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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subjectHigh Herald drops off the face of Thera!
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=58529
58529, High Herald drops off the face of Thera!
Posted by Siladhiele on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Time for a break! I've taken a couple over the years, but I keep coming back. This game is so much
fun. I'm sorry Siladhiele turned into such a no-show character. I can typically only play from work and
we hit one of our busier seasons, which left me with almost no time to play. Now that it's back to normal,
I've found myself less and less motivated. In fact, I rolled another character (which I also deleted today) to
keep me interested. Summer's here, the kid's growing up and I need to spend more time thinking about the
things in life that really matter. No more dreams about dashing elven magistrates or mysterious elven sun-
wardens! (When compared to fantasy, reality seems so boring sometimes!)

I think I rolled on January 12th, so I won't really go into many personal farewells. I have an incredibly short
memory and would forget everyone anyway. So just a few quick goodbyes:

Rayihn - We didn't get to see eachother much, but you really are a fabulous addition to the immstaff. You

Iunna - Over the years, we've had our share of adversity, but this time around, we really seemed to click. I am
your new biggest fan and when/if I do come back, I'm all over that religion. You're really cool. (Jezebelle, Minya,
Sessha and a few other Heralds -cause I love them!)

Maethron - Crappy time for me to quit on you. I'm sorry. I really adored you and would have liked to have spent
more time with you, but things always got in the way.

Niheriva - Really great character. Loved hanging out with you.

Xinrithal - Funny that having only spoken to him ...3 or 4 times... that he would stand out, but I really dug him.

Sokde/Glindorin/Lyug/Frajalar/Yikoti - I know I didn't do the leadership position justice. I got really disheartened
by the lack of interested in events/contests. It is hard to feel like a part of something when you hit and miss your
cabal mates. You're all really a lot of fun. Frajalar, though, I did get totally bitter towards the end. Love your writing.

Later, taters! I'm going to the zoo.

58785, Thanks for the dance!
Posted by Tallanalas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I had no idea you were Yikoti but looking back I guess I can detect a similar style.

As Yikoti I felt you were to gear hungry, but then again, I rarely go looking for gear myslef so that's probably me.

Awesome Character!
58786, I dunno where you got she was Yikoti
Posted by Derexal on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
But hey, she wasn't.
58808, I misread her closing post I guess. ~
Posted by Tallanalas on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
58667, RE: High Herald drops off the face of Thera!
Posted by Frajalar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

Sometime in Late March I had a on-court accident and ended up with three fractures in my foot ankle below, a busted ligament, a sprain and internal bleeding and soft tissue damange, all it that in on beeping leg. I thought, well atleast now I can play cf while I'm down with the three month bed rest, but things just had to take a turn for the worse. I had to get operated to quicken the healing process (which threatened to be six months to a year) and post the operation life was not so creamroll and berry pie. I was always hoping I could come by more and more but the sad part was I always needed someone to help me to the computer since I was perfectly immobile. THe problem was the times you played were night (for me atleast) and trying to crawl two floors down the mansion into the computer room alone was never a possibility. I tried borrowing a friend lap top and what not but it was just not meant to be. I'm kicking myself cause just a day or two back I wrote you a note saying 'hang on, I'm back' but you decide to kick the bucket. To me you and Iunna were the only two reasons to stick around. I loved your char and I feel absolutely upset that I could have and yet could not salvage you from losing interest. I hope you return some day. Even though short, the times were fun beyond silly words could express.

58618, What now?
Posted by Lyug on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I had a great time trying to get you to make me a Herald. We had different times for playing so it was always intresting to see if you were awake when I would log on. There was a time when I was about to delete but you had some troubles of your own with Frajalar, and that brought me back to my RP by trying to help you. Thanks! I hope to see another from you, you made it fun from the few times we got to speak.

58616, Damnable.
Posted by Iunna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm glad you enjoyed the interactions. We've butted heads more often than not over the years (probably even with some of my mortals), so I'm glad that we got the chance to see eye-to-eye for once. You did a really good job as High Herald (as always), and I hope we'll see you back soon.

I'm glad us girls
could get over Salem,
not divide each other
not watch each other fall.

-Sheila Nicholls, Moth & the Streetlight
58595, RE: High Herald drops off the face of Thera!
Posted by Igsoeh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What about incredibly handsome elven villagers....heh heh. Again, good character, good interactions. Had lots of fun at the Inn, and no Baerinika, Istilion did not have a crush on the High Herald, she was, after all, not even really from Darsylon, just a valley elf...sheesh. Can you imagine the palace gossip from THAT? Anyway, good job, and by the way, you said you thought two of our characters interacted before, which ones out of curiosity? P.S. Have fun with the fam and enjoy the summer!
58564, Too bad.
Posted by Niheriva on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I always knew I could count on you to go for a walk to go exploring someplace. I had a great time and loved making sure you had plenty of nice things to give away to people after I saved them for you for however long. :P

Good times.
58543, RE: High Herald drops off the face of Thera!
Posted by Soayel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wish we would have had more time to speak together. We did on a few occasions, but not enough for my taste.

Ah well.. I loved our little interactions. Good luck with the other life. ;) And keep comming back.
58540, RE: High Herald drops off the face of Thera!
Posted by Xin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You offered a bastion of comfort in the insanity that is Xin's life, and I kept looking for a moment when I could sneak into your back yard and touch your thoughts. I miss the potential you offered. I hope your break is a short one.
58538, It's cool. RL happens.
Posted by Maethron on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Although. What happened to changing your mind and deciding that having them toss your old brittle bones out of the back door being the only way you're leaving?! I feel so betrayed.

But seriously, we had some fun interactions and I did feel really bad every time I had to 'quaff return' whenever we did get the time to RP together. Especially when our login times generally were the exact opposite of each other. But I don't blame you. RL trumps CF any day. Have fun.
58539, RE: It's cool. RL happens.
Posted by Siladhiele on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was just having trouble getting back into it, really. Plus, my husband's been out of town a couple times in the last month and I've done the "play all night" thing, letting Scooby Doo babysit my 3 year old daughter. Baaad mommy. She's thrilled that I won't be on "that stupid computer" for the summer. - Thanks!
58533, RE: High Herald drops off the face of Thera!
Posted by Magus Guest on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Did you also play Audriel, the Paladin?
58537, RE: Audriel
Posted by Siladhiele on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
58531, You were cool, as per usual.
Posted by GinGa on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for filling the obligatory herald spot! Always fun being able to drop by the inn. I haven't had a 'proper' character to join in any of the competitions... sorry the turn outs looked so low, there's usually at least 2-3 entries to even 'random cooking contest'. Think I might have to give a herald a shot but I'm worried I won't get to flex my pking left arm at the same time as my roleplaying right arm. And I don't want one huge bicep and one tiny one :) I'm sure we'll see you around soon anyhoo. There's cool new stuff to try every month nowadays!

> Later, taters! I'm going to the zoo.

Thanks Vlad. Now I can't read that without wanting to throw up a little.
