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Topic subject(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Idril Telperin the Grand Mistress of Artistry
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65002, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Idril Telperin the Grand Mistress of Artistry
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Jan 8 20:01:32 2008

At 7 o'clock AM, Day of Deception, 30th of the Month of the Spring
on the Theran calendar Idril perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
65112, adios
Posted by Yevandr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thoroughly enjoyed interacting with idril. I know kasty and those fellas are hard on skjalds about writing a bunch of stuff but to be honest the vast majority of players don't even bother to read much of the massive bard spam these days. I am surprised to see you also played perdray and glad you are having fun in the village. It was pretty obvious that you had not played a bard in a while and sometimes after raids I would just scratch my head and go, what the heck was idril doing but you still made it fun to be around. I am sorry we didn't get to run around more but Yevy is a big loner, it helps reduce the number of people bitching about accientally getting hit once by two people and creating a 10 page thread about it.

Well I hope you come back to the village again we could use more players like you, and why does everyone have to delete. Everytime ysal pulls me aside and says stop inducting people the next day tons of villagers delete ug.
65141, Commander
Posted by Malcolm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I do not know the circumstances under which you withdrew some, but I can understand wanting to hold back after a bad situation. I have had to do it to some degree with other persona before. I was looking forward to the group you had been putting together for the "Mage Wrecking Plan" and maybe, just maybe, I'll get back to the Village to try that.

You are dead right about scratching your head after a raid. I did it much of the time myself. I thought I got better at the end there, but it took a long time to figure out what should have been a relatively easy strategy and for that I am sorry. You have to admit it made it interesting though. ;)

65042, Good fights.
Posted by Llorenz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were one of those ragers that was always up for a rumble. We had quite a few fights, I guess thats why feel guilty for your con death. Still I enjoyed your roleplay and your anywhere anytime attitude. I hope you learned about playing a rager bard. Good luck with your next.
65100, RE: Good fights.
Posted by Malcolm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed fighting you, especially seeing how well you played a transmuter and executed timing and the right combo to deal with all your opponents. I loved finally hearing you mid fight say "I hate those songs" and bail out for once. Not only got a good chuckle out of it, but made me feel like I had a way to at least chase you off once in a while even if I couldn't beat you. You, Ilitch and Ravon are my favorite "Bad guys" by far. Thanks for all the adrenaline.

65038, Solid Villager
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you were a solid Villager; always willing to mix it up, not afraid to face and die to bad odds, good hatred of magic (always a plus!).

I don't expect a ton of works from every Village bard, but I do like to see more effort in that area than I saw from Idril. One of the jobs of being a bard in the Village is to motivate and inspire - not just with your songs when you are around, but with your works when you're not around.

I also thought you had sort of a Shamanman-esque attitude towards dying, kind of a "let's charge into that group and hope for the best" rather than maybe choosing your battles (or letting your battles choose you) a bit wiser. Not a bad playstyle, but it's hard to justify handing out a con-quest to a character that rolls that way. I mean, it's (at least for me) a decent amount of effort to come up with a good one, and I kind of figured it would extend your character's life by maybe a week or so. Just didn't seem worth it.

All that being said, I did think Idril was a solid Villager. Just not an outstanding one. I'm glad you enjoyed the experience!

Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends

*** Email me your testimonials or two-line blurbs. Help our marketing efforts! ***
65101, RE: Solid Villager
Posted by Malcolm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I couldn't agree with you more, hence the email I sent you on suggestions. After Perdray I didn't change up my strategy the way I should have, but even under bad odds I have never believed in staying back for too long. "Damn the torpedoes!" Is something I have to learn to overcome.

As for work, I think I also touched a little on that with my email to you. I have been drained in the creative end, and though I really did write a lot, I never felt it was as good as a Battle bard should present. I wasn't sure I deserved the con-quest, but I had to ask as I did have more planned for her.

Still, not trying to be a kiss ass, I always find that praise from you makes me feel like I'm at least headed in the right direction. Thank you again.

65003, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Idril Telperin the Grand Mistre...
Posted by Malcolm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Been a while since I played a bard and I found myself to be really rusty with it, but it was still a lot of fun. I have had a run of Villagers as of late after not playing them for several years and I simply enjoy the Battleragers more than any Cabal and I always have. Shame I waited so long to make these last attempts again.


Kasty: Did not see you much this time around excluding the Rites, but you are still one of those immortals that give a lot in short interactions. I always perk up when I see you around.

Ysaloerye: I really did my best to find your shrine, but the wars really escalated and it made it hard to journey beyond the few I was able to set time aside for. I WILL find it yet. I had hoped our times had gelled more, but there is only so much either party can do when meeting schedules outside the game.

Yean: Thank you for the induction, the kind and inspiring words and always taking time out to speak even if I was guessing you might be there when wizi'd. I need to find time in the future to explore your work.


Harol: I really enjoyed this character. You are a ba##ard for deleting. Even if for any good reasons you may have had.

Cezar: Partner in crime. Luckiest damn warrior I have ever seen given you are a Villager and have few options for defense. Wish you had been there for that last fight on the way to the Island. Thats how I wanted to go out. I think you are a good Drillmaster with the potential of being a great one. You'll love this--

<387/910 675/890 815/817 7 AM/new/civilized/outdoor>
Cezar tells you 'Ya comin'?'
Iltch is in perfect health.

<181/910 675/890 815/817 7 AM/new/civilized/outdoor>
Ahnia utters the words, 'surrabra ay hpz pzanofog'.
Drawing on himself, Ahnia slowly crouches down. As his chant ends, a
Huge shaft of lightning strikes him! Standing up, he suddenly throws
Out his arms. More shafts of lightning descend!
Iltch is unaffected by Ahnia's pillar of lightning!
You yell 'Die, Ahnia, you sorcerous dog!'
Ahnia's pillar of lightning *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Iltch is in perfect health.

<74/910 675/890 815/817 7 AM/new/civilized/outdoor>
Iltch parries your wrath.
Iltch dodges your wrath.
You dodge Iltch's acidic bite.
Iltch's defilement EVISCERATES you!
You sure are BLEEDING!
Iltch's defilement MASSACRES you!
You have been KILLED!!

You have died, but the Carrion Fields are not finished with you yet!
Your soul is returned to the realms in the form of a ghost.
You will return to your corporeal state in a short while.
Be careful, for even a ghost should fear some dangers!
Your vitality has faded. You gasp your last breaths.
the Destructor: Idril has left the fray of battle.
Awaiting the hour of reprisal, your time slips away...

Yevandr: Liked you from the moment you made Drillmaster. Lighten the hell up, you got stiff towards the end there. You're a funny guy. Keep with that. Scary in fights as well.

Dirty: Trading insults with you was a big laugh for me. Too bad we lost the smartass Orc along the way. I hate leveling, but you actually made it fun for me. Thank you.

Fjarn, Aritu, Mreja: Enjoyed all my interactions with you. Should have stuck around. Fjarn smack someone down for me.


Ilitch: Loved the interactions. Hated that you never missed a blackjack or trip on me.

Ahnia: If you have nothing nice to say I am told..

Shenkov: Got you. Finally.

Ravon: I lasted a fair amount of time in one fight with you. Never lasted two rounds again after that. Hell is frightened of you. I'm sure of it.

Anyhow, if I have forgotten you, forgive me. Remind, Flame, Praise and I will respond as you like.

65004, *grimace*
Posted by Cezar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That is what I did when I saw "Idril has left the fray of battle". A part of me thought that maybe you just quit to save your last death, but, I had a feeling that that just wasn't so. I didn't want you to die your last getting ganked down by the Nexuns. Oh well, that's the way it goes. Had tons of fun with you, and am disappointed how the last hell trip went. I was just about to hit the quit key when you logged in. I was already exhausted because I was up very very early that morning. But, what the hell, I decided to stay and give it a try. That was until I realized 3 hours later that I had nearly been up for 24 and had to be somewhere the next morning.

Partner in crime is an appropriate way to put it. Once again, I had lots of fun with all the running around we did and look forward to your next villager!

65029, Bards an' soddin liver failure
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dammit you are not supposed to die when I am working on con-quests for you ya bastid!!
Sorry we didn't connect, by the time I saw your note it was late Monday, of course today I had it all ready to roll =0(
Anyway good work with Idril, I enjoyed the works quite a bit.

on to the next!
65103, Biddy!
Posted by Malcolm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I appreciate that you decided to work on a con quest for me and as I wrote to Kasty I had hoped to have nailed it. Surprisingly some of my enemies that knew I was close were rooting for me as well. Maybe next time I'll try to be a little more careful. (No promises.) and hope to finally get a chance under a better role to follow you.

And I still want a drinking contest. ;)

Posted by Doriach on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damnit, I knew this was coming...but damnit. You made the every day things fun, too, and I am equally appreciative of that.

Doriach knew he never had a chance, but duergar are stubborn, and so he kept at you.

Great RP, great attitude. You'll really be missed.
65104, *Chuckle*
Posted by Malcolm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Back at you in all aspects. And Idril DID feel affection towards you, but you were simply a disgusting, nose picking, butt scratching smartass. Come to think of it, she was too. And a lush to boot.

Do Idril a favor and make Ahnia and Ilitch suffer just once for her.

(Nothing but love for you Illy, but I want you to see your corpse just once.)

Thanks, Doriach. You were a great friend and a great Villager in my opinion.

65064, Never did land that assassinate!
Posted by Zridv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Grr on you! I had a few times there where I attempted and I'm not really sure why. Oh well, I guess the RNG loved you more than most bards I stalked! Anyway, we had a couple of good fights outside of those situations. Good job and all. You guys challenging the Empress on poetry or whatever was funny, so I felt it my duty to "defend" her that one time. Not much came of it, probably my fault. :)
65102, Actually, you did.
Posted by Malcolm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Got all three of us on Calyndryl. I was stunned that you hit so many so fast. But you always seemed to scare the hell out of many of us with your deathful competence.

I have high hopes for where you head with the character and will follow close to see if you nail them. Great assassin all around.
65106, I forgot about that day.
Posted by Zridv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a good day for assassinates. The trouble with assassinating a group is if you miss, you could be dead very quickly. I try not to let that deter me too much. However, vanish seems to not want to work as well as it used to, so I may rethink this.
65134, Well Done
Posted by Yean on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed this char quite a bit, both from a mortal and immortal stand point. You wrote good prose works, though it would have been nice to see more...it sort of dwindled down a bit after some time. You were tenacious in the defender department and never afraid to mix it up, doing your role well..so that was pleasant to see as well! Anyway, Idril was a good char, but I also agree with what Kasty said regarding con quests, hence telling you what I did when you asked the last time. Luck with the next!
65137, I liked Idril
Posted by Naerzghul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I saw Idril like I saw Eoria. Someone who deceived me into thinking that they didn't know what they were doing. Sorry for killing you all those time, but I couldn't have you attack me and escape.

65140, You were a great challenge.
Posted by Malcolm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually, you asked me to group in Balator and summoned me into a locked room. Thats what started it. That fight and one other I was really far off on getting you, but our other fights ranged over several areas and were always close. You were fun to tangle with. I was sorry to see you sit at rank, (Not making an accusation of rank sitting, must have been hard for you to find groups.) While I got the songs I finally needed to make a difference against you. I looked forward to fighting you in hero ranks. Great role and excellent role play when we dealt with one another.

65144, RE: You were a great challenge.
Posted by Naerzghul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Empowerment issues. *cough* I love you Kastellyn! *grin*
