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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectheaven forbid if I swear.
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=59690
59690, heaven forbid if I swear.
Posted by Lon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Let's murder people all day, but have a gritty, low class thief cuss you out and you have to go pray to the Immortals.

Special kudo's to Farrowin for using other character knowledge agains Lon.

And to be tolled buy an Immortal that "Rolling a wino" isn't appropriate in my roll was jut too much. I really didn't feel like going into how a lot of modern slang has it's roots in antiquity.

When she tied my cussin into my alignment I knew there was no point in playing the character.

They are the big wigs after all. Sorry, it should have been plain as a pikestaff this was going to happen.

Anyway, I do agree, that I made a "I roll deep" comment to Kopae and winced as soon as I said it. =) Tried to cover it by refering to a wagon.

People, I know the character was an course jerk to people who didn't get to know him, but he was pretty laid back with those who did.

Guess who?

59728, My Thoughts
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1. I liked your role. I could see how your background might be viewed as evil or misguided, but hell, I was something of a miscreant when I was a teenager, and look at me now - a pillar of society! Point is, people change. In CF, as long as your character RPs the alignment you enter the game with (which I think you did just fine), I don't care so much what they did in their "youth" - i.e., pre-character creation.

2. Deleting in a snit (and I use the word "snit" because your deletion post here comes across as such) because an Imm gave you some RP advice that you didn't want to hear is, IMHO, silly. If you think what Ysal did was going to have some sort of long-term negative impact on your character, let me assure you, that's not the case. At the worst, it would be one PBF comment that other Imms would take with a grain of salt when they looked at your character history.

Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends

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59729, I've been getting increasingly frustrated.
Posted by Pro-Man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
With Immteraction of late.

I've been buying into the conspiracies and what of late, especially since Gerhas a CN dagger spec I had a year or so ago.

Followed by Tallanlalas, the Vallas, now this. I come up with what I think is a kick ass character and I'm griefed or ignored or at best given a passing compliment.

I know I have a rep with you guys, and I'm not saying I'm the #### with reguard to RP, but I'll play for hours at a time and just get the feeling like I'm not welcome.

I'm addicted to the game and enjoy it but when ever I have tried to create a serious character and extend an olive branch for Immteraction/reward, I regret it.

I did have a snit with Lon, you are correct, and reading my responses, eh...ESL anyone. =/
I play into exhaustion at times.

59737, RE: I've been getting increasingly frustrated.
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>With Immteraction of late.
>I've been buying into the conspiracies and what of late,
>especially since Gerhas a CN dagger spec I had a year or so

Your choice, but, a complete waste of time. Imms watch for cheating and woe is the imm caught cheating. The mortals have it a lot easier if they get caught. Imms who cheat aren't around.

>Followed by Tallanlalas, the Vallas, now this. I come up with
>what I think is a kick ass character and I'm griefed or
>ignored or at best given a passing compliment.

An idea behind a kick ass character and a character that kicks ass is more a matter of opinion.

>I know I have a rep with you guys, and I'm not saying I'm the
>#### with reguard to RP, but I'll play for hours at a time and
>just get the feeling like I'm not welcome.

Ysal has no way to know who is playing what. He hasn't been around that long. In fact, it pretty much would take an Implementor to know quickly, or a much higher level imm than Ysal is, to go through the trouble of actually trying to figure it out, to know who is playing who. How many different imms are pointing out things, who are not Implementors, that are finding reasons to say something? If you feel you are getting picked on by the staff as a whole, then you need to look in the mirror and put the finger pointing away.

>I'm addicted to the game and enjoy it but when ever I have
>tried to create a serious character and extend an olive branch
>for Immteraction/reward, I regret it.

If you are playing for immortal interaction, that is a problem. Immortal interaction rarely takes up more than 2% of a character's lifetime. Even empowered characters don't get that much. There are some players who think they are going to play a solid character and get a few hours of solo imm time. I do a ton of rp, a lot more than most imms, and my kick ass followers might get a total of 20-30 minutes total face time over their life span. It is usually a very short period of time that I try to make memorable.
>I did have a snit with Lon, you are correct, and reading my
>responses, eh...ESL anyone. =/
>I play into exhaustion at times.

Put yourself in the other guys shoes every once in awhile. Say to yourself, "Am I being the putz here?" If people would take two minutes to think about what they are saying, they probably wouldn't be saying it.
59738, You misunderstand.
Posted by Pro-Man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But I really don't care for you as a whole and this character isn't really a priority so I'm not going to worry about it anymore.
59739, Some advice
Posted by A2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I know I'll happily troll you on the other board. But you seem to be genuinely trying, even if your past few characters have grated on my nerves to no end, they are consistent (I've had my fill of snotty uppity elves, but I love consistency).

Put that amount of effort into a character that isn't so abbrassive. This is genuine, I'm not being a smartass. I don't like your forum persona, I don't like the views you espouse, but player to player that #### doesn't matter. I think you're trying, just try something with a different bent to it that doesn't irritate the players behind the characters.
59751, I pretty much agree with this:
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
In some ways, you've roamed over into Graatch country -- playing some characters that are abrasive/annoying/frustrating to deal with, yet, are clearly quality characters.

I think over a long enough lifespan, that kind of character comes out okay because they draw grudging respect even from people who initially took a dislike to them... but in the short term, they almost never do. Search the PBF pile and I'm sure you'll find some great characters that initially drew forum ire or negative PBF comments, but eventually turned it around.

So basically, to get what it seems like you're looking for, either play a character that's instantly more likeable (yet with the same effort into RP etc. that you have been) or be prepared to stick it out with one of your characters over the long term... and when I say long, I'm talking like the lifespan of a Kharghurln or a Kanaev or a Zesam or a Nanorab.
59756, Dude...
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had no idea it was you. At all. Though, to be totally honest, it is very, very hard for me to tell who plays what characters. I posted about it a while back; I don't know what the "tells" are. I didn't even know what MY "tells" were until Nep and Twist pointed two of them out to me at the end of Khar's life.

If I'm lucky, and watch a particular character a lot, and that character is played by Graatch, I can spot them. After about 200 or so hours.

Some Imms are good at that; some aren't. Some have tools to figure out who plays who; most don't. Some care which characters are played by which players; most don't. I'm in the latter category of all three by a long shot.

I am happy to see that you care about the game and your characters, and consistently RP. I think if you make a concious effort to suck up the bad times and play a character for an extended period of time, you'll start to get the rewards and Immteraction you're looking for. Next character you roll that you get through 20 hours and still want to play, dedicate at least another 250 hours to. You'll be surprised at how that changes your perspective.

Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends

*** Email me your testimonials or two-line blurbs. Help our marketing efforts! ***
59726, Choice...RP = Role Playing
Posted by Theroc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have never interacted with you but your thief was ORDERLY GOOD.

You have to realise your role in society. You stand for all things positive and constructive. For Example, If there is older lady trying to cross the main road, you will jump to the chance and help her out, NOT rob her. You rolled a BOY SCOUT. So being a potty mouth is ETREMELY opposite of all choice you made at the creation time.

If you would have chosen a Duergar Chaotic bastard who has to use curses to formulate a sentence, then that will look perfectly fine.

All I see here is IMM tried to help you out, show you what Orderly Good is all about and you flipped.

Please do not point fingers at the Veteran Players and IMMs for your lack of abilities to deduce the situation and role playing.
59727, You Sir, don't know my motivation.
Posted by Lon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Lon was a character wracked with guilt over some of the things he had done because of peer pressure.

He wasn't proud of his proffession, and the wino rolling was witnessed by his moter to his eternal shame.

He was disowned by his family and fled Galadon. He was trying to did his way out of the gutter and earn respect in the eyes of his family and society.

I had plans for his behavior changing over his life, starting with him not cussing over the cabal channel and so on.

I try to make my characters grow into maturity and wisdom as they go.

There was no point in going on with him, since 'The Choice' as you say was taken away from me. From that point on, he wouldn't have been seen as 'Wow, he's pretty indepth', he would have been, 'Boy that talking to sure did it's job, that's how an OG thief should act.

Theroc, you are a new player and I know you want your opinions to be heard, but I'm a Veteran player by merit of my 10 years playing here. I know when something screwed up just happened.
59725, Choice...RP = Role Playing
Posted by Theroc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have never interacted with you but your thief was ORDERLY GOOD.

You have to realise your role in society. You stand for all things positive and constructive. For Example, If there is older lady trying to cross the main road, you will jump to the chance and help her out, NOT rob her. You rolled a BOY SCOUT. So being a potty mouth is ETREMELY opposite of all choice you made at the creation time.

If you would have chosen a Duergar Chaotic bastard who has to use curses to formulate a sentence, then that will look perfectly fine.

All I see here is IMM tried to help you out, show you what Orderly Good is all about and you flipped.

Please do not point fingers at the Veteran Players and IMMs for your lack of abilities to deduce the situation and role playing.
59721, RE: heaven forbid if I swear.
Posted by Xin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did not know what to think of the tells you were sending me. I was not sure if you were an ally or trying to get me butchered so I kept a healthy skepticism. You had me intrigued in your character, so I think it was a good one. GLWYN.
59720, I cuss all the time, IC.
Posted by Drezen on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know what I am doing different than you, though, because I have not been imm-slapped for it (yet...?)

It might be the style in which it was done. But, I have no idea how your character spoke because we never interacted.
59713, An Interjection, If I May
Posted by Corrector on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I personally didn't care for your cussing. Maybe that's just me.

As to whether or not I'd defend your right to say it, I would, had you been using it in a correct way.

It is unclear whether the word itself was considered vulgar during the time this game supposedly takes place. But, from what I can gather in research, it was used in the way you were using it until more recent times. It was used as a vulgar expression to describe fornication. When you say something like "That f*ckin' criminal" or something along those lines, it would denote that you were actually stating something about a fornicating criminal. That kind of usage hadn't been thought of yet. Thus, your RP was invalid in the vulgar usage. If you're going to use it and impress people with it, maybe you should research it a little more.

But then, that's just me.
59716, A retort.
Posted by Lon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Eh... What?
59723, Never interacted with Lon and I don't know or care about Pro.
Posted by Trilo_lazy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But this is CF, not trivial pursuit. I know I'm not doing RESEARCH before playing a game.
59695, Knickers in a twist much?
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No not Mr Twist, but just panties in a bunch, which is about as Archaic as "rolling winos".
Heaven forbid someone tries to nudge your RP in a better direction, for the betterment of your char, but no, you have to throw a hissy fit and delete.
The point of my interaction with you was: hey stop and think for a min, the language you are using doesn't really fit with a Theran street punk. Maybe try and make some adjustments to fit more with the role you have set yourself - Good aligned street urchin with a bit of a potty mouth. That was it. Absolutely nothing to say your char was a bad one. Just some time out of my day to make a suggestion that could have nudged your char towards better RP. Nothing to do with cussing, which believe me I have done more than my fair share of with this char, but its in context and in char, which was all I was trying to suggest to you.
59696, Get a religion going, ok? nt
Posted by SomeAnonDude on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
59697, Git off ma back ya humph!
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm working on it ok!
Work and #### has been busy, and stuff needs to be coded and written up before everything is a go.
Should be soon though, *crosses her stubby fingers*
59698, Then I can stalk you instead of Zulgh.
Posted by Yhor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He's my bishi.

59702, Yay. nt
Posted by SomeAnonDude on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
59699, When an Imm comes down on you like that.
Posted by Lon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't really see any point in continuing.

Simply because your idea of what a city punk should sound like in CF is a Bit different than mine.

Maybe you wanted Oliver Twist, I was looking at the Artful Dodger.
59700, Correction.
Posted by Lon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
WASN'T looking at the Artful Dodger.
59703, Well my interactions led me to think more of the Punk next door n/t
Posted by Guy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
59705, Good, because he was 16 years old man when he was rolled.
Posted by Lon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And 19 when he deleted.
59706, Too bad the punk next door lives in the year 2007 n/t
Posted by Drag0nSt0rm on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
59741, How is this post acceptable?
Posted by Shocked on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Its nothing but an anti-Pro flame. If this same comment was in a Valg thread or a Daevryn thread, you'd delete the post and (maybe?) ban the poster.

Consistency please? Thanks!
59742, Thats hardly an anti-pro flame. n/t
Posted by Derexal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
59743, It certainly isn't constructive character feedback.
Posted by Someoness on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey! Remember me?

59752, Ah, no:
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
1) I really do very little deleting or banning of anything.

2) It's blunt, but it neatly sums up the problem: acting like a sixteen year old is appropriate, acting like a modern sixteen year old is dicey.
59707, Yeah if you're so hung up on ancient origin for language
Posted by Nightshade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
figured you'd know that in medieval-esque times, people were routinely considered adults about age 13 and expected to function as such. Women married at their flowering and most people didn't expect to live past 40 or so.

A far cry from a punk ass 16 year old of 2007 like Dragonstorm says.
59709, I see...
Posted by Lon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
So nobody ever talked in the gutter back then?

Thou art a mutha####a forsooth!

I'm sorry, but nobody speaks in an archaic fashion here.

I'm not the one who is hung up on it. I just thought it was funny that he sited a term that has it's roots in antiquity.

See, it may be 2007 today, but people were cussing in 1970, when I was born, and I'm almost certain they were in years past.

I wasn't how ever talking trash like the kid next door, but I was definitly playing a younger kid, not my 36 year old self.

The irony is that it was probably a 16 year old kid who through the hissy fit that resulted in a prayer and a "This is how it's going to be prayer."

I wouldn't let anyone talk to me the way Yal did face to face let alone here.
59710, I'm not against integrating swearing into a role
Posted by Nightshade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I just don't think it should be the norm of conversation amongst people considered "adventurer class". I tend to view PC characters sort of like minor (some major) celebrities -- you have a enough reputation that people know your name, and that's worth more than most people will ever know.

I'm sure everyone can come up with a celebrity they want to cuss out and punch in the face if they happen to run in to them in the street. On the whole, though, the average person would be more likely to be star struck by the novelty of seeing them, while other "celebrity" class individuals, I think, would at least afford them some measure of initial respect for being in the biz so to speak.

I'm neither a celebrity, nor did I interact with your character. I'm just saying this is how I view this sort of thing and that's why I think it pisses people off. If it is the norm of almost *every* interaction you ever had, I agree with whatever smack down you got while playing this character, be it minus xp, imm tongue lashing, or brutal perma gang multikilling + full sac.

I think using a role to justify cussing out everyone on the MUD whether it is good RP for your "character" or not is a load of steaming dog ####. So if you reply with a "but I wrote it in to my role" comment, I will flame you.
59711, I may have annoyed a few players
Posted by Lon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He didn't cuss out everyone. He cussed. If you were a dink to him, he cussed you.

But the character was 32 hours old.

It's to early to say what would have happened to it.
59712, Fair enough. GLWYN, and I hope you aren't discouraged by this. nt
Posted by Nightshade on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
59714, RE: I see...
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>So nobody ever talked in the gutter back then?
>Thou art a mutha####a forsooth!
>I'm sorry, but nobody speaks in an archaic fashion here.
>I'm not the one who is hung up on it. I just thought it was
>funny that he sited a term that has it's roots in antiquity.

He cited a term whose roots are at most 1800s, hardly antiquity, nor pertinent to Theran 'period' which is medieval mostly.

Rolling drunks is Circa 1850's, winos which is the other term I happened to mention is circa 1900's. Sorry "rolling winos" doesn't come off as an even remotely Theran period phrase.

>See, it may be 2007 today, but people were cussing in 1970,
>when I was born, and I'm almost certain they were in years

again noone is saying you can't swear, just suggesting you do it in an RP appropriate manner. "Ya fargin boot-lickin tree molester" is fine in my book, but 'Hey look asshole, hide in your trees....You don't know me from one of the knotholes you bugger when you're lonely.' Ahhh not so much OK in my book.

>I wasn't how ever talking trash like the kid next door, but I
>was definitly playing a younger kid, not my 36 year old self.
>The irony is that it was probably a 16 year old kid who
>through the hissy fit that resulted in a prayer and a "This is
>how it's going to be prayer."
>I wouldn't let anyone talk to me the way Yal did face to face
>let alone here.

See this is where you are hung up. I wasn't coming down on you, telling you what to do or how to play the char. It was a suggestion that you might want to reconsider your RP choices, and an observation that the language you were using wasn't really appropriate from an RP and role stand point. Honestly if that's your reaction to some constructive criticism. I really don't get what you took umbrage at?
59717, Sadly I closed the window.
Posted by Lon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because You prefaced the whole argument as.

This is going to be short and to the point. That pissed me off.

I agreed I would tone it down, and then you started banging on me.

I personaly think you're opinion on his RP is valid only in the sense that you make the rules. Hinging it on a single word/phrase told me, in a nutshell, 'We don't like this character'

Why waste time with it?

59719, RE: Sadly I closed the window.
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Because You prefaced the whole argument as.
>This is going to be short and to the point. That pissed me
>I agreed I would tone it down, and then you started banging on
>I personaly think you're opinion on his RP is valid only in
>the sense that you make the rules. Hinging it on a single
>word/phrase told me, in a nutshell, 'We don't like this
>Why waste time with it?

Well I'm sorry you took it that way, but I think you really jumped the gun (origin circa 1930s). I made a statement that I was going to be brief and OOC, meaning I wasn't going to keep you long and talk out of character. I had no idea who was playing Lon, and you had no idea who was behind the an Immortal. I think you may have immediately went into defense mode, and what I saw as a discussion, you took as a lecture/argument. You said you would tone it down, and then I answered your point that they used to roll winos downhill in barrels, also to remember you were a good aligned thief, and blam, you say F**K it and delete.

Anyway if you want to email me about it feel free.
59718, Thou sir, art so money, and thou doth not even knoweth it.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Thats all I could think while reading this thread.

On a slightly related note, people who are on the recieving end of what I'd call upper end profanity tend to think you are going off on them OOCly. The first few exchanges can be important for how you are viewed, if you start right off with profanity people tend to think you're not roleplaying simply ecause they don't take the time to know more.
59722, I gotta be honest. My first thought when I had 5 lines of lecture
Posted by Pro-Man on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Pop up on my screen was.

I'm about to be Vladamired. I didn't want to go through that. =)
59701, And as far as I could tell....
Posted by Lon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The only people that had a problem with my potty mouth were some rather juvie seeming players themselves.

you speak bad you stop i warn you

bleh bleh bleh

Let's have something besides Scottish dwarves, stuffy elves, and self righteous Paladins.
59708, RE: And as far as I could tell....
Posted by Pottymouth too on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I noticed you moving up in the ranks a little bit and was looking forward to a little bit of interaction between us. Ah well. I can't say that my experience has been the same as your's. The char I'm playing currently is pretty foul-mouthed, and I've received no complaints from either imms or other players, though I think someone did cross me off his list of chars to chat with after I spewed something towards him which I intended entirely IC. If I had to guess based on my limited experience, using foul language in and of itself is fine, even if it's huge in volume. If it feels OOC, however, then it's probably not fine.
59692, Hehe. I'm stuck in Lon mode.
Posted by Lon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tolled = told etc.
59691, Special Note: Kopae
Posted by Lon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey man, I know that was rough on you. I know your bull could wipe the floor with Lon and I wasn't about to give you that fight. =)

He was an Orderly Good thief, and destined to be a rough around the edges, do what needs to be don to get the crooks off the street type. Talking like the trash he's around.

When you interfered with Kresec and I, I had to do something to show Lon wasn't someoneyou wanted to get upset no matter his alignment.

Good people have to be tough in the streets. When I envisioned Lon, I envisioned the streets swarming with nasty people, not just the few PC's running around. He was shaped by that.

Anyway, you were the first one to step in the criteria of what it took to get his attention.

I only mention this, because I was hiding in the Inn when you were venting your frustration about your encounte with him. I was afraid you'd delete. Don't man. Kopae is a good character.