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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectDeleted.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=63598
63598, Deleted.
Posted by Pmurtar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This post is to ensure there is no coming back.
Think this is my goodbye to CF character(at least for a while due to major burnout/frustration).
63616, RE: Deleted.
Posted by Llorenz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had some good fights, one of the few that was still willing to mix it up one on one. Look forward to your next incaranation.
63610, My friend you definitly will be missed!
Posted by Patick on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a good char! I loved our interactions though limited they were.. Hope you liked the cat nip milk!
63607, RE: Deleted.
Posted by Ghirnlark on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah I could tell you were super hardcore with Pmurtar when you would be logged in when I logged out and then when I logged back in several hours later. We need to learn how to play this game in controlled stints, as in only a couple hours a day, not ten lol.

I had fun with Pmurtar, though i could tell you were frustrated at some points with a couple things. Regardless, a good character.

Good luck with life.
63613, I am an ALL OR NOTHING freak:
Posted by Pmurtar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And that is a problem. I got ganked, which I expected. More than once. It was actually quite fun. Apologies to Zridv by the way, good enemy, heck great enemy. In fact kudos to 99.99% of enemies and allies.


I got some other interactions that I found totally unpalatable. One with no avenue of retribution and rather ignorant from my perspective.
And with my attitude it just went straight to the ####ter from there.

Sad thing is that I wanted Pmurtar to be a fun character with some point to his existance other than being called by his father's pet name. Mrrarter became Pmurtar for reasons I had hoped I could convince Iunna to be interested in. IMMS: No I did not put it in my role because then why would Iunna want to talk with me? ;)

There were a lot more good times than bad with this character. There were a lot more interesting battles than with any other character. The character made a lot of stick paw in mouth moves and comments which kept him fun too. Unfortunately the actions of some individuals tainted the character and any hope for future enjoyment.

Sometimes doing something crappy(I would prefer to use the word s.h.i.t.t.y but it seems to get Big Brothered) to someone, and it was not an evil dark nasty thing it was crappy, really ends the enjoyability. If you think you are the one who did the act and are insulted by this post then you are most likely NOT the one who did it. Trust me on that.
And know that if you reply with a bitch post saying I took whatever you did the wrong way.. I will not reply because you are most likely not the one who tossed the last straw.

CF has come a long, long way from past insanity(killer teddybears) but it still only takes one sad thoughtless action to wreck it for some people. If you are one who does such things, maybe on impulse or for some bizarre unfathomable reason, just stop a moment before and remember others are trying to have fun too?

Great game Imms! Hope you know just how much you make the game enjoyable for the new, old, or second/third/fourth time arounders.
63602, So long
Posted by Zridv on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I finally got you before you deleted, which I'm happy about. I'm not sure how many times I tried, but man you were a tough bugger. We had some great fights and I liked your skill. I'm sad to see this in some ways because I knew you would be up for something. The only issue I have is you getting upset that I "looted" you when I was still standing there obviously going through things. I ended up taking coins and a potion...that was it.
63601, How rude
Posted by Kilthig on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry you got burnt out I liked Pmurtar behind this tough dwarven exterior, had some flaws but those are always overcome with a few more hours. Take a break, make something fun and to throw away and comeback. Could always use another body.
63599, A request for Imms:
Posted by Pmurtar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If a player does not select NEW in creation let them delete without the tedium of having to wait for deletion to come through when not a rage delete? Just makes things easier in the long run for someone who wants to get to the next character without having something lingering about.
63603, RE: A request for Imms:
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Then the folks who change their mind will want it the other way. It is fine the way it is. And just for the heck of it, I don't give a backwards Pmurtar whether you like it or not! :P