala. It was a av27 or so sword that wasn't particularly light, wasn't nodisarm, wasn't cursed, and...I think it had a physical attack. Can't remember. But I know I ended up using Amathylar or the Whitecloak Captain's sword more often, not to mention Defiance and Bal'talon (which I never got my hands on).

I guess this would probably be overpowered, but I'd like to see a leaderweapon that's:

1. Nodisarm (this sort of goes along with the "it's bonded to you" angle),
2. Made of energy (doesn't make sense for "divine" weapons to be made of common terrestrial materials),
3. Strikes with a "Light" attack,
4. Can be invoked by the leader to morph into any weapon type his class learns,
5. "Good but not fantastic" weapon average (av26 or av27).

For maran weapons, you might throw on a prog that renders any good-aligned target completely immune to the weapon's attacks.

The goal being that a leader's weapon should be his weapon-of-choice in the vast majority of situations, even when weighed against other highly-limited goodie weapons.
67010, You could transform your leader weapon into what you wanted.
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I used it as a dagger and dual wielded it with a sword of my liking.
67022, RE: You could transform your leader weapon into what you wanted.
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't think this existed when I had mine. If it did, then boy do I feel dumb. (Though, realistically, I probably would have left it as a sword 90% of the time.)
67011, They already do that, but...
Posted by Lhydia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd rather have a ####ty low average weapon that's personalized to my character with a cool title than the no effort stock leader weapon they have now, where'd the love go?
67015, I agree.
Posted by Cerunnir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One of the most fun things "back then" was getting leader, with the superb added reward of a customized weapon that was named depening on role or title.

I think they could easily do this nowadays, by adding some methods to the class that is linked to the command that grant leadership. Where you essentially get questions on weapon type, weapon name and weapon title, resulting in a .
67019, Not all Leaders....
Posted by Firata on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not all leaders get a Leader Weapon. So it seems an stretch asking for so much. If all leaders got Leader Weapon, then this should be valid.
67023, RE: Not all Leaders....
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The leaders of most cabals get something extra for being leader. I can't speak to the situation in Scion or Battle, but clearly the Imperial Council gets a boost when they become leaders. Afaik the leaderweapon is pretty much all the Marshal/Captain get.
67047, Battle gets leader weapons
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Scions get a boast in nightwalker and stuff I believe. Fort does get leader weapon but perhaps not that good. Outlander gets insects AND leader weapons. Empire gets most of the OP'd Power :-p and a hint at enhanced power. So its seems fort is at a disadvantage next to nexus which seems to get nothing that is known.
67021, I concur
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From what I've seen leader weapons could be better. Leaders have a huge target on them and have tons of BS to deal with. Least they could get a kick ass weapon.
67038, By the way
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd like to know what you thought of me! I assume though I got Captain because of my playtimes though.
67044, RE: By the way
Posted by Rayihn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Daichyl a lot in general. I wouldn't call you a stand out exactly, but when I took a look at you for leader, I liked your playing times, I liked that you never said anything stupid on cabal channel, I liked that you picked smart enemies, that you weren't afraid to mix it up, that you took your deaths well, etc etc. You would raid when you could, you'd retrieve when you could, you'd RP when the opportunity came up. You hit all the bases of what I look for in a good Fortie/Captain. No, not the best PK'er, and not the loudest RP'er, but generally all around solid. I was genuinely dissappointed to see you delete, and I hope you come back to the Fortress and my religion (either) again soon. I was planning on sitting down with you and talking possible tattoo, but our times didn't quite mesh up and also I was waiting a bit to see what you did with being leader.
67050, That means a lot
Posted by Beer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I felt like I was more of a burden in the end and not seeing you in a while wasn't helping but yeah, we all have lives though so I understand. I will surely give it another try with something more deadlier someday. Oh yeah.
66976, Down goes Fraiser
Posted by Sovusk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What a shame, just after I gave you those nice things! Oh well thems the breaks sometimes, I liked Daichyl as much as someone with my role could, good luck in the fields.
66975, RE: Daichyl Ti Beraam the Deft Shadow of the Mist, Captain of the Brigade
Posted by Vyborny on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for giving me a chance Captain! I was on at the time you said lets go get the Codex. I was thinking about saying "what?" But you corrected yourself quickly. I thought it was humorous and not embarassing at all. You had a ton of courage, and the ability to fight against bad odds. You were a difference maker on the battlefield, and I'm sure our enemies can testify to this.

Good luck with your next, and see you in the fields.