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Topic subject(DELETED) [SCION] Laviter the Weaver of the Elements
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61622, (DELETED) [SCION] Laviter the Weaver of the Elements
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri Sep 14 02:19:39 2007

At 2 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 35th of the Month of the Shadows
on the Theran calendar Laviter perished, never to return.
Cabal:SCION, the Scions of Eternal Night
61630, Goodbyes and what not
Posted by Laviter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lets see, Laviter laviter laviter.. hmmm.
First invoker, I don't think anyone could really tell except in my early days at hero. Takes alot of practice to get used to pking with a voker, I probably didn't really get any sort of grasp on it till the very end of L's life, a pity but I won't be going half-drow again, 125 hours roughly left till age and nep kicked me out on my bum from silent tower so that kinda soured anything this guy had left in him.

Onto goodbyes.
Wow alot of you guys have managed to flit by Laviter.
Victoria: Where ever did you go? I remember giving you my recommendation as Rhyendris! Cool cat pity you gave up though!

Ravon: You kinda popped outta no where and started wasting people once I got older, kudos keep wasting them!

Isspyn: Um? Weren't you uncabaled when I was Rhy as well? #### man they better give you a cookie or something your old as hell.

Drezen: You ####, I can't believe you deleted that pretty much sucked the life out of this char, was logging in alone consistantly again I could usually atleast catch you for half an hour on my usual times... =(

Rettis: You transmuted things fiercely and usually went diving into stuff I wasn't always too keen on, thanks for keeping me on my toes whenever I started to get lazy.

Niheriva: Dunno what happened to you, pretty fun opponent early in life, later on you just seemed like sour grapes to me every time we talked. Meh, lightin up dude, your the one with the overpowered combo don't get mad at me because I refuse to die to you and what not =P

Juliane and Meshashan: Together with Niela and Nihervia you guys were effectivly, and anti-me squad. This made me sad but I did enjoy seperating you guys and picking you apart! Good fighting.

Other forties: Generally Meh, Team fort gang bang mentality sure I was tough as hell, but my cabalmates rarely deserved a 7 on one or whatever kinda gangs you guys managed to scare up.

Battle: Who? I saw a fair number of you guys, some folks came and mixed it up with me, on the whole though I only remember brinkmun kicking my ass all over thera because I couldn't do a damn thing to him.
Killed a fair number of you guys with quicksand some folks escaped.. like Jiichi =(

Kinda more like fortlanders if you ask me, since a majority of fights I remember involving you guys, where of course at the fort.

Xin: Tough tough combo for me when you could get me silenced, I figured out a trick to deal with your little combo, but we never fought 1 vs 1 again, I figured you'd have enjoyed my suprise!

Linaeren: Iceneedles!1!!!!!111!!!, no really you must have hated that spell, as with the rest of druids and outlander shapeshifters and pretty much anyone else that didn't wear decent armor.

Hunsobo-Ktaar: The ubber tripfest still rings out in my mind, I'm pretty sure I have it logged somewhere. Never could seal the deal on the pair of you ever just too ####ing careful for me to pull a suprise card out and manage to finish one of you, we had our close fights but only one each!

Hrm? Who? Can't say I remember much interaction beyond Twist asking me if it was ok to post a log of me... yup.

As far as goodbyes thats all I got offhand.. Feel free to reply and I'm sure I'll say something or other.
61631, RE: Goodbyes and what not
Posted by Mek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
125 hours roughly left till age and nep kicked me out on my bum from silent tower so that kinda soured anything this guy had left in him.

Huh? Why did you get kicked out (or was it some feature of that place that booted you)?

And sorry man, I kinda had a feeling that deleting Drezen would leave you high and dry as far as what you wanted to do with what time you had left. Apologies again. But from what you said above, you probably would have never got that chance anyways.

Laviter, as an invoker and a Scion, was excellent to have around. I knew that if I ever had at least one other Scion to work with, we could take on twice our number and usually come out on top. You definitely held up my theory.
61637, RE: Goodbyes and what not
Posted by L on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sure they wouldn't appreciate me discussing the circumstances,

But lets just say they are stupid considering HOW I figured out said "bug".

As for time, we had it, I had a pair of the gizmos before you ended up deleting, enough for us to go in and die stupidly atleast!
61648, Cool sardonic vibes.
Posted by Throkk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We didn't get to interact much, except an intense week during the summer. Still glad I had the chance to fight/talk a bit. I guess you took pity on Throkk and just focused on pure flash instead of killing him.

When I entered hero range, Djirhh went crazy for my
blood. A typical session would be fighting Djirrh, with one of us running away, typically me. Then run to the tree and try to defend when you and Djirrh raided and I couldn't do _a thing_.

I did get a sardonic vibe off you. My favourite moment was that retrieval against you and Djirrh where you had quicksand outside and went in and dispelled my flight (textbook kill, really), but I managed to kill the nightwalker before you killing me.

Laviter tells you 'Your timing was flawless, I'll give you that.'
Laviter tells you 'And your luck on which way you went was even better.'
Laviter tells you 'Bravo I suppose.'

Well, looking forward to the next Guy. Possibly on the same side, so I can steal some phat knowledge off you.
61649, RE: Cool sardonic vibes.
Posted by L on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh well, on that time with the timing and what not, I had just canceled to reshield and axe specs can go either way =/
61650, And no, I wasn't trying very hard to kill you at all
Posted by L on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know the feeling of being constantly against bigger numbers I feel sorry for the other under dog felt you'd appreciate it if I cut you some slack and let you run away. Or atleast learn a lesson in whats he doing that for?
61656, RE: Goodbyes and what not
Posted by Isspyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> Isspyn: Um? Weren't you uncabaled when I was Rhy as well? #### man they better give you a cookie or something your old as hell. <

Yeah it's safe to say I've been around for a while... generations come and go, and still the dark-elf waits patiently. For what, it seems we may never know at this rate. :)

You were a powerhouse without a doubt, though somehow our play styles never really meshed together. We just couldn't seem to get the "team" thing down. Conflicting alpha-wolf mentality I guess, with extremely different styles.

Good luck with your next, you always produce frighteningly deathful characters, and, from my perspective at least, good quality RP to go with it. Shame you didn't see more Scion / Imm love than you did.
62210, Did this character slip through the cracks as well for exp/imm comments? nt
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
62216, RE: Did this character slip through the cracks...
Posted by Zulghinlour on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have no idea, as I rarely ever leave comments on anyone.

My guess, Valg has been fairly dormant/inactive for the last couple of months which seems to be when Laviter had hit his stride, which would probably be the main person to watch him.
62214, Impressive for your first invoker.
Posted by Lechlerr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glad we right away hit it off with an agreement of trade for goods and services and a reason not to kill each other. And you pushed my role a bit further at that point thanks. Bummed to see you went. 'Nuff said.

I half-thought you were lying about that felar-alarm thingy you had at first but I guess not. Cool stuff.

Have fun with your next drow then and all that. *wink*.
61626, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Laviter the Weaver of the Elements
Posted by Xin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Scary tough. You gave me a great adrenalin rush as I tried to pose a threat to you, but I could never pump out enough damage if you were at all prepared, and once you could speak again I had four rounds at most before I was dead. GLWYN, and if I'm lucky you'll be an ally.
61624, RE: (DELETED) [SCION] Laviter the Weaver of the Elements
Posted by ORB on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Scary ass invoker.
61623, See you on the flip side. You will be missed. nt
Posted by Nightshade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM