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Topic subject(DELETED) [EMPIRE] Merric the Master of Hearing, Imperial Shadow
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=65450
65450, (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Merric the Master of Hearing, Imperial Shadow
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Jan 17 20:56:55 2008

At 6 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 28th of the Month of the Long Shadows
on the Theran calendar Merric perished, never to return.
Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
65451, What to say...
Posted by Merric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ganged by battle while half dead, full looted by a God Father as a result, babble fish over Cabal Channel followed by getting killed while regearing.

Pickpockets aren't for me.

Go far Ilasair. I liked you!
65454, And what the #### is up with Sneak??? n/t
Posted by Merric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
65457, RE: And what the #### is up with Sneak??? n/t
Posted by Rogue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I noticed that with Roelkin, and Bseter, but even though the masses are screaming somethings been done, no one is owning up to it.

Something you just have to deal with.
65462, I thought you were going to the top!
Posted by Ilasair on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wasn't that the deal?;)

Was worked pretty hard for the promotion from Bloodoath, finally got it though. Perhaps on account of my late joining of the Empire. Sucks you deleted man. Was counting on an ally to rank up with.

Was this fiasco just after I had to leave? Sorry about that, the girlfriend needed some attention.

I hope you'll be back in one form or another.

PS: Thanks for losing my pouch of nourishment - gotta love Imperial rp:)
65463, RE: I thought you were going to the top!
Posted by poshka on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Would that be the pouch I gave you....bastards..heh
65479, I was under no illusions i'd hold it for long.
Posted by Ilasair on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nice to have it for a brief period though. Those types of items tend to attract bad mojo.
65473, On pouches of nurishment.
Posted by Merric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When ever I get one of those with any character, they die. This last PK came moments after I heisted another one.

I'm glad you enjoyed him while he was around.
65464, Ganged by battle?!
Posted by Ckol on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ganged by who? Hope you don't mean the 2vs2 fight, or the 1vs1 (when I fled to make sure it was 1vs1).
65472, I did not.
Posted by Merric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Though when that fight happened I thought you two were tag teaming me. I scrolled back and saw that you weren't. You did however try to flush me out while I was messing with the Paladin. ;)

Latter on that other guy came back and killed me as I was fighting an assassin and gushing.

Not that Merric wouln't do that, but I was supprised to find a villager doing it.

You seemed alright.
65474, Be fair here...
Posted by ThatOtherGuy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
ThatOtherGuy was blackjacked by you on the water just about a minute earlier and had his boat stolen by you. He got a boat, saw you nearby, and attacked you. You died.

Going into the fight he didn't know you had just fought someone else. He saw an Imperial who just jacked him, charged, and attacked.

He didn't like that you got near full-looted, but that wasn't his doing.

65475, Oh... also...
Posted by ThatOtherGuy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As a player, I'm sorry if that fight was the one that caused you to delete. Playing a thief can be frustruating, for sure. Regearing against mobs is hard, since you really can't tank too well. But regearing through steal should be a bit easier.

Good luck with your next - and hopefully, no hard feelings.
65510, I was fighting the Assassin.
Posted by Merric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There was no question as to what was happeneing when he attacked me.

Again, I'm not saying it's not something Merric wouldn't have done, but you were a battle rager. How did you get the Boat by the way?
65641, Here's how it played out...
Posted by Iltch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You had the sword that got disarmed from a hero 30 minutes prior and you weren't planning to give it back and, I basically got paid to get it back for her. Darkness was tipping, and after I tell that assassin to try and kill you, the thief rager guy tells me you stole his boat on the ocean, so I run him one out and tell him you're in Hamsah. You flee from assassin having almost whomped him, and hamsah thief rager guy finishes you. I take sword and a dagger, nexus assassin guy takes pretty much everything else since he sucks at gearing and needs it. Oh, right after duergar thief rager guy almost kills nexus assassin, I end up getting assassin to follow me and we outrun and hide from him since assassinguy is relatively new and doesn't know areas. You delete.

The end.
65654, Only, I, like you, had the PEEK skill.
Posted by Merric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And when I looked at you, you had all the gear that had been mine once upon a time.
65656, Don't worry about it. Iltch's just trying to RP here to...
Posted by Cassman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He's been busted on his story here, and IG soo many times, but he keeps slinging it, hoping someone will bite. I wouldn't bring it out here, except that he seems to insist on doing it himself, regardless of what he keeps saying he's going to do (and not do) on the boards.

I, personally, think his Death Thread will be a long list of 'Ya-huh , Nu-huh, Ya-huh , Nu-huh, Ya-huh , Nu-huh,'* for about 2 pages, until the Imm's lock it. Maybe that's just me, though.

I fully expect a resounding "Nu-huh !" from him, but we'll see.


*Translation: Ya-huh / Nu-huh
What little kids say when they are arguing, instead of saying 'Yes' and 'No'. I always hear the two kids from Disney's 'The Emporer's New Groove' in my head...
65722, Nuh-uh.
Posted by inquisitor- on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Nu-huh? C'mon, who says nu-huh? Its nuh-uh!
65655, Only I, like you, had the PEEK skill and when I looked at you.
Posted by Merric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were in possesion of all the gear that I used to own.

You are posting with an active character and lying.

65688, the assassin you were fighting bc you are crying wolf
Posted by Virnosh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were hunting my ass down. I ran to the healer to heal up. You fled out and some other guy kills you. I pull a get all corpse because you pissed me off. (I do suck at regearing too.) Then you run in and still manage to get half of your #### before I can look to see what I took.

I'm probably screwing my char over but damn. You guys are crying wolf all over the place.
65690, I see.. A pick pocket thief was Hunting you down....
Posted by Merric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were tailing me and got black jacked for it.

And as an Imperial I couldn't attack you in Hamsah...

All that being said...Why are you even contributing to this? I don't recall you being roasted in this.

I got back a Shield and a dagger from the sewers. That's not Half.
65691, Well let's look at it like this:
Posted by Hmmmmm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You're entirely gay.

Your class's raison d'etre revolves around being some fag that hoardes #### they can't even properly use. I would be shocked if people *didn't* full loot you. I know I would.


65700, That's irrelevant to the subject, even though you are wrong.
Posted by Merric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hoarded nothing. I sold what I couldn't use. And I had #### gear.

That being said, my gripe was that I got ganked down by a Battle thief who's clearly lying about his role in things.

And full looted by A Hero thief who is lying about his.

The Assassin, I think really was just some dude that was mixed in all along.

One thing that sticks out in all this was the almost instantaneous tell I got from the Battle thief offering to buy the Blade from me after I picked it up off the ground and refused to return it.

Follow that with his "Miraculous" run in with the Hero thief on the ocean. A Hero thief who above, distinctly notes that Evil was over balanced and that was why he looted me.

Hrm.. Hero Nexun Helps Evil Battlerager thief, then full loots an Imperial thief.

Add all this to someone’s comment that this same thief and the Bard whom I had ripped off had at some point become joined at the hip.

For me there are more than enough connections to this to suggest there is more than meets the eye.
65720, Okay moron, read this real slow...
Posted by Iltch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not sure why you're all about trying to 'roast' or make me look bad OOC. I spent a lot of time and effort getting that bard that sword the first time, when you got it from her when she was disarmed she immediatly told me and I immediatly started asking around as to who could get it from you. Evil was tipping, and I'm fine using evil to kill evil. Rager guy (one of the top thieves in my guild) says you jacked him and stole his boat then went to Hamsah, I told Nexus assassin to kill you after giving my thief a boat to go after you. They killed you. Virnosh full looted you (as he stated in an above post) and I got the sword and a dagger, I don't care what you claim to have peeked and seen, I know what I took. I looted the sword because I wanted to get it back to the bard. Are you diagnosed MR in real life?
65478, Aah. :D
Posted by Ckol on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, glad to hear. Sorry, when I wrote above I was quite annoyed with some stuff RL, so let that bleed in here.
65484, Now merric.
Posted by Knuets on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You can't complain about gangs when you straight up tell someone, dont #### with me or I will gang you with whoever it takes to get the job done. Didnt scare me, I liked it, since I knew after jacking you the odds of you dying where atleast 50/50
65513, It's one thing for an Imperial thief to do it.
Posted by Merric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Quite another for a Villager.

Odds of killing me were not 50/50. Far more people tried and failed.
65632, that pisses me off
Posted by Krilcov Krieger on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can gang because I am empire, he cant gang EVER cause he is a villager and I will continue to gang untill my shinny set is complete and the villagers have nothing to improve my set.
Then I can delete when some herald solos me when my gank fails.
65633, You are way off base here.
Posted by Umm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Certain village combos should exhibit parity. Some players do. Some don't. It is fair however, to say that a character like a Imperial thief is more at liberty and more likely to gang than a village berserker warrior. Whether the above incident happened as told is not an issue to me, personally.

But honestly, what are you on with the shiney set herald solo deal? Seriously. The attitude you describe is synonamous with individuals rather than cabals just like full-looting and whiney/****-talking.
65634, As the villager in question...
Posted by ThatOtherGuy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not a warrior. Not a berserker. Noone was attacking him and there was not even anyone else in pk range when I walked into the area. Saw him. Ran to him sitting at pit. Trip Trip Trip, dead.

He was just pissed that because once I attacked and saw that he was gushing blood I should have fled (according to him). He does not mention that 2 minutes earlier he blackjacked me and stole stuff. Why would I not go on the attack against a foe who just attacked me moments earlier.

65635, What Merric did 2 mins earlier was...
Posted by Merric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Black jack you and steal your boat when I saw you chasing him.

Miraculously someone NOT a villager arrives and gives you a boat and you come in when the Assassin and I are fully engaged in a fight and had to have heard the shouting.

When I arrived in the room you were in it was a Flee and you instantaneously tripped.

You tell me what's at steak here and why you are pretending like it was a Battleragerly thing to do?

Hmmm? You can't.
65637, RE: What Merric did 2 mins earlier was...
Posted by Uninvolved on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
damn this guy is militant.
65676, You were not engaged when I entered area.
Posted by ThatOtherGuy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not only that - whoever was fighting you was not in the area either. Iltch must have called him in to loot you after I killed you, and I nearly killed him for doing so before he ran off.

Again, you might have me confused with a paladin or even a RBW. I am neither.

Nor am I a ganker or full-looter. But I get ganked and full-looted by the Empire on a daily basis. That might skew a character's attitude towards a cabal.

65684, Are you the Battle Thief? n/t
Posted by Merric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
65726, Yes. I know what I did, and I know what I saw.
Posted by ThatOtherGuy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now, this stupid thread has gone too far.

You deleted. I'm sorry you were full looted. Other than that, good luck with your next.

Shoot, you might be in the group of chars who's constantly ganging me down right now, since I'm getting full looted almost every time.

If you are, good for you.
65476, RE: What to say...
Posted by Random Guy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was admittedly kind of sour on merric. A few opinions for future reference ...

don't bitch over cb
Empire guys should at least give the appearance of strength
Empire is political, present yourself as worthy/strong enough to move up. Especially when you lose. Don't say anything, just get back up, go forth, and smite the ass. Especially don't say anything over cb. I don't think it makes your sect look good.

I tried to find a reason to interact with Merric, but everytime we were on together it was a matter of seconds before you were saying something that had me thinking I should look elsewhere for that kind of stuff.

Just opinions only from what I saw.
65512, Okay. I gotta say it. You are a ####ing Tard.
Posted by Merric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was telling you who full looted me and tried to leave it at that. But you kept on.

Don't even act like you wanted to travel with me, I barely interacted with any other Imperial beside Ilasair and only ever asked a couple others one time to travel.

Anyway, your choice to buy into this drivel you just spilt, but in the future, look at it for what it is and try to understand what the player behind trhe character is getting across IC.

That being, Don't expect this Battlerager to behave like a Battlerager and prepare to lose everything if you lose. (Which I late recended when I realized it was the Hero thief who had full looted.)

Anyway, you just wouldn't shut up about it. Carry on.
65574, RE: Okay. I gotta say it. You are a ####ing Tard.
Posted by Random Guy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh you've confused me with someone else. I never spoke to Merric because of aforementioned statements. It's alright though, they were just opinions. I have mine, you have yours. GLWYN

65480, Le sigh
Posted by Knuets on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked your rp standpoint.
