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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectJhuutr - [DELETED]
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=64060
64060, Jhuutr - [DELETED]
Posted by Dhargor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for all fun. It was my first hero Imperial, first leader. But I lost the interest at the end. So its time to delete. And trust me, its hard to delete your first leader.


My mistake - was wrong specs and legacys. A shame but minotaurs are not giants. So most heavy weapons wasn't enable for me. I could do nothing with invokers because of my build. Eh.

My link sucked sooo much. One day I got a message from imm like man..your link really sucked. Yea. 40% of my deaths because of that ####ing provider.

Demotions: I was sphere destruction minotaur. What do you expect from such creature? ;)

Full sac of Rywald: You pissed me about that incident both IC and OOC. You knew the truth IC and OOC. Enough to say. You were playing in a big boy since you wanted the leader spot. Good, but not with me.

Imms: Thanks for the second name Twist. I think it was you. And to somebody who gave me 800 exp in 400 hours. Also, thanks to the kick in the ass for that incident. I learned from it.


Eoria: I thank you for everything, thanks for the chance on the Warmaster spot, I hope I wasn't that bad.

Batu: Damn you man for the deletation. Awesome blade and friend. I hope you enjoed my little poem :)

Xanata: I should demoted you long long time ago, but..I like you!

Mursik: Yes, I should admit, I liked you, but I was going to demote you. When two blades are running around and dying in attempts to get their Codex while you doing your own thing somewhere...Its bad.

Krynna's bard: You know man..I was an Elite blade, You were an oath or something near that..And you SHOULD sing the resist before Pk. You SHOULD protect Elite Blade because of the demotion button ;).

Gularys: I liked your rp, I was going to promote you but man..Shame on you.

Haltan: Oh, my my my. Saying to me that you don't respect me and taking the oath on another day - it was really funny. ;)


Vanakoth: Ahahaha, man..After that time in the Chasm I was soo pissed, so I decided to stab you in the back as much as I could. Damn, it must be three times where you died because of me :) Sorry, but its all IC. OOC I liked your char very much.

High Priest: Errr..Where are you?

Shadow Lord: Man ;) I can't say anything, I hope Eoria will say it in her Farewells. Its funny ;)

Pesawwkt: I was facing you alone so many times and still you were blaming me for gang ;) Shame on you.

Daracus(SP?): Deserved the Captain, only one suggestion, do not loot things that you don't use. :P

Atez: Awesome fights, I will post them.

Ravon: You know, I gave you about 12 charges or 15. Poor me. There is no way for me to kill you alone. :(

S..(arial AP)- Ahahaha. That was a good plan and it worked. We got that unholy. Fearless foe, I remember that fight near Hamsah, you were 41 and I were 51. DAMN! PINCER! Good fights.

Llorenz: Imperial offence+Imperial tactic - dead transmuter ;)

Igbah: You know..You were the only one person who full looted me twice. You were just running around and loot corpses that you didn't do. !respect. I am glad that I killed you.

Throkk: Awesome fights. DAMN YOU BASTARD! You remind me Dizrug ;)

Linaeren: I think I got you twice..Man..insects is not the win button against Warmaster in offence stance on and two axes ;) Good luck with the Imm thing.

Yrillbink: I HATE you, I HATE you. How many times did you flee in convulsing? I just couldn't belive ;) Good char.

Here I want to say something. Hiding in the village under destructor - is bad. Hiding on a first sign of the danger is bad.

I will mention Yevandir - good foe. Xilla's villager - another perfect example - Behrious I think.

Harol - You are talking too much. Looting things that you don't use - is bad.

Alright, I forgot a lot of you. Post and I will responce.

Thanks again for a great game.

64241, Shame on me how?
Posted by Gulary on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
For playing 10 hours a day to your 3 a week?
For being the only Citizens, bar Zridv and Arkuss, for
being about? Facing odds, killin ####?

shame on what?

Dont get me wrong, your rp was great
64169, Jhuutr
Posted by Malcolm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Personally I thought you did a great job as a Warmaster though that was being on the outside looking in. I had some great, knock down, drag out fights with you and you always had the upper hand no matter what I tired. I simply could not damage you fast enough.

You were cocky and arrogant in conversation as someone of evil stature should rightly be when they have earned their place, but if I had one complaint it was this:

If I had to hear "Save yourself trouble, take oath" one more time in Mino-speech, I might, in the immortal words of Randal Graves, "Have to put my head in the deep fryer... Balls too."

Good job climbing over everyone to the top. Look forward to more.

Mal (Perdray)
64168, Great minotaur, great Imperial roleplay.
Posted by TheLastMohican on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A fairly big step up in style from most of your chars.

I still can't believe you thought I was Nepenthe. I don't know if I should laugh or be upset you think I'm a dirty PK/RP god/cheater. Oh wait, I am Nepenthe. Forget what I just said.
64081, Good Fights
Posted by Braemir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had a few good fights. You were a fairly tough opponent and could dish out some damage. Good luck with your next.

64079, RE: Jhuutr - [DELETED]
Posted by Rywald on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Full sac of Rywald: You pissed me about that incident both IC
>and OOC. You knew the truth IC and OOC. Enough to say. You
>were playing in a big boy since you wanted the leader spot.
>Good, but not with me.

Don't make assumptions on what I do and don't know. First of all, you try someday arguing with a minotaur. A waste of time when you spend half your time trying to decipher what they said. Secondly, you should have blamed some of your "allies" for that. I spent a good half-hour double-checking what happened and know what? All your allies said you attacked seperately, so let's see...I hear a yell, everyone in the room says you initiated, and you're an ass to me? Good enough for me.

I told you, you really want to complain, bring it to the Tribunal Imms. They could have gotten rid of it. We're hardly perfect. Posting the log to the QHCF forum? That's just guaranting the flag's staying.

As for full looting...you want to play in the big boys spot, why don't you grow the #### up yourself. kthnksbuhbye
64078, RE: Jhuutr - [DELETED]
Posted by Llorenz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Llorenz: Imperial offence+Imperial tactic - dead transmuter
Yeah I never had someone hit me quite as hard as you did. You made Throkk look like a wuss and Throkk hits HARD! I finally leveled to 51 and got me some barrier lovin to fight you but that chance never came. I wish we would have had more fights.
64076, What a hard ass.
Posted by Ibliflor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Jesus I hated you at first for demoting me. Then I started to understand your char's RP. Being a groveling peon seemed to work and thanks for the couple promotes. I was more afraid of you than any enemy on the map ;). Pretty good for an Imperial leader, I'd say.

I wish I could have gotten some solid time to play Empire but its really not for me these days I like to roam free ;-).

Well done Jhuutr.
64075, Looting
Posted by Darascus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You died on the eastern road. 'Nuff said.

(Getting sick of the constant loot bitching. happens no matter what I do.)
64072, Ooh crap! Did you HAVE to delete right now??!
Posted by Batu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My new char was very close in your range now, couldn't wait to get into PK with you! (That shouldn't be saying to much since there are SO many in that range atm...)

I LOVED your char, and from what I learned from Jhuutr I think I like the player behind the char to. :D
And yes, that poem was awesome! I was so frustraded when you wrote it since I knew I either had to come up with something really kickass as a poem or something totally different, didn't get around to any of it.

When Eoria and Rhayla dies I've got a bunch of things to say that happened in Batu's life. All you guys I played with kicked ass! Great chars!

Well, we'll meet in the fields again! Though can't wait to hear all the stuff in Eoria's goodbyes about all the schemes. :D
64068, What, No love for the Shadows?
Posted by Zridv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked Jhuutr for the most part and that you were really well played from your RP standpoint. I was surprised at how much you were falling, but then again, who am I to talk. We have some pretty rough pk ranges at times, and you can't hide from them. Anyway, hope things go well with your next.
64063, Aww, I only have two old enemies left
Posted by Throkk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Throkk: Awesome fights. DAMN YOU BASTARD! You remind me Dizrug

Heh. I'll take that as a compliment.

I remember running into Jhuurt when you were lvl 50. You did some pretty clever things (using terrain), but I was lucky and survived. Then you turned out to have the same specs as Throkk. I thought this might be the start of something good.

You were always up for a fight and you were always hard to bring down, so you certainly didn't disappoint. Thanks for teaching me a few tricks and giving me some surprises.

I might pick up your PBF, but what were your legacies, since you were unhappy with your build? I always thought you made more of it than me ;-)

It sounds like your were something of a hard-ass warmaster. That's cool.

And don't worry about your English. You were perfectly capable of getting your point across.

Enjoy your next.
64173, PBF
Posted by Dhargor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh. I can't pay for this in Russia. Please take it if you can/want.

My build was trapping+fist. Still, Ravon's lashes were disarming me 100% of the time. And, that damned staff - was giant_only.