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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectWell, it was time to throw in the towel.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=65413
65413, Well, it was time to throw in the towel.
Posted by Maxwell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well Everyone, i had to snuff out maxwell.

A few things to say, i started maxwell out to roleplay a honourable thief, His rp was supposed to be Unite thieves, Then here at the end, it was obvious Iltch was aiming for war or the ability to use me as a puppet and pull my strings at will, or war would happen.

I fell out of my role and waged war i just couldnt stand the constant goading and threats.

SOME goodbyes yes?

Stromm.....Where can i start?Helped me reach kingpin, helped me with trinkets to sell alot....You were a real friend man, i hope we meet again.

Gaorloch....We grew up right next to eachother, then i moved on up, You were always someone i could count on an honest oppinion from.goodluck man.

Lauriel, always fun to hang around and chat with.....Your allegiance to iltch got a little digusting towards the end..but ill miss ya.

Hell i have a bad memory right now, too upset with myself to remember now, maybe a few will post in response to this...Then my memory will be refresh....i post more when i get the chance.

65448, Think of your fatherless children!
Posted by Aubrei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
not even a mention of me, even after i gave you the most awesome chance to RP being female/turning back male :(
65455, RE: Think of your fatherless children!
Posted by maxwell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I SOOOOOO wanted to kill you, but i wanted a cure more, and you were rarely around, i had the opportunity, but maxwell's role really wasnt to go about killing..

Anyways thanks for the kick in the ass
65458, RE: Think of your fatherless children!
Posted by Aubrei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd be around more, but my internet company people are fighting with my roomie who runs the bills so my internet is restrained to the #### restrictions of the college campus *tear tear* I laughed like there was no tomorrow after that, was hoping to get some funny RP out of you than the boring interactions I had with you before :P and to be fair, Lauriel put me up to it! *crosses eyes at that characters player*
65502, Too bad!
Posted by sousidan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really did like maxwell totally thiefy and backstabby...well atleast how i saw it in char. I was so upset at you for attacking me I wanted revenge. Then I lied and said you robed from me which you obviously didn't. It all stem'd from when you butted in when I was fighting kelton( which makes sense) but I just thought you'd stay out of it so I wouldn't come after you.
65504, RE: Too bad!
Posted by maxwell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
dude i totally had your gem the whole time, but you got too cocky for my taste by killing me then, so i thought i'd piss you off.....then just to be even more sneaky by making llorenz tell you to stop

But you were a good hunter man, got me 3 times and made me run 2 times i think, well done man and no hard feelings
65495, RE: Well, it was time to throw in the towel.
Posted by Maddox on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the loan of the gear!
65505, RE: Well, it was time to throw in the towel.
Posted by maxwell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
come on now man, that was totally in the game, lets leave the #### talking and disrespect for the roleplay, i dont have any bad feelings toward you, and good luck with you char
65485, Too bad
Posted by Lauriel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You and I had some good times together, and the RP was pretty thick, at least on my end, I know there were a few things I had to lie to you about in order to protect others, and it sucked because I liked you a hell of alot as a char. Pretty crazy how I went from disliking you to liking you. But thats for the death thread later. GLWYN and keep it up!

65446, RE: Well, it was time to throw in the towel.
Posted by Bajula on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked this character quite a bit, and I used the thing about
you attempting to take the oath as an excuse to treat you as I
would another imperial. I had the feeling you were new, I didn't
catch that it was just new to CF. :) So I couldn't bring myself
to backstab you or anything like that. Though you did end up
helping with chirikaw becoming too nice because of it all. *rofl*
Have fun with the next man. This one was good.
65443, Not trying to start a flame war, but I'll explain some things...
Posted by Iltch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I actually thought you did really well with Maxwell, I liked that you went out of your way to see that thieves got along and worked together, I think you did really well with you being new to the mud. I hope our interactions didn't put you off of CF at all, you just got on my bad side again towards the end there.

Iltch has a darker past that wouldn't really allow for him to not be offended at a lot of the stuff you said to him at the beginning of our interactions, somewhere in there you made the mistake of threatening him, and he saw it as a direct challenge. So early on he broke into your guild and killed you, however, you continued to threaten him and tell him how bad you were going to kill him and kept on and on with it until I killed you again. After that when you hastily made peace, Iltch was very glad to see you made Kingpin.

The 'guild war' thing you started wouldn't have happened otherwise, Iltch was all about bullying Maxwell, mostly because of all the trash you talked and couldn't back up, he never made threats to the Galadon guild specifically, he never ordered any of his thieves to kill your thieves, basically it was between the two of us, but for some reason you 'declared war' and said it was what I wanted. I'm sorry you had to go out like that, but after challenging me directly and insulting my guild I couldn't help but kill you a few times.

CF is great, and the thief guild aspect of it is a wonderful addition. It is good to have some roleplay directly as a result of it and give thieves a real thiefy feel. A lot of people are all about not having thieves for enemies and thieves all being allied together, but Iltch isn't quite like that, if you're not a Hamsah thief, you're not worthy of his time in most cases. It's a little different than guild leaders in the past, but I hope it's more interesting than frustrating for others. Good luck with the next.
65444, RE: Not trying to start a flame war, but I'll explain some things...
Posted by Maxwell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, thats not entirely acurate, you sent me a note stating blackball or war...then you backpeddled and said i would be the only target that you could touch....never that would wouldnt have your thieves after mine....

But past is past....You pushed just too much for me, i wasnt about getting pushed anymore..

thanks, and we'll see how the next ones go
65445, This one?
Posted by Iltch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
From : Iltch Crest'Magiere
To : Maxwell
Subject: ThatguywhosnameIwantputouthere

If he is one of your thieves, blackball him. If he remains on your roster, we will have problems very quickly.

Key word on the 'we', me and you, not our guilds.
65456, I think you're an awesome character in a..
Posted by Merric on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Full looting, saying Shut the #### up kinda way.

Irony that you speak of making a better game above.
65459, Sorry guy.
Posted by Iltch on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
#1. I looted a sword and dagger from your corpse, nothing else.

#2. You picked up the sword after a hero got disarmed and talked ####, refusing to give it back.

#3. You came OOC at me and said:

Merric tells you 'Out of curiosity.. How would you even know that given that neither of you walked at the same time.'

After I took time to explain that I was online and you didn't catch on to the fact that I don't like being accused of OOC cheating:

Merric tells you 'Be that as it may, I have nothing to say to you. Honestly.'

Yeah, I told you to shut the #### up then. I really hated your character and I'm glad you're gone. *wave*

Anyway, no more Iltch posting on this thread, save the flames for when I'm gone.
65482, Whatever newb
Posted by Galadon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So you can remove the protection from posts ban and then put
it back on just as quick. No, your rp consists of mechanics and
gear. And establishing allies who play with the same effectiveness
as the hero who just deleted 2 weeks ago. Assuring them a spot
in leadership, since they joined the cabal at rank 15.
65438, You had a hard road to handle. I think you did
Posted by Cassman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
reasonably well with the whole thing, as far as I could tell.

It was obvious to me you were new-ish to CF, and especially thieves. CF has a hard learning curve, and every class has it's own. I'd suggest trying a couple other classes, and then give Thieves a try again, to build on what you learned this time.

I don't know all the ins and outs of the Guildwar thing, and being that Iltch is still around, I'll not comment on what I think about it all, but you had a task with that one, and I respect your decision in it. I do have a question unrelated to that though, since you're gone now, and I couldn't really ask it IC.

Keep on it.

65434, few more goodbyes
Posted by maxwell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
few more goodbyes

Jardas, You tried your best to teach me how to gather gold, just maxwell didnt seem to be strong enough at all...even at 51 with decent gear i couldnt kill that damn treasure guardian...

Zridv, what can i say?you taught me some, and interracted with me when you could....

Satebos....You definitely helped me as laronash, and not so much as maxwell, but thanks for all the help in learning this mud, was extremely useful..

Slaid, Your a good guy, always willing to go out and hunt for goodies, see you in the fields man...

Anyone and everyone else, thanks for coming to me for gear and everything, all of it helped my role out alot.. i didnt play this char for pk AT ALL, im ashamed i even went out the way i did by going to war...breaking my role just ate at me too much to stick it out
65447, RE: few more goodbyes
Posted by Satebos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You know, I was pretty sure you were Laronash. There were a few reasons that Satebos didn't interact much with you, however. Let's just say the becoming requires a much more conservative style of play.

While characters with hide definitely make surviving easy, I'd recommend trying a neutral conjurer if you really want to learn the areas. You'd even have the firepower to take out most things you want to, without the goodie alignment restrictions for pve. Just be prepared to die a fair bit as you learn the ropes.

To pvp successfully, I'd definitely recommend stronger area/item knowledge. Have fun with your next one. Satebos might not be able to interact with you much, depending on your role, but I'm routing for you, buddy.
65452, RE: few more goodbyes
Posted by maxwell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, i imagined the becoming had to change you some..

As for item area knowledge, for the most part, i've grown quite a bit, and on this character i went out to almost EVERY area i could find, even areas i KNEW i shouldnt be in...but thanks for the most part satebos you were instrumental to helping me learn this mud in my past mortality.
65453, RE: few more goodbyes
Posted by Satebos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With astral projection, you can see places you wouldn't live through. It's just a thought.
65422, RE: Well, it was time to throw in the towel.
Posted by Patick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Im surprised you didnt kill aubrei for the nice lil grapes
65449, RE: Well, it was time to throw in the towel.
Posted by Aubrei on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah, there goes a comment about the grapes ;P And damn you Patrick, you were laughing just as hard as I was at that.
65418, I interacted with you in your youth...
Posted by Drahmim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
... and had you pegged as a complete newbie. True or not?

I didn't think you were bad at all, just not very experienced in CF/mudding. You definitely got better towards the end, but I definitely laughed when I saw you as kingpin.
65426, RE: I interacted with you in your youth...
Posted by maxwell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
only newbie in CF been mudding about 11 years, 3 char here....been here since septemberish..thanks...i think..
65429, Meant no disrespect.
Posted by Drahmim on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just remember you trying to tag along with me, and you not really knowing the lay of the land at all.

Your RP'd improved over your character's life. Good things! You'll only get better by sticking it out with Max for so long.
65433, RE: Meant no disrespect.
Posted by maxwell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
nah none taken, i dont take too much personally, But, the rp for maxwell was supposed to be kinda clear cut normal run of the mill guy who just happened to be a thief...in fact i went out of my way not to steal from people to much, i roled him as a thief for the greed aspect, gold gold gold, so i went about all the time trying to NOT steal much and still be able to sell things(as a merchant) had it not gone so bad, i was going to add into my role that being hung by a merchant made maxwell want to BE the merchant, and not the one who gets hung....But thats over..
65415, Sorry to see you go
Posted by Zridv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had some good travels and chats. Hope your next is good for you.
65414, RE: Well, it was time to throw in the towel.
Posted by Xavrak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks, shame to see you go and yes itchy was being a D*** about things, but thats cf man. I hope to see you again good luck

p.s I don't think cabal leaders should be able to hold a spot of one of the thief guild leaders...I mean like how does Iltch deal with good and evil guild mates, does he kill them when the scales are not balanced...or does he turn a blind eye and go do other stuff...just my thoughts no need for a flame war PEACE=)
65417, RE: Well, it was time to throw in the towel.
Posted by Hrefnwik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah, Maxwell. I admit, I was surprised to see you make it to hero, and to kingpin. You were cool, and I had fun interacting with you, but I think something about your dialogue made you come off like a happy kid trying out the mud and wanting to do some cool things - that is more like a player and not like some gnome thief character.

Now the real question is, just what were you doing in our guild? You bought me off, but I *did* tell a certain over-emotional someone else about you, and it was very fun seeing how all that played out. *grin*
65428, RE: Well, it was time to throw in the towel.
Posted by maxwell on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I only came into your guild because you were inside and a village came after me, decided safety in numbers...im 24...not so much a kid, and maxwell was supposed to come off as a happy person for the most part...and yea, i am trying this mud out...never really expected to take maxwell seriously..but jardas died....Then silquas became kingpin...Iltch broke into my guild and killed me, AND i was being threatened to be blackballed for him breaking in and killing me, i had to get him off my back...so i took his place..
65460, Wow, this thread blew up
Posted by Hrefnwik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But you got to deal with some fun politics, and deserve credit for getting kingpin and sticking it out as long as you did. Maybe your RP rubbed some the wrong way (me), but it was good enough for others, too.

Killing another thief guilds guard is bad!