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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectMesashian, kitty, is gone.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=60717
60717, Mesashian, kitty, is gone.
Posted by Cytherea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked playing a more pk active charactor, even though my numbers would show I still pretty much suck at it. Had serious fun with my third assassin in a row, goes to show it takes more then playing it once for me, to even be remotely good at it. I overall enjoyed playing a Maran, the powers are nice, and mantle just rocks for a felar. Enemies were genereal well played and I got the sense of the golden rule, Treat onto others as you would want to be treated. Hense, I hardly looted more then a few things if even that, and usually my enemies returned the favor. Always expected the worse though.

Fortress - Who comes to mind fist, El Capitano. Wow, seriously one hard ass elf paladin. Reminds me of Solas when I was running around as Cyth, overall just overly awesome. Role-play is top notched, and you stuck to what you charactor believed in. Loved that about him. Watch your butt out there, kitty isn't looking in the shadows anymore.

Duujai - I liked your soft spoken style, well manner approach to everything. I was so tempted to just go, Kitty want gate to, just to hang out and rp, but...them the breaks of assassins.

Cardinal - Just like Duujai, I could of rped with you all night if I had the chance. Think your doing a decent job. You and Duujai made me want to do another healer...but I keep slapping myself saying, no no no.

Niela - Not far behind you with the deletion. Hope your having a blast with whatever your doing.

Rismard, Juliane and that Dwarf Maran, you three take care, hopefully one day I can roll up something with maybe a tenth of one of your pk abilities.

Various other Squire/scribes: Have fun and to those I didn't like...have fun too.

Empire: Ktaar, wow you showed me how awesome felar assassins can be. Don't have your patients though, but thought the char was sexy smooth. Now I can quit having nightmares of you.

Hunsobo, ouch, just ouch. I feared you, knew there was no way to kill you unless I joined a group of 12.

Drakolas, I hated fighting shamans until I finally figured the only thing I can do in a fight with them, but then you spanked me too many times to count on one finger.

Scions, Drezen, like Hunsobo, I feared you but at least I had a glimmer of hope one day I could pull off an upset. Eversince I had Erlina, I always wanted to take you down. Fun interactions with both of my charactors. And that autograph....hawt, made me smile even after I died.

Victoria, Ravon, Laviter...Not much I could do against any one of you, keep keeping butt. Oh hey Victoria, the name grew on me, at first hated it since it is my Towns name, but then I felt good telling my friends, I got my ass kicked by Victoria.

Few others of various cabals.

Xin, we never talked much but I enjoyed the elf. I got a good feel of your charactor through our "contests". Which I came out on top, 2 to 3 :) Enjoy the rest of your char.

Izul, I feared you, not so much for the full loot/sac but for the nuero and the death that was quick to follow. But, I did enjoying going at it outside the citys, always dreamt I had a chance at taking you out solo.

Imms, Bear/Ray, Corrlaan...The only three I talked to, enjoyed all of which was said. The combination of you three kept me thinking...what CAN I do to impress them. Never did figure that one out but, thats the way life goes. I will see you all again in Carrionfields, going to keep digging into the pk aspect of the game until I get a firm understanding of it. Thanks for the fun times all!

Desiree, aka Cyth
60967, RE: Mesashian, kitty, is gone.
Posted by Soayel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Cardinal - Just like Duujai, I could of rped with you all night if I had the chance. Think your doing a decent job. You and Duujai made me want to do another healer...but I keep slapping myself saying, no no no.


Well.. What can I say. I always loved to see you around, and I assure you, the pleasure of RPing with you was both sides. I really enjoyed all our talks and time together.

I was actually hoping you'd get a shot at Marshall some day. But alas! You're gone...

And why did you delete anyway ?

As for the healer thing.. Join the club ! You know you want it. ;)
60824, Dang. An'I still owed yas!
Posted by Lechlerr on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked your fire Mesa.

That first "real" time I met you, I logged in, was sitting there in town kind of spaced out, thinking, "Oh, this Maran might just come in the guild and start RPing with me, no worries...". Then you fire up and run in and start tripping the hell out of me.. trip? Haha good one ya got me really there. I was really surprised.. Never underestimate a determined foe! Lechlerr was almost as surprised as I was how that turned out (In his mind that was just a rope-a-dope for future battles though hehe).. Then you left everything for me. That makes it hard to hate someone after they do that. But I think it fostered a brief yet cool relationship where we could have fought over and over without fear of getting steamed at each other and looting and crap. I like that.

Bummer, you could have been a cool adversary for hours to come.....I definitely made sure to come at you prepared after that first one and am really bummed we will not get a chance to scuffle no mo'... See ya'round.
60831, RE: Dang. An'I still owed yas!
Posted by Mesashian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was just thinking this morning about our fights, I was lucky to get the first win. After that, when you were prepped, that just hurt. I normally didn't babysit corpses, but with those lowbies in the guild, I couldn't let another hero get screwed by being full looted. Good luck with cf.
60823, RE: Mesashian, kitty, is gone.
Posted by Juliane on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Kitty I really enjoyed your presence. I liked the determined RP. I really wanted to RP more with you, but honestly I rather just pk than sit around RP. There were alot of times when it was just you and me logged on. Thanks for all the time you helped me, especially when you got me out of the island. You are going to be sorely missed.

60830, RE: Mesashian, kitty, is gone.
Posted by Mesashian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can relate to the pk part. I never really did sit with anyone and rp, always on the move. As for the island thing, I can relate, I got trapped the exact same way you did once. :)
60747, You'll be missed!
Posted by Rin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It's getting to be with things the way they are that none of the Maran are quite into the game of burning through Con like they used to. You were a refreshing fearless addition to that old team. I knew from when we were ranking up together that you'd soon have Maran and I wasn't dissapointed.

Win/loss record aside, you weren't afraid to mix it up, be there 4 tribs in town guarding the one evil one or two Imperials behind Centurions guarding the Orb. I was always cheering you on when I couldn't join you for your silent strikes, and a bit jealous of your spirit!

You'll be missed on team good to be sure.

60829, RE: You'll be missed!
Posted by Mesashian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fun time Rin, we been in the cabal for most of my lifetime. Liked how you would bring a different tactic to defenses...bards are just scary when they are played right. Keep up the good work...

Win/loss record aside, you weren't afraid to mix it up, be there 4 tribs in town guarding the one evil one

I was shocked I didn't die right then and there, after I escaped I was like...uh...air tribby, going to die :P
60741, RE: Mesashian, kitty, is gone.
Posted by Xin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Playing a long-lived character as Xin makes me truly appreciate those personalities that can keep the blood flowing. Some of those characters are pk rivals, some are roleplayers, and some of those are the people down the hall who you hang out and go do fun things with. Mesashian was that sort of cat. Keep them coming!
60729, Damn no one to drop rocks on now
Posted by Laviter on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were determined I'll give you that, but you could have done alot better against me =P Just ask Ktaar.
60739, RE: Damn no one to drop rocks on now
Posted by Mesashian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was stubborn, yes. I can think of a few other ways I could of fought you, but your damage output just hurt too much to figure it out. And Ktaar....he is more elite then I will ever be.
60728, RE: Mesashian, kitty, is gone.
Posted by Dhanh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked you. I was hoping I'd be able to jump on your train and rank with you. You were always practicing your kicks. Wish we had talked more. Sorry I disappeared, but I got really bored.

I thought your roleplay was superb. Keep it up. Great character. I hope you get the pbf so I can read your roles and such.
60738, RE: Mesashian, kitty, is gone.
Posted by Mesashian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks! Yeah, assassin is almost like an invoker, pratice, practice...but not soo much a pain in the ass. As for the pbf goes, eh, maybe, I can think of about a dozen pbf's I rather see then me :)
60727, RE: Mesashian, kitty, is gone.
Posted by Tirrael on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry to see you go, it was fun to Role play with you, even though it was only a few brief moments. I was hoping in the future we would of had more of a chance to speak. Good luck with your next.
60737, RE: Mesashian, kitty, is gone.
Posted by Mesashian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Brief but fun, 95% if my playing was like that. Thanks.
60725, Goodbye Kitty
Posted by Izuhlzin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Battles with you varied. But one thing is certain.. you seemed to nail tigerclaw on me a lot through malleability(especially when you had other with you!!) which made me consider you risk. I enjoyed fighting you. One of the few marans Izuhlzin actually found to 'respect' if that is even a word. Good use of the redemption offering aspect as well. I thought it was neat and clever.

I posted our last fight on the log board. Not sure why I pugiled at the end. I suppose I decided to give you that chance to run if it failed *shrug*. Oh, and my favorite kill on you was when I killed you right under Niheriva's nose :). Most of the fortress became a victims of a generalization based on a select few. But have fun!
60736, RE: Goodbye Kitty
Posted by Mesashian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was drawn to your charactor, by the danger of losing everything and the excitement of our fights. I try not to be the silient player with no type of outgoing rp even to enemies, so I am glad you enjoyed some of my redemption nonsense. And that log was good, we could of gone all night fleeing, healing, and fighting, but I just figured, what the hell, time to have a definite victor. Good show!
60724, This really makes me sad.
Posted by Elahrairas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were always a hoot to have around. Half the time I wouldn't even realize you were in the room listening, till I would say something and you'd respond. I didn't get to know you well, and when we were both around we were usually busy raiding, but during those times I had a lot of fun.
60735, RE: This really makes me sad.
Posted by Mesashian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hah, yeah I made it a point to be sneaky around the fortress, and eaves drop alot. Get to know who your cabalmates are just by watching them interact with one another. We did yeah, fun times it was.
60722, Aww
Posted by Ktaar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked your questions about redemption - they weren't filled with monotonous lectures or empty threats, they were more interesting than that. Now that you're gone I wish I'd taken the time to have one out and see where you were going with it.

As far as patience, I'm guessing you're talking about assassinate. Personally, I think assassinate is a similar concept to ramping up an invoker. (That concept being roll up your sleeves, invest a chunk of time, and get a reward). I don't think it's skill or patience so much as being determined/stubborn. Basically if you want someone PKd, and they share your playtimes, they'll be PKd. Unless they're the Emperor. Hunsobo fights must have been ugly for you :)
60734, RE: Aww
Posted by Mesashian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks, as for the redemption thing, being a serial acolyte players you just find different ways to role-play it out. This was new to me, but something I haven't done before. And the patience thing...not just assassinate, but wow, you must have everything perfected except that.
60720, Good char
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Despite you having no real options against Hunsobo, not only did you stay logged in against bad odds with no Orb, but you'd make attempts to retrieve. Sometimes they ended in your death, other times you'd escape to try again. It made it so I never felt comfortable with being TOO deep into any sort of exploration if you were around, because the moment I'd be somewhere I couldn't word or something, that's when you'd try your luck.

I admired your "stay logged in no matter the odds" mentality so much that I approached Baerinika to suggest you should maybe be a Maran despite a "not-so-hot" pkwin/loss record...only to find out you'd already been Maran'd! :)
60733, RE: Good char
Posted by Mesashian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thats the one char rule thing I have. Sometimes it's ok, and sometimes it's like *really* not ok. Anycase, thanks for the compliment, coming from you it does mean alot. Honestly, how much con did I donate to the Hunsobo con fund? :P
60719, RE: Mesashian, kitty, is gone.
Posted by Duujai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You'll be missed, Desi. Mesashian was entertaining and I usually got a giggle or two during each of your sessions. 3 assassins in a row? Let's just make sure that if you do another one next, it's not an Imperial :( Scary. Enjoy!
60732, RE: Mesashian, kitty, is gone.
Posted by Mesahian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I tried to give everyone a laugh at least once per session, as for the imperial part....I am definitly crossing the lines and giving up on goodies for awile.
60718, RE: Mesashian, kitty, is gone.
Posted by Rismard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Now we don't have anyone to watch out backs! It was always fun rolling with you, I think Rismard and Mes had a similar outlook. Nice char and GLWYN.
60731, RE: Mesashian, kitty, is gone.
Posted by Mesashian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I think we both definitly thought alike. Nothing like me and you running into an empty(no enemies) cabal raiding, while others are still somewhere getting together. Hah :)