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Topic subjectJuhldalor Dead! What a great time! I loved being a dwar...
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66757, Juhldalor Dead! What a great time! I loved being a dwar...
Posted by Juhldalor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First Farewell.

Ysaloerye - What an awesome immteraction. Great RP, great religion, great attitude, love everything about you. I know if I didn't screw up a little, I'd already have your mark and be in a totally difference place right now. I'll be back for it. I really loved your religion, and I loved the dreams you sent me, as well as thegreat talks, really brought so much more depth to what a "Dwarf" is.

Suggestions - Give the Barmaid some goddamn ale!! And I can't tell you how many times I rp'ed in your shrine for hours with the 'masons' and nothing happened, was hoping for more there.

Second Farewell.

Gramoak - man, I really wish you had stuck around for a little bit
longer, I was being a bit 'confrontational' with the maran for a reason and it never really got to be played out when you deleted. You were awesome, and I was really pissed off that you deleted only hours after getting the first mark and mason.

Siphana - I really appriciated your talks, I liked how you were trying to temper the fires kinda thing.

Mryzzle - what is there not to say, you were cool as hell.

Ton - The master dwarf thing, loved it, was cool ranking up with you.

Angaarn - Man, I can't tell you how many time I'd wince when Igbah or Throkk redirected to you, and pincered.

Daichyl - good luck, you got alot of work ahead of you, and I appricate your faith in me, I just didn't have any left myself.

Isty - I didn't get to even meet you until I was already 150+ hours into my character. Our interactions were limited, but, I'll see you around i'm sure.

Acvilar - I loved our elf/dwarf interactions, you being standoffish and i'm in your face for everything, twords the end of our relationship I think we finally 'got it' and kept a nice witty banter back and forth.

"Elfy Maiden" a.k.a. Jaguar - Jesus, I totally loved getting yelled at by you. And trying to speak while you were around... not being able to be me around you made being me fun.. if that makes any sense.

My enemies -

Igbah - Holy crap you fustrated me, when I landed my skills right, I would come close to killing you, if you landed yours, I was toast everytime.

Throkk - I loved fighting you, can't tell you how many times you walked past me convulsing after our fights and I'd have the com 'wrath' in and then "That person isn't here". *sigh*

I'm sure i've forgotten lots of people, I apologize. If you reply I'll write back.

I know I was NOT the ideal paladin, or maran, my goal was to be the ideal dwarf. Hell, I entered the miss thera contest .. and I was going to win dammit! :)

Oh, and someone please pickup my PBF! :) Thanks!!!
66907, Master DWARF!
Posted by Tondumalanas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You were the fun kinda silly. I still remember how many times you 'almost' got me killed and died yourself to Dern, it wasn't even funny after the first three times. Did you always die trying to regear? I thought you had great rp which could be deemed annoying from time to time but all in all I have fond memories and You WILL be missed. See you back in the fields.

HARR? (in a meek and polite elven accent)
66848, Liked you man, like you
Posted by Mryz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good job with the character. You were definately dwarf crazy thats for sure. I was glad I could help you with the problems you were facing from Gramoak. i'm not sure if that helped me much IC, but you were trying sooo hard. Anyway, great job, and good luck.
66839, RE: Juhldalor Dead! What a great time! I loved being a dwar...
Posted by Corsix on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dare to dare?

Fun times, fun times. You were always hollering at me to 'Sing dem song dere'. Since my songs were on a different timer than the one yours were on, I really had no exact idea on what fell (edges also factoring into timer differences).

Paladin (especially dwarf) mana regen is just awful, so I was glad to be your portable mana healer. I just wish the past few weeks had been less brutal on my playtimes. Midterms are FINALLY starting to wind down, but soon I'll have finals as well.
66835, Fun talking with you.
Posted by Elija on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know we didn't get to talk all that much, especially anytime recently, but it was a lot of fun chatting with you when we crossed pathes, I just wish I would have been leveled up a bit closer to you to maybe have a chance to engage in it a bit more.

66831, Juhldy, Juhldy, Juhldy, soddin heid fu' o' rock!
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*title said in my best Cary Grant voice*

Man I was to extremes with you, enjoying your get up and get on with it attitude at one moment, and wanting to strangle you with your beard the next.
I'm glad you enjoyed the religion, it is a great deal more complex than most people think at first glance and sometimes you need to let things sink into your head before you vomit out what you think should be the right answer. Which was also a mistake Gramoak made initially, but he really started to 'get it' after some berating and beard pulling. Also while there are some 'freeing' aspects of having a Biddy Paladin, there are also some more restricting aspects too that you should think on. I think you will do better with your next try.

Now sod off and roll something else.
66810, Good char...txt
Posted by Jhoqu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
God you made it hard for me as a player to want to pk you. As a Dwarf Paladin you are two deep into the mash list for Outlander but I damned hated to do it. You did an excellent job roleplaying a hard situation where you were always tryen to talk me out of fighting instead of just going on the offensive yourself. Well done my friend, well done. Cf could use more fat dwarves.
66806, RE: Juhldalor Dead! What a great time! I loved being a dwar...
Posted by Gram on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, you were controversial to Maran. In my opinion, you just plain missed the boat at times. You didn't show too much respect, were all blood and guts and that just isnt what Maran is about, in my opinion. That said after a few sessions of watching you I decided to give you a shot. You had your moments on both ends of the spectrum, but I'm not going to lie when I say there werent a few times when I regretted inducting you.

Mixed feelings about you overall, you had a lot of heart and that was admirable. You beat a lot of ass and knew a lot of ####, but damn you were a wingnut. Your speech even got on MY nerves, it was so over the top, but if thats the way you want to do your dwarves, do 'em with the HAR. :P. All things said and done though, I'm not sure how you got Pwent so many times with a dwarf pally. I cant see how you're being the ideal dwarf running down there and whomping up on Dern, but whatever floats your boat.

Good luck with your next and all that. If all your 'flaws' were on purpose, then well done. If not, then meh.
66807, Flaws and Attributes
Posted by Juhldalor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, flaws were all my own doing. I drank to much, swore to much, broke the law to much, fought fights I shouldn't have to much and pissed off the gods waaaaay to much. On purpose. I remember calling Enlilith a sorry ass stupid dog of a whore basically. Got the plague for that one, another time he just outright killed me.

It's in the first page of my role. I basically made a self fulfilling destiny that I could fail to. Based on Greed and Envy.

I wasn't supposed to be the most awesome paladin in the world. I was supposed to be flawed, and I was supposed to fail, because I'm mortal.

I can't tell you how many times I was waiting for the giant hammer of someone to come flying out of the sky and kill my ass.

I just about told off every immortal (or spoke ill of) that countered my beliefs out there. Drunk ass dwarven style.

I made the biddy happy (most of the time) and that's what matters! :)

66794, RE: Juhldalor Dead! What a great time! I loved being a ...
Posted by Fjarn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The only thing our conversation missed was a minotaur with a speech impediment. Christ, with Juhldalor's dwarf speak and Fjarn's giant speak, I'm surprised I didn't leave with a migraine. I still don't actually know what we talked about, but I'm sure it must have been interesting...
66803, RE: Juhldalor Dead! What a great time! I loved being a ...
Posted by Juhldalor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
66793, You forgot about me! :(
Posted by Ckol on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved our interactions, and the times we grouped. That time against Eoria and Kostyan I think, I just felt embarrased being a village sinec we really did screw up so heavily.

Loved your char! Kickass! Hope to meet you again IC.
66802, RE: You forgot about me! :(
Posted by Juhldalor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought about you after I hit that submit button!

Yah - that charge wasn't what I hoped it would be! :) Had some great times fighting with you and against you, good luck with the Paragon!!

We will have to get to that drink of ale at another time I spose!

66784, I'm going to miss you and your misguided views of Order...
Posted by Fendril on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Seriously though, I enjoyed it everytime we spoke. We traveled about a bit when I first became a hero and you showed me a few things and I thank you for that. Towards the end we ended up arguing more than anything else. But even that I enjoyed. Too bad most of your last night was as a criminal and I had to keep chasing you through Hamsah. Well done and good luck with your next.
66788, *LOL*
Posted by Juhldalor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Another reason a Paladin of the Paragon was so much fun.

I did enjoy our adventures to, glad you learned something.
66777, RE: Juhldalor Dead! What a great time! I loved being a dwar...
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were fun, and played a good "drunk dwarf". Guess I just have a problem envisioning a drunken dwarf paladin. Also, man, sometimes your dwarf accent was hard to understand. I mean, hey, maybe drunken dwarves are just hard to understand, but it was still tough sometimes.
66780, You must be The LawMan - :) Yes, this paladin couldn't exsist without "Biddy"
Posted by Juhldalor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
66774, Loved our interactions towards the end.
Posted by Acvilar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Towards the end it was all fun and games. Me going for a witty anti-dwarf insult, and then hearing your reply. I especially remember saying something along the line of "Get your stubby feet in motion and get over here." and you replied with something about your fat ass.

You where a bit suicidal I felt at times, going in against odds that I knew for certain would lead to death.

66781, RE: Loved our interactions towards the end.
Posted by Juhldalor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Toward the end, I was pretty much was :)
66773, Mutter
Posted by Blumforb on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was hopping that I could interact with the only dwarf I really saw online, besides myself. Having never wanted anything from you, it was more of a ploy to look at your desc and get an understanding of your religion. Was hopping you didnt con die before I made it to hero.. heh. but alas.
66782, RE: Mutter
Posted by Juhldalor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was looking forward to talking to you about the Paragon.

See you in the next.
66772, Awww
Posted by Patick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
now we cant go on that adventure to the helm of brilliance!
66766, I kicked Enlilth in the nuts....
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because he told me once that he thought I played you.

Take that as you will. :P
66769, Haha! Did you tell him you didn't even read my role for contest! PAH!
Posted by Juhldalor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Role contest.. BAH! :)

Might also explain why Enlilth RP'ed with me alot :)

Well... if you call me cursing him out... and telling him
how much mom was going to kick his ass...


66787, He based his conjecture on...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I don't think I can actually ever play another mortal who HAR!s all the time, because of that sort of thing.

Ah well.
66789, RE: He based his conjecture on...
Posted by Juhldalor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hahahahaha! That's right! I remember now!!!

I think if you put a counter on how many times I said


and "Fargin ell!"

It would be upward of thousands.
66799, RE: Haha! Did you tell him you didn't even read my role for contest! PAH!
Posted by Enlilth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He did! I was worried that I'd have to say the same in march when I get to head up the monthly role-contest. Bastard Twist! And yeah, for a guy that starts every session with a HAR, played char's in the past noted for HARing everything, that's who I thought it was.

I was pretty bummed when you died to thirst instead of me while I in Ysal's shrine. (note to all: train your stats) I really really really (really) hated this char. THE MOST annoying prays (and frequent too) ever, but you were always IC and fun to poke at. So I did. Hope ya enjoyed it, I was starting to come around.
66804, RE: Haha! Did you tell him you didn't even read my role for contest! PAH!
Posted by Juhldalor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks! I really loved our interactions as well. My favorite part was when I said that the beard of the biddy could kick your ass and you showed up and hammered me. That was great!

I also thought it was cool that my role focused on envy and greed, before you became an IMM. It was sort of fate that you would be my nemesis.

66765, Damn you! I had more Juhldalor jokes coming!
Posted by Daichyl on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I could see though that in the end you were tired a bit of Juhldalor and was a bit afraid to see this as I really liked your roleplay and all your knowledge. I mean, before a raid, you get drunk then lost on the Eastern Road? That's unusual!

Felt bad a few times as you'd tectin me and you paid for it. Tried to repay you for that but I guess I won't enough now that you're dead!

Good luck with your next and thanks for everything!
66768, Drunk Wanderings - Lost on Eastern.
Posted by Juhldalor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I mean, before a raid,
>you get drunk then lost on the Eastern Road? That's unusual!

>Good luck with your next and thanks for everything!

LOL - I had lots of fun being drunk, wandering around
the road bleeding and throwing up.

Once an outlander saw me in the woods and just laughed
his ass off, couldn't stand to ambush me I guess.

66760, Good dwarf, fun fights! Glad you had fun too. nt
Posted by Throkk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
66767, I loved our interaction, Thanks!
Posted by Juhldalor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM