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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [None] Palmer Wiezel the Maddened Annihilator, Scourge of Zurcon
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=58498
58498, (DELETED) [None] Palmer Wiezel the Maddened Annihilator, Scourge of Zurcon
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sat May 26 06:55:32 2007

At 3 o'clock AM, Day of Thunder, 17th of the Month of the Heat
on the Theran calendar Palmer perished, never to return.
Cabal:None, None
58570, And now I'm a coatrack
Posted by Palmer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry this took so long to get around to, but I have been a bit busy which was the main impetus for finally deleting Palmer. First a few minor notes. The name came from a Carl Hiassen novel, the name of which escapes me, but thanks to everyone who kept pointing out other ways of thinking of Palmer. I killed a lot of people and I can't begin to remember all of them, but I have a lot of them logged, so if you have requests, I might be able to accomodate those, although no promises. Palmer didn't have a lot of friends, and had far too many enemies to split them into any manageable categories, so I will skip the individual goodbyes, with a few exceptions at the end.

I first started Palmer about two years ago with the main intent of hunting ranking groups. I had fond (well maybe not fond, but definitely intense) memories of being continually jumped while ranking and yet with my two previous characters, I think I made it into the 40s without ever having anyone attack my groups. Thus Palmer was born with the intent of being a remorseless hunter and I gave him a basic role and didn't really expect him to last too long. Then I ended up getting Zurcon's tattoo and that made the roleplay even more fun. I had to make a minor change in my role to justify killing people as a sphere destruction and then leaving their equipment but I managed to work it out. I don't think I ever intentionally full looted anyone, taking gold and maybe one or two items, and that favor was returned ten fold on the times I did die.

I did seek to betray almost everyone I met, having no compunction about lying, misleading or anything else. I was fine with attacking a groupmate if I thought I could get away with it and made an effort to go after evils as much as neutrals and goods as I felt that fit Palmer's twisted approach to following Zurcon. However I did also try to make an attempt to not kill the same person more than once. There were a few exceptions to this, but generally that was by choice of the person and not a matter of me actively hunting. I tried to never shy away from a fight, although this did not mean I was willing to go wade into too many big groups at hero, nor was I going to make much of an effort in those fights I was clearly outmatched at.

Once I hit spectre, I decided to go for mummy rather than lich as I knew I didn't have the time or energy to play a lich right now and also because noone had ever really done a mummy. For some reason all the spectres seem to gravitate toward lich and I personally think this is a really big mistake. A lich is going to have to be an uber-bad guy and most of the playerbase is not really up to that role. I know with a mummy I had a target painted continually on my back and the one for a lich would be even greater. With a Zors or an Istendil you have to always be on your game 100% and I personally am not capable of that, nor do I think that the majority of players who try for lich are, which would explain the phenomena of people who lich and then just don't manage to either log in again or die quickly. Please don't take this as a knock on the folks who have done lich, but I do wish more folks would consider mummy as a viable alternative. I hope I showed that you can be extremely successful with a mummy, and keep in mind that for most of my mummy life, my times were in the early mornings CST with very little in the way of prey even on and with me not being in a cabal. Frankly I am a little nervous about what a mummy could do in a cabal during primetime - I could have easily doubled my kills and maybe only added another ten deaths if I had those two things.

I did try to roleplay an insane follower of Zurcon who hated and feared his lord. Palmer would become fixated on small things and run with them for a while, then get bored and move on to something else.

Individual goodbyes:

Rasleki - Palmer was also my attempt at an exploration character, especially when there was noone to hunt. You hade a lot of that exploration possible, so thanks. I did decide I didn't need to betray you after you kept dying while we were exploring. You should have enough game knowledge now to make a truely brilliant character, so I look forward to your next with great anticipation.

Kharg - I did think about taking the bloodoath, but I knew you didn't trust me enough to give it to me. I did get you when you had your monster weapon though, although it was to hunger based on you being blind iirc, which leads us onto...

Cabdru - fwiw, I was completely ready to betray you the moment I saw you next. Then I went almost a month not seeing you and then you appeared on the battlefield. I think it would have been a tossup between us after I hit mummy, but I would be surprised if either of us won, which leads us to

Whoever that minotaur scion shaman was - I cannot recall the name. I just want to say I hate like hell that I ranked with you and completely forgot that a portion of my role had to do with hating minotaurs. I really really hate it when for some reason I forget to reread my roles and forget something like that. When I realized it, I made a special attempt to go after any minotaurs I saw just to try to make up for that.

Kubilak - while I did kill a few orcs, in general I roleplayed my view of orcs into them being a viable force for destruction and you were the epitomy of that force.

Thanks to everyone I interacted with and as usual thanks to the Imms for the game. I normally stay away from posting on forums, but if you have a question for me, I will do my best to answer it.
58574, RE: And now I'm a coatrack
Posted by Ishdor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Quite a pity that I was never able of talking you into the exploration of high-end areas with me. At times I'd have the impression that you as a player seemed to welcome the gesture, but that your role simply wouldn't have allowed for it. Assuming this was the case, I simply wanted to say "kudos" for sticking to your role in thîs fashion, even though we didn't interact all that much outside of our one fight and our conversations.

Palmer's deletion is a loss to the game from my perspective.
58583, As Tralling, I can honestly say
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
The two or three times we interacted I loved it. I was cracking up with the 'What color is YOUR codex?' and #### like that. It was just clean, plain fun and I didnt mind you betraying me even:P...twice.:).
58593, Loved every minute of interaction with you.
Posted by Lyug on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You got me twice. The first time I was not ready to get my ass handed to me, the second time I was and managed to run for a hell of a long time. The exchanged RP at the end of it all made me want to hang out with you, even if I thought you would kill me again. If you have the log I would love to see it.

Grats on your char, and can't wait to see what you come up with next!

58600, A pillar character of CF, you'll be missed
Posted by Rogue on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

You've really outdone yourself in creating and playing the type of (IMHO) milestone character that pastes itself as a poster child, if you will, of the true character types that grace the realms of CF. I have fought with and against you with quite a wide ranger of characters, and for every one, you always made me feel like I was really part of the realm that is CF, and offered some of the strongest and realistic roleplay a CF Player has to offer.

I cannot begin to understand the collective calm, pure intention within PK, and overall perspectives in our conversations, just how you were able to "be" so well.

Hat's off to you, and Thank You, for being one of those that will
go down in the books.


"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclination, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence." - John Adams
58628, RE: A pillar character of CF, you'll be missed
Posted by Palmer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thats probably the nicest thing anyone could say about me. You are welcome and I am glad you enjoyed the character as much as I did.
58640, RE: A pillar character of CF, you'll be missed
Posted by Vryaeth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*grumbles* if I had money I'd so buy this PBF :/ someone should get it, i mean god damn he's been around for what, two years and was a mummy?
58644, Got the PBF
Posted by Rodriguez on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Not that I knew him, I just seen Palmer once.
But damn I am curious how he could survive and keep his con for so long... =)
58606, RE: And now I'm a coatrack
Posted by A2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I played Vessit. I appreciate you only giving me an enema with my newbie breadz the one time. I figured that since I couldn't do a damn thing to you, I was going to become your personal bitch since I was a trib. Cool of you to not just repeatedly abuse me, and I was hoping to interact a little more with you. Seemed like a cool character. You definately seemed more active when there was four spectres running around. Was I just seeing things or did that spark some motivation for you to play more?
58607, I did enjoy this char. A lot.
Posted by Krynna on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Even though I had him as ally only as Kubilak.

All my other chars were Outlanders and I always had a lot of adrenalyne when you was raiding. Damn, killing Spirit in 90 seconds was JUST PLAIN EVIL. Sometimes I didn't even have enough time to come there in time! I believe both of my chars were slept at one point or another, but I always escaped. Sometimes on the brink of death. I liked it. Very good stuff.

RP was pretty consistant. Especialy this madman stuff.

I was really glad for you when you got this tattoo and quest spell. I think it helped you a lot in exploration stuff.

I was really looking forward to travel with you to Hell as we agreed, but this ####ty age death... Oh well. Sorry for that. It happened that either you was busy with something, or I had a work to do (I am often playing from work).

In general, I wish we had more players like that. No matter what people say you was damn ballsy (raiding with myself having insects with all these problems with movement regen, damn ballsy) and consistant.

Hope to see you in the fields soon (though I am not playing all that much nowdays :( )
58630, Thanks
Posted by Palmer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked your outlanders, but I liked Kubilak better as I had more interactions with him. I guess I could clear the Outlander inner guardian in a pretty short time if I had a full set of zombies, which could account for noone coming to defend, but I would try to hang out after to see if anyone would show.

I wish we could have gone to Hell too. Next time gear for saves a little bit. When I saw your gear, I knew instantly that I could sleep you and kill you anytime I wanted. If we had gone to Hell, I certainly would have betrayed you somewhere down there, but it still would have been fun.

I am glad you played an orc; it got you out of your comfort zone and I think you will be a better player for it. Now if we can just get you to play the occasional mage, you will even be better.
58608, RE: And now I'm a coatrack
Posted by Waserax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You scared me. But, necromancers in general scare me. You especially, though, because I knew (and you probably knew too) exactly how the fight would play out before it even happened. Mostly me spamming dispel evil, since that's all I could do against you, and you trying to sleep me. But hey, I figured it would be the epitome of wussiness not to at least give you a fight. Sure enough, that's about how it went down. To be honest, I was surprised I did that well. I figured you'd come at me w/ full wands. If you had, then it would have been me fleeing instead of you. (Assuming I didn't get slept).

I don't get your argument about mummy over lich, though. Mummy's clearly alot less effort to achieve, but aren't they pretty much inferior in every way to a lich? Sure, everybody's gunning for a lich, but wasn't everybody gunning for you as well? I don't know much about mummy vs. lich mechancs- is there some advantage to mummies that I'm unaware of?
58627, Shamans and liches
Posted by Palmer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Once I figured out that shamans could do virtually nothing to me, I kind of avoided fighting them and when I had to, I avoided prepping for the most part to make the fight more fair. Hope that made it more fun for you too.

Mummies are mostly inferior to a lich with a couple of exceptions that I know of (caveat: I have not played a lich), but the concept of roleplaying an immortal undead creature is common to both of them and imho it is a difficult thing to do. It is also a bit easier to roleplay the transition to undead with mummies because of the mechanics. People were gunning for me, but I could be killed by one person alone and was, whereas that is not going to happen with an experienced lich. In short, I think that the personalities of some of the people who try for lich would be better suited to a slightly less fearsome character.
58647, RE: Shamans and liches
Posted by Waserax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I guess it was more fun. I think game theory sort of just screws both of us fun-wise with that matchup. I know I'm not going to kill you. I know that most likely you're not going to kill me unless you get me slept and can summon me somewhere nasty. Ergo I have little motivation to fight you anywhere that's possible. What ended up happening was about as good as we could have hoped for: both of us giving the other a chance to make a dumb mistake. Nobody made a mistake, so neither of us died.
58609, RE: And now I'm a coatrack
Posted by Theroc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I did NOT trust you at all. When you offered like 2000gold for that book, I was tempted to go for the trade but I knew you pull some crap. I really really wanted to find out what that book did, but the whole trusting issue got in the way.

I did not get anything in return when I gifted it to an Imm, should have tried the trade.
58610, RE: And now I'm a coatrack
Posted by Theroc on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Book of the Damned" was the item in question.
58612, its been a while
Posted by Vhloughvang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You have been with us for a while, and I have been fighting you with my last three chars ;) haha.

Well done, Great fights with Vhlough never did think
you could take me one on one but its just the confilct in the build.

Hope you enjoyed Palmer as much as I enjoyed saying HOLY #### He's still ticking!! haha

Good luck in the fields.
58625, RE: its been a while
Posted by Palmer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Frankly after all the times we tussled, I was quite sure I couldn't finish you off. Battle was completely hit or miss with me, I could either kill them fairly easily or they were almost impossible.
58631, We had some good battles.
Posted by Draktel1 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a beast of a chaos demon, so we never saw eye to eye. I think you offered me an item once in awhile, but you also stepped on my toes a few times. We had a lot of pretty good fights where neither of us was going to die, but we sure gave each other a run for the money. Anyway, great job, and they were right, when you logged on, it made a difference, and there isn't a higher compliment IMO.
58633, RE: And now I'm a coatrack
Posted by Brinkmun on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
A force as always, kinda sucks that you bit the dust. Well played and ballsy, I like ballsy. Good luck with next and all that jazz
58685, Nice...
Posted by Hunsobo on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Our playing times rarely matched up so I only saw you online twice, I think, once I was in your pk range, but I'll be quite honest and say I avoided you like the crimson scourge you were sure to land on me. :P

I do think if we'd have fought, it'd end up a lot like things ended up between you and Waserax. If you got me slept, I was dead. If not, I probably couldn't kill you.

Awesome char, good luck with your next!
58694, The end of an era.
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Man, Palmer was an institution.

I must've had him in range with half a dozen characters, all but one of which he tried to kill. Levelling with Palmer on felt a bit like the old days, knowing that someone who wasn't afraid to jump on my group of three (usually taking out one or more of my groupmates in the process) would find me and would not hesitate to throw down.

On another note, all succeeding mummies owe Palmer an enormous debt for bugboarding probably thirty things, most of which were actual mummy bugs. A lot of those had probably always been broken; a few were introduced after we threw mummies another small bone or two after I spent some time watching Kresh (sp?) a few years ago and formulated some opinions on problems with mummykind.
59463, Imm on Imm action!
Posted by Ysaloerye on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

*** Took me a while to find this. Nothing special just worth a chuckle

<29 Human Nec> (PK) Palmer the Summoner, Disciple of Zurcon
<24 Duerg A-P> (PK) Dulak the Ruthless
<23 Storm Pal> (PK) Kyn the Gallant, Magistrate of Seantryn Modan
*25 Min War* (PK) Cuucqa the Tactician, Sheathed Blade

*** Heading through galadon to go to chessmasters

Someone tells the group 'Palmer'
*** Which means trouble as he has had a go at me twice previously to this with no success.
*** So I head off to get preps to see and deal with him.

<100%hp 93%m 83%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 9 AM> eat 1.
You eat a Detect Invis prep.
Your eyes tingle.
**SNIP getting preps

<100%hp 100%m 95%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 11 AM>
You tell your group 'where were he?'

<100%hp 100%m 99%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 12 PM>
You hear the creaking of rope.

<100%hp 100%m 99%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 12 PM>
Dulak tells the group 'In Galadon'

***Snip headed to island and....

A wandering adventurer stares blankly around the beach.
Dulak has arrived.
Gravnic has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 71%mv 11111 waning outdoor civilized standing 1 PM> whe
People near you:
(PK) Gravnic Standing on a beach
(PK) Palmer Within the jungle
(PK) Dulak Standing on a beach
(PK) Cuucqa Standing on a beach

<100%hp 100%m 71%mv 11111 waning outdoor civilized standing 1 PM> You say barely comprehensibly 'there'

<100%hp 100%m 71%mv 11111 waning outdoor civilized standing 1 PM>
Dulak says 'Cuucqa canna fight in city, unless ordered'

<100%hp 100%m 71%mv 11111 waning outdoor civilized standing 1 PM>
You say haltingly 'summon him'

<100%hp 100%m 71%mv 11111 waning outdoor civilized standing 1 PM> trip Palmer
They aren't here.

<100%hp 100%m 71%mv 11111 waning outdoor civilized standing 1 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Gravnic Standing on a beach
(PK) Palmer Within the jungle
(PK) Dulak Standing on a beach
(PK) Cuucqa Standing on a beach

<100%hp 100%m 71%mv 11111 waning outdoor civilized standing 1 PM> w
Standing on a beach

Gravnic has arrived.
Dulak has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 68%mv 11111 waning outdoor civilized standing 1 PM> w

Dulak utters the words, 'gjwwai'.
Standing on a beach

Dulak has arrived.
Gravnic has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 65%mv 11111 waning outdoor civilized standing 1 PM> sca n
You scan north.
***** Range 1 *****
An adventurer looks determined to get off this island.

<100%hp 100%m 65%mv 11111 waning outdoor civilized standing 1 PM> n

Dulak disappears suddenly.

*** Palmer beats him to the punch

At the edge of the jungle

An adventurer looks determined to get off this island.
Gravnic has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 69%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 2 PM> n
Within the jungle

Gravnic has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 67%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 2 PM> where

Gravnic tells the group 'palmer here'
People near you:
(PK) Gravnic Within the jungle
(PK) Palmer Within the jungle
(PK) Dulak Within the jungle
(PK) Cuucqa Within the jungle

<100%hp 100%m 67%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 2 PM>
Dulak yells 'Die, Palmer, you sorcerous dog!'

<100%hp 100%m 67%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 2 PM> n
Within the jungle

Gravnic has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 65%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 2 PM> e
Within the jungle

Gravnic has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 63%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 2 PM> e
Alas, you cannot go that way.

<100%hp 100%m 63%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 2 PM> n
Within the jungle

An elven adventurer makes her way through the jungle.
Gravnic has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 61%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 2 PM> n
Within the jungle

Gravnic has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 58%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 2 PM> sca a

A parrot yells 'Help! Help!'

<100%hp 100%m 58%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 2 PM> You scan north.
You scan south.
***** Range 1 *****
An elven adventurer makes her way through the jungle.

You scan east.
You scan west.
You scan up.
You scan down.

<100%hp 100%m 58%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 2 PM> e
Within the jungle

Gravnic has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 2 PM> n
Within the jungle

Gravnic has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 54%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 2 PM> n
Within the jungle

A duergar huffs and puffs his way through the jungle's heat.
Gravnic has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 52%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 2 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Gravnic Within the jungle
(PK) Palmer Within the jungle
(PK) Dulak Within the jungle
(PK) Cuucqa Within the jungle

<100%hp 100%m 52%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 2 PM> Dulak yells 'Help someone is attacking me!'

<100%hp 100%m 52%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 2 PM> w
Within the jungle

Dulak is here, fighting a flesh golem.
A flesh golem lumbers along, vacant eyes watching for its master's presence.
(Ghostly) Palmer is here, fighting Dulak.
Gravnic has arrived.

<100%hp 100%m 50%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 2 PM>
Dulak utters the words, 'noselacri'.

<100%hp 100%m 50%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 2 PM> trip Palmer

A parrot yells 'Squawk! A *real* Knight would help me!'
A flesh golem's smash maims Dulak!
Dulak's slash misses a flesh golem.
The gods protect a flesh golem from Gravnic.
A flesh golem dodges your wrath.
Your slash MASSACRES a flesh golem!
A flesh golem parries your wrath.
A flesh golem dodges your wrath.
A flesh golem dodges your wrath.
The gods protect a flesh golem from Gravnic.
A flesh golem is covered with bleeding wounds.

<100%hp 100%m 50%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness fighting 2 PM> His feet aren't on the ground.
A flesh golem is covered with bleeding wounds.

<100%hp 100%m 50%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness fighting 2 PM>
Dulak utters the words, 'noselacri'.
A flesh golem is covered with bleeding wounds.

<100%hp 100%m 50%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness fighting 2 PM>
You are hungry.
A flesh golem is covered with bleeding wounds.

Dulak's slash DISMEMBERS a flesh golem!
The gods protect a flesh golem from Gravnic.
Your wrath MASSACRES a flesh golem!
A flesh golem parries your wrath.
Your slash MASSACRES a flesh golem!
The gods protect a flesh golem from Gravnic.
A flesh golem is writhing in agony.

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness fighting 3 PM>
Palmer leaves east.
*** @target left east!!
Palmer has fled!
A flesh golem is writhing in agony.

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness fighting 3 PM> shove Palmer
They aren't here.
A flesh golem is writhing in agony.

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness fighting 3 PM> shove Palmer
They aren't here.
A flesh golem is writhing in agony.

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness fighting 3 PM> Dulak leaves east.
Dulak has fled!
A flesh golem is writhing in agony.

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness fighting 3 PM> shove Palmer

Gravnic's slice EVISCERATES a flesh golem!
A flesh golem leaves west.
A flesh golem has fled!
They aren't here.

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 3 PM> shove Palmer
They aren't here.

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 3 PM>
Dulak has arrived.
They aren't here.

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 3 PM> They aren't here.

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 3 PM>
Dulak leaves west.

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 3 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Gravnic Within the jungle
(PK) Palmer Within the jungle
(PK) Dulak Within the jungle
(PK) Cuucqa Within the jungle

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 3 PM>
Palmer has arrived.
*** @target arrived! ***

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 3 PM> bash Palmer

You yell 'Die, Palmer, you sorcerous dog!'
Palmer utters the words, 'grzzs'.
A wave of fatigue overwhelms you with the beckoning temptation of sleep.

*** Doh hes faster than me!
<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness sleeping 3 PM> In your dreams, or what?

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness sleeping 3 PM>
You tell your group 'wake me'

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness sleeping 3 PM>
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness sleeping 3 PM>
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Your dreams are twisted by a wretched, unclean feeling.

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness sleeping 3 PM> af
You are affected by:
Spell: 'curse' modifies save vs spell by 9 for 18 hours.
Spell: 'curse' modifies hit roll by -4 for 18 hours.
Spell: 'infravision' for 14 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies damage roll by 3 for 11 hours.
Skill: 'blade of the codex' modifies strength by 2 for 11 hours.
Skill: 'sleep' for 6 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' for 4 hours.

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness sleeping 3 PM>
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Agonizing pain claws at your eyes, and you feel them roll back.

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness sleeping 3 PM> i
You are carrying:
a cool prep to deal with Palmer
a potion of transportation
a shield potion

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness sleeping 3 PM>
You yell 'Help! I am being attacked by someone!'
You parry someone's slice.
Someone is in perfect health.

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness fighting 3 PM>
You parry someone's slice.
You parry someone's slice.
Someone dodges your wrath.
Someone dodges your slash.
Someone is in perfect health.

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness fighting 3 PM> dirt

Someone leaves east.
Someone has fled!

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 3 PM> But you aren't fighting anyone!

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 3 PM>
Someone yells 'Help! Help!'

<100%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 3 PM>
You yell 'Help someone is attacking me!'
Someone utters the words, 'zawsufuq hajqp'.
Someone's cold touch drains some of your life away!
Someone's deathly touch MANGLES you!
Someone is in perfect health.

<80%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness fighting 3 PM> dirt
Your kicked dirt misses someone.
Someone is in perfect health.

<80%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness fighting 3 PM>
You parry someone's defilement.
Your wrath MASSACRES someone!
Someone is in perfect health.

<80%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness fighting 3 PM>
Someone has arrived.
Someone is in perfect health.

<80%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness fighting 3 PM>
You parry someone's defilement.
You parry someone's defilement.
Your wrath misses someone.
Your slash EVISCERATES someone!
Your wrath MASSACRES someone!
Your wrath misses someone.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

<80%hp 100%m 56%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness fighting 3 PM> doublethrust

Someone yells 'Help me! I'm stuck!'
You are hungry.
Someone has some small but disgusting cuts.

Someone leaves east.
Someone has fled!

<80%hp 100%m 61%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 4 PM> But you aren't fighting anyone!

<80%hp 100%m 61%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 4 PM> quaf anti-palmer prep
You quaff anti-palmer prep.
The room begins to spin, and things get a little blurry.
You don't feel so well...
You can see again.
Your vision returns!
You feel momentarily ill, but it passes.

<80%hp 100%m 61%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 4 PM> where

Gravnic now follows you.

<80%hp 100%m 61%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 4 PM> People near you:
(PK) Gravnic Within the jungle
(PK) Palmer Within the jungle
(PK) Cuucqa Within the jungle

<80%hp 100%m 61%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 4 PM> group gra
Gravnic joins your group.

<80%hp 100%m 61%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 4 PM> where
People near you:
(PK) Gravnic Within the jungle
(PK) Palmer Within the jungle
(PK) Cuucqa Within the jungle

<80%hp 100%m 61%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 4 PM> sca e
You scan east.
***** Range 1 *****
(Ghostly) Palmer is here.
A duergar huffs and puffs his way through the jungle's heat.

<80%hp 100%m 61%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 4 PM> sca w
You scan west.
***** Range 1 *****
A flesh golem lumbers along, vacant eyes watching for its master's presence.
A large cloud giant picks his way through the jungle.

<80%hp 100%m 61%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 4 PM> e
bash Palmer
Within the jungle

(Ghostly) Palmer is here.
A duergar huffs and puffs his way through the jungle's heat.
Gravnic has arrived.

<80%hp 100%m 59%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 4 PM> Palmer leaves north.

<80%hp 100%m 59%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 4 PM> They aren't here.
The lightning has stopped.
You are hungry.

Palmer has arrived.
*** @target arrived! ***

<81%hp 100%m 65%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 5 PM> bash Palmer

Palmer leaves south.
*** @target left south!!

<81%hp 100%m 65%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 5 PM> They aren't here.

<81%hp 100%m 65%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 5 PM> s
Within the jungle

(Ghostly) Palmer is here.
Gravnic has arrived.

<81%hp 100%m 63%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 5 PM> bash Palmer
You slam into Palmer, and send him flying!
Your bash injures Palmer.
Palmer yells 'Help! Cuucqa is bashing me!'
Palmer has some small but disgusting cuts.

<81%hp 100%m 63%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness fighting 5 PM>
You parry Palmer's defilement.
Palmer parries your wrath.
Palmer parries your slash.
The gods protect Palmer from Gravnic.
Palmer has some small but disgusting cuts.

<81%hp 100%m 63%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness fighting 5 PM> bash Palmer

Palmer's defilement mauls you.
Your wrath MASSACRES Palmer!
Palmer parries your slash.
Your slash EVISCERATES Palmer!
The gods protect Palmer from Gravnic.
Palmer is covered with bleeding wounds.

<77%hp 100%m 63%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness fighting 5 PM> You slam into Palmer, and send him flying!
Your bash grazes Palmer.
Palmer is covered with bleeding wounds.

<77%hp 100%m 63%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness fighting 5 PM>
Palmer's defilement devastates you!
You parry Palmer's defilement.
Your wrath MASSACRES Palmer!
Your slash MUTILATES Palmer!
Palmer dodges your wrath.
The gods protect Palmer from Gravnic.
Palmer is writhing in agony.

<70%hp 100%m 63%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness fighting 5 PM> bash Palmer

The gods protect Palmer from Gravnic.
Palmer is writhing in agony.

<70%hp 100%m 63%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness fighting 5 PM>
Palmer's defilement devastates you!
Palmer parries your wrath.
Your slash MUTILATES Palmer!
Your wrath DISMEMBERS Palmer!
You toss your head and gore Palmer with one of your horns!
Your goring wounds Palmer.
The gods protect Palmer from Gravnic.
Palmer is convulsing on the ground.

<64%hp 100%m 63%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness fighting 5 PM>
A parrot yells 'Squawk! A *real* Knight would help me!'
Palmer is convulsing on the ground.

<64%hp 100%m 63%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness fighting 5 PM> Springing forward, you send Palmer sprawling with a solid body blow!
Your bash grazes Palmer.
Palmer is convulsing on the ground.

<64%hp 100%m 63%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness fighting 5 PM>
You parry Palmer's defilement.
Your wrath DISMEMBERS Palmer!
Palmer is DEAD!!
You hear Palmer's death cry.

<64%hp 100%m 63%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 5 PM> exam corpse
get all.coins corpse
The seared corpse of Palmer is here, the face frozen in awe and terror.
The burnt corpse of Palmer contains:
a pair of lightweight mail leggings
a lightweight mail hauberk
a sandy-brown desert cloak
a large saddle bag
a full length embroidered robe
(Glowing) an iridescent stone amulet
( 2) a bracer of gray leather
a pair of gray leather boots
a pair of gray leather armguards
( 2) a strange sword of etched steel
( 2) a thin silver ring
(Glowing) a feather of levitation
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
(Glowing) some leather gloves with black inscriptions
a captain's hat
a potion of recall
a potion of teleportation
( 2) (Glowing) a flickering gem
rotting linen bandages
a potion of curing blindness
3 gold coins
46 silver coins
12 copper coins

<64%hp 100%m 63%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 5 PM> 3 gold coins: you can't carry that many items.
46 silver coins: you can't carry that many items.
12 copper coins: you can't carry that many items.

Dulak tells the group 'ye alright Cuucqqa?'

<65%hp 100%m 69%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 6 PM>
You tell your group 'him dead'

<65%hp 100%m 69%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 6 PM> exam corpse
The seared corpse of Palmer is here, the face frozen in awe and terror.
The burnt corpse of Palmer contains:
a pair of lightweight mail leggings
a lightweight mail hauberk
a sandy-brown desert cloak
a full length embroidered robe
(Glowing) an iridescent stone amulet
( 2) a bracer of gray leather
a pair of gray leather boots
a pair of gray leather armguards
( 2) a strange sword of etched steel
( 2) a thin silver ring
(Glowing) a feather of levitation
a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt
(Glowing) some leather gloves with black inscriptions
a captain's hat
a potion of recall
a potion of teleportation
( 2) (Glowing) a flickering gem
rotting linen bandages
a potion of curing blindness
3 gold coins
46 silver coins
12 copper coins

<65%hp 100%m 69%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 6 PM> get all.coins corpse

Dulak tells the group 'good'

<65%hp 100%m 69%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 6 PM> Dulak tells the group 'AH had ter teleport, had meh blindn'

*** Snip
Gravnic looks at Palmer.

<66%hp 97%m 79%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 8 PM> l pal
A small slight man is before you. His thinning brown hair is neatly cut
short with a small widow's peak on his forehead. Large brown eyes dominate
a slightly pudgy face with thin brows breaking up the impending baldness
of his pate. His nose is thin and aquiline, bending slightly to the left
as though broken in his youth. His chin is weak and unflattering and an
unsuccessful attempt at a goatee fails to hide the imperfections. His skin
has a yellowish tint to it, lending him an almost sallow appearance. He
looks smaller than his actual height because he hunches over and this poor
posture is slowly granting him a hump on his back which is complimented by
the small pot belly on his front. His hands are small and pudgy but they
are clean and well groomed as indicated by his carefully manicured nails.
Palmer, a male human, is writhing in agony.

Palmer is using:
<tattooed> the mark of three snakes intertwined with lightning bolts

People near you:
(PK) Gravnic Within the jungle
Palmer Within the jungle
(PK) Cuucqa Within the jungle

<66%hp 97%m 79%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 8 PM>
The clouds disappear.
You are hungry.
You are starving!
Your hunger grazes you.

<64%hp 95%m 77%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 9 PM>
Palmer leaves north.

<64%hp 95%m 77%mv 11111 waning outdoor wilderness standing 9 PM>
You tell Palmer 'take oath'

Now I have to find the one of Palmer tooling Khrob like 2 years later!!!
58560, RE: (DELETED) [None] Palmer Wiezel the Maddened Annihilator, Scourge of Zurcon
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You certainly had the insane Zurcon follower RP nailed. I don't think I ever saw you do something predictable in all of my dealings with you. I think you did a lot to show that a mummy can be a very viable option for a Necro - especially after pointing out a few bugs with their skillset.

Good luck with the next!

Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends
58596, Zurcon
Posted by Corrlaan on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I will take credit for the Scourge of Zurcon title. I love that quest as a mortal and saw you had the Disciple title for a crazy long time. Hope you enjoyed it and I think it might have spurred on some other immortals to give you some Zurcon love.

Good job all around even if sometimes we did mutter under our breaths..Holy crap that guy is still around!!?
58626, Thanks for the Title
Posted by Palmer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While I didn't get as much immteraction as I would have liked, who does? I was greatful for the title and the interactions and they helped make the character better.
58522, At the risk of turning this whole thread into a huge flamefest...
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I want to say first I liked that you seemed to know your stuff, PK wise. I knew with most of my characters if I saw you, odds are I was going to have a fight on my hands soon.

Now for the bad. You were such a flip-floppy faction bitch, and it really bugged the #### out of me. You were a mummy, man. A huge powerhouse. Yet you were always attached at the hip with one faction or another. First it was orcs. Then Tribunal. There may have been others before that but to be honest you were so old, and played so seldom, I just can't remember back that far. I mean...Come on. You were this evil undead thing, and at the same time you were always coming at my characters with at least one other person in tow. I was just really disappointed, because other people talked about how you would come along and wreck a whole group single-handedly. I just never got to see this firsthand, and I always wanted to.

Other people may have had different experiences with you, but thats what I saw.
58571, Not likely to turn into a huge flamefest...
Posted by Palmer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>I want to say first I liked that you seemed to know your
>stuff, PK wise. I knew with most of my characters if I saw
>you, odds are I was going to have a fight on my hands soon.

Thanks - I tried.

>Now for the bad. You were such a flip-floppy faction bitch,
>and it really bugged the #### out of me.

Chaotic Evil maybe?

You were a mummy, man. A huge powerhouse. Yet you were always attached at the
>hip with one faction or another. First it was orcs. Then

I killed mostly alone. If I was with someone and hunting it was generally because I was fighting a group or I was raiding a cabal. Because I was uncaballed, I couldn't down an item, so if I raided alone, there was no incentive to come back and fight me. Trust me, I raided Outlanders probably 50 times and took the fetish and twice I had someone come and fight me there.

There may have been others before that but to be
>honest you were so old, and played so seldom, I just can't
>remember back that far. I mean...Come on. You were this evil
>undead thing, and at the same time you were always coming at
>my characters with at least one other person in tow.

Not sure who you were playing, and I had Palmer for two years, so it is possible that I am forgetting some circumstances, but for the most part I travelled alone. A lot of folks wouldn't travel with me because I would turn around and drop a pwk on them or something for no apparent reason.

I was
>just really disappointed, because other people talked about
>how you would come along and wreck a whole group
>single-handedly. I just never got to see this firsthand, and I
>always wanted to.

Sorry you didn't get what you wanted. I still have fond memories of travelling with the original Vlad and Guile the chicken slayer.

>Other people may have had different experiences with you, but
>thats what I saw.

Thanks for the comments.
58576, My only complaint was...
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We didn't see enough of you on a steady basis. Palmer was a character that was fun to watch. I think you could have done the grossly overpowered thing, but you didn't. And that's cool as well. I really would have liked to see you running around in that 8-11 pm system time on a consistent basis just to stir things up.

All around a very solid character, who aside from the minotaur goof up, added some fun to the game. Good luck with the next.
58578, *poke*
Posted by Valguarnera on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
We didn't see enough of you on a steady basis. Palmer was a character that was fun to watch. I think you could have done the grossly overpowered thing, but you didn't. And that's cool as well. I really would have liked to see you running around in that 8-11 pm system time on a consistent basis just to stir things up.

I remember someone else bringing that up about him, but Palmer was Mr. Consistency as far as playing time. You pick a week, and Palmer put in roughly 7 hours that week, usually around the same time of day. Maybe 5, maybe 9, but really never 0 or 20.

Anyway, I agree that more Palmer would have been cool, since he was generally an X-factor that people rightfully feared, but I don't want to fault the guy for 'only' playing an hour a day.

As for the complaint further up the thread that he was ganky and/or a "faction hopper", I think anyone could think of a role better-suited to that than "orc-friendly Zurcon mummy", and I suspect Palmer's numbers will back up that claim. If he wanted to have a consistent set of backers as a mummy, signing up with Empire or Scion (even as an uncaballed ally) would have done a better job of that, and he wouldn't have backstabbed quite so many people. I can't access the numbers from here, but as far as gankiness, I'd bet Palmer stacks up favorably to anyone else with his combination of longevity, and the sheer volume of combat he saw.

58587, RE: *poke*
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's why I put in the 8-11 pm system time. I know that he was around in the mornings most of the time. It wasn't a knock, I assure you.
58629, RE: *poke*
Posted by Palmer on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks for the defense. I hope I showed other people that you really don't have to play 24/7/365 to make an impact in this game, but when you are on, you have to actually be playing. While I don't have the time that I did when both CF and I were younger, it is nice to know that the Immortals don't mind someone taking this approach and I would encourage any of you who have quit CF as a time sink to consider this approach, although not with the "orc-friendly Zurcon mummy" character concept, as that has been done now.

I will get my pbf money in sometime soon to see if the numbers actually back up my non-ganky betrayer self, but I am pretty sure they do. I think I killed someone from every cabal, although I can't recall if I got a Trouper or not, but I got banned from the Inn so it seems likely. I know I got someone from every race except lich and that includes orcs, so even the orcs knew I was likely to turn on them, and just watching the palpable paranoia that this caused in my groupmates was a lot of fun.
58588, I'm glad you didn't take it as harsh criticism, I wasn't trying to flame.
Posted by Vladamir on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I wasn't trying to say you never went anywhere alone, I was just relating my own personal experiences. I always looked forward to going at you one on one. Of course there were times I came at you when you were alone and I had a group, so it's not like it was totally one sided either.

But either way, I DID like the character and the interactions we had. Good luck on the next.
58506, RE: (DELETED) [None] Palmer Wiezel the Maddened Annihil...
Posted by DeathIncarnate on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was wondering when this would happen and i thought playing Rasleki for 12 months was a long time.

Really enjoyed our exploration trips together it was good to have someone else around interested in exploring. The funniest thing was the only time i died was when we got together and i did plenty of dangerous exploring alone :)

It was very cool helping you become a mummy and seeing that process. Well done on a great character and look forward to your next
58503, You were awesome.
Posted by NMTehW on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I remember you singlehandedly wrecking groups I was in last year and everyone going "oh crap Palmer is about" when you were in PK.

Scary, scary dude, and huge props for sticking it out for so long on your own. .
58499, Bad Palmer! Noooo!
Posted by Yhorian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were a cool character. Got the feeling you were in it more for exploration (both class and area) than anything else, but you made some nice appearances in pk.

Sorry I sacced your Sword of Zurcon, but at least I was carrying too many wands to get anything else important :D

58500, Nice char
Posted by Daurwyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Wasn't too impressed with being permaslept and never being able to wake, but did like that you turned on my orc in a well rp'd way, rather than just being an ass.