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Forum Name The Battlefield
Topic subject(DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Yvalthras Kiyonari the Legend of the Battlefield
Topic URLhttps://forums.carrionfields.com/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=57816
57816, (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Yvalthras Kiyonari the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Death_Angel on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Mon Apr 30 00:05:23 2007

At 4 o'clock PM, Day of the Moon, 14th of the Month of the Long Shadows
on the Theran calendar Yvalthras perished, never to return.
Cabal:TRIBUNAL, the Blood Tribunal
57852, Farewells
Posted by Yvalthras on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Tribunal: I have mixed feelings about this cabal. There's was obviously some decent players lurking around Tribunal, but at the same time, I got the feeling that most people were just in it to be a part of something, and/or powergame. People being good aligned didn't really seem good aligned to me. Neutral people who seemed evil. And evil people just being jerks all around. Everyone seems to put Tribunal first and foremost before their alignment, which I think is inappropriate. Why? Because it seems players use it as a justification to the means. An option that suits them and their goal to become Provincial/Justiciar-Vindicator/Provost, or even a Magistrate of Galadon. That's how it's been, and it seems that's how it always will be.

I enjoyed being a Magistrate of Voralia very much. To the Imm who changed me to Galadon, I wish you hadn't. I don't need "promotions" to keep myself entertained. And Voralia seems very fitting for a good-aligned character. And on the note of promotions, I fully expected never to get any, because of how much controversy I started within the cabal. But to the character, it wasn't intentional controversy, it was me putting my alignment first.

I won't say I was perfect. Far from it I'm sure. But the lack of Immortal presence in the cabal is really a hinderance. I saw Tribunal's get away with breaking laws, and generally just twisting everything to their needs/wants.

The Immortal who was running the Executioner, you should have just not done anything. As a matter of fact, any Immortal presence I saw was a negative experience, and I realy wish non-Tribunal Imms wouldn't step in and start blabbering what they think is right. Because most of the time, it just seemed like a trash experience.

Onto personal good-byes. I'll have to do this in two trips (running out of time here)


Abelini - I enjoyed your character. Very sporadic. Though sporadic to the point where you ended up getting yourself into some trouble (I think) and ultimately removed. I know you know what you're doing and everything, but the whole conversation we had and you pretty much dismissed anything I said without giving anything thought, because you figured you were right and everyone else was wrong, sort of left a bad taste in my mouth. Towards the end, it sort of felt like a pity-party to me. I wish you'd pick yourself back up and keep on hauling. The whole giving-up thing is not you.

Thoric - I found it very interesting (and exciting!) how we came to become friends. A very trustworthy ally, level-headed and competent. I was joking with one of my friends how you were trying to talk me into sticking around and giving Fortress a try, but then I handed you the pendants, and it was like "Oh, well, we'll miss you! Bye!" Heheh, I know it wasn't like that though (hence, the joke part). Keep kicking evil doers butt!

I'll have to cut this short and write more when I get home from work.
57854, Loved your character!
Posted by Abelini on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Umm, actually, I removed myself from the Fortress. With good reasons. The character was getting killed left, right, and center. It was insane and as a player I knew that Abelini would not be able to come out of it unscathed. I am sorry it wore on our characters relationship though. You were a hell of a lot of fun. I loved the Knight idea you were playing and hated you, as a player, for your ability to bring down the house on others. Especially skeletons. :P

I loved the entire plot arc where Goods were hating Goods and Abelini's feathers were falling out in frustration at what he saw was the start of a trend that would lead "To the Dark Side!" You were the perfect foil against prejudicial characters who claimed that you were a mindless puppet of evil yet had to suck back their words as you not only aided with, but led the fight against evils. If Abelini would have had his way that sort of mindset would have precluded entrance into the Fortress til they repented. He viewed it as a a fatal flaw, ala the Maran Code and Acolyte Oath about guarding against becoming like those you fight, that would lead to disaster.

Thoric and Abelini had some great knock-down, slap them upside the head, fights about you. I won :P You, the player, showed me more insights than I ever had and gave me a lot of tips. Kudos on a great character to roll with and one that had your enemies respect as well.
57857, RE: Loved your character!
Posted by Bawgor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
"Bawgor - I had hopes for you. But all of that dwindled to nothing at the end. To be honest, I don't see you as neutral at all. Your decisions weren't 'wise'. And I understand you're trying to learn stuff. But you put promotions/gear hunting/raiding etc. above your Gnome roleplay. I guess there's another side that I never saw, since you seem to have good relations with Iunna. I guess keep doing what you're doing?"

Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you see it), Empire just seems more aligned with the Spire's interests than any other cabal. So doing things with them, made me seem "evil". To counter that, I've spent numerous hours assisting goodies (that part no one saw, and probably no one sees.) Neutral can be evil at times. And can be good at other times. I associate evil with cruelty, selfishness, grandor, greed. I did not rp any of such characteristics. I think you are somewhat disappointed in the fact that I was leaning towards evil rather than towards good when you were around. When you were not around, I was leaning towards good. (Having Nuloh as Vindicator did not help my relations with goodies either.) Oh well.

Yvalthras was a great character and you challenged me rp-wise like no one else.
57864, RE: Loved your character!
Posted by Yvalthras on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I think the neutral-adopted way of thinking these days, that neutral can be both evil and good, is really just an easy way out. Which is why no one plays a true neutral character. I suppose I didn't see how an all-wise Gnome couldn't see that his actions may be fine today, but tomorrow, they would impact him twice as negatively.
57855, Farewells continued:
Posted by Yvalthras on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Fortress (continued):

Lajso - I remember leveling up with you, and you really helped me out a bunch with getting dagger skills perfected quickly. It's like, one day you around, kicking butt and taking names. The next, you've deleted. What gives? Seemed like you were doing well.


Zesam - Ran into you a few times, and when the balance worked in my favor, you provided quite a bit of help. I remember one time when Waserax rotted me, and being an Elf with lousy constitution, it really messed me up. I asked you for help, and I think you declined at first, then said something like "Unless of course it was Waserax". Not really sure what that meant, but you literally saved me on the hour I was going to die! Thanks.

Lillune - Traveled with you a bunch when we were leveling up. Then I sort of flew past you. Warrior's didn't seem like your thing though. I'd occasionally stop by the guild, and it just looked like you were having a rough time in general. I see now that you've deleted, so, good luck with your next.


Kharghurln - I'm sure you've heard it on one of these battlefield threads before, and you'll continue to hear it (from me). You're pretty nasty nowadays. I remember in your up-and-coming days, that wasn't necessarily true. But you've learned a lot, and it shows big time.

Waserax - After that 30 hour rot, I decided I didn't want to fight you again unless I had the appropriate tools. It took a few hours, but I managed to get those tools to fight against your rot. Honestly, I had so many things for that fight in Arial city to counter what you threw my way... except rot. Zesam saved me from dying. Elf con = not fun. You were fun to fight though. Enjoyed our brief interactions too, and the pendant! I took it to a Paladin and told them I needed it cleansed, and they were like, nope, it's not tainted. I told them "But it was in Waserax's hands, of course it is!". They caught on pretty quick. It was fun.

Fought a few others, too. Post and I'll reply.


Brinkmun - Alright, you were a solid opponent (when you were a criminal). I'll give you that. But seriously, you and Vhlougvheng raiding when there was about to be a reboot, and then you killed me and trophied my corpse, which inevitably destroyed everything during the reboot... Yeah, it sort of left a bad taste in my mouth. That was crappy. Probably not intentional, but definitely crappy. Not to mention, you trophied an Elf Warrior's corpse. Wow.

Vhlougvheng - Didn't like you before from past experiences, and I still don't like you. Starting wars with Tribunal is just ridiculous. It just seemed like you had nothing better to do than raid a cabal for one mage, and in the process, all you were doing is gunning for me. I guess it's a way to play. Then there was that whole incident when another Battle got summoned into a locked room, and you accused Vessit of doing it. I asked about it, and I was about to get pissed over the CB about it... if VESSIT HAD ACTUALLY DONE IT! You're pretty much a grade-A jerk. Stop with the serial Battle Ragers. As an aside, I can only judge you from your relations with people outside of Battle. You might just be the greatest leader ever...but I doubt it.


Kanaev - Well, I let you know real quick you weren't going to trounce all over Tribunal while you were wanted. I baited you into coming to raid the Tribunal BIG TIME! Hahahah! I'm proud of myself for that. You went into Voralia and attacked my guildguard, and I remember thinking, gee, I don't want him in Voralia killing everything. So I left, went to the spire, and waited. You promptly left Voralia, while calling me every name under the sun. About fifteen minutes later, you raid the spire, and you die in the process. Oh, how I love sequester and the infamous T (at the executioner)! But really, when nighttime came, I usually found my way to the spire so I wasn't randomly nightgaunted. Sometimes I figured you wouldn't if you saw I was in a city, because you didn't get wanted. But honestly, I don't think you cared about being wanted much at all. Good, scary nemesis-type character.


Bawgor - I had hopes for you. But all of that dwindled to nothing at the end. To be honest, I don't see you as neutral at all. Your decisions weren't 'wise'. And I understand you're trying to learn stuff. But you put promotions/gear hunting/raiding etc. above your Gnome roleplay. I guess there's another side that I never saw, since you seem to have good relations with Iunna. I guess keep doing what you're doing?

Maethron - You're pretty sackless. I never really liked you, but I tried to play the political game a bit, and get myself on your good side. I sent notes and stuff recommending you for Provost. I erased it though, and I'm pretty sure you know why. I figured you were going to get it anyway, and that I might as well be on your good side, and maybe reap the benefits later. Then I found out that you're just a neutral character in an Elf body. You play up the "haughty" Elf a bit too far, and to the point where you seem very callous and uncaring about anything, except the Law. I guess it's a way to play, since no one else is saying anything about it.

Gwarkul - Didn't like you one bit. That whole situation with the thief Battle Rager... You completely screw everything up, and then somehow try and turn it around to actually warrant the thief for STEALING A POTION OUTSIDE THE CITY. But I think you figured, ah hell, there's no one watching. I like gathering gear as much as anyone and putting it to use, but damn. So I pretty much just stayed away from you after all that, and let you do your thing. You might have changed, but I doubt it.

Kholav - Who? Tried striking up a conversation with you a couple times, to no avail. Just seemed like you didn't give a hoot about anything. Not to mention, I never really even saw you in the game (despite you being logged in at similar hours to me). Not sure what that was about.

Yver - Man... Why? Why? Why? I really liked Yver. Spunky and not corrupt. You mixed it up all the time, and the Dwarfie in you was a delight. Even though you were neutral, the sun still dimmed a little bit when you deleted.

This is becoming fairly long winded. Agree or disagree with my opinions, doesn't matter. If I missed out on someone, or you've got something to say (positive/negative) about the character, post, and I'll reply.
57859, RE: Farewells continued:
Posted by Vessit on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'm surprised it seems like you didn't as a player have respect for any evils in tribunal. I thought there were some rocking characters. Guess it was just your perspective.
57862, RE: Farewells continued:
Posted by Yvalthras on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Well, I didn't really mean to leave you guys out of the loop. But we never did interact, so I didn't have much to go off of. Evil's I guess will always have a place in Tribunal. I generally found it pretty pathetic when Tribunal's were summoning poisoned/plagued ragers into a locked room in Galadon to let them die. Or just doing things in general (aside from being evil) to tick other people off. And then Nuloh giving me crap for attacking people at the Empire Palace, then not but a couple days later, he's attacking people in the Fortress. Just things like that gave me enough reason to keep my distance.

I never really got to see many of you fight, since the war with Outlander is completely dead right now. So I can't comment much on that.

I did enjoy giving you guys crap whenever I could though! Hahah! And I enjoyed getting it right back at me.
57861, a little insight
Posted by Vhloughvang on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
ok I do understand the concept but, You guys are the ones who started the war ;). We had one duche who kept raiding you and I was on the verge of tossing him for it. However you guys kept taking the head and up untill the fifth time I think it was I logged in and found you holding the head, after 90% of you keept at ohhh we dont want war I said #### it. I also tried each day to make the war end because it was basically like my villagers were loving the idea they could run in #### you all over and get nice shinies cus you guys really didnt stand a chance. Over all I hate trib battle wars and I have been on both side of them.

As for the thing with vessit he was natorious for doing it and I was told that he was the one who did it. I told him to let the fellow out and he rather then tell me he didnt do it told me that he wouldnt do anything it wasnt breaking the law and I could shove it, which more or less gave me two options a) say ok fine your right mage i cant do anything about it or b) say ok then blood will repay your doings. I am sorry you became mush for it but I also when I found out that it wasnt ves flipped #### on the dumbass who told me vess did it and did apologize to you, I think I even told you to stay out of it.

As for saying I should break a rut of playing the cookie cutter village build that people on "that other forum" which is basically just a flame war #### board. You can assume that if you would like but I havent auctually played this race class cabal more then 2 times ever before and both were differnt specs and different paths in the village and so on so I doubt that they are who you think they are.

As for how well my char sticks to his rp and so on thats for I guess you to comment on and such but we never had much of a talk about anything.

While I enjoy pk, I also stick to my rp, I am sorry you got in the way of some negative fallout from mine and others char actions.
57871, RE: a little insight
Posted by Vessit on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Your memory is a little cloudy, but I'll save the log of our interaction that day for when you are gone.

I also don't make a habit out of summoning non-criminals to locked rooms in the city (not to say I've *never* done it).
57865, RE: Farewells continued:
Posted by Gwarkul on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I'll echo Imm comments and say you were more Maran then Tribunal.

>Gwarkul - Didn't like you one bit. That whole situation with
>the thief Battle Rager...

I go after criminal (Istilion).
Rakror (thief in question) knocks me out, binds me, robs me blind, and flees into city.
I pull another potion of recall from the bag and follow him.
Then Rarkor just stands there and start sacing my #### he just stole.
Hmm, invenory, hmm, no potion of recall, wanted Rakror yes.
End of story.
I will say no more about this. I got my ass chewed enough already.

On the good side I admired how you would roll over wanted villagers.
And with such ease I must say.
You proved daggers could be a powerful thing in the right hands.

>So I pretty much just stayed away from you

You pretty much stayed away from EVERBODY in Spire.
I felt you were too distant. No even saying hello or bye.

And at the end:
Donating your things to Marans... Hmm ok.
Attacking fellow Magistrate? It is no no.
Enough said.
57870, Yes, Warriors are not my thing.
Posted by Lillune on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I love playing mage classes but I hate dying over and over...
I just dont like how warriors play.
When I see really powerful warriors I wonder how they do it.
Then I realize...they are vilagers and have damage redux... :P
Oh well, I liked this warrior for the most part. I had some fun.
It was fun running around with you I kindof wish I would have heroed with you.
I think I would have had a little more fun with my second legacy...
58005, Blah... this is a shame.
Posted by Yver on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I was hoping to interact a bit with you with my new char. Ah, well. I'm glad you liked Yver -- the feeling was definitely mutual. One of the few good Tribunals I've seen who felt like someone who really WAS completely good, not neutral-leaning-towards-good. Tough in a fight, fun RPing and you stuck to your guns on things. GLWTN and all that jazz!
57856, Bye!
Posted by Kyraea on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I liked your character. I was sad that you didn't stay around longer so that we could have more talks in character. It seemed like that one conversation we had where Kyraea walked off huffily that you were trying to search for good answers but couldn't think of any right off. Would have liked to expound more upon that. Good luck with your next!
57858, Galadon
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Sorry about that, I've been trying to help out some where I can with Tribunal and I thought you were due a promotion to Galadon. Next time, just pray and ask to be moved back to Voralian, I would have done it no problem and let people know you wanted to be there.
57872, Hah! Busted!
Posted by Baerinika on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I busted myself there, didn't I? Oh well!
57887, Yup!
Posted by Daevryn on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
It was a pretty good run, and it couldn't have lasted more than another month, anyway.

Let confusing love/hate feelings and hilarity ensue!
57889, heh
Posted by CraftedD on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM

I was waiting for Baerinika to post a reply saying she didnt have the means at the time to change his city so had the other do it for the reasoning. At the time I made the connection I was just excited. I didn't mean to post to degrade either. It was just one of those, holy #### moments.
57891, RE: heh
Posted by Lyristeon on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I tried to tell everyone, but, the whole chaos deception thing was just too much.
57897, I'm so confused....
Posted by Tac on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
What did I miss here?
57899, RE: I'm so confused....
Posted by Yvalthras on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Go to the Timeline on the PBF and look for a Galadon promotion.

Then look at Baerinika's comment here.

They changed the Immcomment though, to reflect Baerinika, where it says who changed me to Galadon and why.

I'm assuming that's why you're confused?
57898, RE: Yup!
Posted by -Magus- on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I don't really care if Imms play more than one Imm, especially if they're willing to contribute that sort of time and effort. But knowing who is playing who sort of detracts from the roleplay atmosphere, I think. I don't know if anyone feels the same way or not. And really, it shouldn't impact interactions with either Immortal, but the thought is still there, whether I want it to be or not.
57881, *sigh*
Posted by bugboy on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Hope to see you in the fields again soon. It was fun RPing with you whenever you'd come to the Inn or when we'd go out learning. Really good (traditional Japanese maybe?) elf character. It's always fun to see where people go to get RP, seeing how things from this side of the world can mesh with the proper changes with CF almost always in my opinion turns out to be fun RP.

Good luck with our next,

57844, After reading the new Good Imm stuff I bet you regret this deletion:
Posted by CC on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Yvalthras wanting to be a Knight for good would have fit right in with the Crimson Scimitar. Order, and Good with death to those who harm the Light or muck with the Order that protects. Pretty much seemed to sum up your char.
57840, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Yvalthras Kiyonari the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Kharghurln on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
You were tough, and willing to duke it out. I'm lucky I've fought (and been killed by) a bunch of elf dagger specs at this point, so I didn't just charge in and try to bash you to death. Good fights in and around the fortress!
57837, To the Imms in charge of PBF's:
Posted by Yvalthras on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I could've sworn I paid for the PBF. But looking through my e-mail, I can't seem to find a receipt from Paypal. It might have been tossed into the spam blocker or I erased it by accident, thinking it was an old one. Is there anyway to confirm whether or not the PBF has been paid for yet?
57838, RE: To the Imms in charge of PBF's:
Posted by TheFrog on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
Do you have it in your paypal? You should be able to see the list of your recent purchases.
57827, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Yvalthras Kiyonari the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Vessit on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
While we didn't get along IC for obvious reasons, it was a pure treat watching a fragile little elf warrior run off 2 attacking villagers. Your rp of a haughty snooty elf didn't seem to bother me as much as some of the others. Nicely done, shame you deleted though.
57824, RE: (DELETED) [TRIBUNAL] Yvalthras Kiyonari the Legend of the Battlefield
Posted by Bawgor on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM
I enjoyed our interactions. Your character had great influence on me. We started out as friends. Ended as enemies. I thought your character was very well played PK-wise and RP. Good luck with your next.
57818, Why? n/t
Posted by CC on Wed 31-Dec-69 07:00 PM