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Topic subject(RAGE DELETE) [EMPIRE] Ahiviln the Spectre, Imperial Dread Lord
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=57968
57968, (RAGE DELETE) [EMPIRE] Ahiviln the Spectre, Imperial Dread Lord
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sun May 6 01:03:54 2007

At 12 o'clock AM, Day of Thunder, 3rd of the Month of the Great Evil
on the Theran calendar Ahiviln perished, never to return.
Cabal:EMPIRE, the Empire
57969, An apology
Posted by Twist on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
*** Edited to provide a more explicit apology. ***

The bottom line on this is that you were doing something ####ty. You knew it was ####ty, the lowbies who got massacred knew it was ####ty, everyone knew it was ####ty. But you still did it. Shame on you.

We, however, overpunished. We've talked it over in Imm-land, and the general consensus about whether this was abusing a bug or not is, well...that there IS no general consensus. Some of us, myself included, figure "it's always been that way." Others saw it as a blatant abuse of a bug to kill someone out of pk. We ARE taking steps to fix it so this no longer happens. However, this has happened a TON (not just with Centurions) and to my knowledge nobody has ever had a key skill/spell/commune for their class taken away because of it. You should have been brought up, told to knock that ##### off, possibly slain for it (not purged), and sent on your merry way. *** EDIT *** Our apologies for that.

The punishment, however, did/does have a purpose. We want to encourage you folks to point out bugs, rather than abuse them until we fix them. We're almost always more receptive to bug reports from the guy who is BENEFITING from them.

In the end, though, I/we felt that you were owed an apology. You shouldn't have had animate dead removed, at least not permanently.

Hopefully you'll take the apology, move on, and make another solid character. In fact, it'd be great if you made a character of such great ability in both the roleplay and pk department that we all sat up and took notice.
57973, Grr
Posted by Nathus on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well you abused a bug which was a pretty crappy one in my mind because you not only gave people EXP holes, but you didt it knowingly (despite what you may say thats a crap way to kill people) Anyway I looked forward to fighting you because you seemed skilled and you did sleep+ kick my arse 1 time so i wanted revenge.
57978, RE: An apology
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
As I mentioned elsewhere, I did report it. This character? No. I figured eight years was plenty long enough to be fixed if it was suppose to be though. That it was fixed and then broken again obviously I have no way of knowing. As for kowing it was ####ty... meh. I knew I didn't really like having to face it before, but I think my solution then was pretty simple. Wait until the necro logged off or pay past. I, personal opinion here, don't think it was any ####tier than bioempathy. Both are out of range damage but at least there was a way around this if someone wanted to use it and could still retrieve. And please, don't tell me what I know, feel or think, I truly hate people who do that. I don't believe in psychics. I have already rolled up another character and moved on though, I always do.

P.S. I could be mistaken here, but all I saw was that an apology should have been given, not an actual apology though.
57983, You're kind of a douche.
Posted by Java on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Did you seriously think that was an ok thing to do? Did you think it did anything other than piss people off and make the game worse? Either you knew it was a ####ty thing to do, or you're just stupid. Pick one.

And it took a big man for him to actually post that they made a mistake. How often does that happen? Why don't you act like a man yourself and say thanks? Whining like a bitch only makes you look petty in comparison.
57984, RE: You're kind of a douche.
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Entitled to your opinions.
57988, RE: An apology
Posted by Karel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
No problem, #### happens =P

I wasn't trying to be a ####, and if it came across that way I'm sorry, I just feel that a vague apology mixed in with a lot of reasoning for the action tends to negate said vaguish apology, in my eyes at least. My biggest gripe really wasn't the end result (although personally I thought cent removal would have made more sense), I can understand coming down hard on that if at the end you felt I was knowingly abusing a bug. The opening statement of "How could you possibly convince me you didn't know you were abusing a bug?" was. That isn't an unbiased statement, it says someone's mind is already made up and the chances of changing their minds slim. In which case why even have a discussion. Trans me, tell me what I'm convicted of, execute sentence. That is what soured me, not the punishment itself. I got along without zombies well enough. Hell, I think it might have actually been a favor, I didn't have to spend the first couple hours trying to raise the dead.

P.S. I hate this ####ing wireless keyboard, have to keep going back to put in missing letters.
58057, What bug?
Posted by Clueless on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I am clueless I guess on what bug a necromancer can exploit. The only thing I can think of is summon a mob that attacks when people area.

Worse thing I ever saw a necro do was repel a bunch of zombies into a ranking group of people.
58067, RE: What bug?
Posted by Eskelian on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
If you left your army they'd autoassist in some situations. In this case he worded while his zombies were by centurions that were getting attacked and the zombies auto-assisted the centurions - killing the lowbie in question.

A lot of people thought that was a crappy exploit and other people (like me), just figured it was supposed to work like that (since it always has).

Anyway, I think an amicable solution was found, so I'm happy, but there's your explanation.