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Topic subject(DELETED) [EMPIRE] Vryaeth the Conduit of Miracles, Imperial Priest
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58481, (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Vryaeth the Conduit of Miracles, Imperial Priest
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fri May 25 15:35:50 2007

At 3 o'clock AM, Day of Deception, 30th of the Month of the Dragon
on the Theran calendar Vryaeth perished, never to return.
Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
58482, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Vryaeth the Conduit of Miracles, Imperial Priest
Posted by Vryaeth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Right just got outright bored with it and figured I was going to go back to it sometime soon but didn't. Figured "Why am I taking up a priest spot that I don't use?" and deleted. Biggest problem I had with Vryaeth was I'd get pissed with having everyone as an enemy and getting summoned/killed by groups. Other than that it was the boredom of everyone expecting me to gate to them and save their asses from something but then have them talk #### so yeah, diaf.

Hunsobo - Thanks for showing me around and what not, most blades are douche bags but you were pretty cool :P

Waserax - Thanks for the promotions and what not, black channel and shroud are sexy beyond all belief. If I ever do another evil healer I'm going to find a way to have more offense instead of "#### #### who the #### is shooting us? oh well fire missiles!" co 'gate' yen;co healing;cb Taking a healing sleep kthx.

Ahiv - Whatever your full name was you were a solid character and you knew a lot about area. Was great going around with you and Hunsobo to places that I didn't even know existed. Also made a fortune off you two :P

Ktaar - Was cool leveling with you and what not, don't really have much to comment on but I liked you :P

Serii - Also awesome, like Ktaar I didn't see much of you unless it was a raiding situation but hey, shadows.

Khar - I didn't get to see a ton of you except when I was in between classes so home for lunch, pretty solid though.

Nathus - Hated when you'd try to assassinate, but hey can't really bitch about that "Hey assassin, don't assassinate and I won't heal!" yeah, just no.

Iunna - Thanks for the Empowerment, but honestly I don't think I played this character hyper enough to fit along with your character :p

Thoric/Fortress Paladins - Assbags with summon. "Our Acolyte doesn't have gear so we're going to summon/rape you for your loot and newbiepies"

Refuge dudes I didn't really see a ton of but you all seemed to play pretty fair. One time the sunwarden tipped the Fort that I was around so it was 3 v 1 but iirc that wasn't the intent of the sunwarden so no biggy.

Other than that yeah I just didn't have the time to play Vryaeth or any major cabal characters during the semester and as a lot of you noticed I'd have to go AFK for a minute or two every so often because I was doing laundry or making dinner or whatever else. CF + work + 19 units in college and living on your own don't mix :P Have fun with the Imperial Priest spot whoever gets it next.
58483, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Vryaeth the Conduit of Miracles, Imperial Priest
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

>Thoric/Fortress Paladins - Assbags with summon. "Our Acolyte
>doesn't have gear so we're going to summon/rape you for your
>loot and newbiepies"

I admit I'm sort of morbidly curious to see how you'd play a Fortress paladin. Ideally backed up by you giving it a shot. }(
58484, I think he has a point
Posted by another2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I cannot think of a bigger group of wimps than a couple of the current fortress.

I mean, people with gear that enables them to fight several of the toughest characters in the game refusing to fight at even odds.

Of couse, me saying this fits Valg saying "people expect paladins to suicide" or whatever he feels like saying, but the reality is simply that the Fortress are currently the embarrassment of cabals. They are the most numerous and yet the only ones that cower, even when gear/class wise they significantly outpower the opposition.

Honestly, I can walk into the fortress when outnumbered, and they all cower at the inner, but meanwhile solo Imperials/Outlanders/ragers/tribunals etc have the guts to come into the fortress and fight me 1 v 1 (or worse). And they usually win (because I'm not tough, which is why fort cowering is so pathetic).

The fort would beat me if they weren't such a bunch of cowards that they don't even make a decent attempt at defense. I never want to play a fortress char until the worst of the current bunch are gone. To me, they are the one cabal that currently doesn't justify its existance with effort.
58485, I think you're blowing steam out your ass. stxt
Posted by shamanman on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While this may be true for some, it sure as hell isnt true for everyone. The fact that you're basing an entire cabal on a minority is kind of ####ty as well.
58489, I do it too
Posted by A2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
And I love the fort. I love you too shaman. But most of the time, the majority makes me a sad panda.
58486, RE: I think he has a point
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>They are the most numerous and yet
>the only ones that cower, even when gear/class wise they
>significantly outpower the opposition.

They're not the biggest cabal overall right now. At some time frames it probably is, though.

As for the rest of it, at this point, basically the difference between what you're saying and the infamous Dwoggurd 'Acolytes should kill themselves for me' post is that Dwoggurd wasn't posting anonymously. :)

There's perenially ass people in every cabal; generally, the people who complain the loudest about the behavior of any given cabal/alignment are the people who wouldn't be caught dead seriously playing that cabal/alignment. I don't know if that's the case here, but odds are typically good.
58487, I think I know who it is
Posted by Gromkonk on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
He's the only person to make these kinds of amusing claims in game. Almost verbatim. He's also somebody who chose to call in help to fight me after I went to find him near his cabal alone.
58497, You're thinking of someone else
Posted by another2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Gromkonk: Also I didn't mean to include people like you in the generalisation, because you've never done the things that I'm talking about. Sorry that I didn't make that clear, because I can see that I didn't. The comment was aimed at a portion of the fortress that makes up a significant part of it, not at all members of the fortress. There are other members that I would also not wish to accuse of this.

I never have called in people to help fight you though. Sometimes you've attacked my groups, and sometimes I've attacked yours, and sometimes we've fought one on one. I don't think that either of us has initiated an attack on the other when we had the advantage. The attacker has usually been the underdog in our case.

For Daevryn, I play all cabals, classes and alignments. That's why it disappoints me when I see some of these things.
58490, On one hand I feel bad chiming in when someone rags on the fort
Posted by A2 on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
On the other I feel partially ok doing it because of the effort I do put in when I do play that side. And in general, my feelings are the same whether I'm in the fort or attacking it.

P.S. I'm not the annon poster above. I'm always willing to say what I have to say in the open.
58491, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Vryaeth the Conduit of Miracles, Imperial Priest
Posted by Waserax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
>Waserax - Thanks for the promotions and what not, black
>channel and shroud are sexy beyond all belief.

I hesitate to mention this, but your promotion to "Elite" was actually an accident. I forgot the order of the divine sect titles and thought you were Tier-1 when you were actually Tier-2, so I ended up making you Tier-3 when I'd only meant to promote you to Tier-2. Ooops!

It's a shame you deleted, because I was using you as a means of motivating the other two candidates for your spot. I'd given them an ultimatum: rank past Vryaeth and you get his spot. So far neither of them has done so.

Vryaeth was okay, but there were a few things you did (some out of your control) that were less than ideal:

1. You seemed to die way too often for a healer, even a healer facing bad odds.

2. You would go linkdead with some regularity, including during raid defenses.

3. You were super cocky/dismissive towards cabal enemies. We'd have the orb or fetish and have like 3 hero defenders online, and you'd berate the lone Maran or Outlander (on cb) for not coming to retrieve.
58492, Why wouldnt an Imperial be cocky and dismissive?
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

After all, the empire now holds the Orb/fetish which, by imperial law, is the empires to hold. What is wrong about telling bragging to your enemies of the empires strength to maintain that which is theirs? To speak loudly of their cowardice to come retreive is often a a battlecry of success and glory for the empire. Showing the enemy is supressed and soon may fall frail to the structures of the empire.
58493, RE: Why wouldnt an Imperial be cocky and dismissive?
Posted by Vryaeth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
That's actually how I viewed it too Crafted :P If it were something other than an Imperial I'd be less assholish when we had odds in our favor but Vryaeth was an ass *nods*
58501, RE: Why wouldnt an Imperial be cocky and dismissive?
Posted by Waserax on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Because it's delusional and somewhat selectively applied (i.e. he probably wouldn't consider himself cowardly for not going to retrieve against overwhelming odds).

It's fine if his role is to be excessively arrogant to a degree that approaches annoying. Note that I didn't say he exhibited poor role-play. However, just because he's playing a well-defined role doesn't mean I have to *like* that role or think it's beneficial to the cabal as a whole.

If he had wanted to herald the Imperial conquest by pointing out that the enemy's only sound, tactical choice was to postpone retrieveal, that'd be one thing. But I felt like what Vryaeth did was to basically call them "chicken". Sometimes that's true, and sometimes a decision not to raid/retrieve is just plain "smart".
58494, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Vryaeth the Conduit of Miracles, Imperial Priest
Posted by Vryaeth on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yeah and for the linkdeadness I'll end up fixing that sometime or another when I get off my lazy ass and pay for Internet instead of stealing my neighbors wireless :P Broke college kid, w00t.
58495, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Vryaeth the Conduit of Miracles, Imperial Priest
Posted by Xin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You weren't around often that I saw, and the one time I saw you alone didn't end well for you, which might be my first kill of a hero healer with a warrior.

I never saw the attitude that Waserax mentioned, but had I known of it I would have reminded you of one time you healed me instead of your mates and I ended up escaping your group of raiders. This mistake was not representative of your usefulness or Waserax would have demoted you, so good job. GLWYN and your personal life.
58546, RE: (DELETED) [EMPIRE] Vryaeth the Conduit of Miracles, Imperial Priest
Posted by Bawgor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed our early interactions way back on how the Empire and the Spire work together yet separately. Then you kind of disappeared.

<Thoric/Fortress Paladins - Assbags with summon. "Our Acolyte doesn't have gear so we're going to summon/rape you for your loot and newbiepies">

The trick to a healer is to be INCREDIBLY PARANOID. Bawgor always has sanctuary, protection (I tend to forget this the most), protective shield (a must for a gnome), fly AND MOST IMPORTANTLY pass door. Then even if you get summoned into a locked room, you can flee. Furthermore, gate works in combat unless you are blind. It takes a gang at least a couple of rounds to summon you, curse you and blind you. And even then with pass door you can flee and teleport.

Good luck with your next.
