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Topic subject(DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Dejek the Envenomed Canine
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65699, (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Dejek the Envenomed Canine
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Jan 26 12:06:41 2008

At 3 o'clock AM, Day of the Moon, 14th of the Month of Nature
on the Theran calendar Dejek perished, never to return.
Cabal:OUTLANDER, the Outlanders of Thar-Eris
65993, RE: (DELETED) [OUTLANDER] Dejek the Envenomed Canine
Posted by Aubrei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Did you ever find your sleek black?
65998, No
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Had quite a few people tell me they knew where it was, or that they were certain of this place, or they heard here or there.
But not one of them was right.

I take it you didn't either?
65707, That was fun!
Posted by Dejek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, what fun, first of all if I disappointed anyone with my delete I am sorry. I had a grand time with Dejek and Zulg you definately rock out for sure with your work on shapeshifters. I deleted for two reasons, Log on to run around take items, bite people that would just end up quaffing on me, collect preps, and roleplay with a few people just got too repetitive. Reason two, I just got a new job, found out three days ago that we have to be out of our place by sunday(tomorrow) and I have to start my new job (Freaking working visual information communications management for the illinois chief of staff!!! WOO!!) on tuesday. So its all come in quite a rush. I even have a new lowbie with an awsome roll that I will play on and off to relax until things settle down and I can rock him out more.

Goodbyes (these are going to be hurried and will miss many people, in the midst of packing after all)


Lyristeon, dude awsome though I wished I could have gotten a bit more randomness from you then just you laughing at me cause I killed myself in the spire (I'm freaking retarded). Can you at least let me know if I was in the running or not for the spot, well.. if throkk ever age died. Oh, and dude, I looked EVERYWHERE for my last sleek. Everywhere I could think of, would take people with me, roleplay with everyone for it. I could not find it anywhere. I even got a hint it was in a specific area and I tore that place apart. Not there :). So I definately rocked out some random Barrier whereever I could get it, thats why so much time was spent gathering the random barrier so I could just have it.

Zulgh, Oh man, awsome awsome awsome job with the shape shifter changes. I am happy about everything, the little forms become more useful (maybe tweek the skills just a little little bit to be slightly more useful at hero?) and the greater enlivens are awsome. I only have one thing to bring up, the trapdoor spider. It is a cool form for a few things, a single trap set (which takes forever and isn't sand or wilderness but civilized) , ganging people if you have a tough group (lag), and using it to heal off bleeding. Other then that it seems kind of useless and will definately loose almost every fight. I have a few suggestion if you don't mind checking them out. Make the bite poison a bit easier (I never once got it to work in pk and rarely enough in mob killing). Oh, and the web spin, make it work so that you can tell someone has broken it in your other forms or out of form? (otherwise it seems kind of worthless). Thanks though for all the work, please don't take this as a gripe but merely me trying to help out.


Werzidian, You are crazy man, but I never really got your roleplay at all. You kind of seemed a bit militant at times and at other times you were so random I could barely hang out with you. But you were definately fun as hell to run with and thanks for everything.

Throkk, Man you have been rocking forever. Love the roleplay, love that my character grew in your eyes and you began to treat me different. And loved how tough you were, but man.. you almost got me killed sometimes. You definately need to work on your raiding tactics buddy :).

Cyrein, What can I say, you are awsome as hell, keep rocking out, I love the kind of satirical kind of nice roleplay.

Jhoque, You kind of helped keep me around, messing with you as my trapdoor spider is nearly the only time I used it!

Feilininal (crap I spelled your name wrong) Dude, I loved it, fighting you in the first circle, fighting you with words, rocking out. It was fun, the roleplay and the duels and raiding with you even if we ignored eachother.

Sonlial, Dejek didn't like you, you seemed like you didn't belong in outlander to him and he tried to roleplay with you to let you know. I on the other hand don't really know who belongs or doesn't cause this is only my second outlander. And I don't really think I belong or have the rp down so don't take anything I said or did to heart.

Grijak, You better take Throkks place.

Oktetko, man I HATED fighting you, not cause I was scared of you cause we had exactly the same forms, but because anytime we would fight random people would attack us not knowing who was who. That one time I got you at the captain was awsome and you should never use the spider as far as I am concerned. It has limited uses at best right now.

I am running short, please hit me up and I will write something back.
Have to get back to freaking packing.

Wish me luck!


65715, RE: That was fun!
Posted by Cezar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had some good fights, and great interactions. I got a laugh about that time in Hardan wood. The first time I saw you in the area and just rushed to attack and you happened to be fighting a guard. The next time I knew you were fighting a guard and didn't intend to attack you until you were finished with it, and you bit me. Heh, I was chuckling about it later because you were making comments to me about fighting you while you were fighting the guard. I wanted to tell you that I was really planning on waiting this time, but, didn't think you would believe me so I just left it at you'll never know what I was going to do because you bit me. Anyway, very tough shifter and great job.
65716, Goodbye
Posted by Throkk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I found Dejek very interesting. Back when you are an applicant, outlander had a member cap, so our talks were somewhat inconclusive. Actually, I was uncertain whether you were evil or neutral. But you had a lot of neat little RP touches.

>And I don't really think I belong or have the rp down so don't take
>anything I said or did to heart.

I think Dejek was a well-played evil, in so far that you had _edge_, i.e. was dangerous, also to your cabal mates. That is cool, because it adds an interesting dynamic, but it is also a tough line to walk, because you piss others off and you potentially weaken the cabal.

The last(?) lash-out you had at the mid level outlander defending a couple of days ago, I think you handled well. I also think that the person in question got an interesting experience out of it. At least after he had a talk with Throkk ;-)

>Throkk, Man you have been rocking forever. Love the roleplay, love that
>my character grew in your eyes and you began to treat me different. And
>loved how tough you were,

Thank you for the kind words. Yeah, Dejek grew on Throkk.

>but man.. you almost got me killed sometimes. You definately need to
>work on your raiding tactics buddy

You are right, of course. I am trying to improve, but it is hard work.

Take care, NBM. Your characters always ooze atmosphere. So cool. Glad you had fun and good luck with your next.
65729, Creepen Thing!
Posted by Jhoqu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh man I hate that you are gone. Never would have guessed he was your second Outtie as you were someone I kind of liked to look to for guidence (my second outtie as well). You played that uber aggro playstyle that is hard for me as a player to grasp, but makes me envious of those who can do so. PKing is a great part of this game but players who never talk to one another are missing out on the roleplay that builds bonds in cabals. Thanks for the interactions and in doing so helping me develop my char. Good luck with everything IRL and I hope to see you in the fields again soon.
65731, Holy crap you were fast
Posted by Hrefnwik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've never had anyone that on top of me when running, and if I was chasing, you were gone by time I typed where. But I guess you gotta be fast when playing a shifter.
65733, RE: That was fun!
Posted by Cyrein on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was good having you around. There were a couple of times where I was like alright...now which spider do I heal and which spider do I curse?

Great char, great roleplay. Really enjoyed having conversations with you, as well as rolling with a very competant person. Always made our travels a pleasure.

Good luck with your next and good luck with the job.

Have Fun.
65735, RE: That was fun!
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Dejek. Most of my initial non/empowerment rp situations involve having been because you amused me. If you get that random rp with me, it means you are on the right track. If you get the title, that's a good step. You had done both, but your time got cut short so other plans to do more won't come to fruition in this thread. Sorry, I don't love and talk. :P

You did well and I hope you find the time in the near future to come back and play some more.
65969, Respect man...
Posted by Feilinal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Feilininal (crap I spelled your name wrong) Dude, I loved it, fighting you in the first circle, fighting you with words, rocking out. It was fun, the roleplay and the duels and raiding with you even if we ignored eachother.

I always had to chuckle when folks would accuse me of helping you when half the time we'd be fighting each other and the other half we'd be attacking the same common enemy. It's always an odd interplay, there.

I could tell you were a skilled player. Come back soon.
65702, My evil twin!
Posted by Oktetko on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was interesting that one of my many many mortal enemies had the same exact final shapes I did. I viewed you as my wild double, and had some interesting RP ideas I wanted to try out, oh well. It also made trying to fight you a pain in the ass. I can't tell you how many times I tried to bite myself. Though every once in a rare while it would pay off and one of your own would attack you. I liked that you weren't afraid to take me on in town, though your better wand knowledge and annoying ability to turn my powers against me(Who knew guards were such rebels at heart) usually sent me packing. What did you think of the Trapdoor spider? It seems like it gets me killed most of the time, hoping the Imms take another look at giving it more Ummmph. Also not sure if you saw me raiding the tree when you logged in to delete, but thanks for the things I was half naked. :) Pretty sure you are Abernyte, if so congrats on the baby and hope to see you back once things calm down. One less tough Outlander to worry about, just 10 more to go...