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Topic subject(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Berak the Legend of the Battlefield
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61316, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Berak the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Sep 4 07:56:58 2007

At 10 o'clock PM, Day of the Great Gods, 26th of the Month of the Spring
on the Theran calendar Berak perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
61343, Feel free to post PK loggs of me! txt
Posted by Berak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I'd be really happy if folks posted their PK loggs of me so I can have a look at them. (I've found that you learn quite a bit from looking at loggs. heh)

Thank you! :D

(PS, I'll be posting what I've got as well.)
61318, Goodbye then!
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ooh my god! This ride has been so amazing! This was my first hero in 6 years. And my second hero ever! (My first being Amberion the pitiful wretch free of any home)
Before I made Berak I played Maynak and Cedek.
I still feel like a real newbie when it comes to everything, and I guess I should. My PK ain¡¦t the best though I¡¦ve improved vastly in my own eyes. My main reason to make Berak was to learn how to PK and I was determined to make it to hero. Things started picking up a bit when I hit hero and things have been going quite alright.

Still got tons to learn, think my main problems are my tactics in PK. ;)

I¡¦ve got a tons of thank yous and goodbyes to do. So lets see.

Kastellyn: Thanks for showing up that time even though it was brief, didn¡¦t want to hold you there since you needed to logg so that¡¦s why I didn¡¦t have any questions. To bad I never managed to chat more with you.

Iunna: Thanks for the ale! And thanks for that Lobster thing, I really wanted to give it another shot to be able to get you some lobster for dinner. Never got around to do it though. ƒ¼

Armonk: Man! I loved your char, you thought me a lot and you knew from the start that I was a newbie and showed me the ropes, don¡¦t think anyone thought me as much as you did. I really hope that we¡¦ll end up in the same cabal again soon.

Jichii: Hehe, had tons of fun with you. I remember the first time I met you, you yelled at me for being a moron not using my skills properly against a necro. I was quite embarrassed. We¡¦ve had quite some long chats, serious ones, and less serious ones like the time we ran around looking for beer to the giant. ^^

Brinkmun: Well, didn¡¦t chat that much with you really, but we sure did run around together a lot. You were insane in PK! Totally amazing!

Awk: It was always fun to be around you, you as well thought me a lot.

Aciela: Said most stuff needed in your goodbyes, didn¡¦t see you that much at the end.

Dejebi: Met you quite a bit early on, but seem like RL is taking some time for you. Which of course is prio 1.

Vhoug: Well, think I met you once, perhaps twice, never when I was a hero though. You seemed pretty badass. :D

(I know I¡¦ve forgotten someone, but can¡¦t really place it¡K)

Yrillbink: My bloody archenemy! Hehe The first 50 hours or so we fought I never found you very though, was quite easy actually even though I couldn¡¦t land any killing blows but once. Then suddenly over a night you became badass! The fights would always be close after that, except when you got some strong nightmare at me, witch you always did at the end. You got me quite a few times lately, sometimes it was really a lot of fun fighting you, other times I just hated your guts! Hehe

Xilia: I really hope that you¡¦ll get that Yeti sorted out. Your PKing wasn¡¦t always the best, but it was always fun to chat with you. I think you¡¦re doing a great job with Nexus. Keep it up!

Babuchak: Ooh man, most likely the most boring fights was the ones with you. It would go: Bash, bash bash, flurry. Or something like that. I remember one battle where you kept bashing even though I was kicking your ass! Hehe, ran out eventually. Thanks to fly and you being bigger I didn¡¦t have much to do to keep you in battle.

Istalin: Ooh, Berak hated your guts, even though he respected you. Me personally really hates the Komodo Dragon. Good work most of the time, you were always in there fighting.

Mirlin: We had a bunch of fights, didn¡¦t we? Most of the time quite close. I am truly sorry for the last kill on you, I had already spammed pummel after I look at you and saw that you were close to naked. ƒ¼

Ravon: Bah! I hated your guts after you took that cheap kill on me when I was totally naked. Guess it was the right thing for you to do. The other duels though were great, perfect timing on every damned skill you have.

Others: Forgotten most of you by now¡K

Siloreelo: That duel we had? That was insane! You were perfect health after. Man, I felt truly beaten that time. Berak really liked you, and so do I. Keep it up, you sure ain¡¦t afraid of leaving the city.

Rywald: I was SO hoping that our conversation would get somewhere. Was so much fun fighting and talking to you. :D

Haebum: Fought you a lot early on, not much lately. Good fights though.

Throkk: One of Beraks good friends, thanks for showing me a few things, and helping me lvl in the 40s. Tried to pay that debt off by helping you to 51. :D

Jutunn: You rock! Totally kickass. Was always fun being around you, but didn¡¦t see you much lately.

Fortress: Well, almost never interacted with any of you¡K

Heralds: Bah! I was really hoping to get some more interactions here. Can¡¦t remember your name, healer guy. :D Hope you¡¦ll get to show some other char of mine those things, and perhaps we¡¦ll chat a bit more.

Eoria: Man was it fun to fight with you! I still can¡¦t believe you managed to get both me and Armonk by the centurions. I made a HUGE mistake there, I really just felt like deleting then since it was such an obvious mistake, and went directly against what Armonk had told me.

Others: Didn¡¦t fight the rest of you that much¡K
61322, Nice One
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry we didn't mesh for a con quest, though I'm not sure you would have had enough con left to complete it.

I watched you fight a decent amount, and I thought you were pretty solid. Made a few mistakes here and there, nothing to be ashamed about. My two bits of advice for your future characters would be to, 1) try to anticipate what the other player is going to do to you and take advantage of it, and 2) be willing to adjust your tactics as the engagement progresses (in case the other player is doing (1) above). This can be hard if you haven't played that particular class, but if you've fought enough of them, you will generally have a pretty solid idea of what tactics are most effective.

Your comments on Ravon above illustrate this point nicely. Easy enough to say, hard to carry out, but definitely what tends to get you to the next level.

Good luck with your next, and glad you enjoyed your comeback!

Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends

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61331, RE: Nice One
Posted by Berak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I started praying about the con-quest as soon as I hit 6 con. Though I was seeking you out earlier. But my con dropped really fast over a night, due to lots of raids against the village. hehe

Yeah, haven't played many classes. Played warrior now to 44 and to 51, shifter to 43, pally to 32 and 51. (The 51 was 6 years ago...)

Figured I'd need to learn PK first of all, then I can make some interesting roles where my char might actually be able to walk the walk, not just talk the talk. hehe
61323, RE: Goodbye then!
Posted by Siloreelo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very decent character, well RPed. At least other than Armonk, I see another villager rping with lowbie mages and what now. For that duel, I used all the preps I have against you. I wish you had gotten the con quest that Armonk didn't manage to get. Our ending was kinda miserable, I didn't expect that to be the last death. Take care.
61324, RE: Goodbye then!
Posted by Dalgorin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One interesting talk and poof.
I saw so much potential for the
"friendly enemy" banter. :)

Best of luck with your next.
I enjoyed the little interaction
we had. The fight was kind of fun
as well :)

61330, Aah!
Posted by Berak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, we had a nice chat. I talked with the destructor about you as we talked, not that he responded or anything but still. Was hoping for more interesting conversations with you as well.
61325, Liked Berak a lot
Posted by Throkk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Glad you had fun. You said you wanted to learn PK. I think rager, spear, h2h is a great way to learn the basics of PK. You don't have a lot of tools, so you can focus on timing and what the opponent does.

Attitude goes a long way and I think you were a good rager. When the opportunity arose you would always preach about the rager way, which I found very appropriate. Throkk has a lot of respect for most battle ragers, so we got along fine.

Thanks a lot for the final level. Much appreciated!

We often shared playing times. And even if we often didn't do anything together any particular session, I will miss the friendly face of Berak.
61326, (completely unrelated to the character, but rather your...
Posted by Mek on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Is anyone else seeing a bunch of random, weird characters mixed in with all the text? The only others posts I see like this are Vhloughvang's. I don't know if:

A) Something is messed up on my end, causing me to see all this weird crap.

B) These guys are both cursed with kielbasa-sized digits and just kinda mash the everloving #### out of their keyboards.

C) They do it on purpose to make the posts look insane.

Does anyone else see what the hell I am talking about?

I want answers!
61328, It's not random
Posted by Throkk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's his char set encoding which is set to something crazy.

Note that it is characters like " ' " and " ! " which are mapped to something wierd (on your standard end).

Once I used a char set encoding which included support for my native tongue in a intuitive fashion (meaning I didn't have to hit several keys to get one character) people couldn't read my emails either.

61329, Berak!
Posted by Its Bink on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Oi! First up you gotta say the chant man... on the count of three alright? 1...2...3.... OH NO! ITS BINK!

Told ya I'd turn the tables when my times comes. I had a lot of fun fighting you. You were always ready to mix it up when I was around and I loved that. There were some things you could have done that coupled with luck would have made you get me later on but I guess I was always prepped out of my ass to fight villagers (bonded or otherwise). Solid char, I hoped you learnt a lot with this char and take it to the next level with whatever you decided to roll. Congrats and thanks for all the fun!

61336, My god, it's like a 70s sitcom.
Posted by Yhor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do you have a button that says 'audience applauds' as well? :P

61340, RE: My god, it's like a 70s sitcom.
Posted by Its Bink on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Nope, but I got a Bink-o-Meter if that counts and its flashing 'You've been BINKED' in bold red color. :P

61332, Good on ya
Posted by Awk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well It was clear you were inexperienced, but you gained alot from what I could tell. To echo kasty's words ill say playing classes more affords you the chance to get timing, and anticipation. That will not only help you win fights but survive them. In the fut ure instead of always being responsive to other people's tactics, you should press them. Instead of impaling, start with vital/ s tun bandage up etc, change up pace and people will always be a little more cautious. Anyhows good char good luck with the next.
61334, Thanks for the Armor that day.
Posted by Thuul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I felt doity. =)
61335, RE: Thanks for the Armor that day.
Posted by Amberion on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
hehe, yeah, was quite annoyed at myself. Had you both writing and convulsing a few times. Then it all turned on me, it was my inexperience that showed through. ^^ Though I learned from it heh.
61350, Yeah. I intercepted that tell
Posted by Thuul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And it confirmed my suspision you got confussed during the fight.

I was able to use the healer where as you couldn't and I just went a head and whittled you down.

I think I posted the fight on this site.
61352, RE: Yeah. I intercepted that tell
Posted by Berak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hehe, yeah you did. And I replied to it as well. :D
61337, My little buggar apprentice
Posted by Armonk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I truly loved having you around. You were so clearly new that it hurt my head to watch at first, which is why I did so much to try and help you out with everything. You made immense leaps and bounds in skill as you leveled up more, and as you fought more. I loved the fact that you were like a sponge and just absorbed everything that happened to and around you in fights. I don't think you ever made the same mistake twice, which was awesome.

I am glad that I could make such an impact for you. Feel free to drop an email my way if you want. Just put something about CF in the subject: ace427@hotmail.com
61342, RE: My little buggar apprentice
Posted by Berak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ooh, I will. :D
61338, Berak!
Posted by Dejebi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I miss you man, you wer always willing to get in and mix it up. I think that is a great quality in a rager. I could tell you were a little "green" in the hero ranks, but I think you learned quickly. I try to be a person who teaches others a little bit, and offers advice. I hope I didn't come across as pushy, that isn't what I want. Anyway, good luck with whatever you do next, as long as it isn't a tribunal!

61341, RE: Berak!
Posted by Berak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
:D Nah, you weren't pushy, and no, no tribunals. I might try one some day just to have tested all cabals... But I've got some really nice ideas for other chars first.
61339, Goodbye then.
Posted by Rendalo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know you were having trouble with not being able to do much to either of my forms, but it was fun. I tried not to be too much of a pest and would let you go if you survived for a good bit. That time in the water was the only time I've fought anyone with the ray and so was kinda an experiment... man that thing is mean. You seemed like a cool rager, good luck with your next!
61345, RE: Goodbye then!
Posted by Xilia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were way awesome in my eyes, and Xilia was SO enthralled that you'd actually talk to her. But she gets that way about everything...Heh.

I never ever noticed you until I hit hero and attempted to retrieve. You impaled me UBER fast, and over and over. Kicked my behind. All in all, I heard a lot of chat about you from other Nexuns, and it was always about what a fighter you were *thumbs up*.

Once again--Cool character, and I wish Xilia would have had more time with you.

PS. Brinkmun was made of PK and Win.