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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectDeleted.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=60459
60459, Deleted.
Posted by Niela on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Been thinking about deleting for a while, so I decided the next time I died that I was going to. That time finally came. Decided I wouldn't get Elder Prophet even though many people were asking me why I wasn't already it. I'm sure Duujai will make a fine one though.

Actually hit the wrong button when I was entering my role so the wrong one went in and I didn't notice it for a while. So then I tried to write some more for it to make sense. Then I decided that I wanted to just start over and asked the Imms about 200 hours ago or so to remove my role, but no one ever did so oh well.

Made a lot of mistakes from time to time. I'm sure many could tell I'm not a real big pk'er. I learned quite a bit though. Did what I could to protect the Fortress and its members. Got made Acolyte not too long after joining after I chased off Hunsobo from the Watcher. Think he really just got bored of me buffeting him away and having to come back. Just wasn't much else to look forward to, so on to my next I guess.


Soayel--My Cardinal, thanks for the induction. Always smiled when I saw you logged on. Wish we had gotten to hang out a lot more though.

Nihervia--sorry I didn't stick around to help you get Defiance again. Glad I got to help you today with those things though. You're a great leader and I wish you all the best.

Duujai--glad to see you're doing so well. I'm sure you'll make a geat elder prophet.

Rawanj--Might as well add you here because I think you deserve to be in the Fortress, and I'm sure you will be again. Glad I got to help rank you so much. I tried as best as I could.

Legissar--thanks for the kind words. I know you and a some others thought I would make a good leader but I guess no one else did.

Heh, there are just too many of you. Post and I'll respond. This is just going to get too long. Many of you helped me in many different ways. Interaction with others is what generally keeps me going.

Vharilius--always could count you to help me get whatever I wanted. Thanks for everything. Even the Hell trip you took me on and got me in trouble with.

Xin--you would always show up at the right time when I was trying to defend alone. Thanks for everything you did. Wish we could have finished up that trip to the swamp.


Hunsobo/Twist--Man you were tough as nails. You can post any logs you have with me in them though I'm sure they suck.

Izuhlzin--kind of felt bad about killing you that one time when you were link dead, but you were there with three others that we were attacking and I really couldn't tell until you said something about it.. We didn't even take half your stuff then. Your "allies" did.

Didn't really talk to many more of you that much. It's getting really late and I'm tired, so post and I'll respond.

60622, RE: Deleted.
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You made good improvements with Niela. I was skeptical at first because you waited so long to join the cabal, but you ended up being an excellent back up for the Fortress when it came to cabal raids. Keep in mind for your next Acolyte type character that self pity is unflattering. It was your moments of threatening to delete or being jealous of other Fortress characters that made Corrlaan and I worry about what kind of leader you would make. Try and curtail the drama a little next time and I believe you'll be able to reach your goals.

Good luck on your next, careful with that role next time!

60536, Pity
Posted by Guy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always wanted to kill you, but you always seemed to be first out in any sort of real danger.

Usually leaving someone else to die in your stead, my favorite part atleast of the entire character.

Enjoy bleeding the life out of fort with your future chars!
60539, RE: Pity
Posted by Niela on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I sure lost a lot of con for having left people behind so much so that I lived. Not really sure who you're talking about so oh well. If you're talking about when I would fight Victoria or Ravon...I would get deaf first thing and there wasn't anything I could do for like 15 minutes. So what point is there to standing there doing nothing? Some people can do things when deafened, but invokers can't do anything. Even that edge you can take only works about One in ten times. If you're not talking about that then I'm not sure.
60644, Deafen
Posted by Victoria2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Again you are making things out to be worse than they are.

I only deafened you to begin with because you were invariably with others and trying to drop me into quicksand. Had you come alone it wouldn't have been in my interests to deafen you from the start.

Also, that edge is a lot more effective that you claim. Other invokers managed to fight me solo using it.

Given all the time the fortress spent gathering gear, they could have spent some time gathering some cure deaf preps instead!
60679, *golf clap* nt
Posted by Nightshade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
60559, RE: Deleted.
Posted by Soayel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First, let me tell you how disappointed I am to see you delete. I always loved to see you around to talk or defend, etc !

I always enjoyed our talks, even when most of the time it was me trying to cheer you up a little. I don't know if it even made a difference, but I can only hope so.

Some say it was maybe too much, but I've seen far worst, both of that "type", and of other things. Maybe if you'd have turned that face upside down and cheered up a little, and given some more hours, you could have "leaderized" .. I don't know .. I was hoping you would, some day. Both cheer up, and be leader. Guess it wasn't meant to be.

You'll be missed, at least by me.

See you in the fields! And yeah.. Cheer up. ;)
60555, RE: Deleted.
Posted by Observer. on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I met Neila on several occasions with a few different characters on both sides. Overall, I think you did quite well. Definitely you play an Acolyte well and you know how to say and do the right things.

Don't worry about the haters. In my eyes you were doing a fine job, perhaps this wasn't the character that would be a Leader, but learn from what mistakes you made and amend them with your next and become what you didn't.

You played an invoker well enough, and I definitely saw you progress as you put the hours in and you became far more deathful.

The real only advice I have for you, if you are seeking a leader position play from the moment you get inducted. I usually will make a few muck around chars inbetween my muck around ones. With the ones I take more effort with a role as soon as I get inducted, I try to play as though I were already the leader from day one. Not so much in the bossy role, but more so just offering extra help, leading groups etc.

Good luck with your next, and I will be interested to see what happens with your next few characters.

Good luck.
60547, Good Luck
Posted by Corrlaan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Good luck on your next, Niela. But in an effort to be completely constructive I am going to just sagenod on some of the things Daevryn has said, and some of the others.

Being a leader in Fort means trying to manage people's morale almost constantly. ESPECIALLY, Acolyte leaders. When you started getting into the age and effort range where I would watch you. All I saw was a lot of self-pity emenating from your character.

You cant lead people and be a beacon of Hope while sighing and moping about all the things that are wrong with your life.

Its been reiterated so I won't pound it into the ground. I hope you learn something from every char you play.

60568, I'm going to respectfully disagree with some of this.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Good luck on your next, Niela. But in an effort to be
>completely constructive I am going to just sagenod on some of
>the things Daevryn has said, and some of the others.
>Being a leader in Fort means trying to manage people's morale
>almost constantly. ESPECIALLY, Acolyte leaders. When you
>started getting into the age and effort range where I would
>watch you. All I saw was a lot of self-pity emenating from
>your character.
>You cant lead people and be a beacon of Hope while sighing and
>moping about all the things that are wrong with your life.

I think if you look at the rest of the replies on this thread, 9 out of 10 say what a good character they felt this was, and how much fun she was to be around. One or two rather vocal haters aside, the response to the character was very positive. I think it's very telling that you as a Fortress immortal have one opinion about what makes a good character, and the people who interacted with her a whole lot more have a different opinion.

I'm not going to get into a "you are wrong and someone else is right" kind of thing, but if there's such a huge difference between what the imms (and a tiny percentage of the players, most of whom are pretty negtive in general) and the main playerbase thinks about a character, obviously there's some food for thought about what the staff wants, vs what the playerbase wants.

>Its been reiterated so I won't pound it into the ground. I
>hope you learn something from every char you play.

I think she made tremendous strides, considering how non-pk oriented she is as a player, and unfamiliar with the invoker class. I'd say by the time she was done with her first invoker she had a much better grasp of the tactics than I did when I finished with my first.
60569, My comments
Posted by Corrlaan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Were more directly related to her desire to be Elder Prophet.

60570, Yeah I get that.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But the question remains, is it better to go for long periods of time with no Elder Prophet, or promote someone who you aren't terribly crazy about but other people like just fine? It's not like people are exactly clamboring to be Acolytes. Hell, I can't even remember the last time I saw an Elder Propet or Cardinal logged in, and I'm not even sure if anyone has either right now (I admittedly don't play much these days). With you being MIA as much as you are (no offense intended, real life has to come first) and Papa Shokai for all intents and purposes gone, and Baer splitting time between two active religions and cabals, and no Marshall, the Fort doesn't have much in the way of oversight or leadership.

IMHO (and you can take that for what it's worth) it's better to have a leader you maybe aren't wild about, than going for such long periods with no active leadership at all. In the past there have been leaders who people just didn't by and large want to interact with. Is having a leader you personally like, but who turns people off, thus making them not want to be around the person, better? Which do you see as a better thing for the cabal and the game?
60572, Fortress, Niela, and Leaders
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As was the case fairly recently with Nexus: Yes, no leaders is better than leaders we think are not suited for leadership.

Last night I did a quick "who" of the hero-ish range and saw 7 Fort. 4 of them were MARAN, 2 were Acolytes (including Soayel, who is the Cardinal, FYI), and one was a Squire.

So I think Fort is doing fine w/o an Elder Prophet right now. Other factors do come into play, of course. If Niela had been just a bit better, and had "off-hour" playtimes (like 6am-9am system time just as an example) I could see giving her a shot if I was a Fort imm. Maybe.

But quite honestly her playtimes meshed most closely with the current powerbase of the Fort, such that she (undeservedly, IMO) started to look like she only tagged along with Niheriva.

Having played Hunsobo, I know that she stayed logged in when "Empire o'clock" rolled around, too, even if she was the only one.
60575, RE: Fortress, Niela, and Leaders
Posted by Niela on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sure, my hours matched up pretty well with Nihervia's and people started telling me IC that I was only around when he was, so I'm glad some people noticed I was around by myself quite a bit too.

I hadn't really thought about becoming Elder Prophet until some people started talking to me about, so I thought what the hell might as well try for it. Just turned out I wasn't quite good enough. Guess a lot of people just saw two very different things.
60645, I saw you on alone
Posted by Victoria2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
My comment about deafen is because you didn't fight me alone, not because you didn't log on alone, so I am not saying that you only logged on when Niheriva was around.
60660, RE: I saw you on alone
Posted by Niela on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wasn't actually talking about you in that regard. I don't recall you ever saying anything like that to me. And I had only fought you once since taking that edge. You were tough for me to fight even with Nihervia. Anyhow good luck. Just wanted to let you know that comment wasn't directed at you.
60574, In past experiences
Posted by Corrlaan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

No leaders is always better than leaders we 'kind of hope' can cut the mustard.

That is a proven fact, even tried to be disproven by me giving leadership to some people in HOPES that they would step up to the challenge. Ended up being more of a headache.

And for what its worth. Just because I dont vis everyday doesnt mean Im MIA.

I've been here daily for approximately the last 3-4 months. I only went missing when I moved. So, like Santy Claus. I see you when your sleeping, and know when your awake.

There is a certain direction Im trying to get the 'teachings' of the Fortress to move in. I do this subtly, sometimes not so subtly. Obviously Im learning I have to be less subtle to get my point across. But Im not going to leader someone everyone else 'likes' just because they've 'served the time'.

Im not knocking Niela, she had a good run. Just not good enough to be leader. And being that was one of her goals, thats what I chose to comment on, so the next time she can do better.

60612, RE: Yeah I get that.
Posted by Soayel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you can't remember the last time you saw me log in, either we don't have the same play time, or you're playing a lot less than I am.

And simply stating that you didn't knew there was a Cardinal speaks for itself...

No, I don't log on 8 hours a day, and I don't really intend to start that either. I have a day job, from which I can't log on, and I do have other activities... And my job makes me travel too from time to time.

But when I do log on, which I try to do at least every day or close to, I always stay logged on for 2-4 hours, sometimes more, rarely less. And I've inducted several peoples as well, some of which are already Acolytes. One who had to be inducted by an Imm (Because our times didn't match at all) and a few who are really patient and wait for me. And for this, I thank them.

And this particular person would actually be an interesting choice for Elder, regarding Playing Times exactly for this reason, that we don't have the same playing times (but yes there's a lot more to it). It's nice to have a wide period with a chance to catch either leaders for induction and them not always logging at the same time.

Anyway.. Enough rambling, this isn't the place for this anyway.
60621, Completely Disagree
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No leaders are better than promoting a sub par leader candidate just because the imm running the cabal wants a leader. To me, it's lazy. And as Twist said below, Nexus was shut down to mortal leaders for a bit for just that very reason. Corrlaan and I are both very active and keep good tabs on the cabal, there's no reason to promote someone before we feel they are ready. Also, it may be worth noting, Corrlaan and I make sure we agree on leaders before we promote them. I agreed with him that I didn't think Niela was ready for leadership.
60573, RE: I'm going to respectfully disagree with some of this.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I think if you look at the rest of the replies on this thread,
>9 out of 10 say what a good character they felt this was, and
>how much fun she was to be around. One or two rather vocal
>haters aside, the response to the character was very positive.
>I think it's very telling that you as a Fortress immortal have
>one opinion about what makes a good character, and the people
>who interacted with her a whole lot more have a different

Based on watching some of those characters I'd say... some have a different opinion, but definitely some also have a similar one. I'd imagine most don't see much point in posting to agree -- the message is out there, and it'll be heeded or it won't, and ten more people piling on probably won't change that.

Generally, I don't think you do someone a service by pretending they don't have a behavior/trait that puts some people off. That doesn't mean the character is crap in general, or that the character was only as good as her worst day. It just is what it is.

>I'm not going to get into a "you are wrong and someone else is
>right" kind of thing, but if there's such a huge difference
>between what the imms (and a tiny percentage of the players,
>most of whom are pretty negtive in general) and the main
>playerbase thinks about a character, obviously there's some
>food for thought about what the staff wants, vs what the
>playerbase wants.

1) As above, it's not just the staff.

2) Not a good analogy in general, but maybe illustrating the point: if I'm a good person in general but go and burn down your house, your opinion of me as a crazy arsonist isn't invalidated by the fact that all the other people who know me think I'm a great guy. It just means you saw a side of me they didn't.

>I think she made tremendous strides, considering how non-pk
>oriented she is as a player, and unfamiliar with the invoker
>class. I'd say by the time she was done with her first invoker
>she had a much better grasp of the tactics than I did when I
>finished with my first.

That's probably fair.
60529, RE: Deleted.
Posted by Rawanj on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really really appreciated all the ranking help. Especially since I was/am kind of fortress outcast v 1.0. You were always super kind to me and helped me out with just about everything. And damn, did we wreck some retrievals together. We were straight deadly with vortex/quicksand/awesome damage capabilities.

I'm sorry you died last night, and I take the blame for that death. I was leading the group and once you and I had enough MV to get someplace else, we should have skidaddled. Thats my bad on tactics, so, sorry.

I never saw the badsides of you that people have mentioned, I only saw a classy, semi-deathful, well roleplayed acolyte and invoker. Kudos to you, and good luck with your next.
60532, RE: Deleted.
Posted by Niela on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Ah, I don't blame you for dying at all. Should have been more prepared. Thought I would just run in and wake you, but didn't time it right I guess. Thanks for your kind words. I wish you all the best. Wish I could have helped you more as well.
60528, RE: Deleted.
Posted by Xin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Even when you were so upset about the bloodthirsty Outlanders that you threatened war upon the whole cabal, I loved your character and your willingness to just dive in and do something delightful and occasionally reckless. A pity I could never quite talk you into going into Hell with me, but I suppose someone has to play it by the rules.

It is too bad you have a bad taste in your mouth about some things, but after you take a moment to rinse, swish, and spit I am sure you'll find GLWYN.
60527, RE: Deleted.
Posted by Vharilius on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really enjoyed being around you and doing things with you. Your dedication was apparent, because even when we were in the middle of something pretty cool explore wise, you would leave the second the Fortress was attacked with no question and no hesitation.

Sorry for causing so much trouble with the little hell trip. I really don't see how Niheriva is so anal about some things, but so lax about others. I don't see how he can justify wearing a piece of gear that forces him to abandon his groupmates and still come down on other people so hard for other things. Anyway, sorry I guessed right when I asked him how he justified wearing that gear, and it turned out that he had already abandoned you in such a way, and he thought you had told me about it. In case he reads this, Niela never told Vharilius anything about you abandoning her. If I would have known taking Niela to the Inferno would cause such problems, I wouldn't have talked her into it.

I'm sorry Niheriva is such a big part of this goodbye, but he really did play a large part in our interactions as it seemed you would leave me right away whenever he would log on, and I really liked your dedication to the Light and travelling with you.

Ciao and GLWTN,
60540, RE: Deleted.
Posted by Niela on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nihervia isn't a big part of this goodbye. I really just lost interested after over 375 hours. You didn't get me into too much trouble with the hell trip. Just messed some things up is all. I appreciate you saying I never told you that, don't think he ever believed me.

Only times I left was when he was headed to take the Scepter or Codex, and it was my duty to tag along and help him.

Anyhow, good luck with Vharilius and everything else.
60525, *fistshake!*
Posted by Isspyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You and Niheriva were the only two that really made me think twice about diving in to hit the Maran. Good job. I was appropriately afraid although Isspyn would never admit to something like that.

Good luck on your next.

Perpetually snide,
60482, RE: Deleted.
Posted by Rismard on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Solid char, sorry to see that you lost interest. If your next char is anything like Niela, cf will be a better place. Later!
60481, RE: Deleted.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Actually hit the wrong button when I was entering my role so
>the wrong one went in and I didn't notice it for a while. So
>then I tried to write some more for it to make sense. Then I
>decided that I wanted to just start over and asked the Imms
>about 200 hours ago or so to remove my role, but no one ever
>did so oh well.

We don't have a command for that, FYI. Once it's in, it's in.
60483, RE: Deleted.
Posted by Niela on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh okay. I thought there had to be. Sorry bout that comment then.
60480, Well...
Posted by Mesashian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'd like to think we got to hang out with each other enough to understand one another, but I know that isn't true. From what I seen, and interacted with, I liked. You were a solid invoker when it came to defense, and you were learning alot pk wise I thought. Going to miss not seeing Niela in the Fortress, but hey, we all got to move on. Have fun, and Kitty says bye.
60488, RE: Well...
Posted by Niela on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really really learned a lot pk wise. Can't believe I forgot you too. It was always nice to see you around. No doubt because of what you did I got Acolyte'd sooner than I thought I would. I'm happy I could be an inspiration to some.
60479, RE: Deleted.
Posted by Duujai on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really liked you :( This is a pretty crappy way to start the morning. I thought we had a good relationship going and I'm very sorry to see you go. Niela always floored me with the sheer amount of damage she could do in a combat. I rolled my eyes the time I had to ask you to help me rescue the guy in the Sirine cell, because he didn't have enough food to survive for the month it would take me to kill Leucocia for the key. Niela had her dead in like 2 rounds. I'm thinking INVOKER for me someday. Question- do you feel the amount of spam you had to do to perfect the spells and make the character so powerful was worth the time spent? That's the hurdle I can't seem to make myself cross.

Miss you. Have fun with whatever you do next.
60485, RE: Deleted.
Posted by Niela on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah, I think it is definitely worth it. After you have a couple hero invokers you learn a few tricks about spamming and such. This was really my first pk type invoker so I decided to go Acolyte instead of Maran. I really learned a lot from various people. I was originally just a 5 path, but when edges went in I took extra affinity three times for ice, so I eventually got that.

Anyhow, good luck with everything. I really liked your character. Who knows, maybe you'll see me in the Fort again before too long.
60476, #### #### #### #### #### ####
Posted by Niheriva on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Oh what a bad way to start the day. I enjoyed most of the time I spent with you, sorry if I seemed like a cold mean hardass a lot of the time. At the end of the day I'm always cold purity elf guy with a long memory. Damn we were a powerful combination and I'm going to miss it. Thanks for the stuff yesterday though, that was a huge help.
60487, RE: #### #### #### #### #### ####
Posted by Niela on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey man, no worries. I thought you were pretty hard at times, but it was worth being around you. We could pretty much do anything we really wanted. Glad you finally asked me about that stuff, and I was more than eager to help. The Fortress needs you to keep them in line. I really enjoyed the time we got to spend together. Keep on trucking with Nihervia, you are doing an amazing job.
60475, RE: Deleted.
Posted by Legissar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sad to see you go. From my point of view you were a cool kitten.
To bad things did not work out as planned for you.....well, shame on them and roll something new :).

Good luck with your next...
60489, RE: Deleted.
Posted by Niela on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for always being willing to run around and do stuff with me, and for thinking I would make a good Elder Prophet. Just wasn't in the cards. You're doing a great job. Good luck with everything.
60468, RE: Deleted.
Posted by Godhren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let me tell you, right now, with no hesitation, you were awesome.

I was extremely happy and entertained spending time with your character even if we didn't do much more than sit and wait and chat in the meantime. You were a joy to have around and you definitely made my playing time enormously enjoyable and better when we were both on at the same time.

Aside from the above, your character was extremely well played as an elf, I thought. You had the right combination of mercy, righteousness, wit, humor, and prissiness so necessary in a Fortress elf. I liked this character a lot.

Yes, you made some mistakes, but I can hardly point a finger, can I? I make plenty of my own. No one is perfect, so any high intensity collaboration is going to have plenty of mistakes. Reasonable people understand that and get over it in a day or so. Don't listen to any detractors or let it get you down -- you were great. Learn from your mistakes, like we all do, that's all you need to do.

Aside from the fun of your character, Godhren will really miss Niela. You were an invaluable in-game ally and made his life a lot better whenever you were on. Simple willingness to work with a well intentioned storm giant, exchange information, etc, as opposed to the usual standoffishness made a real difference. Having characers like yourself willing to build bridges, and being able to help accomplish your goals even if I couldn't accomplish my own, is really all the fun I had with Godhren on the nights when there were 6 hero tribs and 6 hero range imperials logged on -- you certainly stopped me from deleting a few times.

Also, there were certain times against certain enemies that were 3 out of the 5 high points in Godhren's life to date, that you made possible. More on that after the others involved, or myself, are gone. It's quite possible no one but me or an observing imm really realized what was actually happening.

I really hope to see you again in the fields soon -- and still on my side! :)

60486, RE: Deleted.
Posted by Niela on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thank you so much for the kind words. It really does usually get me down when people have ONLY negative things to say about my character all the time, but thank you for taking the time to say such positive things. Can't believe I missed you in my goodbyes. It was really late, sorry about that.

We didn't get to hang nearly as much as I would have liked, but I really enjoyed the time we got to spend together. Hrmm, maybe it's time to roll up another Outlander now!
60463, Boo :(
Posted by Thelnorn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You said you had big plans! Come baaaack! You certainly know how amazing you've been to Thelnorn. Save my life x1 x2 x3 etc etc. Was a joy having you in the fortress and good luck with the next.

See you in the fields.
60464, RE: Boo :(
Posted by Niela on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks. Glad some people enjoyed my presence. I was happy to help you anytime. Good luck with Thelnorn and everything really. Makes me happy to hear that some people enjoyed being around me. Instead of people like Derexal that criticize everything and don't know what they're talking about anyhow.
60466, Ahh, the drama continues.
Posted by Derexal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*** Instead of people like Derexal that criticize everything and don't know what they're talking about anyhow. ***

Honest question for you. How do you know I wasn't there? How do you know I didn't experience the things I talked about below? I don't just make #### up for the hell of it you know.

I'm sorry you can't take criticism. I see your OOC personality is just as drama filled as your IC one was.

Have a beautiful evening.
60467, Forget you. Done reading anything you have to say about me. NT.
Posted by Niela on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
60460, Lemme just say
Posted by Derexal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If your role was to go ahead and guilt peeps into things by threatening taking your own life and stuff like that, then you are hands down the best RPer I know.

Can't instill much hope in people when you're threatening suicide and deletion at every major RP turn dude.

Try to lose some of the drama, yo. It'll do wonders for you.

60461, RE: Lemme just say
Posted by Niela on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I really don't think you know what you're talking about. Some things I said were taken out of context. So I really don't care what you have to say since I really don't think I was talking to you.
60462, Okay. It was just some advice.
Posted by Derexal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you want to continue to RP that way, thats your game. It doesn't create a fun atmosphere for the people around you.

Take it like you want, I was trying to be semi-constructive.
60484, RE: Lemme just say
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I would have tried (probably failing) to put it more nicely, but I pretty much agree with what he said.

I mean, seriously, go back and reread even the first paragraph of your deletion post at the head of this thread. You're even trolling for a pity party right there.

If you could keep the good parts of your play and lose the super guilt trip attack I think you'd have more fun and people would be more interested in giving you the kinds of stuff you want.