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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectAdmitting crushing defeat to the Watcher, you go into h...
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=63833
63833, Admitting crushing defeat to the Watcher, you go into h...
Posted by Smuerlk_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
i'd like to come back one day, but THE DAY may come before i can.

thanx to everyone.

Smuerlk et. al

64856, Chief!
Posted by Satebos on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks so much for showing me the ropes. It was rather funny how every time we gather the horde one of us would die soon after. As for the Cyradia episode, that was exactly what I guessed at the time. Nicely done, hope to see you in another form!
64534, Really Liked Ya
Posted by Braemir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked ya you bloody orc. It was funny actually having an orc that wanted to talk. I also can't recall a time where I ever fought you. Anyhow, good luck on your next!

64559, Cosine. NT
Posted by Smuerlk_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
64643, Orcs
Posted by Zheeserdude on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I will quote an Imm tht posted under one of my prior cheif deletions

"I made a bet a long time ago that no orc will ever end with above a 50% pk ratio"

Something like tht.

Did Smuerlk not beat that?

Damn solid job btw, you played a badass orc, better than I ever did.
64648, Read yoru premium, sorry for the comment nt
Posted by Zheeserdude on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...what can i say; I assumed you ruled all.

I still really liked your char.
64304, Can you tell us what got you killed the most?
Posted by Zaarg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would like to know. Thanks!
64317, RE: Can you tell us what got you killed the most?
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
64558, This is true.
Posted by Smuerlk_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
However, said consequences were by design, and intent.

Caveat: I in no way shape or form endorse anyone choosing inebriation as a means to improve or facilitate rp.
64232, On the marks of the Death_Angel (Imm)
Posted by Smuerlk_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I've been in the fields for thousands of hours, since the late 2nd age.

My favorite persona in the fields would have to be Moridin, w/ Mierin coming in a close second.

That said, Smuerlk was my most enjoyable incarnation to date, Pikel, Voss and Hilcroft being in a three way tie for second.


Please see Smuerlk's Best Set of Equipment: HAVING FUN IS NOT ABOUT EQ! ITS JUST NOT!!!

Having FUN IMHO is about the fellowship and the competition, and about discovering new things, and being awed by the mysteries before us.

On Smuerlk's Imm Comments:
Khaso, Smuerlk didn't just rub that dagger on his ass, he bloodsteeped it, and gave it back, unuseable for several hours.
Cyradia, "Don't #### with Cyradia", was a dormant memory, remembered by spirits. Thank you for the title. It fit just right.
The Imp, I've got my own f'ing liquor cabinet, I invite you to play a pc only when inebrieated and alone, and hone your self control skills as I was able to w/ Smuerlk. _I apologize for all the drunk prays._
The First Doug/Sebeok, I'm wounded man, cowardice when appropriate is in my view, the way of the ORC! I won that challenge through cowardice. I get your point of view, but a true Orc, will never die willingly, unless its out of f'ing stupidity.
The Second Doug/Thrak, Thank you for your support.
Valg, I apologize for Culwhch's actions here now in writing. I know you know who that transmuter was, and while he didn't "cheat" IMHO, its F'ing cheap to follow a ghost duo'd and then kill him when he unghosts. FTR, I did kill that incarnation of G. WIsh one of the steaks I made was in Zulgh's breastplate.
Kasty & Twist, thank you for the interactions, and understanding.

someone, You continue to amaze me. I AM is certainly alive in you, and I continue to be in AWE. _Please_ do contact me if you are forced from being the Caretaker.


I will leave no goodbyes to any mortals. I do not say goodbye unless I know I will never see someone again. If we interacted, in any way, you know you were special to me.

Two parting "notes" from this incarnation:

We are all just goblins, we can only aspire to be ORCS in this world. I will leave the mysteries of the tunnels of the Grinning Skull village unwritten, along with my knowledge of the Mover/SS and his input to the fields.

Smuerlk's Last Words

Smuerlk yells with Grace Inspired RAGE, "FOR THE GRINNIN SKULL, YAS FARGIN PEONS!"

64233, You're one of my favs :) Can't wait to see what you got next...NT
Posted by Dhaezym on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
64129, If I did not think that mudsex is perversion
Posted by Eoria on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would probably do it with you :P

Chief, thanks a lot for all help and efforts you put into ranking me up to the hero ranks.

I think you were awesome Chief, may be not all that deadly but your rp made me smile a lot. I just enjoyed each moment we spent together. I'm so sad our time did not match much at the end.

Good luck.
63976, RE: Admitting crushing defeat to the Watcher, you go into h...
Posted by Thrakburzug on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To repeat what I have told you in private for public consumption, I think your roleplay was quite good. You were consistant and everytime I saw you, I knew you were an orc. Frankly you were fun to watch and willing to mix it up constantly, which I truly appreciate as both an Imm and a promoter of orcs. I can see how you didn't come across as evil to some people, but you were evil in a much more petty way than most people saw.
However, as Thrak, I can't be as happy with you as chief as I was with other chiefs in the recent past. Frankly, they were so much more successful at inspiring fear and dread at the thought of an orc chief from a PK POV than you were that Thrak could not like having you as chief. I hope that makes sense and frankly I think that if you the player wanted to do an orc who was terrifying as an orc chief, you have the skill to do so.
Again, I don't want to take away from what you did because I think it is an extremely viable and fun role in CF and from what I saw, I think you really enjoyed about 90% of your time as Smuerlk and I think most of the players who interacted with you would say that they enjoyed their interactions with you which frankly is what we play this game for.
I really look forward to seeing what you pull out of your hat next. I think you have at least one truly great character waiting to emerge - someone who we will all look back on and recall for years to come.
64860, Hey Thrak did you gradulate last year or this year?
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm graduating Rutgers in May & taking the NJ & NY bars in July. What did you end up doing?
64872, Last year
Posted by Thrakburzug on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Took the Florida Bar and am working as a public defender which is soaking up all of my time and making me very scarce on the mud. I do try to keep an eye on the forums, but right now I feel as though I need to be putting in any extra time I have toward being with my family and anything above that goes toward my clients - of which there are far too many and a lot of quick-sets.

Good luck with the bar(s). The worst time is after you are done with the tests and are waiting for the results. Everyone will be asking if you are relieved to be done with it and they cannot understand that you aren't done until the results come in.
63971, You were awesome.
Posted by Xilia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Best Orc I've ever seen. Loved the power struggle, loved the use of others, just all around amazing job. Really helped make the entirety of Thera blaze realistically.

Thanks for being Smuerlk. :P
63958, This makes me sad
Posted by Linaeren_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved having you around. You didn't seem uber evil but you were a hell of a lot of fun.
63906, Awsome character
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Loved running around with you as Dyrin, solid all around. Hope you do return.
63905, Great char
Posted by Ravon. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked you. It's a pity that as I got older I just had less and less need for you. I still remember the times it was just you, me, and one flight potion to go around against 20 Maran. I thought you had some fantastic RP. Shame we didn't end up doing more together.
63863, You were fun!
Posted by Throkk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Long, long ago I took a chance with my lvl 32 warrior against some random lvl 41 orc. It didn't go too well, but your funny remarks
lessened the crushing defeat and made me remember the name.

Later on we had the ongoing snare joke. And I decided that I didn't want to hunt you unless I had to regear, since you were funny and had plenty of opposition. And Throkk doesn't have anything in particular against orcs anyway.

Fun and cool in my book. Hope you get time to play again!

63841, Aww Damn
Posted by Patick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No more advice from the drunken Orc.. Haha!
63836, Bleh!
Posted by Pesawwkt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good bye smelly orc!
We had some great great fights, I was a step away when the watcher toasted you.
Great Orc, Great Chief, cowardly, bold when things needed to be, and you could run like the wind (being a euphemism for farting)

I will look forward to your return to CF