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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Ajoul the Hand of the Unseen, Galadon Kingpin
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=6183
6183, (DEL) Ajoul the Hand of the Unseen, Galadon Kingpin
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thu May 2 06:22:58 2002

1 o''clock AM, Day of the Great Gods, 19th of the Month of the Battle on the Theran calendar Ajoul perished, never to return.

Cabal:None, None
PK Ratio:66% (closer to 100% is better)

6184, Goodbye, long, sorry i couldnt make it any shorter
Posted by Ajoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was a nice run i think, even though i didnt PK as much as i could have. It was fun anyway. I have been playing CF for a bit under a year. My first mud ever. Basically I am a NEWBIE, yes a NEWBIE! Basically I rolled Ajoul because of this:

You walk out of your guild - "A sudden pain erupts through your skull."
You go to get regeared - "A sudden pain erupts through your skull."
You rank and sleep - "A sudden pain erupts through your skull."
Walk out of the inn - "A sudden pain erupts through your skull."

I deleted partially because i died like a dumbass. First time to Yodifrid and Sahannara. Should stabbed Yod but i dont know what i was thinking, bad judgement and bad timing i suppose. I got all my gear back except for the stuff that crumbled because I hadn't died in so long that it was overlimit. Second death was to Shrikas/Grestokk when i was so tired and i thought that i was in the Copperham inn, when actually i was at the weaponsmith, and stepped out...go figure. Stepped away from my computer to close the door to my pattio, when i came back..bleh i was slept. Grestokk, I still killed you while poisoned/blinded/plagued...the works...tripped you to death with no weapons. HAH! Nice job though...thats what i get for playing at 6 am. The other, more important part of the deletion was boredom. I just got tired of the char and there was nothing left to do with him. After stealing everything that I could use or thought valuable from everyone and trying to find an RP reason to kill people...there was little left. I helped guild thieves when i could with ranking/gear/breaking open guilds. Everything that i stole and did not absolutely need i gave away to the guild. THere was no longer any RP reason to stay. Only reason to say would be PK ratio, since I power ranked through the 30's and did not kill, but ranked every chance i got. I promise to try to be a lot more ruthless next time. *WINK*

I wanted to hero and become kingpin and make the guild more of a
brotherhood, which i believe i suceeded. Had the guild rings made through
Glinar, took a while but it was worth it. Whoever Glinar was, thanks for the interaction, for listening to me, for being willing to follow through with my ideas and for making me kingpin. I was about to delete at rank 46 or so, when i wasnt seeing anything from you, and just then you walked in
the room...just as i was 10 seconds away from deleting. Make that plaque we talked about eh? Would be nice.


Guild -
Enbuergo, you were awesome. Obviously a player thats been around a lot longer then me. You rocked, and had a spirit for adventure, and sure did like killing a lot. You RP'd some too in my company. :) Learned a ton from you and I hope to meet some future characters of yours. Thanks for the scimitar and the torc, i wish i could have done the same for my other guildmembers. Thanks much.

Shrahz - i never really trusted you. However you had Enbuergo's trust and that was enough for me, since he had my complete trust.

Sinde - well we both deleted not too far apart. You did well, very well. I had a feeling you were Isildur, wasnt exactly sure though.

Lokatin - Very nice and odd char. A bit hot tempered like Kuhekeeh but great.

Kuhekeeh - heheh, i loved your char, psycho svirf. I never really knew who you would jack next, so you were not included in agreements that Enbuergo and I made with cabals. Too unpredictible, but nice.

Aiakalymn - Youre very good. I liked you a lot. Very skilled and well tempered. TOo bad we went there in the damn woods! I knew why i dont go in the woods as a thief. Thanks for the company and travels. Youre an asset to the guild.

Gloreinfell --- Show up!

To all the other guild thieves, keep going, you are doing well.

Scion -

Mobus - nice agreements we had. Did a bunch of stuff for you. That thing you asked me to find out, i did find out but you were gone by that time. I think I actually stole a dagger from you at one of your meetings.

Dullameh - Nice RP. Good to see a non-bloodthirsty lich. I liked our interactions and that thing we were going to do. Sorry we never got to finish it. You didnt really think i would steal the Orb from Sinde did you? I actually had it for about 1-2 hours but returned it, Ajoul changed his mind. I asked Sinde to get rid of it so it wouldnt make me look bad, and I would say that she already gave it away. Sorry about that. But i was sphere deception. I was nervous as hell the first time i met you face to face. The mask..that damn mask.

Shrikas - after you looted my corpse when i died in galadon, you quit as soon as you could...If you had stuck around i might have actually borrowed some weapons from fellow thieves and put an end to you...but thats what you were afraid of and you left. But you left, and as I dont see you log on very often, i figured you wouldnt be back for another 3 weeks or whatever. Lame, really lame.


Targaryen, i dont really know how the hell we came together. I dont remember really. You still owed me for helping you kill that tribunal invoker. Bleh. You, me and Enbuergo going around killing drows and what not.

Siacla - ugh, after i found out from Targaryen that you had the mask from dullameh and managed to die to him right after that, and lose it again, i was pissed. I wanted to kill you so bad but then this weakness for women would make me not do it. FInally i tried to do it but forgot about the damn prot vs elements

Sorry for robbing so many of you, of so many things.
Lasella - thanks for the potions. I got the feeling that you were trying to get into my good graces...it worked. :)


Aliera - Heh, didnt see you much lately. Great character. I forgot how we got together. I liked giving presents to people, just randomly, to show how good i was at what I did. Got that staff twice for you and once i began to like you more, i told the guild to stop jacking/robbing you. Enbuergo wasnt happy about that but he respected my wish.

Kerikorlian - thanks for the help with claustren and for the help with the other stuff. I Know i promissed you i would not steal from other lightwalkers...but hey, im incorrigible.

Tylinn, I Like you, nice guy, solid morals and probably would have made a good friend if i had taken the time to know you better.


Kolun thanks for the help when i was young. Hralled, same. Learned a lot from our chats about tactics Kolun. Thanks.

Sorry for killing some of you villagers, wasnt really intentional...it just kinda happened.


Nydeikon - Heh, thanks for the shadow dagger way back when. I never forgot that. I like you always trying to explain to me what balance was. You saw it from one point of view, Ajoul from another. Nice friendship we had and nice interactions. Youre great, keep it up. I was hoping to get to see your wedding. I had a nice present for you but i guess not anymore :(

Lorak - hrm, you still wanted that mail..hum? What i told you was worth way more than 30 gold. I dont know why the hell i did that. I suppose everything that i did for the nexites was out of friendship for Nydeikon, Whil.


Arvam - damnit after you broke our deal or never really paid any attention to it, i made a point of killing olin every time there wasnt a herald in there, and robbing any herald i could get my hands on.
I robbed so many heralds at the inn, its not even funny. After you couldnt hold up your end of the bargain, well, i did it just out of spite. Heh, thanks for the vintage :)

Iunna - robbed you of a few very nice items but i almost always returned everything, i dont know why i did that. I just suppose Ajoul had a weakness for women.

Claustren - stop by the guild more often eh? I had a nice talk with you about that. Quit carrying so much crap around :)


Yanbul - heh, you were never going to get me. And always sending me tells and stuff with all the crap you did, and sending me missves about who you killed and how...got old and annoying :P

Acallsho after out little incident at the inn, i really didnt like you. You put a bounty so high on me that beat even Dullameh..by almost 10 times. I think it was 215,000 coppers or something like that. Hah...made me feel all special. I didnt really hold a grudge for too long.


Aubuaia - gave you so much gear...god, coulda geared 10 people. All really nice stuff too! It was partly the women thing and partly my pride as a thief. Sorry for getting you killed in the end there, but going after Aliera was more than i could take from you. I liked you and felt sorry for you at the same time. Nice going on the assassinations.

Llohuir - sorry about that but i dont like priests all that much, especially evil ones. You have it rough.

To the imms, i dont know if anyone ever watched me or paid any attention to me. I dont suppose so, i was uncaballed a following a dead religion. (which i followed to the letter, i might add :P)

All the stuff i had was all aquired between Hamsah, Tar Valon and west gate of galadon. I didnt have to go in some god forsaken areas, do crazy exploration (which I wanted to but you cant really as a thief). I wanted to go to hell really bad just once, but most people dont really care about having a thief along, its not much use. So i got all that hell gear and what not from people who went there and returned with the bounty.

Damn, this post is already long enough...

Its been great fun and thanks to everyone who made Ajoul's life enjoyable and fun. Imms, thank you also for everything.


This was my gear before i died tonight.

<worn on finger> (Glowing) (Humming) an Arkham signet ring
<worn on finger> a polished onyx band inset with a darkened crown
<worn around neck> (Glowing) (Humming) the amulet of dragonkind
<worn around neck> (Glowing) a brooch set with blue stones
<worn on body> Five-Color Dragonscale mail
<worn on head> (Glowing) (Humming) a darkened helm
<worn on legs> a pair of spiked leggings
<worn on feet> a pair of spike-toed boots
<worn on hands> (Glowing) (Humming) a pair of fulminator gauntlets
<worn on arms> (Glowing) (Humming) the sleeves of Harrapia
<worn about body> Cloak of the bear-kin
<worn about waist> the Torc of the Nightmare Dragon
<worn around wrist> a wide copper bracelet
<worn around wrist> a wide copper bracelet
<wielded> (Glowing) (Humming) the claw of the Dracolich
<dual wield> (Glowing) (Humming) the Shadow Dagger

PS I think steal needs a bit less lag at hero since you already are a master thief and a failed steal next to a voker/conjie/bard will get you dead or nearly so. Steal should be the same as assassinate, the higher rank you are the faster you steal stuff, unlike assassinate that it depends on skill %, Steal lag should depenend on rank, in my opinion. like half the lag at hero
6209, RE: Goodbye, long, sorry i couldnt make it any shorter
Posted by Kolbein on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You forgot me *tear* no...umm was nice having you around, the
guild will not be the same.

6210, :(
Posted by Ajoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yah i remember you, with both Cuneshai and Ajoul :) I bet you didnt think it was me hehehe. Helped you with one char and killed you with another. :P I havent seen you around in quite a bit. GOt that message you sent to the guild, but never actually saw you. Remember, dont answer to duels from people who are pissed off that you killed/robbed them. Thieves dont duel, they fight on their own turf and their own terms. Wish you the best.
6202, *kisses and hugs*
Posted by Shrikas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Don't give yourself so much credit. I had been looking for the right opportunity to kill you inside of an hour or so, and when I finally did what I wanted to do, I was bored, tired, and left. There are a bunch of people I'd prefer to avoid in the game, but you certainly aren't one of them.

It's a pity that like so many other poor players, you kill yourself as soon as you lose you set. That's a mark of someone who sees their lot in life of killing everyone else, getting tons of good things, and can't face reality the moment they get a taste of their own medicine. Yes, you're a newbie.

Love, Shrikas
6208, Well then...
Posted by Enbuergo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Who are you again?

I could continue, but I'm bored, tired, and leaving.
6206, RE: *kisses and hugs*
Posted by Fristapholin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To Shirkas:

Actually I don't think it was just cause of his death.
Ajoul was talkign about taking his life for quiet a bit
cause he'd had grown bored with the char. And as Enbuergo
pointed out. Who are you again?

To Ajoul:

DAMN YOU YOU LITTLE PRICK! First you don't mention me! Then
you lose those 3 items we were talking about that you were
suppose to sell to me! I aughta come after you and beat the
living crap out of you! That would have made me invincible!
Well least against other mages. I think the 4vs1 rager wars
would still have gotten me! :P I can say I didn't trust you
fully either but after I got to know you a little I learned
to trust you. You were a skilled thief and did very good for
yourself at the hero ranks. Hope to see you back in the fields
some time.

Fristapholin, the oft-forgotten mage until SOMEONE wants shields
to slay Drizzt!
6207, Oh damn, heh
Posted by Ajoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was tired and I couldnt spell your name :). I know I know, but oh well what you gonna do, sh*t happens. I feared invokers the most, not the no-flying ones :P Thanks for all the trips.

Yah i know, thieves are really underpowered at hero ranks. You gotta know who you can kill and who you cant. Assassins are the easiest kills since they dont have the HP to take a dual backstab. For human assasins..well, wield mace, trip trip trip.
6204, Hrmm
Posted by Shrikas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First there is no point is discussing this but i will say it anyway. Im leaving on vacation for 3 months in 2 weeks. I would have deleted before then. If you dont fear a thief at hero ranks as an assassin...you got a lot to learn. Whatever the situation may be, you still quit 2 seconds after i unghosted. Whenever you were around the previous times, you stayed 10 miles away from me. I havent seen your char in a month. Some people delete, others dont log on for weeks and months and what not. Thieves are so gear dependent, and losing your set as a caballed is not a serious as losing it as an ucaballed, especially at hero ranks.
6205, That should be my name there...i just got out of class :P NT
Posted by Ajoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
6203, You shouldnt be talking...
Posted by A scion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You, Shrikas, had a pretty nice set from what i saw of you and you died. Since then you just show up in the guild in galadon, run to the Chasm, check out the pit there and leave. I could tell when you log in and out because of the archmage. The whole thing takes up about 5 minutes. 2 hours later you log on again and do the same thing. I dont see how you were going to look for an opportunity to kill him showing up for 5 minutes. At least Ajoul deleted. From what I saw of you and him, I would think youre the newbie and if hes was a newbie, hes one of the best ive seen. Now that you got his gear I imagine you wont be showing up for some time. Just in general, quitting after you just loot someone you know can kill you, is just crappy rp.

About assassins and thieves...

To take out a human thief dressed like he was, and at hero ranks you would have to be very very good and very very careful, which you are neither. Past rank 40 or so, which apparently gives a huge damage bonus to backstab, it would be very hard to kill a thief, especially if hes got cheap shot mastered, wielding maces, and you aint flying.
Very few assassins have the HP to soak up a backstab from hero thieves. Even if you do soak it up, you should vanish right away or you wont survive the next round. As a thief all you have to do is flee/quaff and try your jack again later if you missed the first time. If you get koted or kan, just flee try again later, its not that hard. As an assassin on the other hand, if you get jacked, pray a dual backstab wont kill you. A final point. Unless you are in directly opposing cabals, as an assassin, you should stay as far as possible from a competent thief or make friends, especially at hero, or gang them.
6200, RE: Goodbye, long, sorry i couldnt make it any shorter
Posted by Bethrella on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Nice one, at least for a newbie.
I tried a thief or two, never clicked.
It was fun interacting with you....

Lucky you never killed me....I always used to come to you wondering why you idnt stab.....

P.S. Who the hell did you give my pendant to ? *chuckle*

Luck on the next....

6201, It was the women thing..and
Posted by Ajoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
you being a nexite. I know i stole a lot of stuff from you, and jacked you once or twice but never wanted to kill you. Ajoul didnt really kill women, with rare exceptions. Yah, defilement dagger woulda really done some nasty things to a cloud giant, i knew that. Wasnt really out for killing people too much. Sorry about stealing all your axes, it was fun though. :)
6199, RE: Goodbye, long, sorry i couldnt make it any shorter
Posted by Dullameh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I suspected that you wouldn't want to do that, which is why I offered that outrageous amount, and later on sent you a few thinly-veiled threats. But anyway...

You were a pleasure to interact with. A good, solid character with some neat stuff going on. I'm sure you'll do well on your next.
6196, Man..
Posted by Siacla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I interacted with you with about two different thieves, then Siacla. Even though you are a newbie, your roleplay wasn't bad at all. Kinda had this Rich-Thief-Enjoying-His-Spoils thing going on in the guild, what with you swirling a goblet of wine around while talking and all.

One thing is odd though..

"Siacla - ugh, after i found out from Targaryen that you had the mask from dullameh and managed to die to him right after that, and lose it again, i was pissed. I wanted to kill you so bad but then this weakness for women would make me not do it. FInally i tried to do it but forgot about the damn prot vs elements"

I was wondering how everyone and their mom found out about that. Only two, maybe three people knew. I thought I could trust another Sylvan not to give that information out to potential enemies. Oh well. And it wasn't just protection from elements, I had a troll hide too.

Keep it up. Solid character.
6198, Oh yeah.
Posted by Siacla on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved the thief guild politics. You really kept them alive. You should roll another thief one day. I remember at one point you had two "associates" who were also Tribs. I was the thief who was in the guild, I don't remember his name. He was actually working for the Spire. Right off the bat you told me you already had a Tribunal working for you.. *wink*

I think I screwed up with that character something horrible though.
6197, Yeah,
Posted by Ajoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I smacked myself after that. I shoulda wielded the shadow dagger, not the wasp-blade. But having dual unspeaked, insta killed 2 felar assassins and 2 felar warriors with it, i forgot that you had that stuff. Siacla was really nice. I would have felt bad had i killed you. Im glad i didnt.

I had found out from Targaryen that dullameh died. THen my next question was, where is the mask? Then i got the answer...

Now that i think back on it, Dullameh never really hunted me so it didnt really matter if he had the mask or not.

Yah i remember your thief, coming to ask for permission to join the tribunal. I did give it to you after i asked you a bunch of questions. SOrry things didnt work out.
6194, Let's give credit where credit is due...
Posted by Enbuergo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Noob or not, you knew what you were doing moreso than most others I have met. Did you know Norwegian Icq-Ring Ultra Secret #402? Did you know the answer to Nepenthe's Hey Guess What There's a Way for a Nake Gnome Healer to Utterly Hand a Berserker Mace Spec Giant his Ass "helpful" comment? No and No. Did you need to? No.

Ajoul, much like Bullet Tooth Tony, had drive and clarity of vision. You knew who you were, you knew where you had been, and you knew where you wanted to go with your character. That said, I applaud you for a job well done. You weren't a psychotic pk'er, you didn't have all the answers, but you know what? Who cares? You were a superb addition to the thief guild, and to the game in general. To whatever imms ignored you: you guys need to wake up and start rewarding players such as Ajoul, who don't do lich quests, who aren't berserkers who mop up groups of nexans on the eastern road, but just quietly and methodically carry out their roles to perfection and do whatever they can to enhance the game for those around them. To whatever imm(s) made Ajoul a kingpin and interacted in a positive way: you've done the game a good turn.

Ajoul: you've done a fine job. And in the future, don't bother telling the rest of us bozos you're a noob, because nitwits around here will pick you apart just to make themselves, wearing their XXXL CF T-shirts, sitting in front of their computers sucking down a Shaq-size 72oz Pepsi, feel just that much better.
6195, HEH
Posted by Ajoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks much, thats all i can really add to that.

Yeah i know about the newbie thing. Oh well, i think i did better than 90% of newbies did after about a year of playing. Shrikas seems to be the first one to have capitalized on that, knowing full well that an assassin (of her status) is the one of the easiest things for a thief to kill at hero ranks.

Enbuergo was awesome, i wish i could have hanged around with you more but school is just too much at this point and it was hard to find the time. I woulda loved to go around with you in the 30's.

See you around man
6192, RE: Goodbye, long, sorry i couldnt make it any shorter
Posted by Nydeikon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, I suck at goodbyes. I really, really liked Ajoul as a character, though that should have been obvious heh. I can't really say what it was about you that I liked so much, it's just I did pretty much from day one. It sucks that you are gone, I'll miss having you around. Too bad you didn't try to get into Nexus, you definately would have had my support. I'd also say that you were the number one person I would have liked to hunt with (that I couldn't bond with), hell I just liked your company and enjoyed having you around. Anyhow, I'm glad you had a good time with Nydeikon, I know I certainly enjoyed your character as well. Thanks for the interactions/fun, after all fun is what this game is about. Well played.

That Whil guy.
6193, Well,
Posted by Ajoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ajoul kinda liked to hunt alone, nothing personal. Going with a gang in the weald is what got me killed the first time. :(
I did like Whil a lot. A superb character he is really. About nexus, well Ajoul gave you his own version of balance. Steal from the people who got stuff and give to the thieves who got less stuff. Even if they have more stuff, they dont have *that* stuff. IT woulda been sick had we done that, hunting i mean. You never really said it though. IT woulda been really nasty though. An assassin such as yourself, with a permalagging thief with 70 damroll *grin*
It was funny that both of us were complaining about getting old. Me missing my dual backstabs in PK (which really annoyed the hell outa me), and you wearing your glasses hehe. I remember you being not so happy with me when you found out that i jacked/robbed blind a lot of nexites, and you wanted to have a talk with me :) All in all, i liked every meeting we had and every conversation. Keep it up and great going.
6191, RE: Goodbye, long, sorry i couldnt make it any shorter
Posted by Claustren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was fun, and I sure will... I am gonna miss you, who you leave to kingpin is mystery, aint really anyone but Sinde who was worthy of it, so I thought... Later though, and see ya in the fields
~Claustren, the Sloppy Chef of the Eternal Star
6188, Damn you! Damn you!
Posted by Llohuir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bloody, are all my 'friends' leaving me? Why you? Why? First Rithlan, then Siacla, then Sinde, then you???!

Sigh, you were doing very well, why the delete? Anyways, Llohuir hated you for all the stupid gangbangs and you turning at all the wierd times whenever I'm fighting someone else. Damn I hate thieves.

"A sudden pain erupts through your skull."

Always, I repeat, always makes me kick my chair hard. If only I could see them, I'd teach them something. Don't you think it's pretty sad? Head to the forest, a bunch of dawnies and sylvans waiting for me. In towns and roads, a bunch of thieves and assassins waiting to kick my ass! Hrrrmp!

For me, I think you did very well for a newbie player. I even thought you were some elite players with all the super-uber powerful items. I never bothered to grab good stuff becoz :
1. Usually I'm a loner (rp reasons)
2. I get to die often enough that I couldn't be bothered about equipment.

So are you going to roll up another one? Maybe you can join me and say something like you just luv' priests! I hate to be in your bad books.

Well played and truly enjoyed our talks! Another time!
6190, Ahh well
Posted by Ajoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry about the deaths and what not, i just didnt like priests much.
Ajoul had some bad experiences with priests, one death to a shaman and i hated them ever since. Nothing personal...

Yeah maybe ill roll up another one after my exams but ill be going on vacation shortly after for a long time so im not sure. We will see :P

I told Llohuir "Fear is bad for you, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hatred, hatred leads to suffering..." I just wanted to tell you that given what your char was all about ...see yah around

6189, Well...i wasnt a real newbie...that much was obvious i hope :P NT
Posted by Ajoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
6187, Real shame
Posted by Grateful thief on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While you were Kingpin I played two thieves for abit. You were so nice to em I really looked up to you and wanted to be like you :>

I played as Hagden while who you helped a couple of times when I was getting caught by those damned tribs who always seemed to be hiding somewhere that I could not see. You helped me totally re equip from head to toe. I really am grateful for that.

I also played as Shenaria who you helped get alot of gear even tho I wasn't even a guildmember yet.

Damn shame you deleted but hope you play another char and be as good as Ajoul was.

6185, RE: Goodbye, long, sorry i couldnt make it any shorter
Posted by Lasella on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yes, was trying to get one of the kingpin on my side so to get some information more easily. We did some business deals which I think I had overpaid you for them. Anyway its enjoyable to just talk to you that slight moment at the Inn. Apologys for that fog and ya know, you're one of the person I look out for when I log on. c locate torc
if you see that torc, thats definitely Ajoul. *chuckles*

6186, Oh, maybe
Posted by Ajoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...i should remember that next time i have a thief with unique items on him. No use in hiding to prevent people from seeing youre about and not fly, if they can just locate unique items on me. Grrr...i didnt think about that.

Speaking of that, i think mages should not be able to locate items they cant see. They should only be able to locate them on hidden mobs not on hidden players. I suppose you could ask another thief or assassin if hidden enemies are about, but its better than 'c locate', since they might lie to you :)Its not really fair to either an assassin or a thief, if every mage knows youre around by 'c locate.' I tried to hide all the time so that people wouldnt bother to fly and what not.

Yeah you did overpay me a bit, but considering i never jacked/robbed/tripped you ever, i'd say it was a pretty even trade. Oh, nice potions too :P