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Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Izuhlzin the High Wizard of the Arcane
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=60853
60853, (DELETED) [None] Izuhlzin the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wed Aug 22 09:04:42 2007

At 4 o'clock PM, Day of Thunder, 10th of the Month of the Frost Giant
on the Theran calendar Izuhlzin perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
61173, Tribunal Gameplay on the Gameplay Board now.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
This has totally become a gameplay issue, so post about Rule 12 and anything else in regards to Tribs there about this.
61154, RE: (DELETED) [None] Izuhlzin the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by Xin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I disliked your haughty, self-righteous, condescending demeanor and your annoying tendency to pop up alongside Hunsobo when I was trying to retrieve solo as if Hunsobo needed help. You used Scions and orcs to raid the Spirit and make retrieving even more of a b#### than it had to be. I don't know if you played a good Tribunal, so I let others judge that, but you played a good dark elf. Another thing I liked about Izzie was that although he never disadvantaged himself in a fight he did fight me alone when I was not half-naked and reckless. Those many fights do not have either of us dying, but were far better fights and enjoyable enough I would walk on the roads near Galadon or Voralian inviting Izzie to attack me. GLWYN.
61072, If this is a public forum, why are some threads locked? n/t
Posted by Just curious. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
61073, RE: If this is a public forum, why are some threads locked? n/t
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because some of the posts become so overly ridiculous and redundant over inane things, it's best to just lock them.
60975, Alright goodbye
Posted by Izuhlzin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Having read the Imm comments to discern what was noted of the character I can post my thoughts with the limited insight given.

To be blunt, I played a tribunal because everyone told me I should based on other characters. I suppose when it came down to it.. I just thought tribunal was a different cabal than it actually was. My whole life I just wanted to raid the crap out of whatever cabal had a criminal. I thought as an evil tribunal that could be justified but, I, as a player had to hold a lot of that back because basically I would get thrown out.
I think it would be fair to say that tribunal wars with whatever cabal has a criminal(online or not). Trying to justify them being 'offline' as a reason to not press only to have them defended with numbers when 'online' was kinda crap. If you are going to protect and harbor i felt I should be alowed to hunt.

This power, i know, is limited to Vindicators. But that was my role. That is what I strived to be. 600 some hours of working to do it. I personally feel that if Tribunal was for more active in hunting cabals with criminals then the numbers would mean something. Yes, tribunal would likely cause wars for themselves because of striking guardians but then trib would need to retrieve more(which would cause these so-called 'gear whores' to leave the city to do something) and promote active hunting of criminals and over all purpose. As it stands a criminal was practically immune to me because I had to sit and twiddle my thumbs a lot for an imm to actually given me authority. Or go in and do something and receive a bitchfest for endless time following.

I'm not sure of what I feel about tribunal after leaving. I dont understand how I got in trouble so much for being a 'drow' and using the law with twisted reasoning in 'grey' areas. If you want to define certain things and not leave them up to 'interperetation' as clearly written in the books then do it. I got nailed and yelled at for playing my role. Even though 'help tribunal' says those in tribunal serve the law in their own ways and purpose. I'm really confused.

Regarding the Rayihns comment about Ahiviln and slaying him 4 times in a day. They neglect to mention the WANTED flag he was obtaining and trying to obtain. Ditto for Dahlgul and his attempt to kill me as well and overall record for wanting to commit crimes and obtain WANTED status.

Regarding giving the item to orcs. Well, two of the current cabal people who had the ability to protect the item I just solo'd for were too busy 'gear' hunting to defend. So I passed it to orcs to deal with it. Can you really blame me? This was addressed and the executioner agreed. Too bad when i eventually removed someone from incompetency and overall lack of actually purpose for the cabal I can understand. but when pointed to the texts in the spire and the lack of defining power, Izuhlzin capatolized on it.

As for the comment from Lyr regarding shawtabbies/guards and most likely Golyhrr/drovis in voralian. I was pre-hero with NO WANDS at all. At hero and with a nice set.. villagers like those two were no cake walk. With guards/shawtabbies there was no threat. I did what I could given the situation. Rather than hide in the spire. I took physical action as I deemed fit. Izuhlzin did mind using guards to die for him. As if he was a ghost there was NOTHING he could do.

Im also dissapointed in the lack of response to anything i prayed about in regard to role, potions, and anythign related to tribunal were left null. But anything that reflect evil or twisted were immediatly addressed. Tribunal needs an imm.

I'll post goodbyes and more thoughts perhaps later. Overall I had fun and I enjoy the transmuter class.. but I dont understand what was so bad about Izuhlzin to obtain little to no attention cabal wise. Even when I left I remained vigilant and lawful wich was hard. I'm just exhausted and confused.
60976, RE: Alright goodbye
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll be straight with you... I respect that you're trying to stretch your range a bit by trying a Tribunal, but for the most part I had a really hard time telling this character apart from d-elf craftedDeception trans numbers one through nine-thousand nineteen. Even as a theoretically OE Tribunal, the character still felt really chaotic evil to me -- basically what you'd get if you had a CE who for some reason didn't break the law much.

As far as Tribunal goes, my guess is that the people overseeing the cabal saw some cool things for you, but also saw you doing some things a Tribunal really shouldn't do. That makes it hard to promote you. Presumably, if you were to give it another go and wanted to, you could manage less of the latter and get where you wanted to be.

My opinion, and I don't run Tribunal so it's just that -- someone should be able to play that style of 'I'm going to constantly piss on the spirit of the law while being able to make a case for upholding its letter' Tribunal, but, that being said, I think it's okay if the leadership cracks on them for it, and I don't personally feel that kind of character should ever be promoted to Provincial or higher.
60977, I just wonder
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

What exactly tribunal wants. Obviously most of the playerbase hates the cabal. And I got a fair share of 'good' feeback from the players regardless of some of the 'jackass' moves I pulled in regards to how Izuhlzin would read the texts. I'm not really sure was a evil tribunal really is. I'm glad, in the end, that i had the respects of the players though. I was just saddened that I felt like I wasted 630 hours to be a cabales char that most of its life was given feedback of something more.
60978, RE: I just wonder
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I don't think there's any denying you had some good Tribunal moments... they were just interspersed with occasional 'hm... we probably should throw him out for that' moments. For example, if you flag a guy for an invalid reason and that's the only mistake you make in a big stretch of play, probably everyone but that guy had a good impression of you during that time, but...

You were up to Provincial at one point; it's not like you weren't seen, more just like you were screwing up some too.
60983, I question this.
Posted by Thuul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am still seeing things colored by my own knee jerk uninduction.

My suspicion is there has been an assignment made in the staff as to who runs the Cabal from behind the scene and they are as free wheeling with their interpretation of the laws as it is claimed Izu was.

I have played outlander and Tribunal with him through several characters and didn't see anything like you described.

I saw a level headed savy character that did things for other members of the Spire and who was well within Spire regulation when he went out hunting.

That being said, I can see why Maethron would curtail his activities, but that's Mortal interaction and punishments/rewards can be handled at that level.

It was said about Vhlouvang that a character that spends 600 is going to get a lot of attention for their efforts.

Here we have a character/Player who was really sticking to a role and what did he get? Grief and bad review, when I had nothing but possitive interactions and from what I can see he had reletivly few negative comments from player base.

I personally think Tribs should be a Good/Neutral only cabal because of two reasons.

1) People can't seem to wrap their heads around corrupt Tribunal RP (WHich Izu wasn't)

2) And people wanting to play corrupt Tribunals.

Evil is just to self serving a concept to mesh with the cabal. I think that small change would have some possitive impact on the game.

Great job Izu!
60984, RE: I question this.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>I have played outlander and Tribunal with him through several
>characters and didn't see anything like you described.

I'm not even really playing right now or watching the cabal and I still have a couple times, so...

60993, Saw it as Hunsobo a lot actually...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
...and loved every minute of Izuhl's eeeevil Tribness.

One example: toward the end of Hunsobo's life, Fort had the Codex (again) and Niela to defend. I went to retrieve - pretty sure I could retrieve it against just her - maybe not kill her, but at least retrieve.

But I asked Izuhlzin if he wanted to kill Niela. He said sure, but "he has been forbidden to enter the Fortress beyond the Tara'bal."

"Yuh den."

So we go there, Niela shows up, Izuhl starts neuroing and I start doing my best to pump out damage fast. Niela flees (wimpy maybe?) into the Fortress just after the Tara'bal dies.

While I'm putting up Blade of the Codex, piercing gaze, imperial offense, etc. I hear Niela yell 'Die, Izuhlzin, you sorcerous dog!' Inside the Fortress.

She escapes, and I go after the Orb.

A while later, Izuhlzin tells me 'if anyone asks, I did not go into the Fortress.'

Hunsobo has no reason not to lie, if asked - he has an extreme dislike for Maethron, who seems to think *his* laws are more important than Imperial Law. No Imperial Law/order was broken by Izuhlzin.

My lying pisses Niela off to no end. She argues with me, trying to convince this big dumb giant that she WAS inside the Fortress, CorrlaanDAMMIT! And ol Hansolo just plays ignorant. "Nuh how Hunsobo saw its. Yous wus at Tarabalthingie."

All of this made for great drama, excitement, and so on. BUT it is also plenty of justification, IMO, for Izuhlzin to have another "strike" against him WRT his actions as a Trib. Not having any *proof* of disobeying Maethron's orders doesn't mean Maethron can't choose to believe that Iz disobeyed.

That's just one example. Like I say - my mortal char loved Izuhlzin as an ally (and Ciurehra too :P ) but I can't sit and say that he didn't deserve the Tribsmacking he took. It was a role and he played it, and felt the consequences. *shrug*
60994, That's just good RP if you ask me.
Posted by Thuul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked the character enough to kiss his ass with Thuul. =)

60996, I agree, it is good RP...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He's RPing a trib who pushes things as far as he can - balking the orders of his superiors, trying to get away with stuff.

That's fine, but just realize that, just like in real life, if you "try to get away with stuff." sometimes you'll get caught. And sometimes you don't, but the nagging suspicion is enough to screw up your life.
60999, RE: I agree, it is good RP...
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's pretty much where I'm at.

I think a lot of players would argue that being allowed to play out a somewhat dirty/dodgy Tribunal and remain in the cabal that long is itself a form of reward, and one that they don't think should be allowed to go even as far as it did. Your mileage may vary.
61007, The cabal did NOTHING to repridmend me.
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

It was all Imm working against an evil dirty cop. The players itself did nothing to investigate the workings of Izuhlzin. He had a lot of control over his own cabalmates. That was majority of the power. That as were the fun was. If they couldnt pin me or did not want to pin me. Whose fault is that?
61011, Tell you what:
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll make a Tribunal that just keeps flagging whatever character you play next. If you suicide the flag off, I'll just put it back on. I'll make sure (through means purely within the mortal power of that character) that no mortal is ever in a position to catch me doing it, and I'll be a model citizen Tribunal in all other respects. Possibly you'll form up a posse to raid Tribunal and take the Scales here and there, but I'll make sure you're never in a position to actually kill me.

Not that Izuhlzin was that far gone, but would you still feel like there should be no imm involvement there in this hypothetical situation? I have to think no.
61012, Considering I didnt #### over peoples chars
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Which continually wanted people for crimes they did not commit would do. And which I did not do. Nothing I did bad was with cabal powers or anything. It was my offduty. And a majority of it was killing people at the fortress.
61016, RE: Considering I didnt #### over peoples chars
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Huh. My bad, the times I saw you misflag people I assumed it was intentional since you were kind of a shady guy. Apparently they were just mistakes like anyone else makes.
61019, Really? what times? Obvious aggressive bards songs
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

that people think they should get away with?

61064, I gave you tears. nt
Posted by Old bard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
61069, False. nt
Posted by CrafteD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
61085, Not at all.
Posted by Old Bard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm sure you're thinking of the time I sang nocturne of fright. Just because I argue a warrant, it doesn't mean that I disagree with it OOC. You actually warranted me for singing tears on the high road outside of the Spire and said it was offensive to impair your vision.
61086, And for revealing you one time.
Posted by Old Bard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No kidding, you warranted me for songs I've had Tribunal sing at me. Way to be.
61095, The later, not the former
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I never wanted for tears. I recall telling you to watch the tears. I did warrant you while village tried to raid and while you didnt 'hit' the captain. you kept poking in revealing me to get pincered down. You were participating on an assult on a magistrate at the spire.
61047, RE: Considering I didnt #### over peoples chars
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You abused your powers by walking into someone elses guild to look at a person who wasn't wanted.

You flagged a bard for killing a magistrate in a city. The song was sung in the Open Plains and the magistrate just happened to teleport and word to two different cities. That was what you flagged them for. Fortunately for you, he also attacked a guildguard during that time so a flag was warranted.

You spelled up folks and stood there while they attacked the Captain-Commander in a protected city.

That's three things in protected cities and two things while on duty.
61049, i'm sorry, but i was trying to follow the warrant issued policy? nt
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
61063, Geoona hadn't written a warrant.
Posted by Old bard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wouldn't try ####ting the imms, it's not hard to match up the timeing of events from logs. And you take responsibility for any warrant you place. The guild was attacked only after you placed it too. You even said 'I can't understand Geoona, because you've garbled her voice'. Face it, you sucked at Tribunal. Try another Cabal
61070, Looks like SOMEBODY has a grudge. nt
Posted by Trilo_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
61137, No he didn't.
Posted by Thuul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He played for 600 + hours and undoubtably made a few mistakes, but he wasn't a #### trib. I listened to him make on the spot corrections and guide clearly new tribs. Further more he was always there RP'ing with Thuul keeping them relevant.

Walking into a guild to Look at/Judge an unwanted character is not an abuse of power.

That alone and the handful of other squibs Lyr mentioned come nowhere near to making me not like this character or think he was corrupt, nor do I think it's cool that he was so ignored.
61075, RE: Considering I didnt #### over peoples chars
Posted by Victoria2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You call looking at someone in their guild when they are not wanted an abuse of power?

I'd say that depends on whether they are very likely to offend in the short term.
61083, RE: Considering I didnt #### over peoples chars
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Rule number 12. No Magistrate will set foot inside any guild aside from their own, unless on
immediate Tribunal business. This means any guild, anywhere.

Immediate Tribunal business means investigating a crime there or hunting a criminal there. It is not meant as a place for you to use as you see fit for your convenience.
61084, Which is subject to what you feel is tribunal business
Posted by Izuhlzin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Drezen, had been wanted a few time. I wante to talk to him, see his specs. Mainly know if he was a dagger spec so I could keep an eye. This was before he become into my range and we made a relationship. How you read it was different than I. I believe I also judged him. Tribunal Busuiness is such a ####ing broad term. Clarify it if thats how you want it as I said in game.
61096, RE: Which is subject to what you feel is tribunal business
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Immediate. You could have judged him, looked at him to determine what you wanted at any other time. Immediate means, chasing a criminal or investigating a crime in that guild.

The ability to walk into other guilds was something that was highly debated before it became available. The power was not to be taken lightly. There is more discussion going on in regards to changing that rule to possibly prevent more intrusion into other guilds so there are no more misunderstandings.
61117, RE: Which is subject to what you feel is tribunal business
Posted by Trilo_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If "immediate tribunal business" translates to "chasing a criminal or investigating a crime", I think you definitely should change that rule. It may seem clear to you, but it obviously wasn't to Izuhlzin, and it doesn't seem clear to me either. "Immediate tribunal business" could mean a lot of things. Especially since people have guild-sat in other guilds, not on any tribunal business whatsoever, without repercussions.
61144, RE: Which is subject to what you feel is tribunal business
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
When it is caught, it is done. It isn't always caught.

What else could immediate mean? Seriously. If you don't have to be there immediately, you shouldn't be there. If you have to be there immediately, it means a crime is or has been committed there or a wanted person is there. Immediate means NOW. Not maybe someday in the future, or perhaps a reason in the past.
61151, Okay.
Posted by Thuul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
NOW I have to assertain X about Y becvause of Z.

Must be nice to know the absolute value of all the variables given that the formula is so vague as to be widely encompassing.

Hell, this law that you use to screw over characters is more vague that the definition of an Orderly ethos.
61153, Or
Posted by N b M on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You have to hide their to save your hide while crazy amounts of criminals and or raiders are running rampant, and then when you are able to get back in the fight, you do.

I have done it and so have many others.
61172, RE: Or
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You aren't supposed to. You just got away with it. That's the purpose of rule 12 to keep you from hiding in other peoples guilds.
61161, RE: Which is subject to what you feel is tribunal busin...
Posted by Trilo_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
> Umm, hiding in a guild that isn't yours to avoid pk is most
> definitely not okay.

>When it is caught, it is done. It isn't always caught.

What about when it's done by fairly high-profile, imm-rewarded characters? And documented in their role?

I mean, if that really just wasn't noticed, that's fine. I just want to tell you what I thought when I read that PBF, before I had played a trib; I thought, "this guy guild-sat in the paladin's guild and didn't even have a single negative comment about it." I figured that was something OK to do.

> What else could immediate mean? Seriously. If you don't have
> to be there immediately, you shouldn't be there.

"Immediate business" doesn't mean you HAVE TO BE THERE IMMEDIATELY. I'm sorry, that's just not what the word means in that context. At least, that's not the only thing it can mean, and that's not how I interpreted it. Maybe I'm just a retard who doesn't understand English, but I don't think that's it.

By and large I like what you imms do, but this time I think something should be changed. Rewriting the rule to be more specific wouldn't be difficult anyway. A lot of times something seems crystal-clear to the people who wrote it when to everyone else it just... isn't.

Anyway, I'll shut up now, it's obvious your mind's made up. It's not a big deal anyway, I guess. Except to Izuhlzin.
61162, RE: Which is subject to what you feel is tribunal business
Posted by Lochzan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Alright, what about checking for fires? Many guilds cannot be scanned all the way into, so is it cool to walk through guilds checking for them? Presuming that you do not remain. Especially guilds which lie near to common fire places; River roud, voralian docks, etc.
61142, Because you say so?
Posted by Thuul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't read Immediate anywhere nearly as narrominded as that.

If that's what it means, then change the wording. Or do you enjoy using it as a loop hole to uninduct characters/players you don't like?

As it stands it defines exactly nothing with reguard to defining "Immediate Tribunal Business".
61146, RE: Because you say so?
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Umm, hiding in a guild that isn't yours to avoid pk is most definitely not okay. That is the main reason rule number 12 exists.
61150, Bull.
Posted by Thuul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Anyone who has played for any length of time can see that you have over simplified and disembled that argument.

This is a thread about Izu, whom was treated like a read-headed step child. Your draconian interpretation of a law oddly coincides with the frustrations members of the cabal you oversee feel.

You commenting on Tribs, to me, is like Fox commenting on CNN.

61048, RE: The cabal did NOTHING to repridmend me.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I promoted you to Provincial. I was the one who told you that you were being looked at for Vindicator, but, needed to clean up your act a little bit. Your demotions and eventual removal from the cabal were all done by your mortal leaders. Not a single demotion of yours was done by an immortal. Immortals only presented to your leaders what was considered shady.
61143, Okay, I definatly call Bull @#$@ here.
Posted by Thuul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You deny filling the Role of the executioner and talking to Siloreel and telling them what needs to be done? Perhaps mearly making,
61147, RE: Okay, I definatly call Bull @#$@ here.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What you did was so lame, it wouldn't matter who did it.
61152, I was talking about Izu.
Posted by Thuul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Meaning you saw something as an Imm and made a "sugestion" to Siloreel with reguard to Izu.


Are you eluding that you logged out with your shaman and in as Lyr before my Adrenaline timer had even expired and uninducted me 5 minutes later?

Now what's lame?

P.S. You are not holding a monopoly on your interpretation of the law.

61171, RE: I was talking about Izu.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nope. Siloreelo was given all the facts about Izuhlzin and she ultimately made the decision. If Siloreelo didn't know about everything Izuhlzin had done, which she didn't, I could see why she would have recommended Izuhl for Vindicator. Heck, even I thought they were on their way to the promotion.
61000, Feel free.
Posted by AnimalFarm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
To join in my conversation above, especially if you agree that Vhoulghvang getting 30k imm-exp is ridiculous overkill whereas Izzy only receiving 2500 (there are both 600 hour characters here) is mind-boggling-ly low.
60995, So that makes him unelegable for any sort of reward?
Posted by Guy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Why couldn't you guys have thrown him a bone that didn't have to do directly with trib?
I would have gotten annoyed and just deleted the char long ago myself
60997, I thought he got boned plenty...
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He kept moving up the Tribbie chain, but then would move back down, it seemed. No he didn't get a lot of imm-lovin' but then he didn't really follow any particular god and there wouldn't be any reason for cabal-related lovin'.

That said, it looks like he got immxp for the various quests and such that he participated in, too.

I need to refocus a bit, here - I personally liked the Izuhlzin char (probably more than some other Imms did) but I don't see anything where he was unfairly treated.
61010, i was Provincial for about 12 hours.
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

That was about the only boon I ever got. No imms ever talked to me when I prayed about role related stuff. the immexp i got for quests was actually me sitting in duo watch a monster attack the whole game.
And it took me into 200 hours to get to galadon magistrate. Something that isnt even that 'great' or difficult. I enjoyed my time I just wish sometimes I could get more than just the satisfication of the peers I play with.
61008, That warrant was Issued by Geoona with that reason.
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

The executioner said I handled it perfectly later on after trying to chew my ass out. If it was issued and gave the reason it was issued.. that just how it is. I didnt question the 100 other issued warrants.
61005, RE: Alright goodbye
Posted by Linaeren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hands down the most aggressive trib and the one most willing to leave a city regardless of odds and risk your set. So that I liked (despite how often I felt like I got cherry picked by you, you were an evil drow).

I can see also why you would not go very far in tribunal though. Some of the things we discussed.

On the surface you seemed very tribunal but my direct dealings with you were that you were a back-alley dealing dirty cop, so in a way, I liked that you were in tribunal. A crack in the veneer.

The ONE time I had you dead to rights solo and Teleon saved your ass I could have tossed my monitor through a window. You were fun to have around but I'm certainly doing a little happy dance that you are gone.
61018, Some stats for people who want to hang on idea
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

that I take no risks and shouldnt have gotten exprewards and such because of my 'gankness'.

Here is a list of transmuters with their gank stats. Thats keep in my I was also in a cabal with high numbers at the time as well. But even without that the stats show the traditional stats of a SUPPORT class that is transmuter. These guys all reaped the benefits as well where I got in the other thread(no exp for fights cuz you gang).

Total PK Wins 131
Total PK Assists 122
Average Group Size Per Kill 1.98
Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Brings a friend

Total PK Wins 15
Total PK Assists 33
Average Group Size Per Kill 2.50
Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Faceless Herd Member

PK Gank-O-Meter
Total PK Wins 28
Total PK Assists 11
Average Group Size Per Kill 1.54
Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Somewhat Ganky

PK Gank-O-Meter
Total PK Wins 16
Total PK Assists 36
Average Group Size Per Kill 2.23

Total PK Wins 70
Total PK Assists 51
Average Group Size Per Kill 1.83
Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Brings a friend
Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Super-Ganky

PK Gank-O-Meter
Total PK Wins 75
Total PK Assists 63
Average Group Size Per Kill 1.83
Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Brings a friend

Total PK Wins 95
Total PK Assists 110
Average Group Size Per Kill 2.05
Death's Gank-O-Meter says: Hides Behind Allies
61040, Is miss you!
Posted by Xilia on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Without you taking my back and destroyed the Ragers when they attack the Island, I is to be sadz!

But yeah, I really liked this character. Really asinine, really bitchy sounding, and would warrant and kill easily. Loved it.
60913, Posted a good bit on my Lawdog goodbye's.
Posted by Vhlougvang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its not flames either. I do think your car was consistanly evil and hard to pin down, harder to kill, and fustrating as hell sometimes. Great Job all around.
60907, I'll post later.
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Until then i'll just get the Big GL pride himself in his '600' hours all his rewards since he dedicated a lot of time to his char. So it'll be fair to let him have his final spotlight until he retires.
60914, Your so petty its pathetic.
Posted by Crafted Troll on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Dude, get off your rocket and stop flaming. Dont start trolling everyones goodbyes cus you dont like one person. Get over it.
60916, Im sorry but I played Izuhlzin? nt
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
60968, RE: Your so petty its pathetic.
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You have to admit, you really do look like a tool here.
60969, Dear Vhloughvang:
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The reason we have anonymity on this forum is not so you can, on at least two threads, use multiple names and agree with yourself.

Keep it up, and you will go from three aliases agreeing with one another to zero aliases.

60972, Click, Click, BOOM! n/t
Posted by Pro-man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
61002, dont get it twisted...
Posted by Vhlougvang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
making fun of his name was a joke... Crafted Troll ??

I think its pretty ####ing obvious who was making the statement.. and for the first post I didnt want to drag this into a pissin contest on the Non-Trash forums but it was happening anyway So I just stepped up.

I do think that his post is pathetic.
It was me.
It was ####ing obvious who it was.
Get a grip dude, I know you hate me but get a grip.
I am not trying to hide anything.
(besides the fact that I am sleeping with Iunna and I am Twists son, and I am the one who auctually played CABDRU!!!)

61004, and it should read...
Posted by Vhough on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
as the I know you hate me as crafted D not as you.
but I hope that was as obvious as the sarcasm about Cabdru Iunna...
and as obvious as it was me posting that he was being ridiculous with his "ohh GL on his high horse post"
61003, Fake post. n/t
Posted by Gharik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
60898, Liked our relationship
Posted by Victoria2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was cool that we worked so well together and yet you still tried to betray me when you thought it was safe for you to do so.

After I laid down the line as to what I would and would not tolerate, we achieved quite a lot together, with you sending me locations of people if for some reason they would be too much for you alone.
60884, Drow !!!
Posted by Pissudin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Izuhlzin... I told you in game and will tell you again.
- You will be missed.

You were cleaver, sneaky, vengefull and deadly. What i liked most about you is that when we ended a conversation about someone you would throw a perfect evil comment. That always made me think.. WOW, that is a drow.

Unfortunatelly, some of your actions went against the ways of a tribunal and that caused you to stagnate into a magistrate position. I wished so bad you could go further because I do not think there were any tribunal so deadly as you, and i am sure most of our enemies thinked three times to try something with you around.

I would like to thank you for your presence, company and fun times together. Much respect and admiration on your character, and let me give you congratulations on a perfect played drow and wish you best luck with your next.

See you in the fields.
60873, RE: (DELETED) [None] Izuhlzin the High Wizard of the Arcane
Posted by jutunn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were the reason I was dying so much to the bunches of tribunal :(
all the hastes and nurological disruption. heh
We were enemies, and there arent all that many other people I can say I respected like you.
Also I wore about 20 extra res paralasys just because of you
lotta good that always did :)
The one time I think you killed me solo, we had already been fighting and I was camoed / sleeping up to heal. Went to the bathroom, came back and had been fogged and dying. Think I came back right at that moment of being fogged. Neuro while sleeping eww. Staff tripping eww.
great job overall with the pk power of an arcane.
but sucks ass cause I wanted more fights with you
You arent like other tribbies that log on then log right off, or decided a very long vacation was needed of recent.
also our last meeting, sorry kopak full looted ya basically. The staff and pendant I was making sure wasnt returned to you.
He took everything else x.x but does that. The first time you died in galadon I did full loot you, but will have to save the comments of why and the details etc etc till my chars death
anyway, keep kickin ass man.
but much respect
60869, Damn! :)
Posted by Berak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Very well played! Berak really hated Izuhlzin, IC that is. One of two invokers he just couldn't kill. And that he once got full looted by you in town after an incorrect warrant. (Well, tried to fight the warrant IC but I know it was impossible for you to sort out, but I really was telling the truth, that elemental did attack me in town.)

You were always a challenge, one of few tribunals that venture outside the towns for some active PKing. :D Witch takes guts I must say.
60866, Great character
Posted by Dyrin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
One of my few allies gone, and probably the most bad ass of the Tribs. I thought your character rocked, not sure why you got zero lov'n from the Spire. You played a lawful evil character just as I picture it, which is why I think it lame that whole thing with the executioner happened. Thanks for the trips, you'll be missed.
60864, Good job
Posted by Nivek1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Way to not be a city-sitter. You went out, risked your gear, and killed a good share of people.

How a trib should be played.

Good luck on your next.
60863, RE: (DELETED) [None] Izuhlzin the High Wizard of the Ar...
Posted by Iukulli on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm real sorry to hear this. I interacted with you both as a foe and an ally, and you were great to have around on either end of the fence. You showed me some things that helped me elevate my PK status from fairly crappy to slightly above mediocre, which considering my forms are not well-suited for PK was a lot more than I was expecting.

It sucks that things didn't roll your way in the Spire, since I think you could have made a great vindicator if you could earn the Executioner's favor again. That whole mask thing left you slightly bitter though, and I can understand why.

Anyway, I hope you've got another magistrate in the works, your presence will be missed.

60861, Well played.
Posted by Throkk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You went out there and tried to mix it up. Cool.

Too bad we never got to fight again after I hit (near) hero.