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Topic subject(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Niheriva Vilisital the Voice of Baerinika, Captain of the Brigade
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63931, (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Niheriva Vilisital the Voice of Baerinika, Captain of the Brigade
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Dec 4 06:31:14 2007

At 5 o'clock AM, Day of the Great Gods, 33rd of the Month of Nature
on the Theran calendar Niheriva perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
64112, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Niheriva Vilisital the Voice of Baerinika, Captain of the Brigade
Posted by Klyndenstrom on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So once upon a time, one shield paladin taught another shield paladin a great deal of things about fighting and areas, and that shield paladin was happy. I really did enjoy all the time I got to spend with you and the little tricks and tips I got were extra ordinary... I still am having a hard time finishing things and I doubt I will continue but.... yeah I really enjoyed all the times we raided and fought alongside one another... and really would have liked to had that sword for a while longer but you being captain in my eyes deserved it a lot more than me, only a squire who cant finish an enemy to save his own life.
64050, Just one more kick!!!
Posted by Zridv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thats all it was between me and you as a corpse!! Argh, I missed! Ah well, that was a fun raid sequence.
64008, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Niheriva Vilisital the Voice of Baerinika, Captain of the Brigade
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah. We've pretty much hashed this out OOC. I'm not suggesting its intentional, but whatever sort of character I'm playing, you always seem to be playing one that's ideally suited to making my life hell. It's almost humorous.

I'm playing an assassin? You're playing a thug thief.

I'm playing a felar warrior? You're playing an assassin.

I'm playing a duergar shaman? You're playing an elf paladin w/ faith, retribution and Baerinika's tat.

Woe is me.
64009, *snuggle* Poor Isildur. n/t
Posted by Niheriva on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
63980, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Niheriva Vilisital the Voice of Baerinika, Captain of the Brigade
Posted by Victoria2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If this was your first empowerment hero, I'm slightly less antagonistic, but this is still going to be a mainly negative post.

That said, I felt that:
- a) you failed to play "smart" (or brave) and instead your solution was simply to throw more numbers at an enemy if they were tough. You would have done better to gather a few preps, instead of focussing on gear. Anti-gank code and the tendency for gangs not to prep normally means dead gang against tough foe (as you probably discovered from when gangs went for you and you mashed them up).
- b) you -appeared- to me, to selectively log in. I can't prove it, but considering I'm now on your side and it seems just as bad as when I was your enemy, I'll throw this in there as an observation to take into account even if there is no substance to it. When I say selectively log in, I don't refer to numbers, I refer to actual threat to you. If there were 5 enemies you could pulp, you'd stay on and pulp them. If there was 1 you couldn't, if seemed like you'd log off unless there was a lot of support behind you.
- c) you were happy to let allies die in your place.

I also remember nearly dying as a goodie because you wouldn't rescue me from a trap. I subsequently discovered that you were gathering gear. It didn't impress me that I got rescued by a herald because the paladin was too busy gathering gear. I think the fact that you pretty much held defiance for several hundred hours when there were a number of other paladins (despite dying and losing it a few times) sums it up.

Sorry to be so negative, because on the odd occasion when I saw you rise to the occasion, you were really good. I would have loved this character if I saw more of it, and charges to Victoria is not the reason why. Incidentally, I didn't have any charges in my whip for that fights where you told me that without my whip I'd be nothing. Jichii had killed me solo and sacced it. And I didn't loot your friend in the orc village, despite you bitching me out for it. Not that I haven't made similar mistakes and bitched at people in exactly the same way for things they never did ;*)
63984, Okay.
Posted by Niheriva on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
-If this was your first empowerment hero, I'm slightly less -antagonistic, but this is still going to be a mainly negative post.
+It was!

-That said, I felt that:
- a) you failed to play "smart" (or brave) and instead your solution -was simply to throw more numbers at an enemy if they were tough. You -would have done better to gather a few preps, instead of focussing on -gear. Anti-gank code and the tendency for gangs not to prep normally -means dead gang against tough foe (as you probably discovered from -when gangs went for you and you mashed them up).

- b) you -appeared- to me, to selectively log in. I can't prove it, -but considering I'm now on your side and it seems just as bad as when -was your enemy, I'll throw this in there as an observation to take -into account even if there is no substance to it. When I say -selectively log in, I don't refer to numbers, I refer to actual -threat to you. If there were 5 enemies you could pulp, you'd stay on -and pulp them. If there was 1 you couldn't, if seemed like you'd log -off unless there was a lot of support behind you.

+Definitely didn't try to selectively log in. You can't prove it +because it didn't really happen, back when I cared I'd log in against +any odds consistently.

- c) you were happy to let allies die in your place.
+Ha, this happened 2 times total and both managed to make their way to +the Dios log board, how awesome was that. You got what you wanted +and I had several people bitch me out IC and tell me what a worthless +char I had because of those logs when they'd OOC rant at me before +deleting. Thanks, you did it. Before those fights I specifically +told people to be ready to get out at a moments notice if my cloak +fluffled, they stayed. No I wasn't happy, I offered to sac the cloak +each time.

-I also remember nearly dying as a goodie because you wouldn't rescue -me from a trap. I subsequently discovered that you were gathering -gear. It didn't impress me that I got rescued by a herald because the -paladin was too busy gathering gear. I think the fact that you pretty -much held defiance for several hundred hours when there were a number -of other paladins (despite dying and losing it a few times) sums it -up.

+ Damn Heralds, wasn't I the one that got them to go save you? I'm +pretty sure that if I'm out getting equipment for my Squires who just +died and you're sitting in an avalanche not starving to death and not +going anywhere, you're safe and can wait until I'm done. Sorry I +wasn't quick to jump to your low level +walk-off-a-cliff-because-I-can't-type-look mistake. I <3 Defiance. +Damn you Ravon and Llorenz.

-Sorry to be so negative, because on the odd occasion when I saw you -rise to the occasion, you were really good. I would have loved this -character if I saw more of it, and charges to Victoria is not the -reason why. Incidentally, I didn't have any charges in my whip for -that fights where you told me that without my whip I'd be nothing. -Jichii had killed me solo and sacced it. And I didn't loot your -friend in the orc village, despite you bitching me out for it. Not -that I haven't made similar mistakes and bitched at people in exactly -the same way for things they never did ;*)

+Yeah, Lashes is crazy. It's like Imms said 'Hey, dark elf AP is +completely under powered, let's create a monster to replace them and +beef up all their skills and abilities so that anyone competant can +be a truck. You were competant. =( I knew you didn't take anything +but I wanted to bitch at you because I was flustered anyway.
63998, RE: Okay.
Posted by Victoria2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It isn't. And no, I wasn't sitting in an avalanche. I was plagued and stuck in a well travelled area expecting an evil to come by at any moment.

The logs being on Dio's was fine, imho, although I'm sorry if you didn't feel that way. Had you requested it be removed, I would have gone along with that. But don't 1 v 4 fights where the 1 wins (the second of which I had no charges for) merit a log? But then, that's partly because of barrier being overpowered (not lashes imho), which is another story. Hell, if someone beats me 1 v 4, I expect to see a log on Dio's, and it doesn't bother me at all. I'm sorry, but a log of someone losing does not make the character look bad.

Anyway, not going to turn this into a flamefest, despite it having been a generally negative post. You are free to ignore what I've said for future characters. But I've said it so you can consider it and ignore/dismiss/accept as you see fit.
64039, haha
Posted by Patick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
i think I might of rescued you? possibly.
63990, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Niheriva Vilisital the Voice of Baerinika, Captain of the Brigade
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not to wholly discount this, but:

>- c) you were happy to let allies die in your place.
>I also remember nearly dying as a goodie because you wouldn't
>rescue me from a trap. I subsequently discovered that you
>were gathering gear. It didn't impress me that I got rescued
>by a herald because the paladin was too busy gathering gear.
>I think the fact that you pretty much held defiance for
>several hundred hours when there were a number of other
>paladins (despite dying and losing it a few times) sums it

I'd genuinely like to see you (or anyone who's said similar things in the past) play a similarly effective good-aligned character who does better by these principles.

A lot of people talk #### about how paladins or other good-aligned characters should play, but generally they:

A) Don't seriously play goods ever (I know Victoria isn't in this bin, but...)
B) Try it and generally do even worse, or
C) Try it, and live up to the principles to a point, but overall are a net minus for Team Good. (I.e., they act as a gear farm for evils and/or get other goods killed who wouldn't otherwise die if they hadn't logged on.)

It's *hard* to play a paladin who genuinely has some principles and is unwilling to bend those principles for advantage, yet, is someone you actually want on your side in a fight and/or fear as an enemy. Niheriva wasn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but in his better days he was in the running with any paladin I can remember in terms of managing to both be a good paladin and actually be PK-effective.
63992, Part of the reason I refuse to play paladins anymore.
Posted by DC on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Boils down to how I like to think of paladins versus how they actually are. I don't know, I think defiance is good but some of the stuff I see people do to get it and saw people doing to get it from as far back as when I played Beltantis and earlier - it leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

I'd actually be happier if equivalent types of things were handed out as rewards and the gear itself was removed off the NPC's. That resolves the inherent conflict of interest there.
63999, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Niheriva Vilisital the Voice of Baerinika, Captain of the Brigade
Posted by Victoria2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well there's the crux, I guess.

My paladins (Persumal) were nothing like as lethal. In fact, one had 0 pk's in about 200 hours, with no tatt, no cabal. However, he saved a number of lives at the cost of his own (knowingly).

To me, it feels that there is a trade-off between pk prowess and the paladin code. I'm not expecting paladins to suicide pointlessly, but ultimately, if you completely tossed the code out the window (and I'm by no means saying that Niheriva did anything even remotely close to this), you'd be able to be more effective in pk.

Another of my paladins (Gerandiel -- the aggressive scribe) got the same criticism of being too gear focussed that I've made here. I disagreed with that (for example, once someone died helping me get defiance, I never made another attempt, despite the fact that we were winning the fight). That said, I've still taken it on board and I think my more recent characters are visibly less concerned with gear.
63935, Good times.
Posted by Niheriva on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really should have done this a long time ago, I apologize to Fortress players who have been looking for some interactions and inductions lately that I didn't get to. I almost deleted after Twist's comments after he deleted after being Marshall for a couple of weeks and saying he didn't want to bring down the cabal by filling the leader spot but not showing up. I think after spending 650 hours of my time on this one guy I just really started to lose that love and feeling, but like my last relationship, with so much time invested I didn't want to let go and drug it out way too long. With that said...

This experience for me was a really positive one. This was my first Paladin and first Empowerment hero. After the Paladin edges came out, it really gave me a boost in the Paladin direction and I wanted to try two new things, Baerinika's religion and Paladins in general. The religion itself is really great, it's nice to have a kick ass and take names religion for goodies. Baerinika was always in top form roleplay wise and fit the uppity, strict, hard elf roleplay to a T. I learned a lot about the Paladin Code from my first conversation with her and it shaped my roleplay for the rest of Nih's life.

I tried really hard to never become a criminal and never kill neutrals, but I did have one misflag and I might have been a criminal another time for something way back when. 'The Jutunn' and 'The Kopak' made not killing neutrals a little difficult when they decided to throw themselves at me and the cabal non-stop, but luckily enough they both deleted pretty soon after dying to me so it didn't become anything too bad. One goodie kill will show up on my PBF too, I called lightning on a dolphin thinking it was Strelicar, but it was some random new goodie applicant that died instantly, hrmph. That was an interesting session.

I had read somewhere that Paladins were a really hard class to finish kills with, and that shield dedicates would always have low kill counts, so I challenged myself to try and get 100 evil kills, when people told me that was impossible, I toned it down to fifty. I think I ended up getting somewhere close to 150 evil kills. For the majority of my hero career I had a sick sick set that kept me from dying and really helped me crank out the damage. I never had over 900 hps and usually only had ~750 at hero, so characters like Kharg, Hunsobo, and Ravon, able to dish out the hurt in a hurry really beat the crap out of me.

The Fortress cabal I really like. The concept of Maran fit so well with this role and religion that it made it very easy to really dive into the roleplay. I have no idea how many people I inducted, the theme was usually waves. You'd get 3 or 4 really good players wanting to come in at a time, then the same players would be deleted and gone in a couple of weeks, rinse and repeat several times and you lead to some major induction burnout. I tried to really make people think about the Maran Creed and the impact their actions have on the 'innocent', a lot of power gamers are going to have some nasty things to say about not being allowed into hell, but oh well, getting ass ####ed by a bull isn't a pure or holy act, it's kind of evil. I didn't enforce the Paladin Code on everyone, but I did believe that breaking the law is breaking the Code, and I stuck to that with Squire Paladins, if you can't hold to the Code as I see it, you can't hold to the Creed as I see it, if you're going to break one oath, you will have no trouble breaking any oath. I know that there is a gray area as a player, but Niheriva didn't see it as one.

I really didn't care about ganking people, I imagine my gank-o-meter will be pretty high, I was all about killing evil so thats what I tried to do. Yes I probably ran away from fights, it took me ~45 pk deaths to figure out how to play an elf Paladin, but once I got into the swing of it...wow. The climb to hero was brutal, but after getting juiced up with Virtues and Maran powers, the combo really played itself. I can honestly say I have never had, and probably will never have a goodie character that could dish out as much damage and be a universal utility character. I walked into several fights I didn't think I would win (thank you cloak of displacement) that turned quickly into my favor.

Goodbyes...man, I don't know about this...its probably best if people just say Hi if they want too, the characters that really stood out for me though..

Baerinika - Ha, of course you're first. Thanks for the awesome experience. I had no idea what you would be like, and you caught me off guard with your icy demeanor, but I made you smile twice damn you, muahah. I never prayed because I guess I didn't want to be a bother, empowerment characters always scare me off because I hesitate to try to steal someones time to make my characters go places, I'd rather be self sufficient, surprisingly you allowed that and I guess I did okay! I want get sucked into the ground or anything in your shrine, I was trying so hard to age die too, I couldn't justify IC stepping down as Captain and I just had really lost interest, sorry!

Thoric - You had some awesome roleplay at the start there that I enjoyed, I remember my first interaction with you being me dying to an arial prisoner because I was trying to test my boundaries, learned how frail elves are quick.

Gromkonk - Heheh, man, I was so shocked that you lead a hell trip. That really caught me off guard that you went so far down too, I pretty much swore to myself after hearing about that that it wouldn't happen anymore if I got a leader position.

Olaf - Now you were a dwarfy dwarf. I have a soft spot for helping dwarves get eq, because I love it when I get freebies when I play dwarves. I tried to give you a boost early on, and man we really ripped some things up later, I was really hating it when you deleted.

Erlina - You were really fun to roleplay with and helped me learn a lot about the things I wanted to do with this character, I really hated it when you deleted too!

Duujai - I always felt really safe when running around with you and I knew there was really nothing in the game we couldn't do together. Awesome Acolyte and I hated it when you didn't get the Elder Prophet position. The experience and roleplay was there I thought, but oh well! Really enjoyed our talks and roleplay.

Niela - You, Duujai, and I could kill any mob in the game it seemed like. You made exploring super fun with your game knowledge and that Kteng's quest at the end helped me immensely. I remember my first interaction with you being when you helped me get Defiance and I always appreciated that. That was the most awesome feeling getting that sword for the first time after dying to that #@$*#%& king for the..god..how many times did I die to that $@&#%$. Enjoyed talking with you when things were quiet as well.

Marbeliel - Wow, you really struck a nerve with me, you were pretty much an ass from day one. I knew you would be when I inducted you and I asked that you take it easy on everyone and try to be nice, but...oh well. However, you really knew your way around the transmuter class and I know you made a few people scared, luckily niceness isn't required to be a Maran, you made a good one.

Wesly - You I didn't like. Very mouthy, very obsessive over gear, and very much threatening me on IRC saying you were going to pincer me as soon as you got into my range because you hated me so much. Tsk tsk. I didn't feel so bad when I saw you had to get off the computer because your Mom was making you go to bed.

Lyriana - Damn I wish we had the same playing times, you were awesome. Very competant and a fearsome bard, good job.

Fobrin - Twist you bastard, you're bashing me down with Hunsobo one minute then spelling me up with a bad old person english accent the next, I really did take what you said when you deleted to heart, and I boosted my playing times a little after, but bleh.

Harlisle - Yoush were really funsh. I hatesh that yoush deleted sho early. Thanksh for showing me Trothon even though you walkshed me into the shame deathtrap 3 timesh in a row.

Kyraea - We never really did figure out how to come together and figure each other out huh? Damn male basher. =P

Gawd. Too long. I'm going to bed.
63937, RE: Good times.
Posted by Llorenz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a handful i'll give you that. My fights with you pre-hero were so one sided it wasnt even funny. I'd walk in cast one spell on you and then end up fleeing a round or two later cause you hit so damn hard. I never thought an elf paladin could dish it out like that. Ofcourse that is also the reason why I ended up taking that damn sword from you the couple times you did die to me. I HATE that sword! Way to put the fear of the two hander elf paladin into the people. I think might go down as the deadliest paladin ever so kudos for that.
63938, Age Dying is *HARD*...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So I can totally understand your issues with it. The last...two weeks(?) of Hunsobo's life I was like login at my usual time, retrieve Codex when I can, attempt to find people to kill (while gathering preps used in Codex retreival), slowly start moving toward taking items, gather more preps, find a few more people and have fights, logoff, next night repeat. In actuality a *lot* of Hunsobo's life was like that, but it started to be a drain toward the end. I had other ideas in my head of what to play, but I didn't dare roll those chars because I knew it'd be the death of Hunsobo, and I knew I'd likely never have a char that powerful again.

I thought you played a great char. I know there was some muttering about you having 3 virtues or whatever, but I think you deserved them, and that's coming from all three sides of the coin - mortal enemy, trusted ally, neutral imm watching your rp from the skies.

It is too bad that you lost interest and didn't delete - if you had deleted when you went largely AWOL, your goodbye thread might have taken up the whole front page of the battlefield. Maybe it still will, but yeah it's too bad you went out with somewhat of a fizzle (again, I don't blame ya, it's hard when you really want to age die).

Great char, good luck with the next!
63940, RE: Age Dying is *HARD*...
Posted by Guest2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its not so much the 3 legacies, but the totally broken tat power. It was like a Cabdrulight version.
63941, RE: Age Dying is *HARD*...
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh, if I told you the chance on that firing, I'm positive you wouldn't believe me.

I think it's okay, and that's said having been evil characters coming up against it.
63952, I fought Niheriva a bunch...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And the tattoo never bothered me that much. Not nearly as much as Niela always having quicksand and dispel (combine that with defiancepaladin, pillars, etc.) Oh and throw in Soayel to curse my fire giant ass so I can't even make use of the nifty Enigmalegacy.

63954, Obviously, tattoo won him at least 30 pk n/t
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
64033, RE: I fought Niheriva a bunch...
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd have to see how many PK's he had before 162 hours. If that number is like, 25, then I'm going to go with virtues + tat = easy win.

Not that I don't trust your judgement Twist but using one of the strongest warriors in the last 5 years as a baseline for comparison isn't exactly scientific.
64035, RE: I fought Niheriva a bunch...
Posted by guessing on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
At 72 hours he made hero with a 8-11 record, 1 virtue, no tat, no maran powers, no role contest reward and probably a less good set on average. By his own admission he held a good set for a very long time this includes having Defiance for much of his life. I don't think it is a stretch to claim that without the 2 additional virtues, the tat, the role contest reward (not actually sure what this was), and the good gear he would not have been as deathful. But that does not mean the character was without skill and that this skill did not increase his deathfulness. There have been other strong paladins, with tats, some even with 3 virtues, none have had quite the success that this character did.

64036, Not that I recorded/researched numbers to back this up...
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I remember thinking pre-tattoo / 3rd virtue for sure and I think also before 2nd / pre-super-gear, I didn't think I'd ever see a shield paladin that racked up kills like this.

(I'd forgotten about Leika at that moment.)

Certainly those weren't all solo kills or anything, but I wouldn't call Niheriva a notorious ganger or someone who was reknowned for cherry picking or some other kind of excessive cheese either, and in general I think the RP restrictions upon the character were as hampering in terms of racking up PKs as any other serious character you'd compare with.
64042, Some numbers
Posted by Torak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Since I was just curious and people were talking about comparison...

Niheriva (154 kills in 693 hours)
Average Group Size Per Kill: 2.15
Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Hides Behind Allies

Hunsobo (382 kills in 892 hours)
Average Group Size Per Kill: 1.78
Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Brings a friend

That's a pretty big difference in "gankage", comparing a paladin to an imperial.
64055, RE: Some numbers
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not sure what kind of point you're trying to make there, but I don't think you did.
64065, Relevant comparison:
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The major difference here is that you're comparing a paladin to a warrior. Given that it's easier to get away from a lone paladin, you're likely to see two things:

1) Significantly lower rate of PKs, if the paladin fights solo often. More than a factor of two here, which you conveniently omit.
2) Slight elevation in ganking numbers, for the same reason (and lesser extent) than a healer-- many of an effective paladin's solo fights may well be victories, but the foe is driven off and not killed. In group fights, this is less likely to be the case.

In general, this whole subthread is a great example of "I'd like my enemies to play in a way that causes them to die at my feet." It's especially galling given your own style of play.

64066, One remark
Posted by Dwoggurd on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is generally true about paladins and warriors.
However, defiance and chasing abilities on the said paladin give significant finish-off abilities to the person. Still, not as much as powerful bashing or force duel.
64110, I call BS.
Posted by DC - lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I haven't had a single character with a gank-meter higher than 1.6 since it went in. I'm not the type to ask more of others than I'd ask of myself. If I wanted to go the "grab someone to help me bash people down" route, it'd be like playing the game in easy mode.
64113, RE: I call BS.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I haven't had a single character with a gank-meter higher
>than 1.6 since it went in. I'm not the type to ask more of
>others than I'd ask of myself. If I wanted to go the "grab
>someone to help me bash people down" route, it'd be like
>playing the game in easy mode.

Neither you nor Aether has played a character with the notoriety of a Hunsobo or a Niheriva. Both of these characters had a reputation that caused them to have to deal with crowds a lot more often than the average Joe, and cabal responsibilities that meant a larger-than-usual share of group-vs-group combat. If you think Hunsobo was playing the game in "easy mode", you're watching a different game.

And in general, you see higher gank-o-meters on more defensively-oriented characters. Hunsobo was clearly at the far end of offense on that spectrum, with Niheriva more balanced. You'd expect some variance.

64117, RE: I call BS.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Honestly, a lot of it depends on the kind of character. You and I both pick a lot of the same kinds of characters to play from what I know, so hopefully you understand that I know where you're coming from.

It's easy to keep a low gank-o-meter on an uncaballed mad dog killer type.

It's harder to keep one on a caballed character since there are more group vs. group fights.

It's harder to keep one the less aggressive you are. (I know this sounds a little backwards, but try working out the various scenarios and I think you'll see that it's mostly true.) Taken to an extreme, a long-lived pacifist character should expect a huge gank-o-meter since probably most of his kills will be someone attacking his group and getting plastered before he can flee.

It's harder to keep one the longer your character lives -- a lot of people have a bunch of solo kills at low levels, and then end up in a lot of ganks or group vs. group fights closer to hero that raise it. This is a big part of why you and I tend to have low gank-o-meters -- we don't have the attention span or life circumstances to typically keep a character for 600 hours.

Generally, I think anything under about 2.0 on a long-lived cabal character is pretty great and speaks to a real effort to try to fight on your own where reasonable/possible.
64091, Greeting the Avalanche.~
Posted by Aodh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
63960, hey good run
Posted by Drovis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fighting you was an exercise in futility, I just couldn't eat those wraths and swiftstrikes and shield jabs and everything else. You seemed like a very well played and disciplined paladin in my interactions with you across several characters.

I am only curious about 2 things, did you actually do the Ktengs quest? and how were you able to keep getting the cloak of endless annoyance if you didn't go through hell (grr on this cloak stealing the few times I was beating you up)
63939, RE: Good times.
Posted by Cyth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey Captain, thanks for bringing Erlina in so young. Learned alot about squires with that one. Sorry I deleted her so quickly, a large part of learning a class/race/cabal combo is dying. So by the time I got into the 30's I was just bleh about it. Hense I rolled up Mesashian, took everything I learned from you with both charactors and tried to do my best. You my friend taught me alot about pk, and maran roleplay even when I played so many Acolytes in the past. It was a blast running around with the younger Captain. That smile on your face just brightened my night. I miss the furry animals you would summon just for the hell of it.

Onto what I thought of your Pally. Very deadly, you had the right combinations of skill and luck. Being a pally means it being hard to seal kills, but with your hard hitting, and just being overly smart about what to do next, you did something I hadn't seen in a long long time. A truelly deathful pally. Reminded me of Solas of old. Good luck with whatever you do next, this one was awesome.

Erlina, Mesashian
63944, Thanks for the Harp
Posted by Kelteon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I got to travel with you a bit in my younger years thanks for the harp you gave Kelteon, the dragon one. It was really interesting. Good job on this character. Good luck to the rest!
63942, Good job on the longevity.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But having interacted with you with 3 or four applicants I was put off by what I saw as an -I don't give a #### and I don't have time for this attitude.-

Perhaps I am the only one to experience this but comming at you with as broad a spectrum as Leothuar, Roa and Elaphas, I'm doubtful.

That being said, I'm sure you had plenty of fans so good job on a long lived caracter.
63943, I echo Twist a lot here...
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really really really liked this character, and then got really soured on him when he fell off the face of the earth.

Not that I haven't made the same call wrong a bunch of times, but I wish you'd gone out on your high note.
63948, Curiousity
Posted by PeepsPlayer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I really really really liked this character, and then got
>really soured on him when he fell off the face of the earth.
>Not that I haven't made the same call wrong a bunch of times,
>but I wish you'd gone out on your high note.

Okay when I read this I sort of get the impression that as soon as a character becomes work instead of enjoyment you should delete? Seriously I think that this is actually a good thing because when a character suddenly loses its luster it always degenerates.

Cheers Dae.
64044, True, unless you are a leader
Posted by incognito on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not saying that Niheriva should have deleted, since I myself had exactly the same problem and in fact autodeleted as a leader.

However, as a leader, if you have lost the lustre, you should step down. Otherwise it impacts on too many other players.

Sometimes you just can't log on and you never knew that was going to be the case. However, other times, I think the difficulty is knowing when a temporary loss of "fun" has actually become a long-term loss of fun.
63945, Oh man
Posted by Kilthig and Awk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember having Awk the uber powered sword spec (ha...) and I thought "paladins.. ill rip them apart" then we fought once and between shield jab, prayer beads and wrath I think you killed me in oh... 4 rounds? After that you scared the hell out of me and I tried hard to avoid you. It never worked and you kicked my ass a few more times. in regards to that tat, it fires at a decent rate but if you spam flee and run like a girl it works. I disliked you on Awk but I am sure thats just your demeanor to evils...

Then on kilthig we rarely chatted, I noticed you stopped caring and general. And where were my damn shinies? You seemed alot cooler and helpful within the fort.

Anyway great longevity, great char, congratulations.
63946, RE: Good times.
Posted by Braemir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>>Duujai - Awesome Acolyte and I hated it when you didn't get the Elder Prophet position. The experience and roleplay was there I thought, but oh well!<<<

To be honest, I always felt that Duujai not getting Elder Prophet soured some people towards me, like you. Duujai would have been an excellent choice, without a doubt. But things happen. I also think you didn't like the fact I immed about 2 - 3 weeks later after getting Elder Prophet.

As far as Nih goes, I liked him for the most part. You were a solid character. Too bad you and I didn't get to fight along side each other. The only time I really remember was you showing up just in time to lay hands on me as I was tanking Ravon and three others. It was just unfortunate that your hours dwindled and I think that caused a lot of people's opinion on you to go south.

Anyhow, good luck on your next character.

63949, RE: Good times.
Posted by Duujai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Niheriva was a lot of fun. I had the chance to interact with him a bit with my character previous to Duujai and I think that our conversations spurred my Fortress healer decision. I typically can't stand playing in the Fortress because I *hate* dying, but this time around, it was really enjoyable, largely due to your take on leadership. I liked the hard-ass attitude and the soft, squishy middle once you managed to break down the defenses. Sometimes when I sat in on your interviews, I just groaned inwardly because you were so mean, but I guess you did manage to weed out the people who weren't really serious.
63953, RE: Good times.
Posted by Jardas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked your character, well as much as a neutral thief can like a paladin. Thought you played the role really well and with you gone hopefully I'm not taking any swims any time soon. Well done and good luck on the next.
63955, RE: Good times.
Posted by Ilmdrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wow, awsome Char.
You were one of two people I never was able to assassinate it and you made me hurt every time I tried.
I even tried to fight you with stalked out martial trance and stone skin and that didn't work for ####e either.
Defiance paladin is a vicious mortal enemy and you were the one I definately could not best.
Our talks were awsome though.

Awsome awsome job
63956, P.S.... who played Nih!? nt
Posted by Ilmdrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
63985, Baerinika obviously n/t
Posted by Niheriva on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
63957, RE: Good times.
Posted by Linaeren_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really wanted an excuse to not like and kill you. Sadly, you never gave me any with all your damn tree grove talk. Which is why, at times I would push and poke a little to see if I could provoke something. That fact that Marbeliel wanted me hunted only seemed to endear me to you. The only paladin that wanted to make every day Arbor day. We didn't really know each other but there seemed to be some kind of mutual respect/wariness there, which was fun.
63964, Great work.
Posted by Treebeard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thoric loved running with you, you were so damn skilled.

I think you did a great job at leading - I know how hard it can be, especially in a cabal like Fort.

Your RP never dropped an inch, and I totally respected that. Great work.
63977, Farewell Captain
Posted by Pesawwkt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man I sure did miss you, it just seemed you disappeared and I was left with my wings flapping in the breeze, alone against a horde of Scion/Imperial roaming around decked in Hell Gear.

Lots more to say, but it will have to wait till I croak.
63981, RE: Good times.
Posted by Ktaar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, you may or may not remember me, but I was a Shadowlord during your heyday, and I remember you.

You were an irritating enemy because you made yourself very hard to stalk, appearing only for quick defenses and retrievals, and you would often manage to survive while your allies died in a heap around you. You were also the only solo force to be reckoned with in the Fortress for a very long time. You put the fear of God into opposing shamans as very few can.

I did manage to assassinate you once and I remember you sending me a tell that it must have been a great highlight for me - truthfully, the highlight happened just after you died: your ally looted your stuff and immediately recalled. It was so unnecessary and funny that I had to laugh.

Anyway, I hope we get to play enemies again.
63986, ####ing Assassins. Definitely remember you and Ilmdrin both.
Posted by Niheriva on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And having perfected assassinate a time or two, I kinda knew how to avoid it while still putting some hurt on the assassin following me. It was funny when you assassinated me, I knew it was coming but I wanted to do that interview. I told both of the people there when you got me about 5 minutes before 'When I get assassinated, take my cloak and amulet.' Sure enough, it happened. got my fluffle cloak at least! You were tough and sneaky.
63982, Awesome job
Posted by Rismard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Our playtimes seemed to match up well (EST working hours), but my new job has left no time for cf. Great char, beastly. Always glad to see you log on.

63988, RE: Good times.
Posted by Niela on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a pleasure getting to know you. I'm glad I could help you out with that Kteng's thing. You taught me a lot so I'm glad I was able to help you out from time to time. I actually haven't played CF since Niela was deleted, but still been checking the forums from time to time. Glad to see you lasted as long as you did. It was blast hanging with you. GLWYN and maybe I'll see you in the fields again someday. Take care.
63989, RE: Good times.
Posted by Evori on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I laughed so god damn hard when you killed me with call lightning when I was there defending the fort :P I so shoulda been like "step down from the Fort!" after playing Vryaeth
64006, Solid Character
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll echo Twist and say I thought you were well RP'd from both a mortal (Kharghurln) and Imm perspective. As Khar, you definitely impressed me with your willingness and ability to fight. I think we traded barbs a few times, but there was still a lot of respect there. Elf paladin used to be a doormat (kind of like dark-elf AP), so it's good to see we've tweaked it around to the point where it can be effective. Having good EQ choices and a tattoo that complemented paladin powers nicely didn't hurt, but there's plenty of people who could have had the same set up and not done nearly as well with it.

Glad you enjoyed the character; sorry you went out with a whimper instead of a bang, though. Good luck with your next!

Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends

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64038, You were amazing.
Posted by Xilia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I, though not Xilia, loved how you played your character. The goodies I had interacted with before the "Time of Niheriva" were very...VERY flexible. Basically were evil, but just a different name. I felt you changed that, and I truly admired how strong you adhered to the characters beliefs.
Thanks for being awesome :P
64040, One of the Best
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Certainly, your only other competition for my favorite would be the other three virtue'd paladin I had.

You're right, Nih and Baer's interactions clicked pretty well. She is cold and a little calculating, and I tried to play on Nih's role a bit in needing to be worthy of 'family' to encourage him to try harder. You made a great captain until you got tired of the character, and I loved the fact that you MADE policy in the cabal and made people stick to it. People may not have liked that policy, but my favorite cabal leaders are the ones that LEAD.

You'll be missed, that's for sure.
64064, Tough and cool
Posted by Throkk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never saw anything bad from you. You kicked major ass. Tres cool!
Your taunting was totally in char and amusing in its own sardonic way.

After having getting the crap kicked out of me a few times I started thinking and I might have come up with a neat little trick to deal with you. Unfortunately, I never got to try it out.

Only hearing about it second hand I wish to compliment you on your hell stance and your dealings with Rawanj.

An impressive char. You may have fizzled out in the eyes of some, but I will remember your char for a long time.