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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [BATTLE] Istilion Ar-Ostoeldarin the Legend of the Battlefield, Initiate of the Jaguar
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=58006
58006, (DELETED) [BATTLE] Istilion Ar-Ostoeldarin the Legend of the Battlefield, Initiate of the Jaguar
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon May 7 01:33:56 2007

At 1 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 7th of the Month of the Frost Giant
on the Theran calendar Istilion perished, never to return.
Cabal:BATTLE, the BattleRagers, Haters of Magic
58007, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Istilion Ar-Ostoeldarin the Legend of the Battlefield, Initiate of the Jaguar
Posted by Igsoeh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Boy that was fun, and too short as well. Wanted to do more stuff with Istilion, but, I'm out on the open ocean now and won't be back for 4-6 months. Damn the Navy! But, I get to visit some other countries and maybe do some crazy ####, so the tradeoff is AOK. Took me a while to really get into Istilion, I think I jumped into him too quickly after Eled. But once I did, man, what a blast...most of the time. The low numbers really got to me sometimes. It would either be, tons of enemies, and no villagers, or tons of villagers, and no enemies, really throws a kink in the cabal wars. Then, when the numbers would get close to even, we'd plan a raid, someone would die so we'd wait, and by the time we were semi-prepared, all the enemies had logged off so we ended up retrieving/raiding against one/none. I remember a few times particular against the Empire when we were gonna raid even with Hunsobo and Waserax online, and then, boom, end of their session. <-- No conspiracy there, those just happened to be the times. Anyway, I created Istilion to try and balance being a true good elf with the barbarian and oft evil village. Being a Baerinika follower made that challenge even harder. I was basically not allowed to attack goodie mages, which for the most part I adhered to, and I don't think I ever once attacked an elf(maybe Ewon once). He was serious necro meat for a long time, before spellbane, and before the levels started evening out. After that, I think I only died to Vessit/Ahiviln/Isabaeux only a couple of times. That level/xp difference is rugged, and noticeable. Even after perfecting impale, I failed so many of those things that I would often just throw my hands up in frustration and forget about impaling. At hero, I thought the build was pretty good/ With riposte/swiftstrike/incarnadine/flow, I got alot of extra hits. Problem was, I wasn't doing enough damage(gear) with those, and with little reliable way to lag, it was tough to seal kills. I don't think I ever died to an invoker after I joined the Village, Kryllos got a couple kills on me early on, stupid wands. Scouts are way better than invokers, even 40hp left scouts against shielded nearly perfect health invokers. *wink Tumarellen*. Istilion was meant to be my conservative, take few chances player, he was supposed to be a wealth of info, kind of like Ulthinius, except without being sneaky about it. Not sure if anyone reads the Richard Sharpe series, but the scouts in there would ride out into enemy territory in full uniform and scout around behind the lines and report back to camp. But, there were rarely enough villagers around for that, and even rarer were there enough villagers AND enemies to do that. I just remembered, Haratzi killed me once in a raid. So that's one invoker. One other thing before I forget, getting prayers from priests, or spells from other players when you trust no one at all seems a little weak to me. Helpful or not, not saying you should aggro it, but it should at least be denied. Ok, I'm rambling, onto goodbyes.

Baerinika- Sweet religion. I love the open-ended yet focused way you persuade your followers to act. I'm definetley playing another jaguar down the line. Not to mention that tattoo is sick, even if it did get me killed once. By the way, if I'd have known who you were, maybe I'd have thrown in a goose for old times sake....Ulthinius would be so proud. Heh heh heh.

Yean- Keep it up, hope you're a full fledged Imm with a badass religion by the time I get back from deployment.

General- Keep up the great game, you guys do an awesome job.

Brinkmun- Thanks a bunch, you are a great Drillmaster and helped me a ton, not to mention you were good to Istilion with the whole good/evil thing. Also, you're a badass. Keep it up.

Khadrun- Odd that a minotaur ended up working so well with an elf, at least for me. Great job and keep it up, I expect to see good things from you.

Vhlough- Maybe it was times, but I seem to remember you around more with Eled, get outta yer hut and kick some ass. I think you do a fine job as leader, regardless of what people say.

Nathus- Man, Istilion was really disappointed when he found out you were evil, as was I, because I knew our interaction would taper off. Great character, great interactions, I expect good things from you as well.

Tarashin- I knew you were evil from the get go, but you seemed knowledgeable enough, and we were far enough into it that I didn't want to ruin your funstick, so, you got the rec to the Drillmaster. Keep up your sneaky good work.

A certain assassin- I'm not sure if everyone knows your allegiance yet and I don't want to give it away, so, great job always putting names and places out there, even if people can't get them, it's how I worked Ulthinius and lots of people said he was a good scout, so, in turn, good job. Istilion didn't do enough of that, snooty bastard that he was.

Bogba- Sort of came up together, and you sort of tapered off it seemed to me. Show up more, kick some more ass.

Elivrhee- I'm sure its in your role, but you were far too nice to Istilion, I know a couple of times when I was like, wow, I would have totally left me/you out to dry on that one. You also caught him near the end of his life where, he was still very much concerned about good and evil, but began to saw all villagers as less evil and more good, due to the way the war was going. Keep up the good work.

Bralkar- Great job, I liked you, even if Istilion didn't.

Nvranjol- Same as above, not to mention Istilion was racist enough he didn't like felar in the first place. I mean, I personally really liked your char and would have been a good buddy to you with any other villager I'd played. You were one I fought where that damn impale NEVER worked. Got my ass kicked for it too. Great job.

Feiana- Another one I missed interaction with becuse of good/evil. You're tough, I wish we could have interatcted more. Good job.

I know I'm forgetting some folks, just holler.


Vessit- Lots of great fights, AFTER I got into the village and our level gap narrowed a bit. Before that I just got steamrolled by you. After, like I said, no reliable way to lag, so, few kills. The two I did get on you were pretty situational. You did some borderline things in my opinion, but overall, not bad. Keep pushing. Good job.

Hunsobo- #### me you're a beast. I mean, I literally had NO WAY to beat you. None. I'm betting you end up with the most kills ever, and if you were a mage, I'll bet the village would have ganked you down and scattered your #### like a powerful AP/Lich, but you're not, you're just a super badass. Awesome job, good RP.

Waserax/Zhihara- You guys are together because our interactions were limited, but the outcome was the same. You both kicked my ass a few times, never much I could do against either of you.

Nuloh- You were too powerful by the time I got up there to fight you one on one, tough opponent, maybe some shady tactics, and probably corrupt as hell, exactly what I'd expect from a human AP. Good luck with the next.

Ahiviln- Yeah, sort of sorry about that, sort of. I know it sucks, but I wasn't going to not stick to my role, and you guys were raiding. It's not like I killed you when you teleported blind with no mana and convulsing onto the east road. Tough character, don't think we ever died to eachother, since technically the D got the kill on you. Maybe you got me once or twice. Anyway, good luck with the next one, and I'll have another char in 4-6 months, so you can kick his ass and full loot him.

Isabaeux- The toughest of the three tough necro's, I always figured I had a shot against those other two, but never much of one against you, too bad that mummy thing didn't work out.

Jenno- Again, you can be pretty tough at times, but you still seem a little conservative to me. Still not sure why. In particular that last time we fought on the island, why you kept retreating with Zesam right there was beyond me, but hey, you got me entwined in there eventually so I guess, good tactics and good job go to you.

Tumarellen- I could sense your frustration, I literally had 26hp left when you fled that time in the ruins. Evasion+spellbane+crit owns invokers. I love it. Good fights.

Tralling- Good fights, too bad you deleted.

Bawgor- Wow, I hated you, that #### you did in the Market Square was poor form. Really poor form. Not to mention you seemed like an evil healer in a gnome suit.

Kanaev- You were a badass, I think at hero I'd have stood a small chance. A small one mind you, but a chance. Great job.

Meshkel- Good fights, you damn near had me that time in Veran. Damn near. Good job.

One thing about a few nexuns in particular, whom I won't name. When you gang a level 43 elf down with five hero range characters, and THEN decide to raid. Please don't talk ####. Also, when four of you come into the village and you all die, again, don't talk ####, and don't whine about your gear. In the old days, you wouldn't have gotten any of it back, no sacks, no canteens, no noobie breadz, just a piss off, go get yourself some new stuff.

Again, if I forgot you, just yell at me.

I'll do friends a bit later. The seas are heavy and I'm a big ninny on the ocean. Made for the mountains.
58009, Woops, delete one please. nt
Posted by Igsoeh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
58013, Snotty ass elf
Posted by Mcgrok on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Was a fun contrast to the otherwise so skullbashy village. Well played.
58050, RE: Snotty ass elf
Posted by Igsoeh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks, I definetly enjoyed McGrok, just that whole evil vs. good thing that kept our interactions down. Show up more, kick some ass.
58021, I would have liked to interact with you more...
Posted by Feiaina on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were consistently on, and always seemed to be out there fighting - so we probably would have gotten along if you weren't a stinking elf.

We did have one good defense together that I remember...

Be safe on the boat.
58028, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Istilion Ar-Ostoeldarin the Legend of the Battlefield, Initiate of the Jaguar
Posted by Kastellyn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Nice character, I watched you just a few times, but liked what I saw. You were pretty tough, and the RP was solid all around.

Good luck on deployment, man, stay safe and keep your head on a swivel when you're on the roof.

Kastellyn the Devourer of Magic, Lord of Legends
58049, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Istilion Ar-Ostoeldarin the Legend of the Battlefield, Initiate of the Jaguar
Posted by Igsoeh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thanks man, we didn't interact on this one, but the village as cool as it's always been, and my first char when I get back will either be a battle bard, some sort of berserker that will fit my semi-suicidal tendencies, or a paladin, cause I really like paladins. But I'm leaning battle. As ever, awesome cabal, awesome history, awesome imms. Thanks again.
58033, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Istilion Ar-Ostoeldarin the Legend of the Battlefield, Initiate of the Jaguar
Posted by Ktaar on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good luck with your deployment.

It's impressive that you pulled off that kind of role in Battle. Well done! Heh. I remember this one time when I ganked you with Ahiviln by spamming trip, and you almost killed me with your ripostes and swiftstrikes. That would have been so embarassing.
58054, :) an answer for you.
Posted by Commander on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I must say you were very very well done for a villager jag follower. I know I came down on you a few times and all and I made you do some things that you didnt agree with. You handled all aspects great IC aswell as OOC. What I mean by that is you would do what your char would do but in a way that you would still stick out both duties. I hope you didnt feel like I was blowing you off those times we spoke on things but that was just kinda vhlou's way of letting you get off the hook for doubting his leadership (the tribunal thin here and there) I for one as a player knew that you were just sticking to your guns and I respect you alot for your RP and you comitment. As for PT I must say the last 2 weeks have been hard. I have been getting akward hours and I am in the process of moving so I have not been able to play alot and when I do get to play its weird hours and such. That being said one more week should be all I need to settle back into a fine stride of my more reoccurent playing times as I wont be having to mudd from a comp that is not my own and at times when I can find a spot to breath. :)

I do also thank you for not jumping on the "you suck as a leader" bandwagon. Alot of people dont agree with the way I do things IC (your self included) but you at least have the decency to keep it IC and RP adressed rather then make false claims and bs via the "other place" :)

Got nothing but respect for you as a player and for your char. Good luck on the sea, and hope you get back in once piece and with some cool char ideas!

See you in the fields brother
58068, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Istilion Ar-Ostoeldarin the Legend of the Battlefield, Initiate of the Jaguar
Posted by Yean on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Istilion really grew on me as time went by, and I enjoyed seeing him about. The rp was top-notch from what I could tell, and you contributed much to the cabal in that aspect. PK hunts and raids also seemed merrier whenever you and some others were about. You did well for a Village elf and Baerinika follower. All the best to your deployment, and return to us when you can!
58078, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Istilion Ar-Ostoeldarin the Legend of the Battlefield, Initiate of the Jaguar
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I loved Istilion. Now I'll grant you...I have a HUGE soft spot for elf battle (it's the only kind of battle I've ever played!), so I liked you from the get go. I wasn't too sure I liked your role, which was why I tried to encourage you to expand on it a little. You played it well, though, and anytime I watched you I saw you in top form RP wise. I was so impressed after I asked you to think on a few jaguarish things one day, saw you a few days later and asked if you had figured stuff out (ie rp at me and then we can talk tattoo) and you said no, you needed more time to think about stuff. I was totally blown away, very nicely done. :)

I really look forward to you playing another follower. And yes, the tattoo is a little sick. And yes it WILL get you killed! But I think I warned you about that. ;) It isn't for the feint of heart!

Good luck on your next, stay safe out there.
58345, Cabaled + tattoo and just 500 imm exp?? Ouch n/t
Posted by Elhe on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
58102, Hrmm very interesting
Posted by RakrorDerliaede on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am not sure if you remeber Derliaede, but I think I was the guy who got the last hit on your con death as Aelisoc. A duergar ap. Lol.
I also fought Jeir a ton as Krahnga, a fire ap.
As Rakror I did not like Istillion all that much. Rakror was a bit snooty and did not like anyone calling him out on village matters and you did over some writings on the plaque and both of us started bitching over cb. That was some fun sparring lol. Then I think I got into some fights by your side, most of which went badly, and I started liking the rp. I am not too sure anyone has handled being a goodie villager in such a hardcore way because most of the goodie people I met as a villager had no hesitation in saying they would kill other goodies if the war demanded it. You refused to kill a peacekeeper and I damn near took a mob death from it when I was low level and wanted and at the village for recs. That was classy.
I did get the feeling that the elf warrior was telling on you a bit because Aelisoc and Jeir definitely fought much much better. Oh, and I recently squared up against Istillion and it ended with both of us fleeing so it seems like you matured into it over the past month. Too bad I dont have the time to rumble as much these days. Good work like always, come back as soon as can. This game is richer for you.
58048, More goodbyes.
Posted by Igsoeh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Thoric/Soayel/Gromkonk- Good talks and stuff, sorry we couldn't have fought more/interacted more together. Sorry you died that time on Calandryl Gromkonk. Good job all three, keep up the good work.

Abelini- Thanks for the ranking help, I wish we would have interacted more, but, it was just the nature of the beast. Good job.

Maethron- You were the only elf Istilion really really didn't like, he even liked Ewonsaria more, and she was a mage. Alot of it was his idea of nobility vs. you being a thief. Add onto that his dislike and distrust of Tribunal, plus a few early interactions that weren't anyone's fault, just in the wrong place at the wrong time. But, you're the Provost now, so you're doing something right. Good luck, and keep those bad guys outta the Spire!! Heh heh.

Ktaar- Man, you always seemed to be right there stalking me. That last fight, I hadn't even noticed that I'd dropped my weapon and was just figuring you were getting a lucky round here and there and any minute I would impale you and things would change. Wrong. Tough, cautious, well played assassin. I have a feeling you'll do big things.

Belwyn- Limited interactions, and I think I recognized your calling out for love, but Istilion would never stoop that low, sorry I couldn't have been more of a help in that way. Seemed like there was a lot of depth there.

Sekhuroth- A tough necro, and one I forgot to mention. You always seemed to catch me at the absolute worst time ever. The fights I was prepared in however, were good and challenging. That time you walked up on me when it crashed, I was expecting you to come right back, and then Meshkel showed up and I got him. Lucky lucky me.

Alright, I'm sure I'm still forgetting folks, I'm sorry, lots to remember. I think I roleplayed him right, he just didn't quite ever get into that groove I had with Eled, albeit that groove came early, but, hey. I tried to take as non-traditional role with him regarding magic as I could. You'll see it on the PBF, but the basis for his magic hatred was, his father and sister were mages, and the Veil would sicken them when thinned, and not affect them much when thickened. Not sure how well I pulled that off at times, but hey, I did my best. Also, like I said on the log board on Dio's, I'll take the full loots and the massive gangs back any day, as long as we average 80 players again. So, I'm tasking you all with having the playerbase back by the time I pull back in to Pearl Harbor. That's an order for you military folks. Heh heh heh. Anyway, I hope somehow we can get back to that, but if not, I'll be back anyway because this #### is way more fun than any other game I've ever played. Good luck to everyone, I'll see you in a while. Oh yeah, first tattoo, thanks Baerinika!!!

Igsoeh Darkstorm
Aelisoc Venator
Jeir Govanion
Eled ibn Llibani and now
Istilion Ar-Ostoeldarin
58075, hehe
Posted by Haratzi on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I have the log from the village incident. I must say I left that fight with a big cheesy grin on my face.

It was you and Vhloughvang defending with Brinkmun and Khadrun appearing after a while against me, Victoria and Helivet. Good times, good times. As far as scout powers go I think in our fight your dodge-area-spells skill wasn't as high as the ever dodgy Brinkmuns but with some more hours on the character you could have turned into a real nightmare.

Good luck on the seas man, you sound like someone I wouldn't mind having a beer with.
58092, RE: More goodbyes.
Posted by Yudran on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hey, thanks for all the interactions we had..I really enjoyed the time spent running around with you whether it be ranking, raiding, or anything else for that matter. I enjoyed your role and thought you stuck to it very well. I was sad to see you go as your presence will be missed. Thanks again for everything and best of luck in the future.

58039, Isty! What I'm going to do now?
Posted by Golbaut on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Istilion, together with Siladhiele, has had a tremendous impact on what Golbaut is. Had some good interactions, see you in the fields.
58046, RE: Isty! What I'm going to do now?
Posted by Igsoeh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I REALLLY wish you would have shown up more, so much could have been done there. Honor his memory and go forward with the role, please. I'd love to see how it turns out. I'm glad I had an impact, and I love to see when past characters have impact on current characters, those are the kinds of things that really progress the story of Thera and the RP of everyone involved. Good luck, and I expect big things from you.
58342, So much could have been done..
Posted by DurNominator on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
..but I didn't just play CF actively enough and didn't have the time. With Golbaut being sphere Magic, things were a bit complicated and he didn't really buy your later reasoning for being a Battlerager.

It was sort of a Twist-follower Battlerager magic lover idea - Magic is sick and veil needs to be thicked to starve the disease out. The whole magic is sick thing wasn't just on firm ground enough.
58035, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Istilion Ar-Ostoeldarin the Legend of the Battlefield, Initiate of the Jaguar
Posted by Igsoeh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
More goodbyes.

Silahielde(sp?)- Awesome job, I loved our interactions, and you always threw me off with the random handsome, good lookin comment, because you were married. Istilion was of course a little miffed you married a lowly wood elf, but hey, not everyone can be as noble and proper as he. Great job, where the hell have you been?!

Yvalthras- I'd consider you a friend, despite our differences in beliefs. You were a tough character, and I'm going to roll a mace dagger spec just because of watching you fight, though it won't be an elf. You walked another fine line like Istilion, and did a great job, mad props, good luck with the next.

Xinrithil- A great friend, even though most of our interaction was over tell. I really wish we could have spent more time fighting together, but, hey, we've got different agendas so....Awesome job, hope to see you a couple characters down the road.

Niheriva- Another pretty good friend, and another one with just some different motives and goals that limited our interactions. You are a badass.

Interrupted again, will finish up later.
58038, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Istilion Ar-Ostoeldarin the Legend of the Battlefield, Initiate of the Jaguar
Posted by Xin on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I travel with others infrequently, so I seldom talk to anyone face to face unless one of us is a ghost or a god. I knew that would be a likely consequence of playing an elf with so many issues, but Istilion was worth the hours spent scrubbing. Yes, I have many issues.

I will miss the companionship you and Abelini offered me, but I was pleased that I could offer help to you on Kiadana and to hear you had earned a tattoo.

Good luck on your tour, and I'll be looking for your next character.
58041, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Istilion Ar-Ostoeldarin the Legend of the Battlefield, Initiate of the Jaguar
Posted by Siladhiele on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Silahielde(sp?)- Awesome job, I loved our interactions, and you always threw me off with the random handsome, good lookin comment, because you were married. Istilion was of course a little miffed you married a lowly wood elf, but hey, not everyone can be as noble and proper as he. Great job, where the hell have you been?!

Hey you! I just heard a rumor that one of my last characters was hooked up with one of yours. That's kind of funny. I always did enjoy having you around and I liked Istilion from the beginning. I always felt like a stalker though, asking if I could help you rank, etc. When I can finally start playing again, I'm going to miss having you around. I'm smack dab in the middle of busy season at my business and I rarely have time to log on, but I expect that to ease up soon. Good luck, sailor!
58098, Whoops! Didn't mean to forget Istilion in my farewells
Posted by _Magus_ on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yvalthras- I'd consider you a friend, despite our differences in beliefs. You were a tough character, and I'm going to roll a mace dagger spec just because of watching you fight, though it won't be an elf. You walked another fine line like Istilion, and did a great job, mad props, good luck with the next.

Yeah, I enjoyed your character too, and your roleplay. But it REALLY seemed like you had a total lack of PK ability with this character. Not that you as a player do (or not that I know), but I think maybe your spec/legacy combination didn't really work out too well. I'd see logs of you on the log board and see you get hosed...then I'd start thinking to myself, 'Why, why did he do that?!' Heheh. Enjoyed our talks, and enjoyed traveling with you (when you weren't a criminal). Hope you come back with another interesting character!

"Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion; you must set yourself on fire."
58011, Are orcs ever mentioned in good-bye threads? ;)
Posted by Kubilak on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I mean I expected a word from this one at least. After so many fights we had and so many chances I gave him. But well, no luck. Damn you, orcish fate.

Well done with the char, btw.
58017, RE: Are orcs ever mentioned in good-bye threads? ;)
Posted by Igsoeh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I thought about you right after I posted and figured I'd get to it later. You were the only orc I really couldn't kill. I think I beat you once, maybe twice, but never killed you, the rest of your buddies I beat/killed pretty much every time. Not sure what it was with you. You're doing a great job and playing a mean orc. I'm sure you know being called cowardly was RP, not me calling you a coward. I know that's just how orcs are supposed to be fought and played. Well done. I'll miss fighting you.
58008, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Istilion Ar-Ostoeldarin the Legend of the Battlefield, Initiate of the Jaguar
Posted by Igsoeh on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Boy that was fun, and too short as well. Wanted to do more stuff with Istilion, but, I'm out on the open ocean now and won't be back for 4-6 months. Damn the Navy! But, I get to visit some other countries and maybe do some crazy ####, so the tradeoff is AOK. Took me a while to really get into Istilion, I think I jumped into him too quickly after Eled. But once I did, man, what a blast...most of the time. The low numbers really got to me sometimes. It would either be, tons of enemies, and no villagers, or tons of villagers, and no enemies, really throws a kink in the cabal wars. Then, when the numbers would get close to even, we'd plan a raid, someone would die so we'd wait, and by the time we were semi-prepared, all the enemies had logged off so we ended up retrieving/raiding against one/none. I remember a few times particular against the Empire when we were gonna raid even with Hunsobo and Waserax online, and then, boom, end of their session. <-- No conspiracy there, those just happened to be the times. Anyway, I created Istilion to try and balance being a true good elf with the barbarian and oft evil village. Being a Baerinika follower made that challenge even harder. I was basically not allowed to attack goodie mages, which for the most part I adhered to, and I don't think I ever once attacked an elf(maybe Ewon once). He was serious necro meat for a long time, before spellbane, and before the levels started evening out. After that, I think I only died to Vessit/Ahiviln/Isabaeux only a couple of times. That level/xp difference is rugged, and noticeable. Even after perfecting impale, I failed so many of those things that I would often just throw my hands up in frustration and forget about impaling. At hero, I thought the build was pretty good/ With riposte/swiftstrike/incarnadine/flow, I got alot of extra hits. Problem was, I wasn't doing enough damage(gear) with those, and with little reliable way to lag, it was tough to seal kills. I don't think I ever died to an invoker after I joined the Village, Kryllos got a couple kills on me early on, stupid wands. Scouts are way better than invokers, even 40hp left scouts against shielded nearly perfect health invokers. *wink Tumarellen*. Istilion was meant to be my conservative, take few chances player, he was supposed to be a wealth of info, kind of like Ulthinius, except without being sneaky about it. Not sure if anyone reads the Richard Sharpe series, but the scouts in there would ride out into enemy territory in full uniform and scout around behind the lines and report back to camp. But, there were rarely enough villagers around for that, and even rarer were there enough villagers AND enemies to do that. I just remembered, Haratzi killed me once in a raid. So that's one invoker. One other thing before I forget, getting prayers from priests, or spells from other players when you trust no one at all seems a little weak to me. Helpful or not, not saying you should aggro it, but it should at least be denied. Ok, I'm rambling, onto goodbyes.

Baerinika- Sweet religion. I love the open-ended yet focused way you persuade your followers to act. I'm definetley playing another jaguar down the line. Not to mention that tattoo is sick, even if it did get me killed once. By the way, if I'd have known who you were, maybe I'd have thrown in a goose for old times sake....Ulthinius would be so proud. Heh heh heh.

Yean- Keep it up, hope you're a full fledged Imm with a badass religion by the time I get back from deployment.

General- Keep up the great game, you guys do an awesome job.

Brinkmun- Thanks a bunch, you are a great Drillmaster and helped me a ton, not to mention you were good to Istilion with the whole good/evil thing. Also, you're a badass. Keep it up.

Khadrun- Odd that a minotaur ended up working so well with an elf, at least for me. Great job and keep it up, I expect to see good things from you.

Vhlough- Maybe it was times, but I seem to remember you around more with Eled, get outta yer hut and kick some ass. I think you do a fine job as leader, regardless of what people say.

Nathus- Man, Istilion was really disappointed when he found out you were evil, as was I, because I knew our interaction would taper off. Great character, great interactions, I expect good things from you as well.

Tarashin- I knew you were evil from the get go, but you seemed knowledgeable enough, and we were far enough into it that I didn't want to ruin your funstick, so, you got the rec to the Drillmaster. Keep up your sneaky good work.

A certain assassin- I'm not sure if everyone knows your allegiance yet and I don't want to give it away, so, great job always putting names and places out there, even if people can't get them, it's how I worked Ulthinius and lots of people said he was a good scout, so, in turn, good job. Istilion didn't do enough of that, snooty bastard that he was.

Bogba- Sort of came up together, and you sort of tapered off it seemed to me. Show up more, kick some more ass.

Elivrhee- I'm sure its in your role, but you were far too nice to Istilion, I know a couple of times when I was like, wow, I would have totally left me/you out to dry on that one. You also caught him near the end of his life where, he was still very much concerned about good and evil, but began to saw all villagers as less evil and more good, due to the way the war was going. Keep up the good work.

Bralkar- Great job, I liked you, even if Istilion didn't.

Nvranjol- Same as above, not to mention Istilion was racist enough he didn't like felar in the first place. I mean, I personally really liked your char and would have been a good buddy to you with any other villager I'd played. You were one I fought where that damn impale NEVER worked. Got my ass kicked for it too. Great job.

Feiana- Another one I missed interaction with becuse of good/evil. You're tough, I wish we could have interatcted more. Good job.

I know I'm forgetting some folks, just holler.


Vessit- Lots of great fights, AFTER I got into the village and our level gap narrowed a bit. Before that I just got steamrolled by you. After, like I said, no reliable way to lag, so, few kills. The two I did get on you were pretty situational. You did some borderline things in my opinion, but overall, not bad. Keep pushing. Good job.

Hunsobo- #### me you're a beast. I mean, I literally had NO WAY to beat you. None. I'm betting you end up with the most kills ever, and if you were a mage, I'll bet the village would have ganked you down and scattered your #### like a powerful AP/Lich, but you're not, you're just a super badass. Awesome job, good RP.

Waserax/Zhihara- You guys are together because our interactions were limited, but the outcome was the same. You both kicked my ass a few times, never much I could do against either of you.

Nuloh- You were too powerful by the time I got up there to fight you one on one, tough opponent, maybe some shady tactics, and probably corrupt as hell, exactly what I'd expect from a human AP. Good luck with the next.

Ahiviln- Yeah, sort of sorry about that, sort of. I know it sucks, but I wasn't going to not stick to my role, and you guys were raiding. It's not like I killed you when you teleported blind with no mana and convulsing onto the east road. Tough character, don't think we ever died to eachother, since technically the D got the kill on you. Maybe you got me once or twice. Anyway, good luck with the next one, and I'll have another char in 4-6 months, so you can kick his ass and full loot him.

Isabaeux- The toughest of the three tough necro's, I always figured I had a shot against those other two, but never much of one against you, too bad that mummy thing didn't work out.

Jenno- Again, you can be pretty tough at times, but you still seem a little conservative to me. Still not sure why. In particular that last time we fought on the island, why you kept retreating with Zesam right there was beyond me, but hey, you got me entwined in there eventually so I guess, good tactics and good job go to you.

Tumarellen- I could sense your frustration, I literally had 26hp left when you fled that time in the ruins. Evasion+spellbane+crit owns invokers. I love it. Good fights.

Tralling- Good fights, too bad you deleted.

Bawgor- Wow, I hated you, that #### you did in the Market Square was poor form. Really poor form. Not to mention you seemed like an evil healer in a gnome suit.

Kanaev- You were a badass, I think at hero I'd have stood a small chance. A small one mind you, but a chance. Great job.

Meshkel- Good fights, you damn near had me that time in Veran. Damn near. Good job.

One thing about a few nexuns in particular, whom I won't name. When you gang a level 43 elf down with five hero range characters, and THEN decide to raid. Please don't talk ####. Also, when four of you come into the village and you all die, again, don't talk ####, and don't whine about your gear. In the old days, you wouldn't have gotten any of it back, no sacks, no canteens, no noobie breadz, just a piss off, go get yourself some new stuff.

Again, if I forgot you, just yell at me.

I'll do friends a bit later. The seas are heavy and I'm a big ninny on the ocean. Made for the mountains.
58030, Yeah....
Posted by Nathus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Alot of people assume I am a goodie or at worst neutral but evil? Anyway I really liked Istilion and perhaps that was why I was more elusive about it. Once you asked if I was evil I knew we wouldnt talk anymore so mad props to you for actually RPing a goodie and showing dissapointment. I saw you had some rough times but you have/had a great attitude for battle like when you and Bsobek charged into Zesam and Jenno at the Nexus cabal, it really makes the game more fun when you take risks. Anyway good luck on deployment and Ill echo the same words I did for Java. Thanks for serving our country.
58052, RE: (DELETED) [BATTLE] Istilion Ar-Ostoeldarin the Legend of the Battlefield, Initiate of the Jaguar
Posted by Bawgor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Good character. Fun to fight.

"Bawgor- Wow, I hated you, that #### you did in the Market Square was poor form. Really poor form. Not to mention you seemed like an evil healer in a gnome suit."

What ####?

Regarding evil healer in a gnome suit, that's simply not true. Vindicator was an anti-paladin. I was his right hand. Anyway. Fun times.