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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Gataliff the Priestess of Renewal, Disciple of Zurcon, Mindless Brazen Betrayer
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=62165
62165, (DELETED) [None] Gataliff the Priestess of Renewal, Disciple of Zurcon, Mindless Brazen Betrayer
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu Sep 27 00:15:01 2007

At 8 o'clock PM, Day of the Bull, 8th of the Month of the Winter Wolf
on the Theran calendar Gataliff perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
62669, If someone is nice, pbf me? n/t
Posted by gataliff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No Text.
62322, RE: (DELETED) [None] Gataliff the Priestess of Renewal, Disciple of Zurcon, Mindless Brazen Betrayer
Posted by A goodie on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll say this much, you were extremely unpredictable and evil. Any goodie would of course hit the duergar before hitting you, BUT HE WILL HIT YOU FIRST IF HE THINKS YOU ARE *WITH* THE DUERGAR. He's not going to stupidly aim at the warrior and let the healer keep him alive. With this in mind, maybe you can see why some Forties would attack you first. How the hell would anyone know that you were against the duergar and not with him? With you, everything was unpredictable and unknown, everything had to be justified by a weird storyline demon-blood #### story that no mortal would ever understand unless you are in the habit of publishing your role to the whole world. You play a difficult char, prepare for a difficult time. Enough good-aligns hate Nexuns already, and they are predictable compared to you. I'm sorry I'm not more sympathetic, but you CHOSE to play a difficult char. Expect hard times, expect to lose empowerment, expect to be treated much worse than everyone else. Sure, you don't play cookie-cutter. Some people might give kudos. For myself, you should just take the pain along with your creative role.
62331, Also on top of this...
Posted by Vlad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have to be frank. I interacted with you a fair bit as a goodie, and every single time you were in range and in the area you were coming at me, usually with helpers. I never saw any reason to roleplay with you beyond "This asshole has tried to kill me a dozen times before. I'm just going to kick his ass on sight from now on". You never gave me the slightest incentive to do otherwise.
62306, Cabals , items, edges, sterotypes.
Posted by Gataliff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With Gataliff's character mingling with everyone in various stages I am glad that I did not alienate to many cabals with my actions.


Where do I start? I think this cabal I had the most fun with. It is a pity that your turn over rate was so fast as I would only just start to get to know people and then they would die of con loss or delete. There are many of you who I wanted to post replies for on the forums but then that time I wanted to spend playing and not posting replies , so I am sorry for that.

Those of you who were out and about alone and fighting big odds you probably encountered me a few times. You were also the only recipients of the first aid skill, which I must say never seemed to do anything.

I broke on a regular basis the "No healing" rule for you villagers, cleanse was your friend and with the ragged cloak I must have been a dirty surprise to the many necromancers and maledictors that had you spelled up only to start the fight and realize that you were not maledicted at all.

To those of you who I help with ambushes on xping groups, I hope you enjoyed the knowledge that they were half dead and that now was the best time to strike. I am sorry that sometimes you had to wait a little but the five or six times which it was done was a clean sweep and you normally nailed 2 or 3 of them all by yourself.

I never once was attacked or ganged by any of the villagers, even as a old rager myself I figured that I would be on some of your hit lists. Especially when I would balance the field and help an attacker kill you because you had a bard helping you and a hero bard at that.


After the third Emperor passed I lost interest in roleplaying with the empire. Only on rare occasions did I gate to a few of you who were playing against the huge odds, Those of you I helped raid and retrieve I enjoyed it as you were killing machines that laid waste to everything infront of you.

For the times I helped retrieve against you or fought imperials at the palace all I could think of was that sooner or later I am going to encounter the gank squad and then I'll be in for a unpleasant ride.


I really wanted to mix it up more with this cabal and I had so much fun when I was playing around with you people. I think the laws were tested a few times and it was an area which I had not thought about. Offering prayers to a wanted person is obviously assisting them. Where do you draw the line however. I thought on this for a while, with all the retrievals and pking in town that was going on, which I was providing prayers for. I decided that as long as I offered the healing and the prayers outside of the fight It was fine, as soon as I started healing you in the fight it was not fine. I am uncertain who the immortal was or if there were more but that event that unfolded during a retrieval was so much fun and I did not want it to end.

A lone outlander and a rogue healer against four or five tribunal , the odds were huge but in the end we managed to pull it off. Achievements like that is what makes this game so much fun for me. Do things the easy way is never a challenge and nowhere near as rewarding.

Nearing the end I was saddened when you stoped asking for aid, and instead would just attack me for no reason. I assumed a immortal had issued a command to destroy the demon-blood on site. Well that is what I hope was done.


Things started out well between us, that is untill Siloreelo showed his face. I am uncertain if it was part of his RP or just outright jealousy of the first set of equipment I had. Without any just cause siloreelo , you, ruined my experience with the tribunal. I went from criminal finder for the trib's that wanted to catch crim's outside of town and a perfect addition to a group for leveling to a snubbed outcast. Thanks for being a pompus #### head (Good rp if that was your role however.)

Telenon, I thank you for actually rping with both sides of gataliff. Even though the trip to your ladies shrine where divine deliverance was to be waiting resulted in fourty minutes of one sided rp with myself.


I had a few encounters with some of you and I was very obvious about being flip flop. I would be preping warriors to retrieve or preping you to defend. I think this is when something got messed up and outlander started to attack me. So I chased a few of them down and then added them to my list on the desk of people to watch out for.

Victoria I am sorry that the other two unholies didnt get to you, to a few others who are still active I am glad I was able to help you out in those weird ways and I became envious of your characters.


I left you to last for a reason, mainly because this will be bitter.

Out of all the cabal's fortress was the worst combination of fools and tools. Idiots who thought gnomes who were immune wrath were more important to kill than the deurgar that was attacking the gnome. Even when said gnome was giving YOU sanc so that you could fight said duergar. This made me furious as it happened time and time again.

I would arrive and offer healing and prayers and get attacked by your own bloody cabal. I mean seriously whats your problem. Gataliff, not the hand, being all nice and friendly protecting you against the nasty dirty duergar and you attack her, WTF!

Leaders of said cabal and you elite rp of You follow a evil god you must die! You fight our soldiers, You must die! You are evil I dont want to talk with one such as you.

If it was just you alone, then perhaps I might have let it slide. When you issued orders to the others of the fortress to hunt me down I was really disapointed. You refued to rp, you based everything on a title and the stupidity of your cabal lowbies. Once, twice three times, five times. That was enough then I said fine If they do not want to recieve help and are going to insist on attacking me over and over I will just keep a wide berth.

The one kickass paladin who actually spent 30 seconds Rping with me and instantly knew the situation You were hero. Finally the good side of the role started to grow again. Unfortunately either you lost interest or were drawn away by the massive amount of crap that was going on in your cabal, I like to think the latter to be true.

I am sorry that we could not have continued our RP and you saving the gnome girl trapped inside. But when you loose the ability to wield a weapon and you suddenly cannot kill anything to buy yourself food and drink and fly potions and such, then your really screwed.


There was a wide variety of characters in the 35-45 range that were uncabaled, or were very sneak about being caballed. Many of you fit in well with my needs and I was always glad to offer you pact's or deals. Some of you had very very interesting characters and some of them even made me want to make a thief, or a ranger, or invoker (Joatra?) I always wondered if you were fortress or not as we held a good ongoing relationship regardless of the progression through gataliff's life.

To the many who became regular underdog fighters, asking for prayers, I also had a blast gating to you buffing you and then gating back to my xp group or the group I was pleveling. I am sorry if you met a queried retort as it often ment that you had recieved the opposite character than the one that knew you.

It was extremly hard keeping track of who met which side and which side remembered which players. It was two characters in the one body not just in role.


The book, well I have to say this book is lethal, I mean really realy lethal. More so to the wielder than the recipient. When your int is down to 3 and you have +200 save vs Everything because you've been hurling acid blasts like a firework show things start to get interesting fast. This was the first cause of me getting slept at low ranks and killed by a shaman and necromancers.

The Gralikon, I was angered when this didnt work because I was neutral. I was more angry when it still did not work when I was evil. This would have really added to the rp as I would have had something following me around that I could have interacted with.

Pills, potions: I found some wonderfull preps that I might use with other characters, some of them are extremly overpowered others are a double edge sword, they either save you or kill you. I wish however there was some way that you could search a zone without getting attacked. Some of the area's I managed to explore are so detailed that I felt like I was reading a book, or watching an epic movie about some idiot playing a possessed gnome healer :)

Progged equipment: Some of these pieces of equipment are very very powerfull. I can see the appeal they have, but then there are also much better pieces to replace them with often. Good work by the staff on the balance of equipment.

Steroytypes: I really do wish players would be a bit more interactive. If you notice a change in a character, or a title, perhaps ask about it. Instead of moving them from 1 basket into another and then treating them as such. If you attack somone and they gate away or word and then start to talk to them, perhaps spend the 30 seconds and talk back. Those idiot's who continued to chase then became the one being chased I hope you can learn from that event.

Goods, bads, evils, chaotic, lawful, fence sitters. I apparently do not know other peoples view on how Cf handles these alignment and ethos. I can comment however on the playerbase as a whole.

Goods were either cold blooded killers, or nice and friendly (90/10)
Evils were either cold blooded killers, or work as a team people (40/60)
Lawful were always Judge first never ask later, ....... (100/0)
Neutrals were often random radicals (100/0)
Chaotic's well, myself aside I didnt see to many random people or quirky people. After one encounter or two I almost had everyone read like a motion picture.

I would love to hear the insight the immortal staff has about how evil neutral good are supposed to and act. As I am baffled based on the player base.


Certain classes can get points for edges faster than others, pking seemed to be the easiest way for gataliff to get edges. I had a few and a few from winning the role contest, yet I still could not figure out what some of them did or how to get some of them to work.

Flaws: Well some flaws seemed to be very lethal indeed, I had narcolepcy which helped flip the character from good to evil and back again. It also made things interesting whilst leveling or pking as I would just slump to the ground in a magical slumber for up to 3-4 hours.

Magical transportation sickness was by far the worst. This was a disrupt organ side affect, emnetic poison, and random walking tossed in. Playing with this was such a handicap , it's duration was 5-7 hours and often left me wondering if the reward for taking this flaw was only 1/5th of the nightmare of having it was, then I should have been able to get 10 edges for free, I do not think there are many edges that offer anything as powerfull as what nasty side affects this has.

With time permitting over this long weekend, i'll see if I can make up one last post with some interesting questions for everyone including the staff.

62313, RE: Cabals , items, edges, sterotypes.
Posted by Braemir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>>The one kickass paladin who actually spent 30 seconds Rping with me and instantly knew the situation You were hero. Finally the good side of the role started to grow again. Unfortunately either you lost interest or were drawn away by the massive amount of crap that was going on in your cabal, I like to think the latter to be true.<<<

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that you are speaking about me here. I sincerly wanted to help you out in character. Yet as a Fortress Leader and someone with the ability to heal, I was really really really busy. I got tells from all kinds of people, enemies, low level characters, people seeking the Fortress. I had my hands full. I would like to have continued with you, but the Fortress always came under attack, so I always hasted there to defend it.

Though I think you should one day try a Maran out. The way you act might come of differently then you might think.
62207, To the people of Carrionfields.
Posted by Gataliff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would like to rattle of specific names, but I cannot remember you all, so I will just group you up in general.

The Newbies; I am glad that I was able to help so many of you with getting started and getting equipment which can make the low levels blissful. To the few that ended up with hero gear because I was carrying to much weight or to many items I am sorry for putting a target on your head. To the parties of goodies that I helped kill trolls in the past at level 10 it was a good RP and I hope when I started gating in and out that you were not to upset.

The Midbies; I am sorry for those of you who bore the brunt of my attacking everything on first sight , but I needed specific items for my item construct ritual to build the conduit. My empowerment.

The Highbies; I had a blast, really I had a blast raiding cabals at level 25 Emperors, Chancellors, Fortress warriors, Nexites. I never helped the grove actually raid for a item, I did however help them retrieve a few times. The sheer power of a out of ranger healer is truly staggering.

It was one of these raids early on that I grabbed a cure hide of Olaf and a cured water skin of illden I managed to actually keep that same sack and water skin for the rest of the characters life. A abnormal goal was to see how long I could hold those two pieces.

The Hiders; I dealt with a few of you and actually managed to build a spy network for both items and players. Many a time I would be sent a tell by someone indicating that I was being persued by another within the shadows. The times I helped you level, hunt, explore and steal it felt exciting being able to gain acceptance within the hiders group.

The Sleepers; I both feared you and admired you. My character was built with the purpose of staying awake at all costs, I fought dozens of a-p's and necros and only two necro's and one a-p ever managed to sleep me. At later levels I knew I was the best aid to chase down people who teleported heavily maledicted. I had wanted to do this more at the hero levels but that opportunity did not arise.

The Fighters; Kudos to all that wanted to fight me , I tried to not become the irritant player. I would often let someone go if they tried exceptionally hard to avoid fighting at all costs or they were wearing equipment that was well under their own level. Those that I did often kill normally ended up with more nice equipment droped by me than the single piece I took from their corpse.

Abby , you run like none i've seen before. Stand out performance.

The explorers; Even when I was only rank 30 I started to go to places with hero's that were way out of range for me, to the many I did this with I thank you for the fun. Some places I had been before many times, others I had not.

I hope my narcolepcy was not to much of a annoyance or the few times when I woke up as a gataliff instead of the infection and left your evil ass high and dry in a place that was a death trap without me.

The Rpers; When people you do not know seek you out to rp with you there is a unparralleled rush of excitement. This happened on a regular basis and I was looked forward to most of the interactions.
All you orc players that I associated with, I really did like how well the annihilation & destruction role mingled with demon in the wood pile edge rp worked. Some of the best Rp was had with some of you orc's.

The circle of thirteen; To those who I had lined up for the new thirteen deathknights, some of you had only been offered a position others had my full devotion and attention and a firm position were events to move forward. For those that came and went in a blaze of glory Im sorry that you missed out on some of that kick ass Rp we had with grand meetings and rituals.

The Immortal staff; This character would have died at birth were it not for the generous and at the time much appreciated granting of minor empowerment. Winning the role contest and gaining full empower was another another pat on the back. I think I let you down with not load balancing the good & evil more in peak times and it seems a few players saw more of the evil in peak than those in off peak. I tried to do as much as possible after being turned evil with regular prayers about rituals I was currently preforming in heavy RP based rooms and zones, with mobs that could have been switched into. Perhaps I should have been more insistant and just say outright Can some staff member switch into this mob and rp with me regarding gaining empowerment again. I tried to keep it in RP , I also tried to only pray once every 15 minutes or so.

To the staff that spent their time answering my questions and notes I thank you as this was often done and within a reasonable time if there was a staff member on.

To those that might have had something lined up I am sorry if by deleting I let you down. After foolishly expecting something a day or two after being turned evil I accepted it would take some time. After two weeks and heavily crippled with the looming fact that were I to die I would be able to do nothing, but kick. I figured it was the last straw were I to die. Unfortunately for myself and you that straw did come to pass.

Cabals to come in another post.
62218, What the hell man.
Posted by Thuul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This was an AWESOME character in my book.

You know what you were to me? A fricken Nightguant, except you didn't want to hand me over to someone else, you wanted the who thing yourself.

I'd see you on Who and I was afraid you'd gate in with that blasted book! I was so embarrased that as a Mino warrior with 1,000 HP and blunt weapons I couldn't put you down.

I finally got to a point where I could drive you off but man you had me on a hair trigger when you were around!

And yes you were good to banter with, but I had to keep the, "I hate you" thing going.

Good work. Sorry you got your own version of CraftedD'ed though.

Hope your next is just as good!

62241, I am glad I put you on edge. stxt.
Posted by Gataliff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This was what I wanted people to feel in a way. Uncertain if I would gate in and help them or gate in and start acid blasting. As you well knew it took a large amount of effort to ware people down and then chase them down.

A few times I did it and thought that I could have sealed the kill but then decided that I had more fun in the fight and the chase than the kill. This almost certainly led to a second third and fourth encounter. It added fun to the game for me, and I hope a adrenaline rush for you and others.

On rare occasion's I would actually heal up the enemy , keeping them from dying, or curing them if others jumped in and blinded or diseased them. Just to keep the playing fields even.

62330, Yeah, that's good entropy.
Posted by Pro-man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I miss those days! You did a great job man.

62224, Gataliffs weird last death
Posted by The Necro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
524/524 118/779 455/475 17069 7 PM indoor civilized c 'vampiric touch' ga
Gataliff yells 'Die, Necro, you sorcerous dog!'
You fade into existence.
Your deathly touch *** DEVASTATES *** Gataliff!
Gataliff is gushing blood.

680/524 78/779 455/475 17069 7 PM indoor civilized
Gataliff's punch wounds you.
You parry Gataliff's punch.
Your slice maims Gataliff!
Gataliff is gushing blood.

662/524 78/779 455/475 17069 7 PM indoor civilized
Jzash looks at Gataliff.
Gataliff is gushing blood.

662/524 78/779 455/475 17069 7 PM indoor civilized c 'vampiric touch' ga

Gataliff's punch hits you.
Your slice MUTILATES Gataliff!
Gataliff is writhing in agony.

651/524 78/779 455/475 17069 7 PM indoor civilized Your deathly touch MASSACRES Gataliff!
Gataliff is writhing in agony.

731/524 38/779 455/475 17069 7 PM indoor civilized
You parry Gataliff's punch.
Gataliff's ring flares with a bright white light!
Gataliff's shocking grasp MUTILATES you!
Your slice maims Gataliff!
Gataliff deflects your slice with her shield.
Gataliff is convulsing on the ground.

690/524 38/779 455/475 17069 7 PM indoor civilized l gata

You parry Gataliff's punch.
Gataliff's punch injures you.
Gataliff deflects your slice with her shield.
Your slice MUTILATES Gataliff!
Gataliff is convulsing on the ground.

676/524 38/779 455/475 17069 7 PM indoor civilized A distored figure, gnome in size and a feature or two that resemble
what once was a gnome female is adorned in mismatched armours of various
types. It is hard to not notice that one whole arm and her chest and
neck have transformed into something other worldly. Deep black and purple
patches of colour with rivers of green now paint the festering flesh
which seems to have harded into a thick hide over bones and sinew.

Gataliff, a female gnome, is convulsing on the ground.

Gataliff is using:
<worn on finger> a ring embossed with lightning bolts
<worn on finger> a ring set with a single sapphire
<worn around neck> (Glowing) a black hammer pendant
<worn around neck> (Glowing) a black hammer pendant
<worn on body> a ragged cloak
<worn on head> a captain's hat
<worn on face> a blood-red veil
<worn on legs> (Glowing) a set of arborian leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of earth-toned boots
<worn on hands> (Glowing) a set of arborian gauntlets
<worn on arms> a set of earth-toned sleeves
<worn about body> (Glowing) a cloak covered with symbols of beauty, freedom, hope, and nature
<worn about waist> a sash of crimson and white
<worn around wrist> an oddly shaped glass bracelet
<worn around wrist> an oddly shaped glass bracelet
<worn as shield> (Glowing) a shield of mirror-white dragonscales
<tattooed> the mark of three snakes intertwined with lightning bolts
Gataliff is convulsing on the ground.

676/524 38/779 455/475 17069 7 PM indoor civilized get pendant corpse
get pendant corpse
get pendant corpse
You see no corpse here.
You parry Gataliff's punch.
Gataliff deflects your slice with her shield.
Gataliff deflects your slice with her shield.
Gataliff is convulsing on the ground.

676/524 38/779 455/475 17069 7 PM indoor civilized get pendant corpse
You see no corpse here.
Gataliff is convulsing on the ground.

676/524 38/779 455/475 17069 7 PM indoor civilized The edges of Jzash's being stretch and twist and he becomes an angry crocodile.
You see no corpse here.
Gataliff is convulsing on the ground.

676/524 38/779 455/475 17069 7 PM indoor civilized get pendant corpse
You see no corpse here.
Gataliff is convulsing on the ground.

676/524 38/779 455/475 17069 7 PM indoor civilized get pendant corpse
You see no corpse here.
Gataliff is convulsing on the ground.

676/524 38/779 455/475 17069 7 PM indoor civilized You see no corpse here.
Gataliff is convulsing on the ground.

676/524 38/779 455/475 17069 7 PM indoor civilized
Gataliff howls in pain as blood flows through the pores of her skin.
Gataliff's burning, weeping sores MUTILATES her!
Gataliff shivers and suffers.
Gataliff's poison wounds her.
Gataliff's thirst hits her.
Gataliff's hunger hits her.
Gataliff is convulsing on the ground.

524/524 62/779 475/475 17069 8 PM indoor civilized get pendant corpse

Gataliff has left Thera, never to return.
The Theran form of Gataliff disappears before you.
You see no corpse here.

524/524 62/779 475/475 17069 8 PM indoor civilized get pendant corpse
You see no corpse here.

Didnt think it was possible to delete during a fight, but here is the proof, no loot for me.
Best of luck with your next char.
62242, I am indeed sorry. stxt
Posted by Gataliff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This is probably the one thing I regret most, aside from being unable to complete the characters life. This was somewhat unexpected I must admit.

I had the full intent of deleting as soon as I knew I would die, I did not however expect you to not kill me quickly. I already had the delete command entered in and actually deleted on 10hp. I also did not think you could delete whilst fighting and I was expecting to be dead well before then. Eagerness in looting got the better of you?

One thing I am interested to know, how did you know where I was the second time you found me, was it a power or the bard ratting me out?

I've seen a few to many players over the last 9 months who have had a uncanny ability to know exactly where their target is. Even if they teleport or gate away 10+ times in a row.
62255, RE: I am indeed sorry. stxt
Posted by The Necro on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah its no problem, ill survive with my gear.
Well during that day i was a little bored so i teleported around looking for someone to kill. I teleported to you, couldnt find you in the area and couldnt summon you either, then you just disappeared and i figured you either teleported or worded, so i worded and found you again. So it was a mere coincidence that i did find you. You also died in a cool way cause i was sitting there with my mouth open just thinking wtf happened there, so you went away in a cool way.
GL with your next, cf needs people who puts down as much effort in a char as you did.
62246, My thoughts on your character
Posted by Braemir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My thoughts on your character from our interactions. First, your roleplay was solid and consistant (something I try to express to others is consitancy). You seemed to sorta know what you want, and had a plan to go about it.

However, what I also got from you is that you were RP-centered. Meaning, you strove that everything you did was about you. You didn't really encompass anyone elses RP and play off of it well. It all came back to you. This has the tendacy to drive others off. Interactions should not be about one individual, but instead be about the gathering and each person should act within that setting. I just never felt like you were trying to add your own RP to someone elses. Just seemed very much about your character.

This probably led to your downfall. You wanted Immeraction from all that I gathered. You seemed to press that, instead of letting the Immortals come to you. They key is to be interesting, and let them do their thing. Keep them interested, and you find yourself with a lot more Immeractions.

I thought your character was a fairly good character. However, it almost seemed as you were unadaptive, unwilling to make changes and grow. OOC, I never felt like you really wanted to be saved, that you knew you wanted to be evil. This more likely is why you sought Cyridia.

I think your character could have worked. Your play time sucks for what you sought to do, so that is always a killer. You just need to be very patient for this sort of thing. And even when things look down, trudge through them, keep RPing your tail off, and make the best of everything. Give people a reason to interact with you. Give them desire to do so. Make them feel like their charcter is important to you.

Great RPing comes from people bouncing off of one another. I hope this helps, and I hope you don't feel like I'm coming down on you. I think you are a good RPer, but there are somethings you can still learn and once you do, you could easily be an elite RPer.
62261, I always like to know my failings, thanks! nt.
Posted by Gataliff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
62293, RE: To the people of Carrionfields.
Posted by Victoria2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought Gataliff's role was pretty interesting. The problem, for me, was that you were a healer. I don't mean that being a healer was incompatible with your role (because in my mind it isn't). I just mean that I didn't want to be propped up by a healer, which is an easy temptation as an ap (in my opinion), so I didn't really spend as much time with you as I otherwise might have were you any other class.

I can say that the times you aided me, you were definitely helping the underdog! So thanks.
62302, The Unholy weapons
Posted by Gataliff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I came across a few of these, the first one i gave you only had a charge or two in it. There was another I was carrying around that was 34 charges, but then a very skilled assassin assassinated me.

I know the pain of hero drow against high ave mithril weapons, I am happy that you noticed that I restrained myself from attaching myself at your hip. I am sorry that the other unholies did get to you I did want to focus all the unholy weapons towards you.

When I gave you one and you asked who it was from and I told you then you said you did not mind that it was from one of the chasm. My mouth dropped open, oops , hunting down and killing one a-p and giving the weapon to you had a sly grin plastered on my face for nearly four days.

I was so tempted to drop a hint to you, as you and I mingled when you were only in your 36'ish level, even then you showed me a few things and I thank you for that. Perhaps a prep whore is next on the list for me, acid blasting a-ps for mauls and maim's through protections was scary.

62168, RE: (DELETED) [None] Gataliff the Priestess of Renewal,...
Posted by Gataliff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This character was an attempt at playing the hardest possible character to pk with. It was also designed to be fun to play and be able to help others, regardless of level or cabal. It was also designed to bring back the entropy cabal, or it as a religion, with myself as an immortal.

I had been kicking this role around for nearly two years. Each month I would add another layer and see if it would function with the rest of the role. After I had enough depth in the character I decided that I would give it a shot and so this is what happened.

Character in brief:

Gnome girl, infected with the blood from Zurcon himself. This blood was contracted from Zurcon's prison. The six sides of ivory, the ivory box that the elves imprisoned Zurcon in. The girl was to be herself when she was awake and when she was asleep the infection would come out to play. What determined this was three things, Players, Narcolepcy & Int/Mana levels.

The pking side of the character was obviously the infection (the hand) and who it's target was chosen by fate. Which protection offered , evil or good. Only on rare occasions did I chase down and kill people who were really gunning for me. I was no mass killer. I found it interesting to see how people would react to being chased by a healer.

From level 11 I was chasing after people. Unempowered I still chased after people. I roleplayed my heart out and the early stages of the hand gaining sentiency and found it very very pleasant. After a request to speak with the staff I had a discussion with one of them whom suggested I stand tall and scream to the world to get noticed. Otherwise as a empowered character with no god I would go unoticed. This same staff member was kind enough to empower me a few levels, but also cruel enough to stop the level before sanctuary.

This did'nt stop me chasing people around and fighting anybody I cam across whilst the hand was in control. I ankle'bit and gathered a few useful pieces of equipment that helped me to continue on through the levels.

It was when I won the role contest that I thought I was on the right line. I gained full empowerment and kept up with my role play and player killing, or trying to. I knew that I had to play at peak times, so often I would get up at 4am, just so I could play when there were many others about. I also continues to play during my evenings. I had hoped this would help with the characters visibility to the playerbase and keep things interesting for me.

Every hour I played was action packed and highly interesting, I conversed with some major characters who came and went during the lifetime of this character. Each of them participating in my role or becoming part of it, even if I had to bend the truth a little.

The aim was to keep it fun and to give a character to the playerbase that could be used by all. Many people requested healing, many requested aid, others wanted to fight and some even wanted to talk. It was a lot of fun and more fun when people understood the role.

Things took a sour turn when I tried to involve Cryadia into the character. I figured with the infection being totaly instinct based and almost a viable scarab that she might show some interest. I guess that was the mistake that led to this characters down fall.

At first I was uncertain if turning evil was Cryadia helping me, or punishing me. My role had the possibility for the hand to take over, or Gataliff to cure the infection. So I took turning evil with a grain of salt and thought. I can make this happen It will be fun.

"It will be fun", famous last words? Perhaps, I logged in here and there seeking a few key people who were crucial to the said events and tried to RP with them. Their interest however seemed to dwindle as the days passed on. I was stuck in a rut and I did not know how to get out. I preformed rituals of item construct sacrifice time and time again, some even during peak playing time. Nothing. Silence.

Again I prayed to speak to a staff member I needed to know where I stood, what I had to do to continue with the character. It was here that the niceness turned to hatred. I felt as if I had done something wrong, that I had cheated and I was being punished. Punished for following my role. At least now I had some insight into what was required.

I continued to play and even managed to gain a level all alone and without empowerment. I was unable to use any prayers and knew that as soon as I died, or would die, that I would delete this character. I would be unable to bless a weapon to wield and were it not for the hammer pendants and cursed mace of air that I was wielding I would have been unable to do anything that I had done whilst unempowered.

I kept up with the Role play, and even bartered equipment and information with others to try and keep the ball rolling. Still nothing a few weeks later. I stoped logging in on a regular basis and only waited for when key players for my role were online in hope that they would be able to help keep character going.

Unable to wield anything, unable to kill anything, unable to buy preps, I knew the character would be dead for sure were I to die. It was hard enough covering the cost of fly potions and yellow flowers just to protect myself briefly. So when I was slept , for the 4th time in the characters whole life (divine saves, edges against sleep, 6 levels on the attacker) , I decided that I would delete as soon as I woke up.

If I have more time, since I am house sitting now, I will post comments about those I intereacted with.

Thank you all for the fun this character had at the start of it's life.

62174, Very, cool character.
Posted by Cointreau on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always wanted to play a character like this, but I wasn't sure I could stick to the RP. You did it very, very well.

Just curious, where do you live if you have to get up at 4am to hit the peak?
62176, Australia, stxt
Posted by Gataliff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did not start at 4 am, but I walked my dog and did some exercise then started to play around 4:30 to 5:00 am. Which would give me a nice 2 - 3 hours before I had to start work. I was not on every morning but I did it enough to feel like the walking dead at 10:00 pm that night.

62209, What's your AIM?
Posted by Cointreau on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm always looking for people to talk to during the Aussie peak.
62211, RE: What's your AIM?
Posted by Gataliff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am currently house sitting, so I do not have access to my home setup, and will be for another month. I'll am actually looking at traveling east to Melbourne for a brief holiday in December. I will try and contact you when I am finished house sitting and see if we can meet when I am in Melbourne.
62177, You'll be missed
Posted by Durzan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very intresting char, I never knew who's side you were on, EVER.
Thanks for all the good talks and nosing around exploring and generally causing trouble.

I can see why they turned you evil, I can't see why you remained blissfully ignored, your roleplay was exemplery and everything you did made me step it up a notch.
Good luck with the next, and don't let garbage like that keep you down, its not your fault someone failed to manage your empowerment.
62200, The balance of the scales.
Posted by Gataliff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You and a few others had me cringing when I up and deleted. I knew that all of those things that I wanted to do with the character I would not be able to do. I also liked evening the odds pk wise as a healer could often do, both for good and evil.

I had silent tower expiditions already paid for with some really really nice items. I had a foot in a few hell trips that were slowly in the making and I had hoped to explored a few of the other area explores zones.

I am glad that you were uncertain as to which side I was currently on, You were one of the few players that I bumped into often with both good & evil sides. I guess that was because you played a wide variety of time around the 24 hour clock.

I guess some perceptions others had of me may have been tilted based on the time frame they played. I did fail my RP by leaning towards helping people more when I had little to do which was normally night time for me, off peak for the game.
62179, RE: (DELETED) [None] Gataliff the Priestess of Renewal,...
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Never interacted with you but I heard good things. Yeah not sure how she is with her other persona's but Cyradia from my experience doesn't even consider the funstick when it comes to RP. While this is certainly a viable approach I would never involve her if I was looking to have fun with a character. If you are a hardcore RPer with a masochistic streak then she's you're girl. Sorry things didn't work out for you.
62182, If you think this then I doubt you have interacted with Cyradia much. nt
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
62184, RE: If you think this then I doubt you have interacted with Cyradia much. nt
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Maybe I just had a few bad experiences with her. It was either she never answered any of my prayers or it was a rough interaction.
62202, RE: If you think this then I doubt you have interacted ...
Posted by Gatliff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a scarab once, and even a Cyradia tattoo at one stage. The religion and the interactions are never harsh. They are deadly and have always been deadly. Its like playing russian roulette , win big or die hard, my chamber just happened to be loaded that day.
62190, I don't think that's fair, but:
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is probably fair to say that Cyradia is going to roleplay the hell out of Cyradia, and isn't going to be inclined to compromise her RP to throw you a bone. If she thinks Cyradia wouldn't help you out, it's not happening regardless of whether or not it would be more fun for you if she did.

That's not for everyone; some people really like it, others don't have fun with it. Cyradia-wearing-her-imm-hat-and-not-her-RP-hat is nice enough to try to caution you in her helpfile.
62198, In defense of Cryadia.
Posted by Gataliff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I cannot speak directly for Cryadia, I can however comment on what I felt the interaction went like.

To her credit she did respond to my initial jab, with some plague loving, I had however hoped that she might have read my role assuming she had not allready and worked out what she could do.

To her credit she did rp'ishly warn me that I was crossing the line with what I was doing & saying before beating me up with the funstick.

When I was turned evil I continued to roleplay even during the story telling contest at the Inn. I was both excited and mildly worried that things were moving forward with the character.

I will comment more regarding events after turning evil in a general post. Cryadia was the tool to turn me evil, no blame lays at her feet, if anything just a missed opportunity.
62181, I'm going to offer some hopefully helpful comments,
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You seem to think that your role was unique, and on some levels certainly I can see the novelty. But what I see overall was someone who wanted to basically be evil without any of the drawbacks of that. Sure, you handicapped yourself a good bit with your role, and thats always a sign of a well thought out character. But characters who go around randomly attacking people get turned evil, thats just how it is. Just ask Rogue, I think he's had more gnomes turned evil than the combined totality of all people who have been force changed in the last 14 years. It's been said countless times before. Role is no reason to ignore alignment. You were for all intents and purposes acting evil for a VERY long time without actually being turned evil, and that put certain kinds of characters who had to deal with you at a disadvantage that really wasn't fair.

Then you also were very reliant on immlove for things involving your role. You can't go into a situation and just expect them to love your role every bit as much as you do and want to give you the stuff you want. Immteraction really just doesn't work that way. The best you can do is make an interesting role, go about your life and let the imms come to you when they are interested enough to interact. The tone of your initial post was very self indulgent and carried a strong tone of "I expected this and this from the staff, and when I didn't get it I deleted". You just can't go into things EXPECTING the staff to give you their time and energy and be dependant on them for anything relating to your character, if you're not doing a regular old empowered follower of an established and current religion.

It sucks that you were disappointed, but really I think you set yourself up for the disappointment with having your expectations set too high. Good luck with your next.
62183, He did win the role contest. And was excellenty roleplayed in all regards. nt
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
62185, I didn't dispute any of that.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just said that, and this has been said time and again, role is no excuse to ignore alignment. He can have the best murdergnome role ever to grace CF, but sooner or later there are going to be consequences for that role.
62186, Why award him full empowerment with the role than? nt
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
62187, Vlad nailed this one.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We gave him a lot of leniency to play out his role to a point. Eventually, it was going to bite him in the ass. He found an evil goddess about, and she bit him. We had all talked about what to do with him and he opened the door for it to occur in a rp fashion.

Part of me thought that he instigated Cyradia to complete the task of being turned evil so he could go through the pains of earning the right to either be evil or become healed. Instigating Cyradia made me think he wanted to be evil.

His response to the situation made it near impossible to keep the life of this character going. Up until he finally was turned evil, his rp was exceptional. When he acted like he shouldn't have lost his empowerment because of his role, we had to show him the helpfiles. His actions, or lack thereof, from that point on kept him from getting it back.

Point to be made here. If you are a certain alignment or your race shows that you should be a certain alignment, be prepared for a smack eventually when you stray. It doesn't matter how good your role or rp is. This character's role and rp were exceptional and they still lost it.
62189, Because you 'thought' thats what he wanted?
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You dont reward someone full-empowerment who plays the role as the role was dictated. I can only assume he was given full-empowerment by the person running the contest because they felt he deserved the empowerment. And yet it was removed for doing what he was empowered to do. You shoud have made him continue to strive for the empowerement as he was doing at the beginning and awarded him something else for his role if it was just going to be removed later. I dont see many others who 'continue' to play their role as it was ment to be played and had their rewards removed.
62199, RE: Because you 'thought' thats what he wanted?
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No, you are missing something here. He got to the point of full empowerment so that he could continue with his quest to become whatever it was he was striving for. Losing empowerment was one of the steps that he was going to have to go through to accomplish it. Since he chose to go down the path of being evil and directly involving an evil imm, that was the path that he chose. Not one single prayer came from him seeking any type of healing from the evil influence.
62201, RE: Because you 'thought' thats what he wanted?
Posted by Gataliff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your words of "Not one single prayer came from him seeking any type of healing from the evil influence." have me wondering how you took this.

Gataliff ever sine she was infected had been seeking a cure to the infection that she bore. The role was clear that it could not be cured because it was the demon blood of Zurcon. Unless some serious immortal interaction wanted to separate the two , which I never ruled out.

The role also clearly stated how she blindly believed she had some divine backer that did not want to be known helping her with her plight to cure the disease.

The empowerment was from the conduit, in the role, which was linked to Zurcon. To regain empowerment it was the evil side only that would have gained that. Unless the player base actually continued to RP with her , when she was awake and in control, and tried to do anything to cure her of the blight. I pushed as hard as I could for this to happen but It did not.

Perhaps I failed in making that clear in my role. I guess it is something to learn from.

62203, RE: Because you 'thought' thats what he wanted?
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You can put anything you want into a role. And your role was very good. But, a role doesn't truly excuse the actions of the player either.

For instance...you used your hand as a major part of your rp. Maybe sleeping on that arm to put the hand to sleep while you snuck off Corrlaan or Baerinika for some help. I can't speak for everyone, but, I know when I watched, I saw you running with ap's or other evils and assisting in the deaths of other neutrals. That does not come across as you acting out your role. Unfortunately, role contests are just what is written. It doesn't have anything to do with how well you stick to your role. Going to Cyradia to try to be evil and get an evil imm's attention doesn't really say, "I am seeking help to rid myself of Zurcon's touch."

I wanted to see you pull this off. But, a role doesn't necessarily excuse an action. If that were the case, then the roles that are written so a person can kill anyone for any reason they wish would be valid.
62204, Maybe you only watched the hours he was.. uh being a zurcon follower?
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Zurcon is about Annihilation or such. Apparently he was 'acting' out that part of the role that were you were watching(see deaths?). Just because you personally didnt witness the attemps of the "squib?" doesnt mean they were not there.

I would agree that the things the character(role wise would do) would cause him not be 'neutral' align. But have a inherent 'red' aura. But the character would function its different aspects as he did all along. Doing squib/hand stuff. That should be have been noted when reading the role and an appropriate award given(maybe turned him evil and give him some other boons and let him work for his empowerement early on) rather than give him full-empowerment as the reward and shaft him later(which you arugably said in your beginning post was expected).

62206, RE: Maybe you only watched the hours he was.. uh being a zurcon follower?
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
How many evil things should a neutral do before being turned evil? The culmination is from his continuing to act. But, to bring forth his concept he would eventually have to be turned evil and in that case, you lose empowerment and have to start over.
62208, Thats kind of a one sided and psuedo arguement
Posted by Guy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With the same hand how many good things do you have to do before your turned good?
Why is there good/evil in the world of neutrals? I don't really think a true neutral would see it quite so black-white, sure its a game and those are mechanics but you can't have it one way and not the other.

IE Aiding evils and turning evil, but aiding goodies and not getting thumped with the good-align stick and de-empowered on the same thinking. Or even a certain number of either color kills = thumped with either stick. RP should be the deciding factor, I don't know what YOU saw of Gataliff but I saw both sides constantly both good and evil, sometimes she'd be off halfassedly helping me, and a little while later trying to save a few goodies from me. *shrug*
62212, To be perfectly fair to Lyristeon...
Posted by Vlad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The dudes actions were pretty much evil. I hung around him a fair bit, mostly watching and he always just struck me as evil. I even asked a god once why someone would be able to get away with that crap so much. I was told basically "We're giving him some leeway on his role". He had been given a whooooooole lot more leeway than most people would have, because he had an interesting role they wanted room to play with. That leeway will only get you so far.
62205, I also didn't get this from your role/RP FWIW (n/t)
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
62213, RE: I also didn't get this from your role/RP FWIW (n/t)
Posted by Gataliff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This was part of the reason why I wanted to Become a immortal for off peak players. So much happens during off peak time that is neither rewarded nor punished.

I do not know when you were watching me. I have read many complaints about how some players get more focus , good or bad, when playing peak time and how it is never compared to or judged against what they did in off peak times.

20 20 hind sight is a wonderful thing, there was little I could do considering that my role allowed for the players to influence which side they met most often. I was attacked more by good align than evils or neutrals. Many I would not hold a grudge against, the evils who attacked me however I really turned on hard. If I could kill them I did so and would spend a good hour chasing some of them, that was to try and counter the goodies that I killed.

Are you able to give me any more insight into your views? I am interested in them. If I am to try again I need to try and learn from my mistakes, or atleast change my playing times to 4 am so I can only play during peak times.
62217, RE: Because you 'thought' thats what he wanted?
Posted by Braemir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>>>No, you are missing something here. He got to the point of full empowerment so that he could continue with his quest to become whatever it was he was striving for. Losing empowerment was one of the steps that he was going to have to go through to accomplish it. Since he chose to go down the path of being evil and directly involving an evil imm, that was the path that he chose. Not one single prayer came from him seeking any type of healing from the evil influence.<<<<

Actually that isn't entirely true. I worked to help the gnome within Gat. I prayed for her soul at least 2 - 3 times during my interactions with her. I healed her plagues a couple of times to protect the poor gnome that was being controlled by the evil side of the character. I'm not sure if Gat herself ever saught a good Imm on her on, but she did contact me on a few occassions pleading for help, and I did what I could.

62223, RE: Because you 'thought' thats what he wanted?
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That may be true, but, they were the ones who started speaking to Cyradia when I know for a fact that Corrlaan and Baerinika are vis a whole lot more. As far as I know, no contact was attempted to either of them.
62230, The beef is.. Gataiff was not your character
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

how can you determine when things fall into place? You let your limited perspective get the better of him.
62232, RE: The beef is.. Gataiff was not your character
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, seeing how it was Cyradia who did it and I just happen to agree with her doesn't mean I didn't try to help them along. When many imms, not just one, see them doing things over and over again that are evil, the balance tips that way. And when a race is supposed to be neutral, that will get them turned evil. Help 1472 spells it out quite clearly.
62244, My shinning star. Some bards are useless. txt
Posted by Gataliff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With over 100 hour of sending tells and hanging around the fortress you were the single person who spent more than 30 seconds Role playing with me. Out of every Fortress member you were the only one who actually Rp'ed being good. The rest were all shocking beyond belief.

Telenon , send me to his god's shrine to try and seek redemption but nothing came of that. Even when I was told "My lady is waiting for you" I arrived yet there was no RP within the shrine.

Your paladin received the short and blunt and to the point view of what gataliff was. After so many tried and failed attempts I had grown tired of dropping small interesting hints and moved to direct dictation as to what my character was. I must admit, this partially ruined the role playing for me I felt like I needed to email the whole player base my role so they could understand the simplest of things about the character.

Over the last 100 hours I think I rped with 6? bards. The aim was to get them to write a missive to all about me, detailing the simple structure about my character. Each and every bard failed to actually write that missive, this really pissed me off. Pissed me off enough that I think I asked a few times for the priest edge that allows tattooed priests to write notes to all.

When you give items and money to a bard and sit there and tell them the tale of yourself and they do nothing, it annoyed me. When you send a note to a bard that has a note to send to all within it, and they dont pass it on what do you do?

Scream from the tops and be heard by everyone was what I was told at a very early stage. Do not go unnoticed. I guess there is only so much a person can do by them self.

62228, >role is no excuse to ignore alignment. Hahahaaaa lol!~
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
62243, Role and Alignment, my view on it. txt
Posted by Gataliff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think that you're perspective is not fully correct. If a duergar makes a role that he wants to become a paladin would that not make it legitimate to ignore his alignment based on his role?

Should all the maran be turned evil because they like to kill neutrals and evils alike ?

Should a neutral warrior be turned good for killing evils ?

Should a evil be turned good for only killing evils ?

Where do you draw the line for any character and their actions, that is what is always unclear and often creeps up on players who do not understand the area in which the lines fluctuate.

Gataliff without the infection, role wise, was actually more good than neutral. All she did was run from fights and help people with her prayers. One of her lust's was that she liked to watch combat, but not participate. That lust was so that she actually interacted with the player base instead of avoiding it. A healer that hates fighting and avoid it at all costs is a character that has nothing to do with the game and gets bored very very quickly.

So on one side you have a gnome that leans heavily towards good, very heavily. On the other side you have the blood of a demon-god. The god of annihilation and destruction.

The hand, the infection, that was the aggressive side of gataliff never cared for alignment or ethos or anything really. As long as you brought destruction to the realm in any form it was happy with that. Goods killing evils was just as good as evils killing goods. Hunting evils was just as good as hunting goods. I think my pk's, the few I have will display that.

The few times I grouped up with people was when the odds were against them, 1 vs 3, I would make it 2 vs 3. Two clear cased come to mind, both grouped with evil. The first I and said person were ripped apart by the group of goodies. The second time I and second person managed to kill 1 as the rest ran away. I rped pleasure under both circumstances annihilation and destruction had come. Even if I was the one being destroyed.

The player base has more evils and neutrals and this made it harder if anything to killing more goods as the hand. But I never choose a side. Anyone who wanted my prayers for a pk or a raid or a uneven fight had them. Regardless of alignment or cabal.

The only aspect role wise and action wise that I was doing that leaned me towards evil was that the hand, the infection, was the blood of a DEMON-god. Evil in substance.

I really do hope that was the main factor for turning me evil. I would be vastly disappointed if I was turned evil because I grouped with a few evils, or killed a few goods.
62245, RE: Role and Alignment, my view on it. txt
Posted by Braemir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>>>If a duergar makes a role that he wants to become a paladin would that not make it legitimate to ignore his alignment based on his role?<<<

The duergar would need to play that alignment he seeks to become. However, moving from his natural Evil state because of his race will have drawbacks. Losing specializations, etc. He wouldn't be ignoring his alignment, but betraying (or redemming) his typical racial's nature will have dire consquences.

>>>Should all the maran be turned evil because they like to kill neutrals and evils alike ?<<<

You haven't played a Maran I take it. Part of the thing with Marans is warding against bloodlust and becoming that which they fight. Hence one of the jobs of an Acolyte. To ensure the Marans do not become lost to the shadow. If a Maran did act this way IC, then they would certainly find themselves hunted by other Marans.

>>>Should a neutral warrior be turned good for killing evils ?<<<

It takes more then that to become good. Good isn't always about what you fight, but why. How you act, and carry yourself. Good is the hard route, where evil is the easy route. Its about morals. While some might argue that good and evil is not just black and white, that there is a lot of grey, there is also a lot that isn't.

>>>Should a evil be turned good for only killing evils ?<<<

Why? What motivates him to do this? Does he take joy in slaughtering those weaker then them, prefering to pray on the wicked instead of the righteous? Its all about motivation, and then the excuting of such motivations.

>>>Gataliff without the infection, role wise, was actually more good than neutral. All she did was run from fights and help people with her prayers. One of her lust's was that she liked to watch combat, but not participate. That lust was so that she actually interacted with the player base instead of avoiding it. A healer that hates fighting and avoid it at all costs is a character that has nothing to do with the game and gets bored very very quickly. <<<

So you say. But why did you do this? Its one thing to help another with your healing abilities because it is right, and another to do it for more personal selfish reasons. To prolong combat? To see that a fight continues on? That does not sound like a good action, but not really an evil one either. More of a self-interest.

>>>So on one side you have a gnome that leans heavily towards good, very heavily. On the other side you have the blood of a demon-god. The god of annihilation and destruction.<<<

I have not read where you lean heavily towards good, nor in my encounters did you ever convey that. You seemed like a gnome who had a dark spirit controlling you. You seemed very neutral with an evil counterpart to me.

>>>The hand, the infection, that was the aggressive side of gataliff never cared for alignment or ethos or anything really. As long as you brought destruction to the realm in any form it was happy with that. Goods killing evils was just as good as evils killing goods. Hunting evils was just as good as hunting goods. I think my pk's, the few I have will display that.<<<

Sounds like an evil motivation to me.

>>>The few times I grouped up with people was when the odds were against them, 1 vs 3, I would make it 2 vs 3. Two clear cased come to mind, both grouped with evil. The first I and said person were ripped apart by the group of goodies. The second time I and second person managed to kill 1 as the rest ran away. I rped pleasure under both circumstances annihilation and destruction had come. Even if I was the one being destroyed.<<<

At first you could be precived as being neutral, and looking to make things fair and balanced. However later in this paragraph your motivation certainly shows a more dark reason. One that is evil.

>>>>The player base has more evils and neutrals and this made it harder if anything to killing more goods as the hand. But I never choose a side. Anyone who wanted my prayers for a pk or a raid or a uneven fight had them. Regardless of alignment or cabal.
The only aspect role wise and action wise that I was doing that leaned me towards evil was that the hand, the infection, was the blood of a DEMON-god. Evil in substance.
I really do hope that was the main factor for turning me evil. I would be vastly disappointed if I was turned evil because I grouped with a few evils, or killed a few goods<<<

No, pretty much your actions and motivations turned you evil from all that I have read that you have provided. And judging by our conversations, when the "hand" had control, it was evil, and the gnome, just a lost little girl needing help.
62263, Your comments, stxt
Posted by Gataliff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had not thought about the good side of it as heavily as the evil side of the role. Gataliff's good side started off just fine, but then the fortress started to attack me relentlessly after the role contest. I was still neutral at this time and the fortress people I had leveled with all started to ignore me or keep away from me, the others just attacked me.

It went down hill after that, I suppose I should have shelfed the character for 6 months and waited for that batch to have died away so I could have started up again. My role allowed for the players of the game to influence the character heavily. The good pushed me evil, that was the end result and i do not really have a problem with that.

The only semi confusion I had was a crossing of role & rp against the mechanics of the game. With the demon blood of zurcon being the empoweree of gataliff, why would turning evil loose empowerment? But this is a question I will ask later when I have more time to construct a reasonable question for the staff.

62247, I don't think you understand the alignment system at all.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No offense. It's not a war of good guys with white hats and bad guys with black hats.
62262, None taken, I am interested in your description however...
Posted by Gataliff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you are able to extrapolate on your previous post I would be interested so that my next does not run into a similar problem. Obviously I need some more insight into the good side of things, as it seems I have it down pat the evil side of things.
62323, RE: None taken, I am interested in your description however...
Posted by Whitehat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Try going to church, and talking to social workers. Really.
62395, Serious? txt
Posted by gataliff on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What insight am I supposed to get from that ?