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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectGone, but will not be showing up on the Battlefield
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=61365
61365, Gone, but will not be showing up on the Battlefield
Posted by Iukulli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have had somewhat of an unorthodox life with this character, so it is fitting that I should go out the way I have. Before I explain my departure, I'd like to make it plainly known to head off the conspiracy theorists that I received no real immortal involvement other than the occasional quest/role reward, standard cabal promotions, and kick in the pants when I screwed up (which I made my fair share of mistakes with Iukulli).

I would also like to thank the small group that tried to rescue me after my mysterious abduction and imprisonment in the Inferno. Arkaniel, Glimion, Babou, Kanrue, Siloreelo, Midralir, and Pissudin, you guys made me proud with your efforts, even though it all ended in tears for you. Especially Pissudin and Kanrue, who died in grisly ways I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemies. You all showed your strength and dedication, and I only hope you got something positive from the whole epic undertaking, as it did more than just advance my plot but gave me some much-needed closure. That brings me to...

I have spent previous lives as an Immortal, probably the most recognizable were Lloth and Jezral from about 8 years ago. I've also had shorter-lived stints as Nivult and Karakan more recently. I was planning on immorting with Iukulli pretty early on, since I had a real itch to try again, but was going to take the long, hard route getting there. My perseverance with working my way back into the Spire after getting kicked out was probably a clue that I was sticking with this character for the long haul.

A few months ago, I approached the staff of CarrionFields with my request to rejoin the them, hoping to skip a few hoops that I got stuck on with previous efforts as a heroimm, and after much debate, they have gracefully allowed me to ascend back into the heavens last week without going through the normal channels. So, here I am and there you have it. The fact that I have been transformed into something evil should in no way mean I am picking up where I left off with Lloth's religion, simply that I am filling in where I would be most useful for the mud, especially since one or two evil cabals are really down on their luck right now.

Now that the cat is out of the bag, I'm sure I will receive my share of suspicion, but I thought it would be better to be up front about this than have people speculate on how I came out of nowhere and ended up at 53.

I've had way too many interactions to remember them all, but would be glad to respond if anybody had any comments for me.

I do want to say that Pissudin, Siloreelo, and Maethron were especially kickass in your own respective ways, and I was very glad to have interacted with you all. The Spire is definitely much stronger when any of you are logged on. Thanks for your help on rejoining the Spire after I got cast out.

Anyway, see you guys in the fields.
61478, When do you start?
Posted by Curios on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So when are you going to open a religion and stuff like that?

61434, Glad you are Back up there. Enjoyed fighting Iukulli with Dugareh~
Posted by Abernytee on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
61413, RE: Gone, but will not be showing up on the Battlefield
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Will your staff presence be as Iukulli, or someone else?

Also- how did you find the game, upon your return? Harder? More balanced? Anything that was particularly frustrating or pleasing?
61405, Good luck friend.
Posted by Pissudin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
CB Iukulli, i need your sight.

Man, i will miss that. Thank you so much for being what you were, for the time we spent together and all the fun we had. You were right about one thing, we were deadly together... I am glad i had the chance to say in game all what i tougth of you, which i will state here as much respect and admiration.

Sorry we failed you on the rescue atempt, but i have heard that you were imprisoned on hell on monday and prepared a group to go on tuesday. On tuesday 4 of the 6 persons that told me would join declined theyr help, and we had to work on a new group in a hurry and came up with that party. The time i had in Hell was just amazing.

We had a goal, we had a nice group that was there to have fun and we had some immteraction, all that combined resulted one of the best times i had in my CF carrier. My sorrow is the way me and the healer falled, a little stupid mistake and a unlucky repop... We were the worst persons to fall (not that I was really important in the party), because the itens we were carrying.

We were going to try again that, you can be sure, but things got out of our hands and now all i have to wish you is ... good luck in Asgaard. By what i have seen from you I am sure you will be a very nice Imm to interact with. Dont forget the players and know that a little immteraction like we recieved in hell or the quests I have participated can really bring color to this game.

Again, good luck.
61404, Later
Posted by Izuhlzin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I enjoyed helping you out with your rods. I always enjoy helping people out. Unfortunately i'm often not very well liked by the chars opposing me at all.

Lyresteon thought you a better justiciar. I didnt. Enjoyed playing the vindi role with you. I'm suprised you made it back to a leader after being thrown out and warranted twice in such short time. A week for galadon post? :-p. I envy you somewhat, hah.

Hope you stick around in the pantheon and give some solid good feedback and attention to chars :).

Was fun playing with you.
61397, Hardass!
Posted by Berak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, Berak always had a though time with you. You always managed to find him at the most perfect timings, when he either was in a fight hurt, or something like it. The few (In Beraks way) fair fights we had were pretty even. Berak hated your guts, and well I personally just had the outmost respect for the person behind since Iukulli was well played. I was 100% certain that you'd delete after getting kicked out. Couldn't believe you stickied it out.

Well, glad to see another Imm here. A good old one. :D
61396, RE: Gone, but will not be showing up on the Battlefield
Posted by Linaeren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were willing to fight, so that was nice. Putting druid only gear in the trib pit made me want to be a #### though. At the same time it made it that much more satisfying to nail you after that.

Despite #### moves on both sides, I still had fun. Bring something solid to the pantheon.
61400, RE: Gone, but will not be showing up on the Battlefield
Posted by Iukulli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I had a nemesis, it would probably have been you. I think we each got each other maybe twice, but you taught me to treat you very differently after you stacked insect swarm and entangles upon me. You made me very conscious of not sticking around until that third entangle hit, and kept me regretting staying even that long thanks to vengeance.

Anyway, you ranged from being rampantly reckless early on to sly and cautious later, which made me never know what to expect. A great harbinger to say the least.
61392, Solid Character
Posted by Itennu on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Like I metioned in my goodbye post you showed incredible heart getting demoted like that and rising back up through the ranks. Imam was pissed in multiple ways but that was all part of the fun. Well done and welcome back to asgaard. CF can only benefit from your re-ascending.

--Itennu aka Quezzumpliet.
61391, We had some fun together for a long time.
Posted by Aomiern on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were my ranking and hunting buddy for a long time. We did a lot of things together until I hit hero. Aomiern actually saw Iukulli as a point of "I used you to get where I wanted, now get out of my way." Of course, it probably only seemed that way to you, but it was actually a good RP moment for me to hunt you down in Galadon that first time. Anyway, glad to have you back in the picture as an Imm. Now..just bring Shadow back and we will all be happy!

Aaron aka Minyar
61390, so did you ever chuckle when drovis ranted about lloth at you
Posted by haebum on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
haha cool to see you back though I only interacted with jazur. and that interaction was simply to say that while your the only nexan in the cabal for a month you can't lead it.

I enjoyed my time with iukulli and fighting against him, I hope you do good things up in the heavens and reward those of us who burn con as fast as lightmage deletes quest forms.
61387, I am really REALLY glad to see you back. You've been sorely missed. nt
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
61385, Seemed like a dutiful tribunal from what I saw
Posted by Throkk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I recall a pretty cool retrieval on your part with me defending. I couldn't stop you despite maladicting you and having access to healing.

In general you always seemed to be wanded up when we fought, so it was mostly me running for my life. Well done.

I look forward to seeing what comes from your new IMM personality. Very interesting.

Have fun.
61379, Welcome Back
Posted by CF Player on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Boy, you bring back memories. I remember trying to get your tatoo when I was a newbie back in like 1996. I remember thinking, if I had that, I could slaughter my entire pk range! I had no idea how to roleplay or pk (of course I still don't). Anyways, you and Naz were always my two favorite old school immortals. You would be an awsome replacement for Eshval in Scions.

61376, Question:
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You said the hell-group rescue attempt failed. So what would have happened if they had succeeded? Was it even possible for them to succeed?
61380, RE: Question:
Posted by Iukulli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>You said the hell-group rescue attempt failed. So what would
>have happened if they had succeeded? Was it even possible for
>them to succeed?

There was a different ending planned since it seemed very likely the "rescue" was going to get to Dis where they needed to go. Hell is very unforgiving, however, and a couple of small mistakes made 3 hours into the trip snowballed until corpses littered the streets of Dis.

Rather than prolong the events until the next time everybody had another 3-4 hours to kill on another hell trip, we decided to incorporate everybody's misfortune into the ending.

The ending would still have been about unleashing something bad, but it would have more been dictated by tough choices the survivors would need to make.
61382, RE: Question:
Posted by Siloreelo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now that we're at this discussion, would you mind disclosing the possibilities if the trip is successful?
61375, RE: Gone, but will not be showing up on the Battlefield
Posted by Nivek1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
c loc pccorpse;flyto;loot was really really lame. Maybe if I had been in your range and maybe if you could have used what I carried. But you looted me to the #### anyway.
61372, RE: Gone, but will not be showing up on the Battlefield
Posted by Xin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And so Linaeren says to me, "Don't you dare try to do something about that demon carrying Iukulli off."

"After what happened my last attempt to save the world from our demonic attackers? Forget that. Huzzah, the lawdogs lose one."

The joke was on me, for now there is a new evil in Thar-Eris, and I doubt it is even a chaotic. Woe! Woe, I say!

Great fun with you, and definitely a blow to the Spire leadership.

Good luck with your renewed role on CF!
61370, Question
Posted by Siloreelo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bugger, Bugger!

Anyway, the only question I want to ask is, are you going to be the rumoured new Tribunal Imm?
61371, Answer
Posted by Iukulli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nope, I won't have any involvement with Tribunal, other than to make sure you guys regret unleashing me from my voluntary imprisonment in Hell. But, it's all in good fun.
61373, RE: Answer
Posted by Siloreelo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh, and I thought Tribunal will finally have some xp reward for anything that is possibly well done. So far from what I see, majority of the Tribunals are not getting rewards for something that have done well. Possibly that none has done anything that reckon any rewards. Seeing folks from other cabals getting lotsa reward and none for Tribunal is saddening *hint hint*. Just me complaining.

Anyway, Iukulli is a lovable character. The word F*** echosedin my head when I first heard you got uninducted and immediately I was trying to think how I can convince imm to reinduct Iukulli again. Somehow, it ended up easier than I thought. Absolutely enjoyed being around the character, well done.
61374, RE: Answer
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ugh. I hope this post isn't about you.
61377, RE: Answer
Posted by Siloreelo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
NO! Most definitely not. I made tons of mistakes with this character for a first Tribunal character, in fact too many mistakes and probably still counting. I'm talking about Vindicator Pissudin. All in all just a personal feel that the character is well done, doing job well.
61378, RE: Answer
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He got his quest form from me tonight.

I was about to say, I have really made sure the exp, titles, promotions and everything else have been in line for you guys so that you wouldn't feel left out.
61381, RE: Answer
Posted by Siloreelo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oops, sorry didn't know he just gotten a reward. My apologies. Was just wondering..But I truly appreciate the help with reassigning and promotion etc etc...Thanks...He is the only one in Tribunal that deserves anything anyway. Anyhow...thanks again for the reply. Cheers!
61415, What an crappy thing to say.
Posted by Pro-man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"He is the only one in Tribunal that deserves anything anyway."

This should be nipped. Dontcha think?
61485, Just a personal point of view. nt
Posted by Siloreelo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
61367, Also... concerning Tribunal Immortal involvement
Posted by Iukulli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The Spire is in better hands than I expected, especially considering the downbeat Gameplay forum posts. I won't go into specifics since certain details aren't ready to be revealed yet, but they have as much immortal oversight as any other cabal right now, if not more. Lyristeon didn't even put me up to saying this, or try to brainwash me as far as I remember!

Iukulli, now playing for team Evil
61368, RE: Also... concerning Tribunal Immortal involvement
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now, when I snap my fingers, you will wake up and remember nothing...

I had no idea what was going on until the Implementor told me to come along and come up with something to make you disappear.

As far as Iukulli went, you were one of my favorite Tribs, as you now know. I still think you should have stayed Justiciar. :P Not that the current one is doing anything wrong mind you, I just thought your rp, knowledge, etc. was best suited for that job. You proved me right!

And since the cat is out of the bag as to your past, Lloth was always a fav of mine before my imm days.
61422, Hey Lyr..
Posted by Babou on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What can I do to get into your favor, I've tried to do everything the executioner has asked and yet I still get a title that seems to put me down. Can you give me some advice?
61427, Well...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm not Lyristeon, but I'd say one way to avoid getting titles like that might be:

When an unholy devil dragon beasty of incredible evilitude is advancing on Galadon and a collection of Thera's mightiest heroes is trying to defeat it cooperatively...maybe DON'T kill the other heroes first. Maybe? (Even if they ARE Outlanders.)
61428, RE: Hey Lyr..
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You are an active character. And while it can be pretty cool to be recognized for doing a really good job in an ooc forum, it is equally in bad taste for the opposite. I am not going to say all of the things that earned you the title, but, there have been quite a few things akin to what Twist stated that earned you the title.
61442, The Devil
Posted by Babou on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Iwent down to fight the devil and was just standing in the room reshielding when needed. Next thing I know Linaeren and Xin come in and start attacking me. I fled instantly and when I returned Pissdun had already slew Linarean and so I took out Xinrithil before he attacked me again. I did what I thought a tribunal should do take down the easier of the two targets before concentrating on the devil first where they attack me first instead of the devi.
61461, RE: The Devil
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It is one thing to be fighting outside of a fight then it is to hit somebody who is already fighting. Xin was tanking the devil and was pretty hurt when you started spamming your spell at him. And, Siloreelo did tell you to stop. You saw an easy lame duck kill and took it.
61462, Fighting outside the fight...
Posted by Babou on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The devil is dispelling shields and how am I supposed to reshield them if i have outlanders fighting me? I'll say that was I did was a cheap kill, but with the spam I never heard the provost tell me to stop or else I would have. My point is that giving me a title like this is lame especially when outlanders do the same thing by attacking people engaging the devil and get praised for it.
61476, Careful.
Posted by Pro-Man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He may log on as the executioner and uniduct you.

Keep it IC.
61487, RE: Fighting outside the fight...
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Again, that was only one of many reasons why you earned the title.
61475, Sounds like a gaping maw moment to me.
Posted by Pro-man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was in the area when all this was going on.

I have to admit, I have always thought it was pretty lame when heroes go for the PK when Imms are clearly trying to do something with the game.

61474, The pattern in the past has been...
Posted by Pro-Man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I am going off of personal experience as well as PBF posts.

Grief other players. Preferably getting them to rage delete.

He has passed out rewards for that before.