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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(AUTO) [TRIBUNAL] Babou the Weaver of the Elements, Absurdly Inane Seeker of Bleh, Magistrate of Galadon
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=63001
63001, (AUTO) [TRIBUNAL] Babou the Weaver of the Elements, Absurdly Inane Seeker of Bleh, Magistrate of Galadon
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat Oct 27 23:58:13 2007

At 10 o'clock PM, Day of Thunder, 31st of the Month of the Old Forces
on the Theran calendar Babou perished, never to return.
Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal
63099, Bleh.
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As Hunsobo, I pretty much thought you were an idiot after your ridiculous rant about me "just wanting to kill anything that moves" or whatever. Dude, an Elite Imperial Blade yelled that you were a sorcerous dog on Eastern Road. I walked in and smashed you. End of story. Find out later that it was "a mistake" because you were randomly throwing out cones of cold on eastern road to fight outlanders or whatever. Try a different spell?

Then, after realizing that you weren't really ever going to kill me, and having all of Empire wanting you dead was bad, you apologized. So that was cool, and we did a few things together. My thoughts about you went back up.

Then I had Fobrin, and witnessed you decide to kill Outlander leaders, rather than a devil-dragon-thingy from Hell that was rampaging just south of Galadon, and making its way to the city, despite orders from Siloreelo to the contrary.

Then I saw you with a title that reflected this bleh-ness-ocity. Yay!

As Twist, what I saw of you wasn't terribly impressive, but it wasn't terrible - just an average joe, which is I think you probably were for 99% of your life. I didn't see or hear of you doing anything to get rid of that title, though.
63106, THAT'S RIGHT!
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember that now.

It's always been a pet peeve of mine when you guys are running something big and people #### it up because they want that PK.

HATE that. I remember I was so angry over what happened there. I probably threw up some quasi-ooc prayers over it.

So much of a chance to RP a scene similar to what happened with the Battle of Five Armies in The Hobbit.

I was very disappointed.
63109, Yeah, but twist
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

There is no reason the tribunals would trust outlanders sitting in silverwood fighting it. As Izuhlzin I did not personally neuro any of them down and easily kill them because I was too busy trying to keep my group from being assassinated by ilmadrin. He was the bigger threat during all this to me. He already had pot shotted one healer. Not to mention the villager at one point came hacking anything they could. Why is it alright for certain people to strike their enemies and not another. I have no doubt that it would have been justifiable in that the tribunal would want no aid from the outlanders to begin with in bringing it down. To take the kill for their own.
63111, I should clarify.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought it was lame of the Heroship in general. Not Babou specificly, whom I thought was a good Trib. Maybe not leader Material, but a good trib.
63115, RE: Yeah, but twist
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It wasn't even just about that. Xinrithil was tanking the hell-dragon and was badly hurt giving everyone else a chance to regroup. Babou came in, took a quick look at him and landed the cheap kill. Even though his leader, Siloreelo specifically told him not to do it. Who was the bigger threat? A dragon from hell that was bent on the destruction of all of Thera, going to Galadon first, or the lone warrior standing in front against it? Now, I want you to make a mental picture of this. An elf in the middle of a forest that you don't like, and a demon dragon from hell coming after the city you are sworn to protect are battling. The leader of your army rallies the forces to go fight the demon dragon and orders an attack on it. The gnome attacks the elf intentionally instead. Let's see. Is that chaotic evil or orderly neutral?
63117, It's Chaotic Dumbfuk -nt-
Posted by Mek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
63118, Id kill the elf and battle the dragon.
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

The elf as near death anyways so the mana you used to remove a possible weight during your fight in removed. Outlanders tend to be rewarded for their doublestandards. In a roleplay sense I wouldnt risk letting that elf anywhere near me. OOC i must know that some imm is playing some hell dragon and the chances xinrithil will try to attack me wounded as they are is minimal.
63119, RE: Id kill the elf and battle the dragon.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There is a difference between orderly and chaotic just as there is a difference between good and evil. If you do something that is blatantly opposite of your ethos or align, that is bleh. If you do it repeatedly, then you are deserving of some action. Babou was only titled. He wasn't booted or removed. He didn't do what was necessary to become a leader regardless of what his opinion is. He didn't do anything after getting the title to change it. If he had killed Xinrithil AFTER killing the dragon, that would have been just fine.

And the rewards are consistent for the rp of each player. Siloreelo, Pissudin and Iukulli have been or were given an equal amount, if not more, than the likes of Xinrithil or Linaeren. Zekaris did get Daevryn's tattoo, but, no cabal edges or anything else beyong leader stuff and that was Sebeok's call.
63138, You can't be serious
Posted by Babou on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Being Orderly both of them are my enemy. Xinrithil for being a chaotic outlander and the dragon for attempting to attack the town, from which i swear there was a global that went out that some imm put a ward over galadon protecting it from the dragon. Any good strategist will tell you to take down the weaker of the two foes first. And like I said he had attacked me not once but twice in silverwood BEFORE I laid a hand on him. So I came across both of them fighting and you know what, I did what any good strategist did and killed the weaker opponent first. Tough #### for the elf.
63139, It was a epic scene where to foes had the chance to unite
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
against a greater enemy. Together you had a chance, alone, you didn't.

I thought it was lame that you guys couldn't see past the PK aspect of the game.

I'm rather suprised that you can't see the dynamics at play here.
63141, RE: You can't be serious
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you think that I cared one way or another about Xinrithil dying, you obviously don't pay attention. He will tell you that I gave him a hard time, if not the hardest, about how much he died. He died nearly as much as Xilia. But, they had flair.

Everyone not chaotic evil was there to fight the dragon. You were lame and it showed showed for the whole world to see.
63212, This is crap too for several reasons...
Posted by Babou on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First being EVERYONE was there to fight the beast... that is an outright lie. Outlanders were attacking me on sight, battle ragers were waging war on every mage so don't sit there and lecture me about how everyone was on the same side during this. As I told you before the outlanders attacked me FIRST I did not initate the fight with them but if I get attacked I am going to retaliate.
63146, What part of being orderly and following orders are you having
Posted by Chaoticly on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
trouble with?

I don't have a dog in this fight, so to speak, but it seems to me if you are orderly and your superior orders you NOT to do something then you DON'T do it.

You don't get to pick an choose which orders you follows in an orderly society, at least not one as regimented as the Tribunal would seem to be in a fantasy world.

Unless I misunderstood what was said above about your Provost telling you not to kill the Outlanders during this event?

63152, That particular scenario
Posted by Siloreelo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
During then, there was two outlanders presence that I noticed of. A currently still alive that I shall not name and Xinrithril. The former is the one that keeps attacking and Xinrithil happens to be assisting (thanks to mechanic autoassist) but I noticed that he keeps disengaging and concentrate on that global quest evil mob, so that was the main reason why I asked not to attack. But due to the fact that the former that I shall not name, keep attacking, he was taken down first, in order to reserve whatever strength Tribbie can provide. But what that was unfortunate was that, when the former character finally decided to concentrate on the global quest evil mob, was kinda too late, since then (Siloreelo + currently still existing Tribbie that I shall not name) decided to removed that distracting Outie(And yeah, that outie died). Though for Babou, I do not deny the possibility that he could have spammed " c pebble xinrithil ", considering I only ordered for the stop after the first pebble. I do admit that I could have asked someone in the group to word Babou back so that Xinrithil could have survived, but that did not come across my mind during then.

The above is for anyone who was interested in the scenarion on how it happened.
63157, If I were a Trib, and not on duty, I wouldn't take orders.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This all happened outside of town, no? So the dude was off duty and not obligated to do as he was told. Sure it's kind of not the best way to make nice with the Provost, but I wouldn't call it chaotic. Hell, Lucury used to watch me being attacked in town while we were both on duty and he wouldn't lift a finger to help me. I consider that to be far worse than disobeying a "leave him alone" order while off duty, but he never got in any trouble over it.
63174, I think it's pretty Shallow Role play.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And he was Marked for it.

I've done less and got worse.
63211, As I said before...
Posted by Babou on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You try fighting a demon from hell with 10 other people and catch every single thing someone is saying. It wasn't like the provost was yelling over cabal in capital letters, he was talking in says without making his statements stand out. I agree, if I would have heard him tell me to stop I would have, but during the chaos of battle you don't catch every single detail.
63132, I could see that with a CE not an OE.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Self preservation being what it is.
63123, RE: Yeah, but twist
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I didn't like Babou in the slightest.
His roleplay grated on my nerves and he seemed utterly pointless.
That being said...
It looked like you punished him for landing a kill (I would have rocked that kill to on one of my enemy leaders that stand against everything I stand for) on one of your favorite pets.
63127, RE: Yeah, but twist
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I didn't like Babou in the slightest.
>His roleplay grated on my nerves and he seemed utterly
>That being said...
>It looked like you punished him for landing a kill (I would
>have rocked that kill to on one of my enemy leaders that stand
>against everything I stand for) on one of your favorite pets.

Your first two sentences support the the Bleh title. This particular incident was just the last one in a string of incidents that earned him the title. He did not get the title for this one incident. It was earned over the life of the character.
63131, Lyr did the absolute right thing here.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What people are missing is that this is an RP mud too. There are other creatures and mechanics other than the PvP part of the game.

I have little doubt had a little restraint and an expansion of imagination been execised her, Babs would have been rewarded.

Babs was a bit Mechanical and OOC in his RP from the get go, but he was good to have around.

I think he was served a proper dish here.
63128, Location, location, location...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Evil dragon from Hell tearing up Prosimy?

Kill Xinrithil. Maybe think about killing the dragon. Maybe shield the dragon and stand back and watch it tear apart the hunting grounds of my mortal enemies, warily watching in case it turns toward civilization.

Evil dragon from hell tearing up Silverwood on its way to Galadon?

63130, The actual movement of the dragon showed he was moving to the mountains. nt
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
63144, RE: The actual movement of the dragon showed he was moving to the mountains. nt
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He started in the jade mountains and worked his way toward silverwood.
63135, I think I'd still snipe the PK. Then fight the dragon.
Posted by Nivek-G on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
63214, There was a global echo saying that some imm put a shield over....
Posted by Babou on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
galadon proctecting the city from the fowl beast, so the threat to galadon is non-existant.
63133, Villagers hacking?
Posted by Berak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, there were alot of PK going on there. Me and I think four other villagers were there, we stepped in to fight, all of us, not PK. And we all of us were quite hurt, myself down at 200 hps or something some dire wolf came smashing around, that might have been what triggered the villagers into PK, things just went crazy there at some point.

Well, just felt like clarifying that a bit.
63136, Ok, this is crap because ....
Posted by Babou on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I went down to fight that demon with the rest of the tribunal and fortress, and what happens, I get attacked on two seperate occasions by outlanders while trying to defend the city... lynarien and that elf warrior. So I took advantage of an opportunity and took the warrior down. Silo said that the elf warrior fled instantly after assisting BUT I fled first so I saw none of them flee at all during that whole scuffle, because I had already fled. Sorry if someone attacks me then cries and complains because I take advantage of a situation better than they did by killing them during the demon fight especially right after they pulled the same #### against me. It may not have been the warriors fault, it was lynariens for engaging, but you are held accountable by the company you keep and their actions. As far as Silo telling me to stop the fight with the elf warrior while we were fighting the demon I just didn't see that at all, with 10 targets fighting the demon its hard to see anything at all other than what you are looking for, and that was pebble to boulder and my health, the rest I did't even read. Then you ganking me down on eastern, I have no hard feelings about because it was my own fault and you were lucky I didn't have any protective shields up at the time and got bashed to hell which seemed to be hunsobo's one trick victory. Another thing as far as the other provost telling me and geoona to get out of hell is total bull too. Gathering preps and getting enough time for the adventure to get to where we were then having some little nub telling you to kill yourself after you've put in about 2 hours getting to the place you want to be and then being *ordered* to kill yourself before you target is dead and return to the spire when there is no obvious danger to the spire with like 6 other magistrates on is poor example of imm interaction. There is no where in the laws saying that when the spire is NOT in danger you cannot go out exploring. When I was in hell all I could think about was that dip#### lyristeon is being a prick again trying to ruin something I enjoy in the game, exploring.
63145, RE: Ok, this is crap because ....
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Xinrithil never said a thing. You couldn't see Siloreelo telling you to stop, but, you could look at Xinrithil and determine to do what you did.

As far as the spire not being in danger and you exploring, that is another of your blehness. You made sure that if the odds weren't in your favor, such as logging in, not seeing any other hero tribs on and noticing your pk wasn't what you liked and logging out in the span of a few minutes. There is nothing wrong with exploring. I also remember the time that you and Geoona sat around while Izuhlzin defended all by himself. I could actually continue with the absolute blehness of this character, but, this is going to be my last post on the subject. When Pro even sees the level of blehness and agrees with me, I need a beer. :)

You were an average trib. Nothing special, neither good or bad. You stayed a tribunal. All of your imm exp came from me. Nobody else paid you any attention because you weren't interesting to watch. This one incident was something that everybody seemed to have noticed. And you eventually got called on it.
63213, This whole Izuhlzin thing defending while Geonna and I ...
Posted by Babou on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
nothing is totally retarded. I guarantee that if I had known the spire was under attack i would have come running and you being so general about this makes me wonder if you are making it up just like you assumed i looted your shaman when in fact i picked it up out of the spire pit. Use examples otherwise your posts mean nothing.
63237, You asked for it, you got it!
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Which guy should I log in? Balou or Babou? Oh, things are ugly for Babou, let me log in Balou. Oh, things are nasty for Balou, let me log in Babou. Both in the hero range during July and August. One letter difference? Lame and Bleh.

Last login : Wed Sep 5 16:17:03 2007 Last logout: Wed Sep 5 16:20:40 2007 First and last command before quitting? Who pk. And yes, we were the only hero trib on. Bleh.

Don't ask for things you don't really want.

63072, From what I saw:
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
(Disclaimer: I probably didn't see any of the last 100 or so hours of this character's life, including how he got that title.)

Seemed to me like a decent/good character, but not a great Tribunal. Granted, it's hard to be a great Tribunal, but I could understand why promotions could be hard/slow for you relative to the general quality of the character.
63011, Only one thing to say really...
Posted by Babou on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lyriston you suck.
63012, sorry to see you pass.
Posted by Izuhlzin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

The only beef I had running with you was the closeness you had in regards to Geoona. Whom Izuhlzin hated.

63015, You were an impressive char..
Posted by Babou on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Everytime I saw you on I knew the enemies were in trouble, you are very skilled at pvp. Not much I can say about Geoona other than an invoker and healer are a very good exploration/pve combo and that is one thing we had in common.
63024, Why you got grief from some I don't know.
Posted by Pro-man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were strait up an asset to teh Spire. You were always there when Thuul needed you and half the time I didn't have to ask.

In fact once you gave me shields and managed to scare off a fight I was about to finish.

I never saw anything but good from you.

I'd like to know what made you give such a poiniant remark though.
63064, RE: Only one thing to say really...
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry, but, when every leader heard about your actions, none of them wanted to promote you either.
63071, Seriously. What did you do? n/t
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
63084, I got it after killing the outlander leader twice, lyristeon showing his gaynessn/t
Posted by Babou on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
63086, There are three leaders.
Posted by Pro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What do you mean when you say, "I got IT" ?

What were the circumstances of the kills?
63142, Read Twist's Thread n/t
Posted by Babou on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I need aids before i pee in his eyesocket
63087, RE: I got it after killing the outlander leader twice, lyristeon showing his gaynessn/t
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Way to twist it, but, that's okay. The numbers and your actions are readily available for $5 on a PBF.

Oh yeah, and a few logged things that aren't on the PBF. But, that can wait. Unless you really want to see it after your PBF comes out.
63137, About my PBF
Posted by Babou on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You can take your words and lick my taint right after you decide to read them again. I have no desire what so ever to pay you anything for *your* side of what my character did. It would probally be something dumb like why'd he loot my shaman when he can't even use the items... when you don't even know the damn truth. Geoona took those items and put them into the tribunal pit, that is where I took them from so you can take your PBF and shove it up your ass.
63147, I've seen some vitriolic f'ing posts in my day..
Posted by Kads on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But don't you look like a royal f'in c*nt in this one. Seriously I did'nt care one way or the other about Babou. But after reading your posts and having to listen to your graatcesque tirade about being a victim, I wish I had teabagged you multiple times.
63143, RE: About my PBF
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Actually, I was hoping you would so you could see that EACH and EVERY last experience you got total from all imms combined, was from me. Not another single imm gave you so much as 1 point.
63173, Where was this 'epic' pbf? I didnt see muchnt
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
63238, That was the point.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not a single imm saw anything coming from this character that would warrant him to be leader material. Oh yeah...each of those xpadds, came from me. Nobody esle gave him one.