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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectthe days of old are gone
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=64673
64673, the days of old are gone
Posted by mbreedlove74 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I used to play CF years ago. A friend of mine in college showed me and a few others the game. We played in the days of Pico, Twist, BoltThrower, Cador and Scarabaeus. Hell I remember the game when it was Tar Valon and New Thalos. Back in those days Battle was at war with the Tower and Shadow was the coolest thing around. But those days are long gone and most of the good people were run off years ago.

Every now and again my friends and I log on in between other games and real life issues and try and get bask some of that nostalgia. But it’s clear the people who run the game these days want nothing to do with that.

I remember when they put pera-grouping in the game and tried to label people with that just as a quick and easy way to get rid of some people. But no one really took it serious because it was a stupid rule then and it still is.

That is one of the things this game used to gut the friend element out of the game. It would seem that the only people that should play this game are the shut in who has no friends other than those on-line.

I guess I have had enough this time, maybe my play style is that of a dinosaur and has no place in this game today. Years ago I would post something more like this: “I AM GOIN TO CON DEATH ALL YOUR CHARS AND GANG RAPE ALL YOUR FRIENDS”, but I guess I have changed as well.

Hell maybe I just killed and looted his lowbie.

<96%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)>
Bleadinsgor pours his beer on the ground
Kobaine says 'your pouring out ya beers'
Kobaine disappears in a mushroom cloud.

<96%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)>
The rain ceases.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)>
An Immortal has transferred you.
The Realm of the Dead
You are standing on an immense, gray stone floor that stretches as far as you
can see in all directions. Rough winds plunging from the dark, starless sky
tear savagely at your fragile body.

Kobaine is here.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)> shake
You shake your head.

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)> 'wow
You say 'wow'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)>
An Immortal says 'Didn't we have a talk with you guys about this whole, log on together bash everyone
together thing?'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)>
Kobaine says 'we asked him ta join us'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)>
Kobaine says 'he said no, so, whats wrong with killing him ?'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)> 'i am sorry but when did this become a non player killing game
You say 'i am sorry but when did this become a non player killing game'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)>
An Immortal says 'It's a player killing game. There still are rules.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)> 'i know that guy was sort of a puss but i didnt think the whole
game was now
You say 'i know that guy was sort of a puss but i didnt think the whole game was now'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)>
Kobaine says 'hell, i've asked everyone in our range if they want to travel'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)>
Kobaine says 'had that assassin till he said he had to go, dam, what more can we do'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)> '

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)>
An Immortal says 'A guy who can only play or fight as long as his friend's there doesn't get to call
anyone a puss.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)>
Kobaine says 'can't just whip up another to join us'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)> 'wow
You say 'wow'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)> 'did i miss something why are we here.
You say 'did i miss something why are we here.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)>
Kobaine says 'didn't realize we were breaking rules by pvp'ing in town'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)>
An Immortal says 'I'm under the understanding you've been pulled before about the perma rules and had
explained to you.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)>


<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)>
Kobaine says 'yes, and thats why we have been working hard to get others to join us'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)> 'look i like to kill more than i like to learn, so if you want us
to stop killing them you need to change the game
You say 'look i like to kill more than i like to learn, so if you want us to stop killing them you need
change the game'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)>
An Immortal says 'Right see... t the point of that talk wasn't that you have to look for a third while
run around attached at the hip.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)> 'the assasin didnt want to hunt with us as i am sure you saw
You say 'the assasin didnt want to hunt with us as i am sure you saw'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)> 'so he left
You say 'so he left'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)> 'then this guy walks up and i am sorry but HE WAS IN MY RANGE AND
You say 'then this guy walks up and i am sorry but HE WAS IN MY RANGE AND POW'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)>
Kobaine says 'well, bottom line is, we've been tring to get others to join us regardless'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)> 'so if this is a non pk game then i will kill others as long as i
You say 'so if this is a non pk game then i will kill others as long as i can'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)>
An Immortal says 'At the point at which the two of you logged on together... again... and immediately
grouped we've already got ap roblem.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)> 'did i miss something do we have the same IP address or are we
running two chars at once , NO
You say 'did i miss something do we have the same IP address or are we running two chars at once , NO'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)>
Kobaine says 'we talk in group, we talk in the open, we actually attempt to roleplay as bad at it as we
are. Its a game, and i am sure you have more people in this game who pal around together.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)> 'we play the game by these rules, are we the only people in this
place who plays this game with a real life friend
You say 'we play the game by these rules, are we the only people in this place who plays this game with a
real life friend'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)>
An Immortal says 'The rules are clearly stated in the helpfiles. I'm not here to argue them with you.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)>
An Immortal says 'Like this? Yes.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)> 'if that is the case i feel sorry for you
You say 'if that is the case i feel sorry for you'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)>
An Immortal says 'I've said my peace. You'll either decide you're interested in playing the game by the
same rules as everyone else is, or you won't.'

<100%hp 100%m 100%mv 6553tnl (13.78%)>
You are denied access!
Awaiting the hour of reprisal, your time slips away...
You stop following Kobaine.
%%% Disconnected from server.
64674, Two little losers
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes some people who play together or at least know each other and have way for ooc communication. Since we have low player base it is somewhat okey (may be you won't get anything special from Imms like third legacy, tittles, leader positions but no one is gonna deny you for that). But there is difference between occasional playing sessions when these players together and pussies like you who ALWAYS login together, run together, pk together just because you don't have balls, brains, spirit to do something on your own. Go away bitches.
64675, RE: Two little losers
Posted by OldFart on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, you can look at it like this. Finally 2 goon gang banging, full looting newbs are finally gone. Or, you can view it like, thank gawd, now we can continue to stack up our lowbies with high level gear without fear of getting ganked by them two dam cloud giants. Yay for the orcs!
64677, Those bitches
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
did not create any competition in game, because they would never rank up to hero, because after one, two deaths and loots they will delete and roll new chars and keep killing newbies over and over again. I as player who usualy has 1 char and don't have time/will to roll something and kick their asses. I can just watch and dream about them ranking up to my level, but this never happens.
64681, I rolled a lot of people on my way up as Zaarg
Posted by Zaarg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I was still wearing what I consider to be an average set.

You kept going on like I had OOC friends, when next I am probably one of the top soloist players in game.

tehehehe. I feel giddy.
64679, The irony is...
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In the first talk, you tried to justify both the way you played and the way you were caught passing gear from one of your characters to another by saying, among other things:

Kobaine says 'so yes, we have perma grouped to ensure that these little #### bag, gear fitting up pussies die.'

Sorry, we checked into a lot of the people you made those kinds of accusations about, and they were all clean.

Not only do two wrongs not make a right (that is, your cheating to try to 'make right' the cheating of others), but you were cheating, according to you, to get the better of people who weren't even cheating. Either you were completely full of ####, or you managed to be exactly -- and worse, the only instance of -- what you claimed to hate.

Lots of people play the game with their friends. They don't all act like girls who have to go to the bathroom together. If you're longing for that, sorry to say you're not going to get it.
64682, Amen nt
Posted by Zheeserboy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
64676, RE: Two little losers
Posted by mbreedlove74 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nice one. That was hatful, funny and sad all at the same time. Nice to see you are not holding a grudge. Its always nice to have fans.