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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DEL) Sinde the Hand of the Unseen, Servant of the Dawn
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=6098
6098, (DEL) Sinde the Hand of the Unseen, Servant of the Dawn
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tue Apr 30 00:18:37 2002

1 o''clock PM, Day of the Moon, 28th of the Month of the Old Forces on the Theran calendar Sinde perished, never to return.

Cabal:DAWN, the Servants of the Dawn
PK Ratio:91% (closer to 100% is better)

6099, RE: (DEL) Sinde the Hand of the Unseen, Servant of the Dawn
Posted by Hycteran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sad to see you leave, and a shame that all I usually heard from you is 'llohuir on eastern road' or something along those lines. Mostly remember you complaining about rot as well and some conversation about taking rot onto yourself and slowing it. That one confused me and I was almost tempted to go out and get rotted just to experiment...

Good luck with the next one. And I think your right, Dawnies are generally thought fools. Even by Llohuir! (Lalgar and I are still up for a fight if you want to go for us any time...)

Hycteran, Bird of 'Pray'
6100, hehe!
Posted by Llohuir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Never thought anyone was a fool. Always take my opponents cautiously. You and Lalgar team pretty well and most of the time sent me running away. Well, one of those days, we'll meet again.I damn hate that stun!

Who ever said Dawn was a fool?!! Not by me at all. Always respected my opponents and interact with them as much as possible. See ya, birdie!
6101, *claps*
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I told you I was impressed the other day, and you know why. I still am.

I was wondering who you were earlier today and guessed right. Glad to see another thief proving how well they can do. Seem to remember an entropy one who was pretty dangerous in the past too.
6102, Yeh smash good
Posted by Teh Yekirat on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Meh beh habin enough truble findin way frem Hamsah to Tar Valon, so when dat elf Thelleneor started smashin meh on eastern meh wus redy to throw up meh hands and cry in frustration. Meh jus beh frendly giant who wuntin frends, but always beh gettin smashed by others. Still no knowin why eiter.

Krivohan told meh to jus 'bash 1.' a lot an meh wuld do good. So meh did, an it worked not bad. Meh gotted nuthin frem yer corpse, but herd yeh had good things. Better than meh blacksmith forge hammers an charreds an skull rings meh think. Meh wish weh culd have roleplayed more in teh Inn, roleplay beh teh bestest, it maked meh feel good.

Meh thinkin yeh wus my ferst kill, so meh say thank yeh fer dat. Thank yeh. Meh gotted log of fight too, good to look over der an lern where meh culd insert more emotes. Beh good ther elfy.

Yekirat teh SMASHER!!
6103, RE: Yeh smash good
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think this is supposed to be mocking me. Go you.
6104, RE: (DEL) Sinde the Hand of the Unseen, Servant of the Dawn
Posted by Claustren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Damn, its sad that you're gone, I really enjoyed the interactions with you, and it was suprising to see you go... I thought you played Sinde really well, and I hope you do your next just as good, good luck and see you in the fields...
~Claustren, the Sloppy Chef of the Eternal Star
6105, RE: (DEL) Sinde the Hand of the Unseen, Servant of the Dawn
Posted by Sharukin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why did you delete? You seemed like a well-played char. Thanks for the help in Asgaard, you must have deleted shortly after that eh?

6106, RE: (DEL) Sinde the Hand of the Unseen, Servant of the Dawn
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
God I'm such a fuckup. All the forethought in the world, but terrible instincts. No accounting for instincts. I'm in no mood for happy reminiscing so this'll be quick.


Parealiren - my exploration buddy. You were/are cool. Keep up the good work.

Lysrieal - little heavy on the emotes, but you get a "A" for effort. Maybe try to sound a little less like Calarathiel.

Lalgar - You know what's up. No dumb dwarf facade can mask that. Sorry for letting you down in the mines.

Acallsho - a shame we didn't get to spend more time together, you're pretty nifty.

Mortheon - you were cool. Sorry I couldn't manage to keep your Tukaleh any safer than I did.

Thelleneor - of all the ways that could have been handled, I chose the absolute worst. Sorry for the poor judgement.

Enbuergo - you were the best. Hands down. Guess I said as much in your goodbye thread.

Ajoul - way too bossy, but I guess as Kingpin you get to be that way. Rule with an iron first.

Lowbie guild thieves (you know who you are) - quit begging people for weapons. Just because I'm good-aligned and a servant, doesn't mean I don't have need for vuln-exploiting weapons. Yes, for god's sake, I need that wasp-blade!

Calradian - I don't know what to think of you. The first time we met was when I was playing Niala, my failed Ehren healer experiment, then again during my interview with Sinde. You seem to put in more effort than the other Dawn HeroImms, but at the same time I often found that irritating. Of course Dawnies need to do more than sit in the Inn/Guild/Fortress. Of course they need to quit hoarding gear. I guess you just seemed, perhaps incorrectly, a bit overzealous about the enforcement of it all. At least you're doing something, though, which is vastly better than nothing at all.


Eleke - it always irked me that you attributed your death to me to 'luck'. It's not luck when you don't put up preps. It's either overconfidence or forgetfulness. I'm guessing since I was an elf dawnie (not the most likely candidate for PK know-how) you just decided you didn't *need* to quaff a flying potion, or else decided to fight me even though the duration was low. Anyway, you seem well played.

Grazzul - you're a funny guy. Too bad I wasn't playing an evil this time around.

Dullameh - heh. It was the only thing I could do to get at you solo, and I did it. That has to count for something, right? A lich is always an imposing presence, and you seem to play the part well. Honestly I wasn't all *that* afraid of you solo, but with Dahlisyn and the lion at your side...well...that's a whole other story.

Krivohan - you rude bastard. Quiet mode my ass. :) If you'd really wanted to kill me after I stole your stuff you should have raided solo instead of with Dullameh and Dahlisyn. I would have been much more likely to show up "quickly" without having taken the time to put up preps and evaluate whether your group was going to hit the Knight.

Llohuir - you can stop looking over your shoulder now. Shamans were one of the least scary things for me to face since you couldn't lag me, my saves were good and I had plenty enough con to withstand a rot. Then again, you were hard to kill.

Dwoggurd - you hit like a truck. I went to great lengths to obtain orbs of travel just so I could fight you and not worry about...well, "you know what". Then I only got the one time. Keep fighting the good (or, not so good) fight.

Alsic - very lame to go OOC that way, but I guess it's better than rage-deleting like I did.

Llor - umm, yeah. I'd just like to point out that no, contrary to what you posted on the log board, that was not a "one trick" kill. I went out onto the water specifically so I could steal what I eventually stole in case I got you jacked. Then, according to my role-play, I actually *let* you get the first shot since you'd never attacked me before that. Later, in the keep, I really should have died. Porrly played on my part. Unfortunately it was a harbinger of things to come.

Nauamjair - yeah, well, sorry you won't get a chance to get revenge. It wasn't "luck" in galadon either. That time, as opposed to the fiasco that led to my deletion, I actually managed to keep my wits about me and not panic. It's actually much more lucky that you ever got me slept in the first place. You have no spellcraft, were nine ranks below me, my save vs. spell was "Heavily Protected", and I'm a race that has resist_charm. Go figure.

Yekirat - Ugh. If you noticed after sorting through my things, I had an orb of travel in my inventory. Instead of wearing it the three commands I entered between your bashes were "quaff return" (entered during the altruism lag), "flee" (failed) and "quaff return". I just *knew* that thing would save my life sometime and, had I had the good sense to use it, I'd still be alive. Like I said at the beginning of this post, there's no accounting for bad instincts.


I made Sinde after playing Nizrahl, a scarab wannabe. Figured I'd do a complete 180. This time I was determined to Hero so I didn't level sit at all. That explains the poor kill count. Sinde basically left people alone unless they had attacked her, her close friends or the fortress. Often, however, I would "let" people attack me (those I was relatively sure I could survive) for the express purpose of being able to hunt them later. I'm a stinker that way. It certainly made things more challenging, though. For what it's worth I think thieves are still fun/potent at Hero. Here's the role I played for most of Sinde's life, though only just added earlier today. What great timing, huh? As always, comments and constructive criticism are welcome.

role + Sinde's life is a story of unfortunate circumstances, perserverence, and a
role + good deal of luck. As a child she found herself stranded in Galadon,
role + alone without a friend in the world. Her memories of the time are dim,
role + and still to this day she doesn't know what happened to her parents or why
role + her family was even in Galadon in the first place. Were her mother and
role + father merchants who fell prey to bandits? Or might they have been
role + diplomats on a secret mission for the Darsylonian throne? Famed bards
role + stayin in Galadon for one final performance? In any case, whatever the
role + circumstances, Sinde steadfastly refuses to admit the possibility she
role + could simply have been abandoned by parents either unable or unwilling to
role + care for her.
role +
role + Sinde made her way as a street urchin for a time, supporting herself
role + through begging, stealing and other devious means. Though she frequently
role + broke the law by thieving food or trinkets at the Market Square, Sinde
role + never considered herself a hardened criminal or committed any violent
role + crimes. She was, however, the intended target of many such crimes and so
role + she learned to defend herself as necessary. Always a cute little girl,
role + Sinde eventually blossomed into a beatiful young woman. The down side to
role + this, however, is that beautiful young women typically have other, more
role + profitable, means of supporting themselves than stealing. Thankfully
role + Sinde was spared this fate.
role +
role + At some point she realized that because she was now reaching adulthood,
role + the authorities might not be so lenient in their punishments the next time
role + she was caught stealing. It was then that she was first approached by the
role + thieve's guild. The man who spoke to her was cultured, refined\; he wore
role + fine silks and smelled of rosewater and exotic perfume. When he addressed
role + her it was not as a street urchin but as one might address a colleague or
role + business associate. He uttered words like 'devotion', 'brotherhood',
role + 'teamwork', 'collaboration'. Having lived a life of relative solitude
role + these words were immensely appealing to Sinde. She resumed her thievery,
role + intent on joining this band of brothers.
role +
role + And eventually it came to pass. Sinde joined the guild of thieves. What
role + she now realized, however, was that the image of the guild sold to her by
role + the perfumed man was in fact a half-truth. While there was indeed the
role + atmosphere of brotherhood and camaraderie, there was also rampant greed,
role + murderous intent, and some of the most violent and bloodthirsty people she
role + had ever known. As a guild member she was spared their attacks, but she
role + found it difficult to even be around them. There were some, however, like
role + her. Men and women who had been down on their luck, who were not ruled by
role + greed or bloodlust. It was these she decided to concentrate on, the ones
role + who had not yet to fallen prey to the darkness that afflicted so many of
role + the guild.
role +
role + ..
role +
role + Sinde is primarily undeducated, but like the rest of her race is extremely
role + intelligent. Her speech patterns have been adversely affected by her time
role + on the street, but she learned in the thieve's guild how to speak with
role + eloquence when it is required. While Sinde's early life was a struggle
role + for survival, her adult life has been a struggle to maintain personal
role + integrity. Surrounded by thieves and murderers and equipped with the
role + skills to become a very one herself, Sinde must remind herself daily of
role + why she remains in the guild. If there is any group of poor, deluded
role + souls in need of hope, it is the thieves of Thera. Blinded by greed,
role + they must be shown the greater reality that exists beyond what they can
role + steal and hold. When she donates to the guild it is out of a belief that
role + some good will come out of it, though she harbors no illusions about how
role + most of those around her would prefer to use the funds.
role +
role + In relation to others Sinde is generally peaceful, cheerful and friendly.
role + She does not go out of her way to combat those with dark hearts, but she
role + will not fail to respond when attacked. She occasionally aggresses
role + against those she considers a threat to all Therans, though almost never
role + with the assistance of others. Theft is her primary weapon, and she has
role + no qualms about stealing from the darkened in order to equip those with
role + pure hearts.
6125, Sphere
Posted by Ranger Hero on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I might have missed this in the role but I was wondering if you could explain how your sphere related to the char.
6126, RE: Sphere
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Unfortunately it didn't to a large extent. When I was rolling the character I was tried to decide whether I might want to pursue a religion, so I read all the help files again since some new ones had been added and decided Arvam's seemed the coolest of the bunch. Passion is also a sphere that has lots of general applications. You could say Sinde was "passionate" about helping others, serving in the Haven, etc.
6124, RE: (DEL) Sinde the Hand of the Unseen, Servant of the Dawn
Posted by Thelleneor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Probably one of your last acts in the game was to save the life of an elf warrior about to die, sacrificing your own. Although you may be disappointed at how you died, it still seems a triumph on one level for the life of a servant. I appreciate your willingness to assist me to hero, although I never had trouble finding people to group with. I hope to see you in the light again.
6123, RE: (DEL) Sinde the Hand of the Unseen, Servant of the Dawn
Posted by Kerikorlian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked you as much as Kerikorlian could ever "like" a thief, always kind of testing the waters with you. OOC I enjoyed your roleplay style and thought you were a well rounded character. Try not to rage too much, I'm sure you had some fun along the way. Good luck with the next.
6122, Good riddance :P
Posted by Llohuir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hell, i'm pissed to see you go. Another one again? Now a whole new breed of heros coming up in my range. Sigh.

I'm glad we chatted about friendship and cabals. well, I don't go around and rot people if you know. I have my reasons. I godamn hate thieves and I surely don't want a revamp of them. Maybe no cheap shot. It sucks at high levels and lags you really bad once the shots come in. You, Enbuergo, Ajoul are pissed-off enemies of Llohuir!

But for me, I kind of like you and the times you spared me more so than i can count. Good RP and that's what a servant is supposed to be - to be more defensive, with aggression at the right time. I believe you were one of the better servants I've interacted with. Others come up to me like a Maran or even worse, they have their own agenda instead of helping others (I can cite a few cases of bad servant RP but let's move on).

Gonna miss Sinde and yes, I'm always on the lookout for you. All the best for your next and all.

6119, RE: (DEL) Sinde the Hand of the Unseen, Servant of the Dawn
Posted by Lalgar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Lalgar - You know what's up. No dumb dwarf facade can mask
>that. Sorry for letting you down in the mines.

Damn! That's the only thing I can saw. Man I was shocked when I saw this. You were an awesome servant didn't lie down and get ran overed but you protected those around you and yourself. The mines? That was nothing when you told me the plan I willing to give my life for it for the betterment of the light right? Anyhow I was hoping you would have stuck around I wanted to see something happen but oh well it never happened. I wished I knew what happened email me at cf_dwarf@hotmail.com if you feel like telling me.

6120, "What happened"
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I got out onto eastern, see Thelleneor and Yekirat about to get into it. Head east until I find them, and by this time Thelleneor's already starting to take a beating. About two rounds go by while I take the time to look at both of them, then I get the "bright" idea of altruisming Thelleneor. I fail the first one, taking me out of the shadows, then hit the second. This takes me down to 150hp. Thelleneor was getting bashed to high heaven and had probably spammed in a couple of flees. These go through right after I altruism him and before the lag wears off. Yekirat then starts bashing me, and the three commands I get off are quaff, flee (failed) and another quaff. The frustration here was two fold. First, if I'd attacked Yekirat then we probably would have killed him. Second, even after I made the unwise decision to altruism Thelleneor, if I'd had the sense to wear the orb of travel I was carrying *for precisely this situation* then I wouldn't have died. It was the sheer dumbness of it all that really got to me.
6121, RE: "What happened"
Posted by Enbuergo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This same rage is exactly why I don't have a character right now. My shaman I had after Enbuergo got gang banged/full looted by four ragers I had never seen before. I didn't bother to overly prepare myself because I thought "hell, I've never fought them before and I'm not raiding, so I should be alright." trip trip trip trip trip bash bash bash throw throw dead. Stupid decisions piss you off, this I know =P.

I'll give Sinde credit. I only started interacting with her a week or so before I knew I was going to delete, but it was a pleasure to hang around her. Too bad I couldn't bribe Calradian to make you an Apostle. I thought that little episode was hilarious...and I really would have came up with the coin. Not all my cheese went to the guild =P.

Better luck next time amigo. Let me know if you want my email and maybe we can work something out.
6118, RE: (DEL) Sinde the Hand of the Unseen, Servant of the Dawn
Posted by Wemnar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Lowbie guild thieves (you know who you are) - quit begging
>people for weapons. Just because I'm good-aligned and a
>servant, doesn't mean I don't have need for vuln-exploiting
>weapons. Yes, for god's sake, I need that wasp-blade!

Well I hope you didn't think I was one. The one that said I didn't know you was a big wig in the guild! I hope that rings a bell. Don't spill the beans if you do but did you think I was one that did that. I don't think I ever asked for weapons. I tend to manage to get all the stuff I can get by with while I'm still a ghost (I'm glad I picked the race I did) Anyway I wished we could have got to know each other more IC.

Welp C-ya
6117, Im curious to know what happened....
Posted by Ajoul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yah well i gotta be that way sometimes, bossy. Its his RP with regard to guild members. Cant have people auctioning off guild gear can we now?

I liked Sinde. Lots of moral dedication, something which Ajoul is in short supply of. You made a good servant and I thought i might recommend you for next kingpin, since you were both good at what you do and around the guild a lot.

See you around

6114, Another one bites the dust
Posted by Dalentar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Always enjoyed having you by myside or in my group just to talk to. I got word from Par of the plan and I just thought that was the greatest to steal the orb. It's something I think a thief should do. Dalentar is racist against thieves and you showed me what a good thief is and changed my outlook slightly on the rest of thieves but always did have a soft spot for Sinde.

I had a gut feeling that you were Isildur. Now that's two characters I've interacted with you with. You really need to sit back take a breather and move on. Revenge is very, very sweeet and it's hard to do that when your dead.

6115, RE: Another one bites the dust
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Heh. Actually it's three - Aeana, Nizrahl and Sinde. What's humorous is that Aeana and Sinde both got their heartseekers from you, although Sinde's came by way of Ajoul.

Yeah, I definitely need to take a break or something. At the very least I should stop playing thieves and assassins.
6116, Heh...
Posted by Dalentar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As Aeana, I remember reading that you stole that heartseeker from a neutral Herald. I was thinking well that wasn't me because I'm good. It seems that I'm a thief haven. Oh I need a weapon, shield, neat stuff... I'll stop by and see that Dalentar fellow.

6112, RE: (DEL) Sinde the Hand of the Unseen, Servant of the Dawn
Posted by Eleke on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Eleke - it always irked me that you attributed your death to me to 'luck'. It's not luck when you don't put up preps. It's either overconfidence or forgetfulness. I'm guessing since I was an elf dawnie (not the most likely candidate for PK know-how) you just decided you didn't *need* to quaff a flying potion, or else decided to fight me even though the duration was low. Anyway, you seem well played.

Ugh, one of my most embarrasing pk deaths ever. "Dawn thief, there's no need for me to bother with preps, that ass is mine." I actually did put up fly, but it fell sometime before that backstab while I was either jacked or in Tar Valon with you. The rest of the preps just sat in my charms. You seemed like an alright sort, though i'll admit i'm glad you are gone due to you being around the fortress with detect hidden, and alerting people of my presence.
6113, RE: (DEL) Sinde the Hand of the Unseen, Servant of the Dawn
Posted by Isildur on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>"Dawn thief, there's no need for me to bother with preps, that ass
>is mine."

This is one of the best thing about playing Dawnies. People always assume you're a complete moron, often leading to their demise. You should try it sometime. :)
6111, RE: (DEL) Sinde the Hand of the Unseen, Servant of the Dawn
Posted by Parealiren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Darn. And another one goes. I'm loosing the people I hero'd with. Now all I got is... Well I can't remember. Our times going around doing shiznat was great. Sinde was an inspiration to par. Keep up the good work well great work.

any thoughts on par drop me a line. My email addy is somewhere posted here... I just can't remember where.

6110, RE: (DEL) Sinde the Hand of the Unseen, Servant of the Dawn
Posted by The Maiden on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Heavy on the emotes? Thought it always would bring out more character :p. But as I have started, I will not change as that would give lys a different look to many as they have already seen. Perhaps though, I will keep it in mind for the future characters. Thanks for the comment on effort. With my playing time I "attempt" to do all I can and work as hard as I can to bring out the best of the haven, lys's beliefs, and as well, bring up the Amaria.

The Maiden,
Lysrieal, Dy'eria, the Maiden of Alaryion, Apostle of the Dawn
6108, RE: (DEL) Sinde the Hand of the Unseen, Servant of the Dawn
Posted by Nydeikon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really expected to see you get Apostle, well played.

That Whil guy.
6109, RE: (DEL) Sinde the Hand of the Unseen, Servant of the Dawn
Posted by Lalgar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I really expected to see you get Apostle, well played.

So Did I. I was hoping to push for that.

6107, It was a pleasure, and you will be missed.
Posted by Danical on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
THats about it!

6127, RE: (DEL) Sinde the Hand of the Unseen, Servant of the Dawn
Posted by Mortheon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nice ratio, for an elf :P