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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Armonk Ironbeard the Legend of the Battlefield
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=61098
61098, (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Armonk Ironbeard the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Aug 27 12:14:07 2007

At 9 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 14th of the Month of the Winter Wolf
on the Theran calendar Armonk perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
61159, RE: (CON LOSS) [BATTLE] Armonk Ironbeard the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Its Bink on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You were really tough. Your axes hurt more than my healing helped in most cases. We had some to and fro in the beginning but you handed it to me most of the times off late. I sometimes hated and sometimes admired you char ICly. Well done and see you in the fields.
61169, Bards, and you in particular
Posted by Armonk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Bards basically had my number I felt. With you I just spammed murder and hoped for the best. Sometimes it worked, other times I just got spanked. Glad that I at least made my mark a little bit.
61099, And the trip finally ends
Posted by Armonk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I suck at this goodbye thing. I don't really know where to start other then sayin I had a hella good time with this char, and it seems like almost everyone I ever interacted with did as well. I didn't really expect this to come quite as soon as it did, so I don't really have any goodbyes in particular to shoot out. Please respond to this if you want and let me know whats up. I'll get back to any and everyone who posts here. Thanks for all the fun.
61101, One cool dwarf
Posted by Awk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember you hooking me up with EQ when I was an app, then always being super awesome to me in the Village. I really liked Armonk and you were scary as hell. I remember telling you about the couple of necros underwater and someone else and you just shrugged, went down there and butchered them up. Great defender, great char. good luck with the next.
61104, You were the strangest char I ever interacted with I think
Posted by Armonk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not sure why but you always seemed like a crazy madman from the movies to me. You were always a blessing to have around, and we managed to do some fun stuff. I did my best to treat everyone how I wanted to be treated, from apps to foes and everything. Hopefully it made some other people have more fun too.
61102, Good char...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I tried to rarely comment on any chars based on what Hunsobo saw - I might clue an Imm here or there in to good or bad stuff once in a while but only in a "just in case there have been other things" type sense if they were bad.

Armonk is one that I broke that rule about - I posted into your immortal comments that you stuck around regardless of bad odds and kept on trucking despite Hunsobo rolling over you 2 or 3 times in one night.

I did that because I was pretty sure nobody saw that and I felt you deserved some kudos for it.

I'm glad you had fun with the char. I thought you did a great job.
61103, Hunsobo
Posted by Armonk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That was seriously a rough night. The first time I fought you and I got steamrolled, three times. I had a lot of fun with it though. When you died finally, it was happy/sad. I didn't have to worry as much about losing con, but then again I didn't have to worry about fighting you either, which was always fun.

Thanks for the kind words from the imm side of it, glad that you at least felt like I earned something.
Posted by Berak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dammit! :( Did you really have to go and die now? You are/were my bloody mentor!
One of the most important things in Beraks life. Bah! What am I supposed to do now? :D

Well, thank you for all the things you did for me. And that last hell trip sure was fun.
61168, Its not like I planned it!
Posted by Armonk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had such a good time watching you grow up through the ranks. It seemed like you were new and didn't really know all that much at first. Then you started to shine slow and steady. Hopefully I managed to teach you a thing or two along the way.
61174, RE: Its not like I planned it!
Posted by Berak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ooh you sure did. :D And yes I am new. Don't wish to say how new I am until my char is gone but you'll be in my goodbyes for sure.

My biggest problem in PK is that I still get so excited when the battle is nearing it's end. So I stop thinking about ways my enemie can fix themselves up. My last fight I slapped an assassin around until I notice him eating pills and suddenly I'm not ontop anymore. ^^ Stuff like that. heh

Thanks for everything!
61105, Logs with me, Post em all nt
Posted by Armonk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
61106, RE: And the trip finally ends
Posted by Istalin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was fun battling with you. It was always a challenge to seal the kill on you since we had similar abilities.
I think some of our last fights were the best.
(That could just be because I won :P)
I really wonder what the count was between you and me...
I'm not sure how many times you got me and I'm not sure how many times I got you.

I have quite a bit of respect for you as a player.
I hope you keep on rolling out the quality characters.

61108, Komodo Dragon is the suck
Posted by Armonk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were the toughest SOB I ever fought with. That dragon form was damn near impossible to kill alone. I really hated trying to fight you, but I never backed down. Sadly, I had to gang you a few times to get you. But that is also why towards the end I took the fights down to the wire instead of fleeing to bandage. I felt I owed it you after cheating you out of a few kills that you deserved.
61107, Great char!
Posted by Throkk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved Armonk. You had a great attitude, were tough as nails and
had fun RP. Fun for foes too. Great job!

Throkk was pretty pissed that he couldn't do _a single thing_ to you.
You had me scracthing my head to figure a way to put a few dents in your armor.

Glad you had fun. From what I have seen in logs and what I have experienced myself Armonk was a char that made CF fun for everybody.

61109, I tried to keep it as fun as I could for everyone
Posted by Armonk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That fight at the end I was really confused as to why you put on breakable weapons =P It was a good fight though, I was really worried at first when you had that shadow spear on. Glad that you enjoyed it, and hopefully my next one will give people the same joys.
61111, RE: And the trip finally ends
Posted by Teutonium on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought you were a great character. I really appreciated the fact that you took the time to help my character out as an applicant. Very stand up, and great rp. Hope to see you back.
61120, Apps and my actions
Posted by Armonk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nothing in the world made me happier then to see apps get bumped into actual ragers. I did everything I could to help keep them alive and happy to help bolster numbers and keep the cabal going strong. I am glad that you made it an I hope that the rest of the lil buggars I helped along keep trucking.
61113, Tough dwarf
Posted by Laviter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was rare we fought after that time you brought that other villager and tried to take the scepter with me there.
Good fighting, dwarf.
61122, That fight at the Chasm
Posted by Armonk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a good little chessmatch we had going. The only problem being that the other guy with me didn't really have anything useful to do. He kind of got in the way. I wish we could have fought more, but either you had a whole parade with you or I did so it wasn't very fun for either side. The brief fights we had with just you against me were a blast though. Keep trucking and whooping that ass, its good to see a scary voker.
61115, You will be missed.
Posted by Pissudin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damned be Armonk, what a well played villager. I sure will be missing our fights, your constant presence and your dwarven spirit around.

I sometimes wished i could interact more with interesting characters like yourself, but being a mage and you a villager just make the things very hard. I sure would like to have spent more time with you... but i hope to have this opportunity in your comeback.

Great job all around and good luck with your next.
61121, Our fights and interactions
Posted by Armonk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We had an odd relationship to say the least. Most of the time our fights consisted of me just stunning you non stop until barrier fell, then you flying away. I respected you a lot. Its why I avoided ganging you unless you jumped my group ranking, or a few other choice times. That tiger form is basically an I win button against ragers, which made it hard to actually fight you on a level playing field. Glad you had fun with it though, and ask Istalin. I interacted a handful with mages. You just needed to try, cause I wasn't gonna put the effort into it =P
61118, RE: And the trip finally ends
Posted by Siloreelo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Excellent character. I've never felt that I've so much respect for a battlerager until I met you. In fact, you're probably one of the few that deserves kudu and respect.
61119, You were the only Tribunal I avoided getting flagged in front of
Posted by Armonk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I seriously had the utmost respect for you. Especially since you didn't always just gang my ass down when I was flagged. You would just duel me and whoop my ass =P. It was truly a blast. Hopefully you can keep respecting battle even with me going.
61130, Yet another orderly Character that wasn't.
Posted by Thuul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Player seemed like a decent guy but the character just left me thinking bleh.

I guess Ethical relevance is all the rave!
61141, Open your eyes and think outside the box please
Posted by Armonk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Orderly is not lawful, why is that hard to understand?
61145, Then what is? hmm?
Posted by Thuul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I get it. The word lawful was changed so people could make it mean what ever they wanted.

It's nonsensical (SP?)

Because that basicly made it mean nothing.

If you believe in structure on some level but are just as keen as preaking the laws, be you good/neutral/evil, then in game terms your ethos is Neutral.

If you are running hells bells through the cities, killing everything and everyone or generally causing havoc, yu are chaotic.
61148, Orderly (and my only post on the subject since its not that important to me)
Posted by Armonk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Orderly is a structured mindset. I used it with Armonk as tactically sound. Ask almost anyone who ran with me. Nearly everytime we did anything I laid out at least a rough plan. That is where the "orderly" or structured thing came into play for me. Be disappointed if you want, but I was happy and so were lots of other people.
61149, Got it.
Posted by Thuul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So you were neutral neutral.

because while you thought it appropriate to organize and prepare, you otherwise disreguarded law and societal structure as a whole in order to accomplish your goals.
61156, Stop trolling seriously
Posted by Awk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Orderly can be defined in different sets of terms. Order of command is one that comes to mind, did Armonk ever get out of line or try and usurpt the commander/drillmaster not once did I ever see it. Did he follow order such as kill mages war with empire scion nexus etc yeah? In fact once he even stopped me from doing some nasty things to someone because he felt it was the right thing to do.

You arent on a high horse so stop acting like it.
61157, I'm not saying I'm holier than thou.
Posted by Thuul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But there has to be a standard.
61160, RE: I'm not saying I'm holier than thou.
Posted by think on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tribunal laws are not the only laws in Thera, so disobeying them does not necessarily mean that one is not orderly.

Imperials can attack in town against Anathema/certain circumstances, does that mean that they are not orderly for following Tribunal Laws?

Armonk was a rager, as in his world view is that magic goes against the ORDER of the world. As such, attacking mages in town would be no big deal to an orderly rager because of the very fact that it can be seen as the natural order or law of the world, as seen from the ragers stand point, is being violated by magic-users, and therefore enforcing said order supersedes the laws set by the Blood Tribunal, a cabal that can even harbor mages.

An analogy would be saying that a soldier in war is chaotic because he attacked or killed people inside a city, therefore breaking the laws of the city. That would be ridiculous, and therefore if you consider it from a Rager's point of view, your not going to let laws that you may or may not believe in supersede the laws that you DO believe in, especially if the laws you believe in take MUCH greater precedence over the Tribbie ones.
61195, Fox News has obviously warped your brain
Posted by lurker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Give up on this issue. Stop trying to force everyone to agree with you, fascist. The majority disagrees with you, the Immortals disagree with you, get the hint.

Being a right wing nutjob is all the rave!
61196, Really?
Posted by Thuul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The majority of who, the players? I don't see it, I just see a couple people who decided to respond.

A couple immortals posted their views and they aren't diametricly opposed to mine.

So basicly your post comes down to the fact that you wanted to flame me based upon your political ideology.

Given that I am a Libertarian an agnostic and not your typical Right winger. I'm just as far from the Left so calling me a fascist would be inaccurate. I'm not certain where you come up with all these silly things. maybe you have me mistaken for someone else? Perhaps someone who cares?

Either way, I'm not sure your post was relevant to this thread, given there is a thread on the Gameplay board.
61197, RE: Really?
Posted by lurker on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>The majority of who, the players? I don't see it, I just see
>a couple people who decided to respond.

And most who have posted have disagreed with you. I don't even think Odrirg would have your back on this one, and he is one of the most serial orderly/Tribunal players. Some things, such as certain Tribunal laws, are not open to interpretation. The whole of being Orderly, is. Is an evil orderly Scion who breaks the law not orderly? It could be that he has a pre-determined plan on how the Ccul'gra take power, and Tribunal's defeat is part of it. Once again, Tribunal law != orderly.

>A couple immortals posted their views and they aren't
>diametricly opposed to mine.

They are not diametrically opposed, but neither do they back you. They are saying your view of orderly is A ("a" meaning single) valid viewpoint, it is not THE viewpoint.

>So basicly your post comes down to the fact that you wanted to
>flame me based upon your political ideology.
>Given that I am a Libertarian an agnostic and not your typical
>Right winger. I'm just as far from the Left so calling me a
>fascist would be inaccurate. I'm not certain where you come up
>with all these silly things. maybe you have me mistaken for
>someone else? Perhaps someone who cares?

I'm flaming you based on more who it is, and your past rants where you basically take an 'agree with my parochial opinion on something or you are wrong' stance. It reminds me of the Bush Administration's "don't criticize the war or you are un-American" crap.

>Either way, I'm not sure your post was relevant to this
>thread, given there is a thread on the Gameplay board.

Then why do you keep re-hashing it on peoples' goodbyes? Not only this, but you cited no reasons or examples on why you felt Armonk's character was not orderly (as you see it). Imagine how you would've felt if someone has posted on Thuul's goodbye 'Not orderly. Everything you know is wrong'.
61199, I cited my reasons.
Posted by Thuul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I responded and posted (The last of which I think was two days ago)

And then you show up and try to wrap this whole thing into some political package, not once, but twice. Sprinkle with disparaging remarks serve hot.

At no point did I say my way was the only way, but I think the way Orderly is currebntkly being portrayed is really what Neutral is.

Especially given the wording of the help files.

That being said, this was opened up on the Game play board.
61176, RE: And the trip finally ends
Posted by Kalageadon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was really looking forward to having someone that could forge a weapon for me, but that doesn't work out too often. Anyway we didn't really interact much but I saw, and hear lots of good things about ya, hope you return soon.
61178, GREAT CHAR :)
Posted by Vhloughvang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know I already said a ton in my goodbye, but I cant stress enough how much of a boon this char was to the village :)
61182, I keep hearing stuff like that...
Posted by Armonk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I keep reading that people liked the char a lot and that I did alot for the Village and blah blah. I don't really feel that I did anything that special, I just went to have fun without even worrying about gear. Glad that you enjoyed having me around though.
61190, Liked you quite a bit in many ways
Posted by Dejebi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked Armonk and his style. The only thing I would say is that rager-wise I thought some of the things you did said "berserker" all the way. However, i can understand wanting to get in there and mix it up. I like to do it myself. We had some great funs on some tough raids and gave a lot of grief i'm sure to our foes. I'll miss having you around to make me go do crazy raids in bad odds!

Thanks for keeping it fun for me.
61191, Berserker vs Defender
Posted by Armonk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
During most of the early part of the career of Armonk, it was pure slow and safe. As I got lower on con and it got harder to get fights, I started to go balls to the wall zerker style. I had fun with it, and I am sure that Nexus is happy to not be eating pincers like crazy at their inners.
61192, Pincers hurt......NT
Posted by Xilia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And yes, yes they do.....
61193, You were awesome.
Posted by Xilia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You kicked my ass solo SO many times that I never minded the ganging when it did rarely happen. You were definately my favorite Rager of them all. You'd charge in alone, no matter the odds, and still kick a large amount of butt(*cool deep DV voice* Impressive)
But yeah, you were the only Rager that would ever really challenge one on one, or return things nicely, or just plain act as you said you were.....Honorably.
I loved it, this character was, once again, awesome--And I hope you make another one soon. A Nexun. Now. GOGOGOGO!
61194, Xilia.... I don't know where to start
Posted by Armonk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I feel like you are very new to this game, because you should be doing fairly well against people with the forms you have. Either that or you are just unlucky. Whatever the case is though, you were awesome to be around. One of the very few people who I interacted with who could care less about gear, and cared more about developing a character and having fun.

I hope that everyone else still manages to treat you right and keep the nexus/rager war fun for everyone involved.
61200, Lol
Posted by Thuul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Anything but new if I am correct. (And I always am)