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Topic subject(DELETED) [SCION] Aellin the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=63422
63422, (DELETED) [SCION] Aellin the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Nov 12 22:33:28 2007

At 2 o'clock PM, Day of the Bull, 8th of the Month of the Shadows
on the Theran calendar Aellin perished, never to return.
Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
63671, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Aellin the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
Posted by Llorenz on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never completely understood your rp. I knew early on that you were a pretty smoove operator so I did what I could to help you out. I tried to talk to Ravon a few times about you and then you started talking about the whole im gonna kill ravon bit and i figured it was game over. I was pleasantly surprised to log in a couple days later to see you inducted. Loved getting the "so and so is dead" tells from you. Great Char!
Good luck with the next.
63680, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Aellin the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
Posted by aellin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you were one of hte few that listened though, and never asked anything x.x
under the tenets of my belief knowing him was knowing a bit of his power, he only revealed bits unless you had something he wanted.
and explained the ravon situation earlier :)
63647, now that i'm back, to say a few things
Posted by aellin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
yeah sry kiraan, druids tend to be outlanders, most always.
so yeah as a scion applicant I tend to be against them. But we did
speak and after that left ya alone, and spoke with you more.
Also glad you liked hearing about my char. I never spoke with any imms so nothing happened with any of it. Just became pretty much only a killer.
Wasnt all too active about that either, this char was more for interaction than fighting, I just happened to fight quite a bit.

selurth, sry about all the breakings, and during the levelling up, I was never a scion. Didnt hit scion until a ways into being level 51.
Your a tough bird, but as a breaking assassin with alot of perfected skills by level 20... the cat ate the bird x.x

alot of the story never went anywhere, as I said before no words with any imms. With the chancellor.. well.. as far as background was a slave to the drow. Never hated them for it since he learned his ways from them, and learned from them. He had no love for them either.
With the chancellor now, it was more a thing he was denying my char power, which was his ultimate desire, and power through magic. It was magic that he served completely. Honestly, I didnt know ravon got that strong since I took his last whip from him -fiend- I didnt prep as much as I should.
yeah he wasnt in caps damage when we fought, but far too much health.
certain also I could have reduced his damage to injures and hits :) but thats besides the point. I was being a prep whore.
He made a comment of beating me like a cur that I am.. and as a background of having been a slave, there really was no choice of me but to fight him/go after him at that point, even with me being an applicant.
I was going to delete then originally just for the fact that I saw being a scion -a point of this char as a tie with magic- not happening, and never speaking with an imm.
after that I was inducted, but still no responses / words / dreams / anything from imms.
my char I was starting to care about less and less. Stopped prepping as much except for raiding against 2 or more paladins, or defending against multiple ones. Atez stopped showing around and that bummed me. He was one that gave a good fight. Never fought the harbinger again but you showed me you kicked ass in that spot, and I wanted another.
All I used against you that fight was trance x.x. Shoulda did much more.

chancellor no hard feelings, I acted as my char should have, and in your position I wouldnt have done anything but. But as far as the chasm... i believe I have known more applicants than there have been actual scions I have interacted with, in this chars life. Jees man.

Elemek, yes there was, but with my char, why bother playing him more? He was going absolutely nowhere fast. He lived to serve magic, its power, be a part of it, his lusts for it, and would do anything for it. Yet... not a word eh.

throkk, nope. At the time I wasnt a scion. Even our little tussle in hamsah I wasnt scion. At the time I hadnt been aggressive against outlanders anymore because I was trying to consider this guys future, and ravon had already said the words that made me know we were gonna come to blows :)
I enjoyed your char with this and my last, keep kickin butt man

Anyway for all, gonna leave cf again. Was back for two chars, and leaving again. each time gone for a few months, come back, make a char or two, and leave. I dont play anything that requires empowerment for obvious reasons, but meh, screw religion too.
I dont like playing ruthless killers unless I come here and see there is a cabal that is just getting raped and a balance that is literally gone, then I take action and be a killer, but I tend more for interaction / violence combo. will see what comes when the time comes.
When I do come back to this game, will see ya in the fields.
anyone wants to say anything here, please feel free I will stop bye time to time and write
63652, That item is going to frustrate the hell out of me now n/t
Posted by Elemek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
63668, RE: That item is going to frustrate the hell out of me now n/t
Posted by aellin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
it doesnt do as alot of people think, not at all like it used to. I believe now its more just like protection vs magic. And no, not gonna slobber it all over the boards. Few go there for reason, fewer even know about this. Only two specifically actually that I have ever known, and one my char showed.
as it was in char, that person showed me a way for more power, so I gave a treat and gave them that power, it was the way of my char.
sry man :)
63655, RE: now that i'm back, to say a few things
Posted by Klyndenstrom on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ok... with the enormous amount of battles we had, I would at least expect a mention... You were by far the most well prepped assassin I have come across with my pally to date. I don't recall what my record fighting you is, but it isn't the best. I would use you to compare my fights to other assassins and simply laugh at how much easier it was. Well if your taking a break I hope it treats you well and that you come back soon.
63669, RE: now that i'm back, to say a few things
Posted by aellin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
eheh. the ones I prepped for the most was against you and the defiance wielding paladin together at the fort fighting you two to get the scepter back and stuff. Yeah I prepped out the ass for those, didnt use the anti magic one, and didnt bother with resist positive. Also didnt use things like poissance, ferocity etc etc, could have gathered them but annoying. Since you liked to flamestrike, sometimes I would use resist fire just to annoy you to see if you would be using it this time :)
if you did use it and it wasnt up, just fled and put it up. Yeah on the other score, most other assassins dont prep at all.. its a wait.. I might assassinate! type deal, or they dont want to prep at all and rely completely on trance.
but then again, paladins can use aura shield and stone skin just like everyone else, they dont, thinking that sanc and prot evil will win the day for them every time.
If YOU bothered with them, you would have been much more a force against me, and not having a shield wouldnt matter so much.
otherwise you will turn into that elf paladin you have, that only really fights with help and thats it, otherwise, runs around until help arrives.
Meh. oh well.
A few things I want to comment on, you dont quit out with opposition. Yeah you run from assassinations, but I only attempted 4 times total in my chars life, succeeded once.
I like to fight, I dont like cheap kills, and only did those because I was stalking others, in anothers cabal -tribunal specifically-
You have heart to actually play your char as you believe in, and not sacrifice it the moment someone that might kill you logs on. Considering the amount of times I have logged in and others I have fought alot have logged out with alot of various chars, I give you props.
I would like to see you prepare for fights more than what you class gives you.
63675, RE: now that i'm back, to say a few things
Posted by Klyndenstrom on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am not the biggest for preps if you couldn't tell, I don't know many.... I don't normally play classes that need them not in the form of wands... I know two stoneskin ones, and one for shield but the shield can only be gotten once every time the world turns. I thank you for the heart comment, I like to fight even if I don't win very often. Again I hope you come back soon. Peace.
63659, RE: now that i'm back, to say a few things
Posted by Iggy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a dude, good to have as an ally. Too bad your gone, good luck and what not

63670, RE: now that i'm back, to say a few things
Posted by aellin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
eheh. Man. I always did fine and always fought when prepared, never charged in stupidly until that day I went to help you and that invoker, twice, without shields / preps / trance, just because thought you two would need help and died both times.
Didnt help wasnt quite sober but still :)
meh. I always been a lone roguish though, preferring me against odds etc. Not too used to jumping in on fights to help out.
gone only temporary, the imms do make a great game, but some parts of it, meh, not worth doing.
without it, still a kickass game, and alot of players, like that klyndestrom, atez, others that play to win, make this game a challenge worth playing at.
Same as you, you kicked ass and made people have to think to play against, rather than playing games on your computer against the computer that you can win with your eyes closed, or playing games where kids play and having to give them chances to win etc.
Here its earned, and thats what I like.
And I never need luck, I work at my char with a means to earn victory.
by level 20 all weapons were 95%+ if not perfected, defenses perfected, mots skills perfected, and perfected everything up since just about.
I prepped out the ass, and stood against 3 paladins once and kicked ass.
and coulda used more :)
oh well, anyway, keep truckin man.
you ARE a beast afterall :)
63676, My two cents
Posted by Ravon. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, normally I don't post on battlefield, but I'll make an exception. I liked you, but my hands were tied at the time, whether you have decided to believe it or not yet. I could really feel that a cool character was leaning towards deletion and so I decided to try and stop it - sorry that it didn't have the desired effect. You touched on in your post how you met many applicants and few Scions, this is the way Scion should be run. When you have 6 or 8 Scions on at once, with a reasonably good screening process you will find that they just steamroll everyone, which is just not fun for anyone, especially as evil is much more PK oriented, both in class abilities and player abilities. You just don't get the wood-elf spear/sword people joining up.

Liked what I saw, good luck with the next.
63681, RE: My two cents
Posted by aellin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
ive had a chancellor before, and my last char aellin. I just have a different way of handling things and a different preference. Yeah I did have to speak to the archmage once with my chancellor why there were fools running around with power he believed they shouldnt have, but my views on that were agreed upon x.x
I think we had 30 scions.
I think I killed two since some didnt get to hero, ordered the deaths of about 15 and had them removed from the chasm after.
As seffar I had the same mindset, but only killed one scion.
evil is as evil does though :)
thats why I knew after those words we could come to blows, you were an evil bastard, and knowing you through two chars, I knew you had no fear of being the 'evil bastard'
just wanted to explain its nothing personal, except its a different way of bringing people in. I never liked having people wait that long, and cant stand a person being made to feel absolutely useless.
well thats how it makes me feel.
still woulda been worth it though. And damnit, how did your weapon get that big that fast :)
I woulda had to have been good align for protection, and get shield, and one more secret prep to likely have a chance alone. grrr
and not let myself get lagged by the whip.
63479, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Aellin the Dai Sensei of the Miyama Ryu
Posted by Kiraan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had a rough start with your assumption about me.

Well, later it became better and we kinda moved along. You ranked up pretty fast, too fast for me to catch up with you.

Had a good time learning of your role. Fun interactions.
63466, Well I'll be....
Posted by Selurth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll miss you, man.
63461, Get in Scion, then delete?
Posted by Hrefnwik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were fun to cross paths with. There was a very interesting story going on with you that I never got to fully hear. Mind sharing just what was going on with you and the chancellor?
63431, Now this is irksome. Was so much we needed to discuss *sigh* n/t
Posted by Elemek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
63428, I got a cool vibe from you.
Posted by Throkk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Throkk liked Aelin. Not in the lets be friends sense, of course.

You turning out to be a scion (after all) limited our
interactions to banter/fights unfortunately.

Out of curiosity, were you a scion at the time where we had the tussle at the tree and you said you would kill the svirf warrior for having set a deadfall?

I guess it doesn't matter, but as I said I am curious!

Good luck and all that.