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Topic subject(DEL) Tylinn the Assassin Hero
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=6254
6254, (DEL) Tylinn the Assassin Hero
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat May 4 18:02:26 2002

10 o''clock PM, Day of Freedom, 4th of the Month of the Old Forces on the Theran calendar Tylinn perished, never to return.

Cabal:MARAN, the Holy Brigade of the Phoenix
PK Ratio:17% (closer to 100% is better)

6255, Oh my..
Posted by Rhowyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I underestimated a Maran assassin and you handed me my head on a plate. Well done. That was as thorough a whipping as I took from Boldereth and the hunt. (consequently the only solo whippings I ever took, some would say that's a bad thing, I think it's good...)

I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to butt heads in some roleplay, that's really where my weight is.

Well done and good luck and all that jazz

6256, hmmm where do I even begin
Posted by Tylinn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First I'd like to thank Shokai for bringing me into the brigade, and for tattooing me. It was one of the highlights of my character actually. I think that Shokai is one of the most interesting deities to follow, but if you need feedback, he's probably not your guy. I probably heard nothing from him for over 100 hours.

Tylinn was a horrible pker, and managed to assassinate zero people. I partially blame this on a few things. As a good assassin your killing range is severly limited. Also when 75% of your enemies can see hidden, it kind of limits assassination possibilities. I'm getting better with each character though, so hopefully I'll have one badass before I decide to not play any more.

First we'll start with enemies
Dullameh- you do a good job, and you know your stuff pretty well. A few more shots and I think I could have at least got close to getting you. All in all well done, and definitely an enigma.

Eleke- I have the feeling that you are an old enemy of mine reincarnated. (I was Jasmin before). I won't name names, but I think you were a healer before. You were mouthy enough that it actually got to me past the character, congrats on getting me to lose my cool.

Krivohan- Very very well done. You are brave, knowledgeable, and gutsy. If there were anything I could do, you would be leader instead of Dullameh. Your lion was HELLISH to fight, and even rocked me around worse than the lich honestly.

Hralled- heh not worth mentioning, but I don't like to leave people out. If you weren't hiding all the time, you'd be toast.

Vomalice- I don't know what to say about you, but you didn't like to come after me unless I was hurting, or maledicted. I'm just glad I didn't face you on water, I heard that form was pretty mean.

Yuerien- would have liked a decent shot at you, without someone else around to fight with you. That's the fate of a support class though.

Dwoggurd- mean as HELL! I faced you once alone, and I really avoided you ever since. I believe that time in Veran, I barely lived long enough to vanish. I don't know what your doing but keep it up. There's your next taskmaster.

Rhowyn- would have loved another shot at you, but that time at the chasm where you summoned, I was just as surprised as you were. Other than the occasional skirmish, don't know what to say about you.

ok my friends are probably about as long so I better get to it

Solamnus- I'm a bit suspicious on the name, I'm surprised you got away with it. Your a pretty good paladin, and seem pretty good at what you do. Thanks for the things you gave me, but it was more than just items that was bothering me.

Kerikorlian- You really stick it out man. Sometimes it was just you and me, running around trading punches with the lich. Your a heck of a paladin, and I'm glad I had you at my back. (watch out for a certain room in Veran *wink*)

Puelvelol- show up some times! This is the first in a long line of marans that I wish would show! Your a heck of a guy, and you fight well, but we really need you around.

Lorimar- I'm not sure where you went (maybe finals), but we miss you. You dived in a lot where maybe you shouldn't have, but hey I admire the bravery. Thanks for helping me find some the of questish stuff to get into some places. I really felt a lot more confident with you with me.

Zardik- Hell of a nice guy, but you need to be here more.

Aliera- Very good fighter, just need to be around more as well. Although I have the feeling with you we were just missing each other's playing times. You could really dish it out, and take some hits. I was impressed. I think you were with the party that heroed me, thanks.

Other various marans, I can't remember you because your never around, this really needs to be fixed.

Verienel- you were fun to run around with, and we got into a lot of trouble together. Sorry for trying to outbid you on that pendant, but hey it was too good to pass up. Keep at your good work, and try to get the angel-room paved. *snicker*

There were other warlocks, but I'm drawing a blank for some reason. Daurwyn, either delete or play more.


Nydeikon- I'm glad we ironed that out before I left. Honestly I might not have deleted until we had. It was fun to duel you, and it was interesting to see what affects our powers actually had. Since I'm coming clean, yes I was trying to take you bearkin that one time. *wink* I was gonna give it back though. Stay with it, your very well played, and a heck of a fighter.

Lorak- Thanks for setting up for Nydeikon and I to patch up our differences, and yes you wooped me fairly in our one fight.

Sporial- I was constantly stalking you, and never followed up on it because you were always with a certain warrior. *cough*

Nithrawyn- sorry we never got you out of hell, but we really tried.

The hell party- that was the sorriest excuse for a rescue mission I've ever seen. We argued for HOURS, and still failed. In the future, actually try things instead of arguing over things we don't even know. Also certain smaller parties shouldn't go down first with just the idea of grabbing "shiny things" before the bigger party can get down. This just resulted in some dead people, and some pissed off rescuers.

Ok last but certainly not least

Acallsho- What can I say, you are the reason I didn't delete a long time ago. You were single handedly the bravest friend I had in my entire career as Tylinn, maybe ever for that matter. You were HILARIOUS to talk to, and really kept things interesting. I think we may see godhood in your future, and I seriously think they could do much much worse that to choose you. We had a lot more places we were going to see together, but hey, I just got tired of getting gang beat down. One of the reasons I'm honestly deleting is because a certain bastard orc took the sweater you had made for me. I felt very very bad that I lost it, and it really made me angry. I think all I can really say is, that you were literally what made Tylinn worth playing, and gave me a very different perspective to look through *snicker*

Take care man

6271, *shakes his fist*
Posted by Dalentar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Blasted! I made that sweater for you too. Enjoyed the conversations with you. Didn't get to travel with you all that much, I think only once but talked with at the inn often. I really should have went out hunting with you. It could have been fun.

Take care and all that stuff. Can't wait to see the next one.
6270, RE: hmmm where do I even begin
Posted by Llohuir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Few skirmishes with you but never got a chance to interact. Take care, another time.
6269, RE: hmmm where do I even begin
Posted by Krivohan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You allowed me to be dangerous to you. A big problem you had was oh boy let me rising phoenix him to death. A lagging attack only works if you are outdamaging the person you are fighting. If you ever give an assassin another chance remember to weaken an opponent up as much as you can. Remember also that blindness is your friend. Good luck with the next I could definately see a bit of improvement over Jasmin, you actually learned that you couldn't win every fight and some didn't need to be fought.

6268, Good job
Posted by Dullameh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You stuck it out well. We had some interesting times. Good luck with whatever's next.
6267, RE: hmmm where do I even begin
Posted by Eleke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What can I say, I have a way with words. I hate to destroy your theory, but i've never had an empowered character. I myself never had anything against you ooc, but you angered my character by seeming to never do anything without Duvernay or (insert substitute paladin name here). Though likely you did a good deal of things solo. I can't say i'm sorry to see you go, as i'm glad another enemy with detect hidden is no longer about to frustrate me. Good luck with your next.
6266, How irritating...
Posted by Kerikorlian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Right when I figure out how to get you a really shiny new toy *smile*. You're going to be sorely missed, we can always stand a few people with heart around. Once in a while you get people who enjoy the challenge of fighting competant powerful foes, and when you get a few people like that together, its when the fun of the game begins (and here is where it crashes and your girlfriend calls you up with a dead car and you have to go pick her up *sigh*). As for Veran, I finally got that place ironed out. Things tend to get boring at the various hours I play, so exploration time is something I've got quite a bit of.
6264, some people I missed
Posted by Tylinn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Iunna- It was fun seeing you all the time, but it was disconcerting having you never talk. I was hoping you'd help show me around a couple certain places, but hey no big deal. I'm thinking your going to be an age death character if you can hang in there interest-wise

Ajoul- I always had the feeling you were just waiting to put a blade in my back for some reason. I'm just glad we never fought because I never would have survived the stab.

Claustren/Cariatid- it was fun talking to the both of you, and to show you where some things were. Hang in there, and you'll find what you need to know.

Shokai- I'd like to know how you thought Tylinn was compared to Jasmin.
6265, righto..
Posted by shokai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Hrm...you were pretty solid roleplaywise. I could almost always count on Tylinn being online, which was a good thing. I think the best advice I'd give you for any future assassins...play them like assassins. Too often I'd watch you run into a fight and try to kick down your opponent. Even though assassins are skilled in 'melee combat' the real power of the class is striking from the shadows and not being seen, and basically attacking an opponent at the worst possible time they could be attacked.
6263, *sigh*
Posted by Acallsho on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*grumble*, I got the feeling this was coming, all I can really say is that you will be sorely missed... Thanks for all the great times we had hanging out at the Phoenix-bird shrine, exploring and pking. I can still remember the days where you were trying to Hero and there were about seven scions and you and I in pk range. Ugh! that sure sucked. You did an impressive job of sticking it out in a lot of really bad situations, and I thought you did a great job of rpking a Maran. Good luck and all that stuff.
6262, RE: hmmm where do I even begin
Posted by Claustren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dammit man... Why'd ye hafta leave me? We was just getting to be good friends.... I will miss you a lot and I took that advice really well... See ya in the fields man
~Claustren, the Sloppy Chef of the Eternal Star
6261, you forgot the nos man
Posted by nosilla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
we had some fun man.
6260, RE: hmmm where do I even begin
Posted by Vomalice on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked this charactor of yours. (traveled with you a bit with my other charactors too.) *grin* Probably reason why you only see me when hurt or maladicted is that you are always hidden or off in some explore area, traveling with a pwerful party, ect. My only interaction with you was to strike at you a few times after you hit the nightwalker. Once when you were naked, I think...

Now, If Acallsho is about, there is no way in hell I am going to be flying about looking for you....*mutters and grumbles about hummingbirds eating falcons* And in those times, which were alot, Id usually be hunting the seas, and never got to meet you there.

Nice charactor, keep it up.
6259, RE: hmmm where do I even begin
Posted by Lorak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well hey at least I can do somethin right. Not sure how it turned out between you two because things have come up that's keeping me from stayin on for long times which I try not to stay on with Lorak inless it's a long time so I havn't been on a lot latly. I'm sorry we didn't getta have more fun and that lil fight we had taught me a good way to fight against rogue's and such....I would of lost without a few prot's though....hope u know that one...heh....any how. What I saw nice work and good luck on the move and hope everything works out fine.

6258, RE: hmmm where do I even begin
Posted by Solamnus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked your character alot...although I never really spent much time with ye, of what I saw was very similiar to that of Nakanaka a couple years back...Must've sucked being the only maran around most of the time...I'm not sure what you were suspicious of, but just to notify everyone this is my first paladin and so far I'm enjoying it rather well...I hope I can meet your next character soon

6257, I'm toast? hah.
Posted by Hralled on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Well, sad to see ya go, I guess. Now the only person in
hero range that can see me is Diraric, that's around any
more anyways. I do wish we coulda had a fight once I heroed
though. I think I mighta had more of a chance than our far from
vicious duels at the inn when ya had 8 titles on me.
It was fun ta interact with ya, ya actually played a maran
like you should have. Sorry Hralled's just too much of an asshole
ta be a maran.
And yes, I hide all the time on purpose. That's how thieves stay
See ya,