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Topic subject(DELETED) [FORTRESS] Marbeliel the High Wizard of the Arcane, Initiate of the Jaguar
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=62162
62162, (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Marbeliel the High Wizard of the Arcane, Initiate of the Jaguar
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Sep 26 23:25:05 2007

At 1 o'clock AM, Day of the Great Gods, 5th of the Month of the Winter Wolf
on the Theran calendar Marbeliel perished, never to return.
Cabal:FORTRESS, the Fortress of Light
62626, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Marbeliel the High Wizard of the Arcane, Initiate of the Jaguar
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Never got to face you with any of my chars. To bad, heard tons about you. Though a bit glad that I never met you and Nhieriva at the same time...
62367, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Marbeliel the High Wizard of the Arcane, Initiate of the Jaguar
Posted by Linaeren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You did not come across as good aligned to me. So I enjoyed trying to push you to see if I could get you to cross the line like I knew you wanted to do. Also, for someone who is so loot/sac happy, you sure whine a lot when you get partially looted.
62321, One of the rare veterans in Fort .txt
Posted by Lyriana on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Always good to have veterans around, I don't remember how many times I've had to tell people to simply stay alive. You were pissy about me calling you Marb instead of Marbeliel but I figured that was the snotty elf RP. If you're Graatch then you've played Brordoran too, who was all in all a nice-guy type, so I suppose it is the RP and not your own attitude.

About the lack of IMM attention, I've got the same problem with some of my chars, who were no less competent and well played out in my opinion, but I guess all the IMMteractions are beyond the control of us players. I tend to play assuming that I won't get any IMM-loving, and I find it's quite a good policy to have, since what you don't expect won't disappoint you.

I don't know if you liked Lyriana or not, but I'll quite safely say I'm not a newbie by a long shot, but probably nowhere near a true elite player either in PK or game knowledge. The last powerhouse elf tranny in Fort was Alatriel I think. I hope to see another Enarn in this char's life.
62249, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Marbeliel the High Wizard of the Arcane, Initiate of the Jaguar
Posted by Marbeliel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was a fair bit of fun. Wanted to see how hard it would be to find a/b/s sources, not knowing a single one before. Wanted to hero a muter and see what that was like - and personally I think it makes sense that they shouldn't be able to eat and drink while duo, but I disagree with the change that they can't use wands while flat, it makes neither logical sense, and it hampers the mage more than it should.

Some people were funny, some were foolish, others downright impressive, and finally a few that were assclowns. If you want to know which class you were in, feel free to post and ask. Otherwise, does it really matter now?

Happy to discuss anything anyone wants that arose out of our interactions. Post and ask and I'll wax rhapsodic to your heart's content. One thing to note though is that as a muter, a muter who hunts a lot, it's hard to make a lot of connections and relationships, because you're in duo, alone, much of the time.

A few do stand out just from the time we spent together:

Niheriva, nobody said how you should behave, or interpret the code. You want to be Mr. Never Break The Law Paladin? You Da Man. But you were wrong, plain and simple, to say that the code "plainly said" what you claimed. The code is printed for everyone. We can all quote it. You quoted it wrong - way wrong, obviously - and got called on that and that alone. Your response ticked me and a bunch of others off. Otherwise, I thought you were terrific.

Braemir, always solid, always consistent, nothing but good things to say about you.

Fobrin, I had a similar-ish character a very long time ago, with similar mannerisms, though a bit more absent minded and academic, than you. I like what you're doing. I'm sure I'll be seeing logs of you kicking a lot of ass soon enough.

Pesawwkt, glad to see you got back in. You deserved it. One piece of advice: I know you're playing an arial, but I get the feeling the rushing in before thinking and getting everyone into trouble is more the player's impatience than a roleplaying choice. You might consider working on that. If I'm mistaken and it really is your roleplay, then so be it.

Rezmar, you have a bit of Pesawwkt disease, though not as pronounced. :P I like your char, and like that you are almost always willing to just do whatever, going with the flow. Playing a ranger is difficult if you want to rack up kills, especially when most of your enemies are found outside wilderness. I know, I've tried. But I have hope you will find your stride. Don't be hard on yourself.

That's it for now, I'm tired. Just spent three days in Oklahoma and on the way back tonight we sat on the runway for three hours before taking off. Time for some bourbon.
62252, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Marbeliel the High Wizard of the Arcane, Initiate of the Jaguar
Posted by Ilmdrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Guess I got you more then you got me, man do I love hide. In a straight up fight with you completely prepared you would rip me to shreds and I tried to never let that happen. I also enjoyed the interactions till you started to let dieing affect your conversations, then I tried to just cut it off, but you would hit me with tells then duo and no reply. Oh well, good job
62280, You went ahead and played the victim card so you might as well tell us who the actual victim is..
Posted by Kads on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I for one want to know if marbeliel was just a character with a #### role that made him so unlikeable. Or perhaps was the players personality shining through? So who the hell are you?
62334, Didn't Valg say it was Graatch? nt
Posted by Vlad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
62609, Couldn't be. Graatch quit forever~
Posted by Enbuergo1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
62298, Much flaming deleted.
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Graatch, we've been down this road too many times, so I just went ahead and updated your ban.

Guy, you spent a lot of effort perpetuating and prolonging that flame-fest. Find other ways to spend your time, because we've had this conversation a few times now.

General reminder: We allow anonymous posting on this forum so that you don't have to tip off active characters. It's not so you can be a bigger jackass than you'd be on a different forum, and every time you pick a new name doesn't count as "starting over".

62239, sad
Posted by Pesawwkt on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
sure do wish you had stuck around some.
Fights have been fast and furious these days, a bit lop-sided, but fun never the less.
I enjoyed out interactions.
62250, RE: sad
Posted by Marbeliel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As did I. See my post above. And thanks.
62234, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Marbeliel the High Wizard of the Arcane, Initiate of the Jaguar
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As I could tell from your role, things didn't go 100% according to plan for you. Hope you enjoyed the experience, though, and hope to see you in the Fort again.
62248, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Marbeliel the High Wizard of the Arcane, Initiate of the Jaguar
Posted by Marbeliel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pity you were neither so prompt nor responsive in game as you are here. I prayed for you often, both in and out of your shrine. I sent you notes. I looked for you at different times. But in almost three hundred hours you spoke to me exactly twice, and neither was really any good. The first time, in your shrine, after what, 175 hours?, you spoke with me for all of four minutes, and you spoke about ten sentences, ending with a "now that I have spoken to you, I'll watch you" or something to that effect.

Fast forward another 150 hours or so and you in fact never did speak to me again about your religion, the jaguars, anything at all that you said you would. The one and only time you ever did speak to me was when, after I prayed for you and Corrlaan to talk about being a maran, you just appeared to me and two others in the fortress, maran'd me with literally two sentences, then wizi'd and left before anyone could say anything. Nothing else. Ever. And it's not that you weren't around, you were talking to people, interacting with them, in either of your two personas, as I was told by and saw in other characters. You were deliberately giving me the silent treatment.

Why? One possible (and seemingly likely) explanation was a dislike of the player, though I have no idea why. Otherwise, if you had an ic problem with the character, why would you not say so? You had told the character you were going to be watching, and you gave the string title of initiate of the jaguar, so why wouldn't you actually say if there was a problem with how he was living, as a follower, over the course of another 150 hours and a month or so real time? Seems to me there was no problem with the character as far as being a follower, leaving me with the only reason that you just didn't want to deal with me. Which if so is just unprofessional and, frankly, ass.

You are asking for followers, you had one who was good enough for you to maran and who certainly did enough to warrant at least a conversation. But nothing.

And the little petty meanness that indicates your personal problems winning over good imm'ing? Never once did you give even a single bit of imm experience. Not even 1 xp. After our first talk, nothing. After you maran'd me, nothing. Whenever you may have watched (if ever you did), nothing. Again, why? You have given xp for most people when you talk to them, maran them or tattoo them or otherwise interact with them (according to the pbfs over the last year or so), so it seems unlikely you forgot, always, with me. Not saying you should be giving 2k exp just for saying hello, but how about 100xp? 1xp? Something. Anything. Just to show things actually happened. That's the system now, as you well know, and there's no good reason why you would not do so even a little after these rp interactions, such that they were.

In the end, praying regularly, dedicating corpses of enemies (it's a hunting religion, right?), coming to your shrine, speaking to other characters about the teachings of the jaguar, becoming a maran, sending you several notes ic (to which you never, ever, responded), all resulted in one five minute interaction and one non-conversation maran'ing that was totally unrelated to the religion.

All of this, let us not forget, even though you had read and approved, with an honorable mention, the role, but never actually did anything ic with it, which obviously referenced you.

The fun of the character was separate from the void of responses or interaction from you, and the deletion had little if anything to do with you. I write only because of the gall you had in posting here, and acting as though you had any involvement in the character or had done even a fraction of what you should have.
62256, Wow. You might dial the sense of entitlement down about 100 notches. (n/t)
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
62257, Ok, also some actual Marbeliel commentary from me:
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was always puzzled by you, because I couldn't remember another good-aligned character in the last several years that was as immediately unlikeable that wasn't played by Gherian. Not that he was a 'bad goodie' exactly or anything like that, but more that he was a huuuuuge abrasive jackass to characters who otherwise should like him, e.g. the rest of Fort and other goods. He felt like the kind of guy who would give bread to a starving man, but probably would stop to piss all over the bread first -- benevolence of a sort with a decidedly jackass twist.

I always assumed that this was on purpose even though I couldn't really find anything in your role to back it, because I just couldn't imagine any player going that far into 'let's piss off my friends' country by mistake.

Reading the whole of this thread, I honestly don't know. Maybe that's just you and I gave you too much credit. I really hope not, because mechanically Marbeliel was fairly well executed and I'd hope for some cool-ass characters from a player of that calibre.
62258, Disclaimer:
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nothing against Gherian. He just has a talent for playing gruff/abrasive/curmudgeonly non-evil-aligned characters beyond that of most.
62268, Agreed
Posted by Irish_MMA on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let me just agree and basically echo with everything that was just said. From day one as Thelnorn, I wanted to bash this character's face in. I wasn't sure if they were going for snotty elf RP and failing, playing the hardened elf or just flat out being a douche. As time went it fell towers the last one. It was weird too because I knew this player knew what they were doing, so they weren't knew. I also began to think Graatch had gone back to be an annoying player again (No offense meant there Graatch, you've gotten a ton better from what I see compared to like five years ago), because that's how much this character was being a jackass. I was a fellow fort member and there were days I prayed that I was a fire giant and just beat Marbeliel's face in. I tried to shrug it off that it was part of your RP, but every time I saw you in login and had to listen to you/interact with you/hear about you, I was praying you died and got an attitude adjustment the whole damn time.
62363, That's one of the problems with mixed signals.
Posted by DC_Lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I never met this char and I don't really play much anymore (mostly just troll the forums), but this, in my opinion, can all be drawn back to Karithia. A lot of people back around that time didn't think that sort of "back handed good" should be rewarded, and its led to a string of irritating and abrasive characters that, while possibly RP'd "ok", are incredibly frustrating to deal with when you're good aligned and have no means of retaliating against the string of insults.

Now, I'm not trying to drudge up the past but I think the take away lesson for me is that we should strongly discourage this type of "roleplaying" where in its basically just players abusing the fact that other good aligned people cannot retaliate against your rudeness.

I don't like characters rolled specifically to grief their allies.
62378, Big Difference
Posted by KarithiaBero on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not sure you really had any real relationship with Karithia, nor knew her role. There was a reason why I acted like I did. Those who were close to Karithia could tell you I was totally different once you earned her trust and friendship. I did not play Karithia to be an ass because I could get away with it with no worry of a good attacking me, etc. If you new everything I did, you'd change your mind about Karithia. Her exterior posture to those she did not know well was meant to be cold. It was for their own safety. Its the reason why I never took an apprentice. For their safety as well.
62383, RE: Big Difference
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, I interacted with Karithia quite a bit with various Warlocks and Marans and it was always a distinct displeasure. You may have had some secret "coolness" that was never evident to me but that's sort of moot isn't it? To everyone outside the cadre of people you RP'd that aspect of your role with you were pretty much just an RP griefer.

I don't think all goodies should fit into one mold but I also don't like characters who are intentionally frustrating to deal with as a goodie ally. Just because you RP'd with a handful of people doesn't make it any less frustrating for everyone else. In fact, the elitism aspect of it just reinforces my opinion.

Edit: Addition

And in this particular case its the same thing. The only difference is instead of it being "edgy", the imms considered it "two-faced". Its a fine line I suppose and one that in its best case only appeals to a select few individuals while being frustrating for everyone else.
62386, RE: Big Difference
Posted by KarithiaBero on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That could mean that you were unable to pierce the barrier I had around the character. While I am pretty sure there are things I could have done better, I'm sure the same could be said for others. How many would just write things off and then avoid the character instead of learning more about them (just a general statement)?

The thing is, to call anyone's RP poor, elitist, griefing isn't always a fair assessment on someone. Too many people out there believe X should always act like X, and that Y is always wrong. There are tons and tons of people out there who believe their RP is correct. (again, just more general statements)

If you get turned off right away by someone's demeanor towards your own character and disagree with the way they handle themselves without further learning about the character, then that falls upon each individual. Sure things do happen based on first impressions and all that jazz.

But how many times in real life have you thought someone a jerk or ass, and as time went on and you got to know them, found them to be a very good, reliable person?

If someone isn't going to try to get past obstacles and will instead look right away for someone who's actions and persona match their owns, you cannot fairly call the one you do not see eye to eye with as an elitist. It takes both sides to act. Sometimes a difficult encounter can be richer then an easy encounter

I could go into all that was Karithia, her role, her actions many did not see, her change as events unfolded, and the countless good things she did, but that won't change your opinion or others.

Just keep in mind, when you label someone as X, make sure they really aren't Y by you putting forth effort to see if there is more to a person then meets the eye.

And as an aside, I'll just say again. There are a lot of things I could have done better, but no one is perfect.
62444, This post annoyed me.
Posted by Odrirg on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just keep in mind, when you label someone as X, make sure they really aren't Y by you putting forth effort to see if there is more to a person then meets the eye.

I agree. If this is a co-worker. Or a friend of a friend or spouse. Or a classmate. Or someone IRL.

I DON'T agree IC.

I'll say it a million more times, cf is a *GAME* damnit.

Yes. I could think up a really cool role that would require me to be an utter ass to everyone for 3 months real time, then turn into the coolest friend out there.

Then I *COULD* say that those who didn't put up with those 3 months of assholish rp to get to the "inside" rp was their own fault. It is THEIR fault, not mine, that they thought I was an asshole.


It's a game. If you don't want to play a character that other people will have fun interacting with, fine. But don't put on airs and say that other people didn't have fun interacting with you because of some failing of THEIRS. It was your choice.

It's a GAME.

If someone doesn't have fun rping with you, why SHOULD they spend time not having fun on the off chance that they might, someday, at some time to be determined by YOU, see something different in your rp that might make it fun?

I've played characters that other players didn't like. I had fun with them. So I don't say every goodie must be good friends, or even likeable.

but when I had unlikeable characters, I didn't blame anyone but myself when people didn't like my characters.

You just had a post that blamed everyone for not putting up with your carp long enough to find out just how cool you were.

Utterly and completely disgusting. In my opinion.

What I find funny, is that this kind of "I'm a jerk to all, except a few people who have taken the time to get to know me" role is far more common amung goodies than baddies, in my experience.

Why? because ic, goodies may just well *HAVE* to deal with you, nomatter how unlikeable you are.

I feel there are quite a few people out there who actually take advantage of this.

Karithia might have had the most interesting role in history. And might have been cool to those who were willing to not have fun long enough for you to decide to be cool to them. But it wasn't the fault of those not willing to put up with you that long for not getting to know you. It was your fault for not making it fun enough for them. It was your fault for driving them away.

But I've always put Karithia's player in that group of people who intentionally were taking advantage of the ic limitations of other goodies for the purpose of getting away with being more abrasive than you could get away with as an evil.

I might be wrong. I doubt it, but I might be.
62446, RE: This post annoyed me.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I agree with you, in the sense that you never could play an 'evil Karithia' unless you were the biggest badass to ever play the game, and maybe not even then. Other evils just wouldn't put up with your #### unless the benefits of having you as a friend somehow that outweighed the pain of it.

That being said, I don't think Karithia set out to do that on purpose, exactly. Set out to make a character that was kind of a ####, definitely, but picked good to exploit that angle... that I don't see.

To keep this in the realm of on topic, I don't think Marbeliel set out to do that, either.
62519, RE: Big Difference
Posted by DC - Lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While I appreciate you're trying to defend against what you feel is a slight against your character you're entirely missing the point. I'm a goodie, I have to interact with cabalmates, I cannot attack them, etc. When they act like a jerk to me, there's little incentive for me to beat my head against the wall trying to get to know them and I have no recourse like I would as say, a Scion.

Now I'm sure from your perspective, as the "griefer" in question, its perfectly legit. I'm just saying that personally, it annoys me as a goodie. Nepenthe pretty much is stating the same thing in regards to this character. So I suppose there's a pretty fine line.

I have never met someone I thought was a total ass who turned out to be a decent person, personally. Mostly because when they act like a total ass, I don't associate with them anymore.
62490, I interacted with Karithia with a couple of characters.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked her quite a bit. She was actually VERY nice to my retarded storm giant, Rasendedum.
62384, You were a big softy to my drow shifter warlock. n/t
Posted by Lightmaged on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
62267, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Marbeliel the High Wizard of the Arcane, Initiate of the Jaguar
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I watched you quite a bit, honestly, even if I didn't have a chance to interact with you much. Our first interaction was rather bland, and I got the impression from you that you wanted me to RP at you and then tattoo you, which isn't so much how I work. Baer is a guide, she respects people who think on their own and she tries to guide those ideas for the light. You were, above all, incredibly two faced in your dealings with her and the rest of the Fortress. Baerinika believes strongly in the spirit of the light, in team work and support. You didn't impress me much in the beginning, you picked it up later, which was why you got Maran'd, and I was going to watch to see what you did with my advice, which you obviously ignored.

I feel (And I've said this in the past) that Maran itself is a reward, and doesn't deserve xp with it. If I give you a title, chances are I'm not going to also give xp with it.

Frankly, I think you overestimate your worth. Other imms made comments to me about how whiny your role was. I'm not sure why role chapters complaining about me are meant to endear me to you. They don't. I'm not sure what you expected me to do with your role, either. Apologize? That isn't in Baer.

And honestly I don't have any idea who you are, but if you think that I would "wrongly" be automatically prejudiced against you and the characters you make, that tells me I probably would have a reason based on probably stupid things you've done in the past.

Either way, good luck with your next, and I'm sorry that I wasn't the imm you wanted me to be. I'd say I hope to see you around my shrines again with another effort, but in all honesty I really don't. I do hope the next imm you try to get interaction and a tattoo from fits your ideal better.
62272, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Marbeliel the High Wizard of the Arcane, Initiate of the Jaguar
Posted by Marbeliel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You make all sorts of assumptions, and sadly most are wrong.

But perhaps you should read what you wrote here. The first interaction was bland? Maybe because you did nothing? It takes two to tango. What does "RP at you" even mean? I came, asked to talk with you, you remained silence, and so I spoke more. You nodded once with the emote to continue. So I did. You want a conversation to be more interesting, how about actually participating in it?

And how can you sit there and type that you got the impression I wanted a tattoo right there, when I specifically said otherwise in that very same "conversation"? I said I was there to talk about life as a jaguar, and to hopefully one day _later_ be found worthy. And if, as you say, you were not impressed early on with the spirit of the light, team work and support, why when in your eyes he "picked it up later" did you not do anything religion-wise, and go with maran'ing, which is separate? Your comments just don't jibe.

It's funny you mention the team work and support. Frankly it's shocking you would suggest he wasn't good at that, considering every single player who actually spent time with him said otherwise. Every raid defense, which was usually with out of range lowbies coming for the scepter or codex, had Marbeliel coming back to help, to slow down the healers and paladins, and do whatever else would help. All without people asking. Just doing it, knowing what they would want before they even knew it. Ask around, how many times would someone say "slow me" and I had already done so the tick before. You wanted to find fault, so you did, whether justified or no. And so again I say, why?

As for maran'ing, if you say so, I'll believe you, but strangely just five minutes looking at pbfs shows marans getting xp when made maran, with you being a person who commented elsewhere in their pbfs. Olaf, 2k. Phryxal, 2k. Marigue, 2k, Garrakor, 2k. Soleric, as Acolyte, 1k. Granted, these were by "An Immortal" so if you want to say that not one of them was you, I can't dispute that. But it seems unlikely, as you are the primary imm for the maran side of the fortress, and you wrote about most of these characters in their pbfs, as one of your personas.

Bottom line? You, the staff, actively go out and ask people to play the game. You, individually, have put yourself out as active, and want people to follow you and interact with you, and you are saying "let's have fun together playing this game, I'm around, let's do it." Someone - who you claim you didn't know - did exactly that. And despite almost 300 hours of regular prayers, notes, corpse-making in your name (it's a hunter religion, no?), etc., you were almost entirely silent. Don't you think it would be better if you at least once or twice took up a bit of responsibility to the players you have taken you up on your offer to play the game with you and did something to indicate you were even paying attention at all? Hell, a note to say "I don't like you, stop praying for me" would at least let someone know what was going on. But total silence is just the worst of all possible options. And by the way, considering he hunted well, killed a fair bit for a muter, and generally fulfilled the things your helpfile says you expect, I'm still curious what the goddess was waiting for. Not you the player mind you, but Baer and the religion.

In any event, you can have the last word if you wish, I'll not take up more of the death thread with this offshoot.
62277, XP for Maran'ing
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>As for maran'ing, if you say so, I'll believe you, but
>strangely just five minutes looking at pbfs shows marans
>getting xp when made maran, with you being a person who
>commented elsewhere in their pbfs. Olaf, 2k. Phryxal, 2k.
>Marigue, 2k, Garrakor, 2k. Soleric, as Acolyte, 1k. Granted,
>these were by "An Immortal" so if you want to say that not one
>of them was you, I can't dispute that. But it seems unlikely,
>as you are the primary imm for the maran side of the fortress,
>and you wrote about most of these characters in their pbfs, as
>one of your personas.

I took the liberty of checking through the old logs, and every single one of those was Corrlaan, so you're wrong.

62278, RE: (DELETED) [FORTRESS] Marbeliel the High Wizard of the Arcane, Initiate of the Jaguar
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>It's funny you mention the team work and support. Frankly
>it's shocking you would suggest he wasn't good at that,
>considering every single player who actually spent time with
>him said otherwise.

Part of teamwork, honestly, is being likeable.

Marbeliel was clearly competent, but most days I wouldn't have wanted to play Fortress with him. Think about the enormity of that: I wouldn't have wanted to play with a competent transmuter teammate because I would have found him that unpleasant to be around.

I'm sure you can do a lot better in that respect; I really felt like you just didn't want to. That's fine, but understand that other players are entitled to react to that as well.
62287, Mind if I ask what he did that was so abrasive?
Posted by Vlad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm just curious, because I spent what I consider a fair bit of my time with him and I can't think of one time he rubbed me the wrong way. He was a little curt sometimes with things he said, but I never considered him rude or unpleasant.
62295, RE: Mind if I ask what he did that was so abrasive?
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mostly the curtness and clear disdain/disrespect for most of his allies. I mean, okay, it's Fortress and a certain amount of that player-wise is natural if you're decent, but I hate to see it come across that much in a character that it doesn't seem to fit.

I don't claim to speak for everyone there; it's just something that I personally would not have fun dealing with as a Fortress character. I'd rather go do something else.
62285, Just a couple of things.
Posted by Vlad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked the character a fair bit actually, so I'm going to work hard to keep this from degenerating into something it shouldn't be.

1. I don't think I've ever gotten xp for being made a Maran, and I've probably had more Maran than most people have had characters total. I don't think it's any kind of conspiracy or anything, but take it for what it's worth.

2. Baer is, and I am gritting my teeth while I say this (partly in embarassment) a really hard working imm. She made a few (what I consider, YMMV) faux pas in the beginning that really made me shake my head, and I utterly despised the character she heroimm'd with, but I have to say (and I will leave personalities and OOC bickering out of this) she is one of the hardest working RP staffers we have. I'd say the MOST active currently, and thats a really good thing. I'm sorry your interactions with her weren't what you were looking for, but I have to say when it comes to the amount of time and effort she puts into the game, especially from the RP side of things I can't find any fault in the amount of her effort. I doubt we'll ever hang out and knock back beers, but I can't honestly say now that she's been doing things as long and as consistently well as she has, that I can find much fault in her effort as an imm. Take it for what you will, but it's not like I'm exactly biased towards saying good things about her, and I'm loathe to admit when I may have been wrong about someone, so when I do both then you might want to pay attention.
62292, RE: Just a couple of things.
Posted by Marbeliel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I knew all that, and agreed, which is why when events unfolded I had to look for a reason she behaved so contrary to her normal reputation.

I've yet to be convinced it was an ic issue. She was around. She spoke with lots of people. The fact that she couldn't even trouble herself to respond to any of several notes just says she was deliberately choosing to ignore this character. For no valid religion-based reason - religion being the reason Marbeliel sought her out.

Like I said before, I had no way to dispute her claim not to xp on maranation, and there were several who did get it in just a cursory review of pbfs over the last few months. Zulgh now says they were Corrlaan, so there you have it. That doesn't change the other comments I mentioned.

In any event, I don't know who you were but I'm glad at least someone who obviously feels contrary to what some are now posting has chimed in. I'd be interested to hear what people (like you say you were) who actually spent time with Marbeleil have to say. Rezmar, Pesawwkt, Braemir, Fobrin, etc.
62296, I wasn't any of the characters you named.
Posted by Vlad on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But since I'm still active I can't really give my thoughts as the character since it would be pretty clear who I play then. I will say though we spent a fair bit of time together (Probably better than 30 hours or so of the characters life) and I can't honestly say I was even once put off by the way he acted. He was a little standoffish with certain others, but I just took that as a combination of elven haughtiness and irritation with people who were clearly inferior in their skill level, that you're forced to deal with in the Fort.
62309, RE: Just a couple of things.
Posted by Fobrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>In any event, I don't know who you were but I'm glad at least
>someone who obviously feels contrary to what some are now
>posting has chimed in. I'd be interested to hear what people
>(like you say you were) who actually spent time with Marbeleil
>have to say. Rezmar, Pesawwkt, Braemir, Fobrin, etc.

I really liked Marbeliel. It was obvious you were a vet, and knew your stuff. One particular instance when I screwed up (picking up the Eagle Inscribed staff) you were very understanding, assuring me it was no big deal.

That said, I did get a vibe that you could tell who was a vet and who wasn't, and those that weren't had a much shorter rope with you. I even mentioned it to you, once - I'm sure you remember the time - via a tell, and later you said you were glad I'd pointed it out. Actually after that you seemed much more easy going with those in the Fortress that were obvious new players.

I have a hard time believing/understanding that you deleted simply because you didn't get a tattoo or whatever from Baerinika. I mean you got made a Maran (despite the brusque manner that several noticed), you were becoming a leader (which might have translated into a mortal leader spot, who knows?), and things seemed to be going well.

But when I logged in that night and you were a ghost and folks hadn't managed to grab your stuff, I knew things weren't good. Then you wouldn't answer me beyond "a lucky assassinate" I knew things were bad. Then when you quit out (with the Ebony Scepter! WTF man!?!) I was pretty sure you were done.

Honestly was it *just* because of no tat? Or did the "Fort blues" start to sink in, too?

Anyways again I liked your char, it's too bad you deleted, good luck with the next!
62314, RE: Just a couple of things.
Posted by Braemir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ok, the good and the bad.

At first, I really got annoyed with Marbeliel, especially OOC. Mostly due back to the one time back when we were attacking Empire, and I got eye jabbed and lost in the Imperial Lands. I just recently hit hero, and I didn't really have many preps ready, and not all that great at movement when I generally blind. You came off very rude about the situation, especially considering I stayed there to make sure you survived. You probably figured I was just another newb fortress person. I was just having a rough day. (ended up pked 3 - 4 times, and full looted twice in that one day).

But as time went on, I suspected I earned your respect. In in turn, you earned mine. You became a steadfast companion, someone I could always rely on. You became one of my better friends in game. I'm not sure if your early actions was how you wanted to portray your character or your actual persona slipping through. Though at times, I saw you get snappy and I could do nothing but shake my head.

I certainly believed you to be a capable fighter and deserved to be a Maran for the most part.

As far as Immeractions are concerned, outside of Corrlaan, I'm pretty sure I didn't get any from any other imms (at least none that I am aware of). Also when you got your Maran, Baer didn't stick around long, mostly because she wanted to discuss me becoming an Immortal. I'm sure that was on her plate for the evening.

Bottom line though. I liked Marbeliel. We all have our various short comings, and it is something people have to look past at times. I mean how many of us have a friend we'd punch for being an ass, but still is our good friend. I know I do.
62349, RE: Just a couple of things.
Posted by odrirgsguesting on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always enjoyed your work. You are right. You always came and helped without having to be asked.

However. I'd say that's expected. A soldier doesn't get a medal of Valor for just doing his job.

Now on to some other things...

I personally had a strong suspicion this was either graatch or 2 other players.

Having played Sehvoor to your Loborguz, as well as a number of other foes and allies of your past characters, you have me of two vastly different and diametrically opposed viewpoints.

You are really good at roleplaying. And when you roleplay a likeable role, you are likable.

But it seems that you often go out of your way to choose roles that are seriously unlikeable.

Not only that. but roles that just about typify the term "elitist"

You've played a number of characters that were just flat out Assholes to those you thought were played by players below your skill level.

This is your biggest problem, I think, in your characters.

This is you, the player, making your character IC act differently towards others based on your opinion of their player, ooc.

I've witnessed this on both sides, as I have a penchant for playing roles and pretending to be newbieish myself.

In the past, I've had a character who was strong be friendly with one of your characters, and the next character...who was somewhat of a simpleton...treated like utter trash by the same character you were playing. And not for any role related reasons, having a good idea of your role from interacting with you.

Also. I often HATE to echo Nep. but a whole lot of your posts on the forum would look to any outsider to be someone with a HUGE sense of entitlement. This bleeds over into your characters, I feel, unless you go out of your way to keep it from doing so.

That I know for a fact that you are VERY capable of keeping this sort of thing out of your IC characters, makes me more dissapointed when it does creep in. Which seems to be more often than not. Though I might be mistaken.
62276, Maran as a reward
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I feel (And I've said this in the past) that Maran itself is a
>reward, and doesn't deserve xp with it. If I give you a
>title, chances are I'm not going to also give xp with it.

I agree with this 100%, and it is exactly the same way I treat the various levels of the Empire. The place where this makes a potential difference, is when I pick someone in the cabal to snoop for a bit and watch, I'll usually start at the top and work my way down.
62300, heh
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You are not the first nor the last player who was ignored(or it was just looking that way from player perspective) by Baerinika :P I was ignored by her too.
62233, Not going to post goodbyes? nt
Posted by That Guy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
62167, Sigh.
Posted by Lyeden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wish I knew what was bugging you so much before you suicided--and sorry if we were all simply frustrating you. Thanks for the help you've given and things you've showed me. Sucks to see you go, you were pretty encouraging to the Fortress and helpful as well.

62251, RE: Sigh.
Posted by Marbeliel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Happy to help. I hope the places and things I showed you make your play more fun and allow you to do things better.

I had a very hard time figuring you out. Obviously either a bit of a newbie, or someone roleplaying a newbie, meaning you don't remember things from past characters, like where to find a staff to wield. Either way, you certainly improved over time, both at defending and at traveling.

I suspect once or twice I was brusque with you when you made mistakes trying to keep the maran outer guard alive, and I was trying to explain what to do while they were still attacking. For that, I apologize, but I hope you understood and learned from it.

Good luck.
62259, RE: Sigh.
Posted by Lyeden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First character here, so yeah, something of a newbie, both to CF and roleplaying. Annnd...considering the first time we were raided after I joined the fort I couldn't even find my way from the halls of light or whatever to the outer maran, yeah, I think I've made some progress at least :P Also, I learned a good bit from you (the staves things was invaluable), though my performance in certain situations, i.e. PK, is still pretty abysmal. But hey, I learn something new with each death, at least. And don't worry about the brusque thing.