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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectAnd The Hunt is over
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=59159
59159, And The Hunt is over
Posted by Halistanis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I kinda decided that my next death will be my last one. And so here we go.

I would delete a long time ago if not my natural stubbornness and love to this char. Also, I had a dream to see druidic edges in action but… I guess warriors are far less customizable and need them more :)

As some of you might have guessed, Halistanis = Krynna = Kubilak.
I had an excellent start but later on I’ve made some critical mistakes which, in combination with Amaranthe going DORMANT, made playing this char further completely pointless. In addition, I have some things to deal with now in RL, so I’ve decided to move on.

There were so many of you I’ve interacted with, that I won’t concentrate on writing personal goodbyes. Remind me of yourself, and I will answer, as usual. Any constructive feedback will be highly appreciated.

I might make another char, or I might not. We will see.

If I think of some general goodbyes to say later on, I will.

Good hunt to you all!
Halistanis, aka Kubilak, aka Krynna
59200, No cookie for you
Posted by Gwarkul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Privet (Hello),

I felt Halistanis was bigger brother of Vargraye.

Sitting chameleoned in forest next to Refuge for RL hours.
In hopes some poor sob would dare to come to retrieve.
When ganking him to ensure better chances of the kill.

And last but not the least abusing entangle and hunt to no end.
They are good powers. But so are other 50 communes you have.

I wanted to kill you very much.
But after some time I realised it is just a waste of time to try.
You would shying away from any fight which would pose ant risk of loosing.
There is a Rager comfort zone. You had Halistanis comfort zone.

What else?
Taunting and trash talking? I ignored it.
Having chameleon and complaning I had hide? This made me laugh real hard.

Good luck with your next,


PS Sorry it came out too negative. In my opinion this was not your best character.
59207, Well, we obviously have a case of misunderstanding here
Posted by Halistanis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First of all, if you want to insult me of being Vargraye, that won't work. I kinda had nothing against his char.

Taunting and trash talking? Come on :) Ne sebya posmtri, seryozno :)

No risk battles? Why should I take any risk against someone who avoids me like plague during the full moon and using his ring each time the fight is getting remotely dangerous any other time? I have no way to kill you, you have no way to kill me. At the end, I've lost any interest in fighting you. Can you blame me for that?

Complaining of hide? Wrong. I was simply pointing you out why I am sitting in the forest instead of looking for you. Why should I waste my time if you are hidden all the time, eh? Hunting assassin is fruitless. Period.

To be honest, I am not the great fan of this char of yours as well. So we are even here.

Good luck to you!
59208, RE: case of misunderstanding
Posted by Gwarkul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>First of all, if you want to insult me of being Vargraye,
>that won't work. I kinda had nothing against his char.

Vargrate level set on 41 and abused hunt.
I am just comparing you to her/him/it.

>Taunting and trash talking? Come on :) Ne sebya posmtri,
>seryozno :)

I never trash talked. Cant say I understand what you mean.
Care to elaborate?

>I have no way to kill you, you have no way to kill

I have a way to kill you. If I bring your hp 0, you die.
And you know what? It works the same for everybody.

The difference between us, I would go and actively hunt people.
I would come to your forest and try to fight you.
You would try to spam entangle, see it does not work and hide behind Huntress.

Are you saying I am a coward because I would not come to your forest during full moon or I would use means to escape when I am to die?

>At the end, I've lost any interest in fighting you. Can
>you blame me for that?

My point, you never did really try.

>Hunting assassin is fruitless. Period.
Questionable. But I would not comment.
59351, after the log of the briars
Posted by Krilcovs on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Where you perma lagged a groupmate, why didnt you delete?
59378, And what we are talking about here, eh?
Posted by Halistanis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't understand.
59380, Mistaken identity
Posted by Gwarkul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I vaguely recall incident when somebody walked person following him through briartangles 100 times or so.
Effectively killing that person.

But it was not me or “Hailstones”. :-)
59395, Man, he is smoking some tough ####e
Posted by Halistanis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I can vaguely recall something like that when I found CF for the first time and was playing with my first char. Something like that was posted on Bug boards and then fixed.

And now he posts this one...

Krilcov, say "No" to drugs, say "Yes" to vodka! :D
59382, Umm...
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry Gwarkul, but you are one of the last people who should be talking about anything regarding hunting, hiding, comparing, etc. I would worry more about your actions than the actions of others.
59191, RE: And The Hunt is over
Posted by Lucury on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't know what was going through my mind during that first interaction where we had. Actually, I don't know if you remembered. But still, I had fun sending you random tells, hope you didn't mind.
59206, I actually enjoyed them
Posted by Halistanis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I mean it. Pretty funny RP.
You are obviously new in PK, but it will come in time.

Good luck, and see you on the fields!
59174, I don't understand this
Posted by Victoria2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
There's so much more going for a character than making a couple of mistakes and not having your imm around.

What actually went wrong for you?!

I like Halistanis, because if you were around you did something (like take the scepter). It wasn't the usual stalemate. (It might well be a different stalemate like when it was full moon and multi-outlander for a while, and then when the moon finally changed I had to go, but it was never dull with you.)

I'd like to claim I do the same raid wise, but I don't as I can't, since taking the orb requires me to burn barrier charges even if unopposed, and still takes me 2 attempts. Very demoralising! But if I can't do it myself, I still appreciate seeing others do it, even if it is to me. heh.

Play a non-outlander?
59196, Well, I guess I will explain a bit (about Imms)
Posted by Halistanis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
First of all, as you might know, I was exiled from Outlanders for quite a time. It took a lot of time and effort to return. And I doubt I would care if not my natural stubborness. There were many reasons of that exile, and now, looking back into them, I might agree that I got too self-confident and too independent from Imms even for Outlander cabal. Also, I've made some critical mistakes (like refusing to provide Twist with sacrifice for a noble deed). Even though these 'mistakes' were inline with my RP and role, still they went against Imms expectations from me as a char, as Outlander, and as a leader. As a result, even after returning to Outlanders, I found out pretty soon that there is no way for me to become a leader again. No matter what I do. As a result, no matter how 'leading' I was, how inspiring for the cabal, how good in PK or RP (note, I know my RP is average in the best, and language limitations are one of the reason), I won't get anything from the cabal. Even Elder position would not be achieved. So, I kinda lost the goal after rejoining Outlanders as a cabal member.
If you wish more details on this one, buy my PBF. I suspect there will be TONS of Imm comments ;)

About religion. Amaranthe's religion is far more complicated then I thought. Which was a nice surprise and a challenge, don't get me wrong. The real annoying part of it though it that you won't get any advance in the ranks (becoming the member of the Coven) or getting tattoo without Amaranthe being involved. And right when things went tough for me as for char, and when I had a feeling I almost got the whole idea of the religion, she went DORMANT. And not as dormant as, to say, Thrak, who is pretty active for dormant Imm, in fact. She is absent from the game at the moment.
As a result, I've lost any hope in advancing in religion ever. Which kinda destroyes the idea of the empowered char on the first place.

Don't get me wrong, I don't blame her. She was very cool when she was here. And all of us have RL to deal with. I wish her only good thing in whatever she is doing now. But the luck was against me in this case, I am afraid.

So, in general, there was no point in playing this char any further. But my deep love to Outlander cabal.

As for everything else.
Thank you for the kind words. I do enjoy this game, and I do enjoy PK. It was a lot of fun fighting you guys, both with (as Kubilak) and against you.

Actually, the project I have in my head right now is Scion. But I have no idea as for role so far. If I write this and have some spare time, I will be with you. But we will see.

Good luck!
59250, Actually...
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought Halistanis was cool. I understood why Amaranthe did what she did, but, I was watching you for that opening to get you back in. The biggest problem was that you got into Kubilak heavily, so the hours for Halistanis were kind of bleak. Naturally, I can't reward you for that. But, when you started playing a bit more again, I put you back into the cabal to show that you weren't forgotten. Then I reawakened you know what. I then opened the door for you to hunt certain types of characters again. Everything was moving in the direction that you were looking, but, too many sweets at one time will just make you fat, if you get my meaning. Good luck with the next.
59317, Thank you, man
Posted by Halistanis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am pretty sure you are one of the coolest Imms in the game. If not you, I would delete long time ago.

Thanks for all the RP sessions and support I've recieved.
It was very inspiring and definately useful for this char.
Too bad Amaranthe's gone poof, or I would definately go on with this char. But, as you probably know, my chars need to have strong sense of direction for me to have fun about them. This one just lost her fire.
59170, Damn. I was looking forward to fighting you more. nt
Posted by Isspyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
59205, Damn, you hurt
Posted by Halistanis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have no idea what was going on but I've never was pwned that much with dagger spec before. I guess you are doing something very right. And I think you will become a force to consider.

Good luck!
59166, RE: And The Hunt is over
Posted by Xin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hello Dear!

Another strong character of yours I've enjoyed, and a player I wish I could have learned more from. It was great fun raiding with you on the few chances we had raiding together. GLWYN
59203, Damn, you are the man
Posted by Halistanis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I mean come on. As Kubilak I had no idea how many self-limitations you've placed on this char. And when I found it out as Halistanis it was just like "Wow". Some real balls, man, some huge balls.

Keep on rocking, I think you are the best Sunwarden Outlander had for all the time I've played.

Sorry for lack of interaction with you, but you was always so quiet that I assumed you enjoy to be left alone... And so I didn't press it. But if there were anything you wished to find out, you just needed to ask me. I would always help as I enjoyed this char so much.

Good luck, man, and have a good run!
59165, RE: And The Hunt is over
Posted by Linaeren on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was looking forward to getting to know your character and run with you since I'm finally getting into hero range. Ah well, good luck and hope you find time to come back.
59202, Thank you
Posted by Halistanis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I hope you will make a solid Harbinger.
Just don't get carried away as I did, and remember that there are laws in the Tree.

Also, Nexus seems to be the holy cow of the Imms. Keep away from them :)
59164, Glad we had a working relationship...
Posted by Feiaina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were one of a few who I wasn't worried about hunting me.

I DO wish I had a chance to fight Krynna again once I heroed - I woulda mauled you :) When we fought that one time I missed everything and got butchered... go figure.
59201, It is always nice to have an assassin ally
Posted by Halistanis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I enjoyed it.
Sorry for not coming to help you when you called me last time. I was too busy with Scions and Trib hitting the Huntress.
59236, Didn't need help.
Posted by Feiaina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Just wanted to let you in on the fun before it got messy in the Village. Because that was one sweet fight once the battle made it to the Destructor.

I wish I had it logged, but I played a game of patty cake with the Nexuns for a good 15-20 minutes realtime.

The past week or two has been alot of fun at the hero range.
59163, Bleh. Just frigging BLEH.
Posted by Neik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Interactions with you were one of the few things that have even kept me as active as I am, after a few things that really started to turn me off of my character. I'll probably be doing the same thing in a few days now, unless something picks up. This is such a bummer, because we spent so damn much time together just doing whatever. No matter where we were or what we were doing, I had a blast with you. You were one of the few to really "get" me.
59199, Pixie!
Posted by Halistanis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I sincerely thank you for all the experience you shared with me and all the fun we had together. You was with no doubt my favourite char.

I honestly don't know who are your chars in the past, and I don't know what are your problems with Imms (and there are definetaly some problems there, no matter what Imms talk of being unbiased to chars).

I will agree with you though. When the char loses its fun, it is time to delete. I hope to play with you in another form and cabal. Our experience was really enjoyable.
59222, Heh, when I do delete and you find out, you'll ####. :D
Posted by Neik on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Without getting into a long detailed explaination of the imm-hassles, I was being given stupid little slaps on the wrist for my speech, and my actions were being completely ignored. One instance I defended against multiple (3 plus) opponents, and was forced to flee. I said my usual "They kicked me in the junk" thing and got gigged xp for it by an imm. Of course no mention of the fact that I tried to run them off, and did manage to slow them down a fair bit. Another time I died during a retrieval attempt, and was offered my things back in exchange for a promise to not come back for a half an hour or so. Knowing me, you can imagine what my response was. Again, doing the right thing (not caring about my eq, sticking to my ideals) gets no notice, but not talking like a cookie cutter elf gets me another little slap.

It gave me a big BIG sense of "We want surface, not substance" and left me with a deep feeling of BLEH. I haven't been able to find my groove since. You deleting just makes it even worse. When I logged in and you were on the other day, I started to perk up again because of our dynamic. With you gone, I don't know if that momentum will continue or not. Either way, I hope you come back soon, and I'll stop filling up whats supposed to be your thread with my crap. I have a feeling you know where I'm coming from though.
59161, I ####ing hate druids.
Posted by Tallanalas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did everything I could to avoid you.

Hit me with a thorn and I was done, and they always land.

When you were on I assumed I couldn't rank or anything so I'd just go find a corner and hide in it.
59197, Ironically, you are very right about it
Posted by Halistanis on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If I was online (while you was Trib), you could bet I am watching you. In fact, it applies to any of my enemies I knew I could face alone (95% of my enemies). Condor is so damn nice after changes hit in, you won't believe :)

I was glad when you left Tribs.
And pity that trap against Nuloh didn't work.

Good luck to you.
59204, OH YEAH!
Posted by Tallanalas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was kicking myself in the ass there. I learned something from you there about blinding him.

You called what he would do to a T. I lost the log, but I remember it.

That was one of those things where as an enemy I was cussing you to no ed. Got to know you and I was like, okay!

I loved the fact that I ended up heroing a Sunwarden. lol